Show Provo Contractors Win Contract For School Building and contractors and builders from Provo were were thelow the thelow thelow low bidders on the construction of the new high school building In Cedar City when bids were opened opened opened open open- ed by the Board of Education Thursday and the company was awarded the contract for the construction construction construction con con- of the building with a limit of days from Tuesday December In which to complete complete complete com com- the building Even with delays that might be expected the building should be ready for use when school opens In to September of 1939 The successful cont contractors actors bid was for a total of Brothers of Salt Lake City with witha a bid of was next to the lowest bidders and Paul Paulson and company also of Salt Lake City were third with a bid of Other bids submitted were as follows VIn Petersen Petersen Petersen t-Petersen company Salt Galt Lake City Jacobson Construction company Salt Lake City Christensen and Gardner Salt Lake City Enoch Salt Lake City Bowers Construction company company company com com- pany Salt Lake City George A. A Ogden Several local contractors filed rued bids with most of the companies that entered bids on the complete jobs but It t Is understood that not one local man was successful In securing a sub |