Show 1 1 GOVERNMENT YOU GOVERNMENT YOC AND No 2 3 As told by Byrd Trego to 10 Editor Rollo After t the days o 0 town over erler Legal Notices were nailed up at atthe atthe the town hall Frequently before they were read rain and wind de- de stroyd them If they did remain In good condition people could not afford the time to go to the place of posting pasting and hunt through an assortment of notices for an Item of vital personal Interest Citizens ns hardly knew what the fluttering sheets sheet on the billboard were all about But Dut you and I rew remember r c cases where someone found that he had been done ou out of a property right or an Inheritance because h he had not stopped to decipher the fluttering sheets sheet on the billboard You and I must recognize the true value of public notices They are vitally Import Important nt In the protection of our rights right Legal notices are of extreme importance im- im to us when suddenly we need their protection of our citizen rights Our Constitution says that persana persons persons per per- sons sana shall not be deprived of property without due process of law This Is of no value to you or me should we tan fall to pay attention attention attention atten atten- tion to legal notices or fall fail to act upon a notice served by an officer personal service He lie who away his right CANNOT CANNOT CAN- CAN NOT WOT REGAIN them after atlon Personal service and public notice go hand In hand In protecting protect protect- ing the rights of every citizen In spite of loose statements the record proves the efficiency of government executives The fact that any wron moron becomes suddenly sud sud- suddenly denly Important shows hows the Integrity Integrity integrity integ Integ- rity of the dominant majority of those elected to public office Without Without Without With With- out these men of honesty and patriotism patriotism patriotism pa pa- In high office ottice you and I would not be enjoying enjoy tag our AmerIcan American Amer Amer- ican scan form of government today These tn types es of executives In government are the very men wh who wrote Into our laws definite requirements requirements re re- for legal notice It ItIs Itis Is 15 protection a against the exception fraudulent act You and I have heard claims of economy To open the doors to misconduct of office is Li never a ayoU ayou ayou you and n me If malfeasance Is to chargeable to lack of Judgment or orto orto orto to lack of integrity or honesty There are many examples In our own experience where large losses d to government units could have have I been prevented through proper legal eral notice If U a city council had wasted waited a small email sum of money at regular periods for publication I of expense and income and you or I noticed that our payment did not appear In the list 1151 there would be a show down promptly If U you or I had sold to the city anything and found It listed at ata ata a higher price than we received there would be quick reckoning Any city has hu several hundred t self- self appointed auditors at work within an hour after the paper Is out ouLI I Any error enor any oversight will come cometo cometo to light The entire procedure protects protects pro pro- i the honest executive and i also you and me Are you In your Our newspaper newspaper newspaper news news- paper only as a means of protecting protecting protect protect- ing InS good 1 government You YO are not but why To be continued Editors Editor Note Byrd Trego rego Idaho publishes publisher received statewide statewide statewide state state- wide recognition for his fight on corrupt politics and is nixed as the Crusading Idaho Publisher |