Show T Transforming Wasteland I q o n Transforming a desert wasteland wasteland waste waste- land Into the scene of ot humming bumming In In- Such might well be the title of the above picture taken a few miles to the east of the town of ot Eureka Utah in the mining district showing the surface plant of ot the North Lily Mining company Below Delow Is a crew of happy miners coming off oft shift Prior to 1926 this region was Ju Jut just t barren wasteland It was wu regarded re re- larded carded as good prospect ground and for years considerable prospecting prospecting pro had been done In the area on a small email scale Owing to the great Ireat depth of the ore bodies none of the en smaller alter prospecting companies com corn were able to bring their work to a successful conclusion It remained for the International Smelting Refining Relining company which spends large sums lums yearly in development work to make the North Lily LUy Into a producer Since mining much of ot the original ore body the North Lily Llly In recent years yean has haa devoted denoted Its efforts toward adjacent round ground Work Is Isnow Isnow Isnow now being conducted In the adJoining ad ad- Joining Eureka Eurea Bullion and Tintic Bullion properties from the 1200 foot level of ot the North Lily Llly shaft North Lily Is one of the newer mines of ot the Tintic District and the company now is one of ot the largest property owners In the region The company Is still sUll producing on a small mall scale and Is la concentrating on OD a systematic campaign of ot de de- t. t t 4 R j jf f t t h with the hope of Undine finding new major ore bodies Ore was first discovered In the North LIl Lily In hi a long crosscut extended ei- ei tended from the No 2 Tintic Standard Standard Stan Stan- dard shaft Since that time the company has sunk Its own shaft to a depth of feet and extended thousands of feet of ot laterals The shaft Is also connected with the Big Hill shaft on the 1200 level leye Officials of ot the company are hopIng hopIng hop hop- Ing for a speedy return of ot normal conditions l so that current operations opera opera- can be augmented |