Show Melvin R. R Thorley Chosen To Head Senior enior Chamber I Melvin R. R Thorley was elected 1 president resident of the City Chamber Chamer Cham Cham- bet ber er of Commerce for the coming year at the annual election Tuesday night ight He Ue succeeds Arthur Gardner Gardner Garder Gard- Gard ner er who has served during the past ast year Mr Thorley who Is manager of the local theatre houses housea has a very commendable record as a civic worker Is energetic and should give ive the organization very good leadership during 1939 He lie is a state tate In the Junior Cham Cham- bet ber r of Commerce is l. a former City Councilman and during this year he served as co-chairman co of the County Seat removal committee C C. B. B Cooley Industrial arts Instructor in- in at the Branch Agricultural I tural ural was re-elected re vice president dent ent of the organization and M Marvin Marvin Mar Mar- r- r vin Jones and E E. M. M Corry were named as new directors and Fred FredE E E. E Warner elected to serve another term as director The holdover di directors directors directors di- di rectors are W. W H H. Leigh and Kumen Kumen Kumen Ku- Ku men L. L Jones A large crowd attended the annual annual annual an an- nual banquet and election held at atthe atthe atthe the Escalante hotel Kumen Jones acted as master of ceremonies with Dr J J. J W W. Bergstrom delivering the principle address of the evening calling upon the people of Cedar City to awake to the problems that face ace them and give united support support support sup sup- port to an organization that can cana cando cando do a most to solve those problems President Arthur Gardner gave a condensed report of the ac activities activities ac- ac and accomplishments of the Chamber of Commerce during 1838 1938 Dinner music was furnished by bya a violin quartet composed of Ruth and Inez Corry and Mary and Lucille Lu Lu- clUe cille Macfarlane accompanied by Mrs E. E H. H Macfarlane Roy L. L Halversen Halversen Halversen Hal- Hal versen played two violin solos accompanied accompanied ac accompanied ac- ac companied by Miss Inez Ines Z Corry I |