Show The Last Mile J If w cea Much has haa been written and anel much has ha been said about the discovery of ore or the extraction of ot the metal and Its Ita preparation for industry But what of the vast amount of waste material In the ore that 1 II mined in the various district throughout Utah The Th Th accompanying two photographs photo photo- graphs taken at the American Smelting Refining plant at Oar Gar field shows the or ore ory on Its last mile mil After the ore is mined It Is first lent ent to a where much of the waste wast material t tl Is removed Normally about 80 per cent of the waste wast In L removed In the process of concentration Concentrates are then moved toa to toa toa a smelter where through a process of ot fire and heat beat still more of the Impurities are removed remand The picture pic plc ture on the left shows the moulten wait wait- material being poured from froma a furnace into a huge Iron bowl which ii Is placed on wheels for transportation transportation trans trans- to the slag dump The picture on the right show the moulten mass mas being poured onto onto on on- to the slag lag dump where it will remain as al mute evidence of the Industry In It has haa created in bearing the precious metals from the bowel of the earth for use by civilization The Th concentrator and the smelter are re onI only part of ot the process of ore or reduction After the metals leave lean these the plants they are sent elsewhere elsewhere elsewhere else else- where for refining and fabrication It seems almost Incredible that thata a ton of ot ore containing only a fraction fraction fraction frac frac- tion of ot an ounce of ot gold can be mined transported sometimes many miles mile I by truck and rail then put through the smelter and still lUll yield Ielda a profit to its producer In order to do this millions of dollars have been Invested In la millIng mill mill- Ing and smelting plants in Utah and Salt Lake valley serving asit ai as alIt It does the mines of many western states has become known as the worlds world's leading mining and smelt smelting ing lag center |