Show I Eyes E mIned Glasses Fitted Lenses ds Frames Duplicated Office over So eo Ut m. Power Co Ca 1 Lets Let's ALL LL have A l HAPPY NEW YEAR YEARY Y lour our ur attention please I IVe We Ve want to make a suggestion Most of us will soon be on the road making the rounds of N New ew Years Year's calls and Thousands of motorists and pedestrians will throng the thoroughfares 1 Lets Let's take it easy Lets Let's avoid accidents r. r i This year lets let's all have a Happy New Year t f. f but but above all a safe raft one onel I f r I r v Drive care carefully I J A c Give the other fellow a break t. t r fake J. J a e no 1 chances CI chances Y t. t A fI e wish will you yon a n Hay Happy jy New Year Tear STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA i L l' l j f t r I. I I SPEEDY by Bradshaw Chevrolet Co I IF T IT WA WAI I FOR I tARO BRADSHAW YEN YA CH CHEVROLET CO 1 AND THEIR HEIR V E 0 CAR VALUES VALUE S IT 10 NEVER BE ABLE TO OWN SUCH A fIN FINE riN 1 aE ti tL p o I SURE BUT SUT WHY DON'T DONT I YOU TOO JUST GIVE HER A AND LET HER GET UP BY HERSELF 0 1936 CHEM PICKUP 1937 1931 CHEM 1 14 t TRUCK OI if Speed ed New Paint Pain Good C Good Tires res Fes New Paint A T SPECIAL TheL eal Must SPECIAL A fl Real Buy Duy 7 Sold Must Sold 55 s BRADSHAW CHEVROLET COMPANY SERVICE SALES AHEAD CHEVROlET 7 UTAH THIS WHISKEY IS YEARS A OLD I F- F I 2 t GOLD GOLDBAND GO D BAND a r 8 II i iJ J II I AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Quick Loans Loana Low Rates No Red Tape Froyd-Corry Froyd Co Cedar City Telephone liS Happy Transfer And Storage Co Phone or 01 61 When E gan Q m shave E my moneys money's YOU WOULD naturally and when I get a car I get MY moneys money's worth I Im I'm going to buy at CEDAR MOTOR SALES They have hav gu guaranteed USED CARS they're so 80 economical that I cant can't lose money on the transaction I s YOUR Brown and Brown ASSAYERS Mall Mail Work Solicited We Standardize on Accuracy EUREKA UTAH Iron County Record ROLLO HOLLO A SONS PUBLISHERS Entered as AI Second Claw Class Mall Matter In Cedar City CU Utah December l 16 18 1893 wider under the Act Ad of ot Congress Conn of March S. S 1879 1811 Published Thursday of ot Each W Wee Wed ee Subscription Rate ZOO per yew JUI yewIn tai In Advance H IMS m RO Advertising Rate Rata Ra furnished On Application a LH yc a F H z a sr c 1 I y j- j q- q ii I- I 01 GJ s iR R RI aidy 9 f I f k rI Plena Tax D 1 THE Theres There's s nothing noticing I know of that goes goc with your Roar family's amIly's home J. J recipes like Uke this personal whisker whiskey whis whis- key ker 2 our pur family puts up I Hurt Harry E. E waken t Bf X y yI I I Our Family F COTTAGES FOR RENT 1 By Dr week or month North Main Cedar City Utah a t FOR SALE SALE SALE bu wheat I i bu barley ten tons 1st lit cutting f I hay GEORGE POSTER FOSTER f |