Show S special christmas sale 1 0 off list price on all popular buiar brands of SHOT GUNS 1 GREEN RIVER mercantile gas USE V A ou VU butane ross Rs service part parts prompt courteous Courte ou beryl BUS DEPOT briten alyer uto utah complete automotive Autem etive repair all kinds of WELDING portable welding equipment I 1 GREEN RIVER industrial WORKS green river phone utah p a a fl fast a ft tt a fr ft V A ARBON RB 0 N C CAFE A F E eat where cooking Is an art bring your guests to the arbon 0 OPEN P E N 5 SAM A M TO 11 P PM M mr and mrs C P tasker proprietors phone 2421 green river fine food Is A tradition 5 G good home made chili 1 Fr frecoe AO nifty 7 JL V J y JL eLOe cc all kinds of gifts fine jewelry hand made purses moccasins aa large rg e selection el econ of rock gem gen specimens N NOVELTIES GREEN RI RIVER v R UTAH sa 16 ae L E we are way out in front when it comes to auto service everything is tops about our service except the prices come in anytime for anything from free air to a complete overhaul make it sooil MIDLAND GARAGE I 1 open A savings account now I 1 the first national bank of price afla I 1 f utah price ra 8 INGROWN NAIL HUR HURTING YOU ff I 1 immediate N relief I 1 A few ft w d drop ro op i of f 0 brine abrib blessed re ef f from rom tom en ta in n pain 1 of ingrown pall call G 0 t bena ens afe the k ida skin underneath te the nail nall at a owe the nail nai to lb be b cut end and thus pr tent vents farther ter pain all ud and diax comfort he HO ij is aval rai able at am RU all drue icem coun counter tere J H E PRINTER THE WISE businessmen ADVERTISE REGULARLY OUR THEM FOR BARGAINS AND IVA d IN hanksville HANKS VILLE ja complete modern units D stop at hunts motel S 3 D bring your camera and I 1 visit goblin valley t tours arranged classified advertising RATES minimum insertion soc up to 15 1 words over 13 words ac per word all classified ids ads are payable in advance card of thanks ac pr per word to place classified ads by mail write your ad plainly figure the cost by the rates above then len enclose stamps check or money order and mall to box 83 93 green river utah FREE 1 one basketball goal with the purchase of an I 1 official outdoor basketball a at ut the I 1 HP regular mryt price of 0 this offer good until december this offer is made to stimulate interest ir basketball among the children I 1 a broadway fountain and sundries t green river utah L WW winter conditions WI at we are loaded with good reliable used cars why worry about your present car when you can get a real buy at united motor co these are a few of many real bargains 1955 jeep stake truck radio heater 4 wheel drive 1954 international radio heater 2 5 speed 1952 nash rambler radio heater 0 D tinted glass 1952 dodge pickup heater four speed transmission 1953 ford tudor radio heater 0 D 1954 chev tudor radio heater 1951 studebaker bordor radio heater 0 D united motor co price utah buy with confidence at your ford dealer k A OS v a WHERE MORE PEOPLE go MORE SELLING I 1 FOR RENT CLEAN modern rooms by week or month very reasonable rates kitchenettes for cooking if desired phone uranium motel FOR SALE one piper PA 14 airplane four place super cub contact jim hurst green river FOR SALE electric stove and cold spot 9 foot refrigerator both in s excellent condition call 2163 tan WANTED A good second hand sad die dle contact mr edwin wilcox ph 2161 2 tp rooms for rent at 10 00 per week call ate FOR RENT 2 bedroom trailer hou se call etc WANTED WAITRESS at the arbon tan b bor OR RENT cabin also trailer spaces service and wash rooms 30 00 shady rest motor court ftp FOR FR 0 S SALE ALE 1955 1 4 40 foot 2 led bedroom r oom house trailer completely fur 7 1 call fished 6 months old had ex excellent cei lent ca care re V very ery I 1 low ow price terms |