Show comments from dixie by E A DAVIS cleveland tenn recently a prominent and nation ally known criticized american culture as emphasizing sex too much radio television literature the theater and stage in fact all mediums of communication were accused of being inordinately concerned with this subject to the detriment of our own and our child ren s characters he said that the fiber of our moral muscles had be come flabby and weak and that over emphasis of ol sex had brought on a misapprehension of our true rela tion ship to this biological phenomia phe nomma nomina te doctor is only partly right over emphasis is an effect not a cause the real cause is a lack of I 1 study and understanding the eighth command nent rient thou not commit adult f y exodus 20 14 the first three commandments of the second table of the decalogue which deals with human relationships are in their proper order this table begins at tie fifth commandment with the home the place where life and its relationships have their origin and in the sixth the sacredness of hu nan iian life is then safeguarded but life exists in two sexes or forms lie male in order that life my perpetuate itself through u s generations the seventh commandment there fore for e throws a guard around marn marri aa dge ge the most intimate binding and sacred of all human relation ships and the one on which the very ex istance of perpetuity of the lace depends the sacredness of the marriage institution depends on the safeguard ing of morals in all the experiences and nd relationships of life between the cradle and the grave the pro of the seventh command ment are therefore exceeding broad in language and spirit it prohibits fro hibits all forms of moral un cle cleanness annes in word though or con duct both before and after marriage immorality in all its forms is just as much a sin before marriage as is unfaithfulness afterward the law and the gospel demand purity of all who have been creat ed in the image of god it has been truthfully said that virtue the tr ngtai and beauty of the soul is the best gift of heaven and also that virtue alone is happiness below physical passion constitutes an important part of human nature and like many of the elements in nature are valuable servants but terrible masters impurity is the master sin of the human race and the most dreadful of all in its con sequences fornication not only de mands a terrible toll in this life but also excludes one from the life to come made in the image of god men and women are under the most clemn obligation to preserve un marred the divine image of their maker in its moral as well as its physical aspect the marriage institution is of di vine origin and is an important part of the divine plan and purpose it should never be entered info with out a recognition of god morality Morg lity and religion cannot be separated I 1 and therefore because beca use of its origin and significance tae he divine element of marriage should never be for often the law that safeguards marriage is a divine law and it i Is always dangerous to violate a di d vine law or tamper with a divine institution is unfaithfulness to the marriage relationship on the part of either husband or wife whereas fornication embraces all kinds of unlawful sex behavior be fore or after marriage irvien of the god given prohibitions with re gard to the promis cucos use of the faculties of sex it is fatal for the american public to allow the ave of communication to continue to be misused in the inane and inciting overemphasis over emphasis of sex |