Show LA PRENSA CAN LIVE AGAIN FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLES everywhere rejoice in the amoun cement that the new government of argentina will return the famous newspaper la prensa to its right ful owners in this announcement hes a moral lesson one that isn t always accepted by the skeptics the lesson is that right eventually will prevail la dared to defy peron and his go gon eminent in the days when the argentine dictator was all pow erful it refused to glorify him as other newspapers and radio stations did following the pattern of all dictas ors who insist on saying what the people shall be allowed to read and hear peron suppressed la prensa and forced it to close in 1951 free dom doin of expression in argentina lapsed into a coma now peron who once paraded him self as a god has been ousted and discredited before the world for tuna tely democratic processes are moving in to replace the dictor doctorial dic tonal ial regime in restoring la prensa to its for mer owners represented by dr AI al berto gamza gainza paz president pedro E aramburu says the government is doing no more than to correct the outrage against this great news paper it s heartening to be reminded that time does work to heal the wrongs of the world |