Show national political review by BONNIE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political science university of utah republicans are basing their po lotical plans for the future with this stimulus president eisenhower Elsen hower s future plans may include running again since his health has improve I 1 ed almost one hundred per cent this is s very good but several points should be considered one the he republicans chance for adoth er term in office depends very much upon mr eisenhower Elsen hower s decision and many U S citizens it has been reported recently feel that the presidents president s health will not per nut mit him to carry gut put the duties 0 of the office therefore present con editions seem propitious for the dem the inconsistency of the spirit of geneva and its application to pre sent world problems presents such an incapable feeling over the he west era ern world that a solution to 19 the sit nation seems far into the future if it not impossible we see empires rise and f fall all through the ages and now china and india seem to be in a per lod of breakdown break down from perpetual communist aggression few realize the importance of the situation at it hand failing to recognize that if th is were to happen over half the pop of this global world would be under communist influence the shoulders of mr dulles are not unlike those of atlas however in grecian times the world was con tent to rest there too many fingers in the proverbial pie concerning U S foreign policy makes diplo macy MUCH MORE DIFFICULT mr air molotov has illustrated several times how soviet russia intends to operate in the future not with corn aggree but with corn aggressiveness and a clean sweep of the far east is all the western world would need to realize the dangers of the soviet union and then it would be too late recent releases from WORLD RE POAT state that senor paz for merly of argentina and editor of one of tl 11 e world s most note worthy newspapers LA PRENSA Is s return ing to beanes aires to resume pra of his paper taken away under the peron regime as a threat to the freedom and welfare of the state I 1 stated earlier that the condition conditions are seemingly propitious for the democratic party and will probably continue to be if adlai stevenson remains out in front in the president lal race mr air stevenson whose brill bant background has enabled him to do much for the party has ced formally bis his plans for candidacy he has entered the political race this year with a newly acquired enthus easm absent when he participated in the 1952 elections the nation an aa look forward to a series of well and wisely formulated decisions from mr stevenson quite unlike the type prevalent in the plat fo ms ins and campaigns of previous democratic leaders evidently the A F of L and CIO merger is just a matter of formality now it seems everything is set for future planning together now if the two can call coincide politically |