Show S 0 oil i I 1 C 0 n s e r v a t 0 n news by kenneth williams the promise of a heated battle over the farm issue for the next political campaign is already get ting to a fever pitch thousands of farm experts have come up with their proposed solutions national leaders of the national soil conservation districts came up with a few ideas last month at a meeting in league city texas they passed a resolution asking secre tary of agriculture ezra taft ben son to work closely with the over 2 local soil conservation districts in working toward a solution of the farm problem they asked that a national soil inventory be completed and that soil capabilities be con in setting up acreage allot ments for crops under control conservation leaders have long felt the need for basing acreage al lot ments on proper land use they contend that the present system of past cropping history is encouraging numerous farmers to retain acreage for cropland which should be plant ed to grass for soil protection the present dip in the national nal farm income is showing its effect in the nations economy it seems to me that agriculture will have to be taken out of politics if anyone is to come up with any real helpful sol ution to the problem the supervisors of the green river soil conservation district are sched aled to meet thursday evening dec ember 8 in the city hall I 1 will have a couple of good films borrowed from fro the union pacific railroad to show everyone is invited to attend A quick check of the fertilizer plots in delbert tidwell s corn field last week proved that delbert was really making money from fertilize liz ing corn yields were over 30 per cent heavier on the plots fertilized with both phosphate and nitrogen we plan to continue our experiments next summer |