Show the key hole hol e by the desert rat I 1 sure have a hard time keeping up wa with th all these weeks that are set aside for this and that one week is cat and another is dog week then one to be kind to your wife or hus band and the first thing you know you have missed some of 0 them and get all mixed up and you may en even buy beans when it s eat more prunes week the one that a feller never misses is christmas week that is unless he is a uranium prospector and in that case he may even miss eating part of the time any week just remember you folks with christmas money only have a al few jew more weeks to buy jus is poor pros a christmas present bacon or beans coffee and prunes are hereby mentioned as gifts and if you feel real generous you might put in a box of flapjack flap jack mix the recent snow we had is to prove to the folks who tell you that it never snows in green river that it does doe they remind me of those florida and california real estate salesmen when normal events take place it is unusual just to be safe I 1 went and dug out my red under wear so let it snow you fellers that hold the office of city officials had better hurry and get those street name posts set before the hard freeze or you are going to have to do some hard diggin any old desert rat will tell you that runs into work fast but they should be put up before some weary souls get lost during snow storm in some of these high winds and freezes to death a few hundred feet from home another thing the city council might put on their agenda to have taken care of the other day corn ing in brorn the henry mountains I 1 noticed just out side of green river where some community minded cit eizens who had some old car bodies and other junk to throw away at it least took it outside the city limits just west of the rodeo grounds right on the side of the highway where every one coming into green river will be sure to see it you come up over a little knowl and there s this pile of junk and then you can look on a little further and see green river the city just as well make arrangements to have it taken care of because you know that anyone that would pull a trick like that wouldn t have the decency about them to go and clean it up the political pot is beginning to boil boll and before the next election most of the voters will be so con fused that they will vote for them selves to be sure they are voting for a good candidate how are you boys getting along in starting a fight with your girl friend better speed things up or it will be too late to save that present suggest taking a red head out that generally gets the job done been so busy making the camp into better winter quarters haven t had time to write much besides it was too cold to hold a pencil even evert if I 1 was using a coleman stove for a writing table and it burning so until my fingers thaw out adios P S just met my friend the old timer and he said athars uranium in them hills but that he ain alit t found none yet |