Show commentary political by george hatch in every community no matter how small there is a certain amount of government necessary even 0 f it is no more than elders of a corn com in unity giving advice when asked in an incorporated town these elders are elected to city offices and must direct the affairs of the community for the benefit of he community it is the duty of the citizens to not only elect these councilmen but to ad vise them of their opinions on mat effecting common welfare in order to do this the citizens must be informed this is one of the bunc eions of a newspaper I 1 will try in this column to keep the interested persons in the community informed of matters concerning local govern ment in a growing community there are pessimists who say the town will amount to nothing they say the town never has amounted mounted to any thing therefore the town will never amount to anything this attitude is very apparent in green river these people take no interest in I 1 local 0 government take no interest in promoting the town on the other hand there are usually people in te rested in prompting the interests of a town because in so doing they are promoting their own interests in order for a community to ex pan d in the proper manner all of its interested citizens and that means every citizen must take part not only in affairs governing the town but promoting the town to the best of their ability frequently you will find that the people most inter ested in a growing community are relative nevi newcomers comers to the corn com these people are the most vigorous in promoting a town be cause they see that they have a great deal to gain by maintaining a growing economy we in green river might take a cue from a few of these newcomers in our corn com typical of these are gamey garney madsen ellis peacock jim hurst walter daye gene dunham and darrell ross to mention only a few these people have invested their time and money in order that green river may prosper this does not necessarily imply that they did it for the growth of green river as a town but rather in promoting green river they stand a good chance of profiting by their investments they have not only provided new services for the community but in cally all cases have improved exist mg ing services there has been a corn com plaint as far back as I 1 can kemem ber her that nothing was available in green river it was to leave the town to obtain even some necessary items this con has changed somewhat th rough the efforts of progressive merchants and business people in order to take advantage of these changing conditions it is necessary that we support these progressive people so they may continue to im prove these services we as a group must do everything in our power to make the community attractive economically as well as socially to new business and services acting as individuals we are almost power less to effect any changes involving large industries however acting as a group by supporting our elected officers and progressive members of the community we can bring about changes that will insure continued economic improvement green river is in the center of a large mining area not only uran ium aum but coal as well green river has a railroad green river has has water ater green river has large tracts of level land suitable for in du installations taking all of this into consideration the fol following lowin 9 questions occur why dosen t green river have a uranium mill why t green river have a coal byproducts processing plant why t green river have a bank why |