Show white canyon news D L blake at this writing mrs albert W mcdowell age 67 is critically ill in the price hospital as the result of a stroke suffered on the morning of dec I 1 while she was preparing breakfast for herself and her bus band her entire left side was par she was taken to the price hos pital by neighbors on dec 2 the mile trip was made by jack cas ey employee of the happy jack mine who used his station wagon as an ambulance mrs reed bailey and mrs woody edgel accompanied the stricken woman to assist as nurses mr woody edgel white canyon merchant followed in another car with mr mcdowell mr and mrs edgel mrs bailey and mr casey returned to their homes in white canyon late the next night mr and mrs frank barrett old time residents of white canyon have returned from an extended thanks giving vacation spent in southwest era ern colorado with relatives mr and mrs myron ferree have left white canyon for their new home in grand junction colo mr ferree owns the white canyon trading post and the fry canyon tile store mrs pearl baker of green river is operating the white can yon trading post and mr and mrs gilmer newsome run the fry can yon store for mr ferree mr arthur chaffin hite ferry owner has returned to operate his ferry which provides the only means of crossing the colorado river for more than miles in SOL them thern U tah mr ruben nielson who form erly manned the ferry for mr chaff in plans to work and improve his ranch near hite mrs dolan kellum and her two children arcelon age 7 and dons doris jean age 4 left white canyon dec 3 by air they plan to spend the christmas holidays in wichita kan sas with mrs kellum s sister |