Show hanksville HANKS VILLE NEWS by barbara ekker rich richard richrd rd elker ekker injured his right eye when a stick hit him while he was following the tractor 04 mr and mrs darys ekker and mrs jesse ekker were in grand junction monday for medical treat ment mr and mrs gary ekker and fam ily have moved their trader trailer to green ra er virgil baldwin spent thanksgiving with his daughter mrs jesse ekker and his new granddaughter they had dinner with mr and mrs hor ace ekker and mr air edna phillips mr and mrs airs max orton and fam fain ily who live at the airport airports have re turned from a months vacation they spent some time visiting mr orton s friends in salt lake in the mission field mrs sherwood albrecht has been visiting her parents mr and mrs ford wilber from her home in bick nell sherwood is stationed at camp carson colorado and will be sent to germany renee plans to make the trip with him if possible mr bill stopped an and d visited with mrs edna philips on his way to the shoot the ring mine of harold ekkers he stated that he had purchased blue valley 2500 acres west of hanksville Hanks ville on the fre mont river this property ally belonged to the late harry phil aps but was later purchased by jack rauer moab this valley was once a very prosperous area which had a population bation of nearly two hundred residents the valley was deserted because it was very difficult to irr agate but blut mr vir plans to make it flourish as before good luck bill mr and mrs roy may and fam ily and mr and mrs ted ekker spent the weekend with mrs edna phillips also at her home was mr and mrs ralph stark and daughter dora from montana mr stark is the nephew of mrs phillips mr and mrs harold ekker spent tuesday here visiting from their home in loa they went on to green river to get mine supplies tor for their shoot A ring mine mr nathan has been visit ing his parents parens mr and mrs hy rum na es from his home in dur ango bishop wells flew his son donnie and ronnie connie and ina ekker back to school in bicknell sunday after they spent thanks giving in hanksville Hanks ville the relief society held their ann ual bazaar monday at the ward chap el mrs airs ethel president re ports a very fine turnout mr lloyd hunt stopped to visit his brother kay on his way from colorado to his home in bicknell he has been hauling ore from his brothers mine and returning with loads of coal A wild cat has been terrorizing poultry owners here recently it has killed nearly every chicken in town and chasn t as yet been captured P T A meeting was held friday at the ward chapel with mrs hor ace ekker president presiding the program was a one act play pre dented by the Y W AT I 1 A the speak er for the evening was mr lee sup t of the wayne county schools |