Show ali CHURCHES churches are cordially invited to furnish this newspaper with written list of weekly services to be bo printed in this column the journal will be glad to print news of all church affairs both before and after the event church news must be in the journal office not later U than tuesday noon in order to be published the same week L D S CHURCH SERVICES sunday school 10 00 ALM VL sacrament service 7 30 PM P M mutual tuesday 8 00 P PM M everyone is invited primary wednesday 4 00 PM P M COMMUNITY CHURCH presbyterian sunday school 9 45 AM ABL church service 11 00 AM ABL youth fellowship meeting monday 7 SO PM bible school wed 4 15 to 5 00 pm CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES father lebranch from price will conduct mass at the midland hotel mass 3 00 P PM M special announcement wednesday dec 14 FOOD SALE sponsored by friends club missionaries 2 00 P M presbyterian church basement |