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Show FUNERAL OF THE OIL LAMPS Ceremony In German Town at Open Ing of Gat Works. At Unrulistndt, a little market tow: In eastern Prussia, a curious cot mony wns ennctcd recently to ce'-brato ce'-brato tho opening of tho new tjns works. A procession wns organized syT bollzlng the "death of tho oil lnmp.' It wns headed by tho staff of the gc works, followed by bearers of bat tiers with Inscriptions nnd wotiv' with crape. Then enmo a band pin Ing a dead march nnd finally a ble" carried by old lamp lighters. Tho procession mndo a rour through tho town, nnd on Its wr.y C6 looted the old oil-fed street lamp:-which lamp:-which were ndorncd with crape how. reverently placed on tho bier "fo burial " After tho ceremony, tho tunc: a' baked meats were partaken of, duh washed down, nnd the burgesses c' Unrulistndt. proud of their prorr slveness, gavo themselves up to hols torous rejoicing. Stray Stories. |