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Show Onco an artist had a lovely greyhound grey-hound named Diana, who was a great pet of his. Then somo ono gavo him a flno Angora cat called Fluff. At first Diana and Fluff were Just ns bad mtnnered ns most of their kind, but nt last tho painter, by petting them both nt tho same time, coaxed them to becomo intimate. After that, each winter evening Diana Di-ana would Ho on tho floor before tho flro and Fluff would curl between his paws In tho cosiest mnnncr. Soon thero camo a now member of the family a llttlo turtlc-dovo nnmed Coo-ec. Now, you know both dogs nnd cats generally will try to kill a birdie, so tho artist was much worried how his thrco pets would get along. To mako them friends ho would tnko Fluff and Coo-ee on his knees nt tho samo tlmo, und then call Dlnna to lay his head besldo them. In this way tho three Boon learned to lovo ono another, and soon ench evening tho turtlo-dovo went to sleep with her strnngo companions, Just as you seo In tho picture Fluff lying closo to Diana Di-ana and Coo-eo perched on Fluff's back. This singular friendship lasted several sev-eral years. Not only would the thrco ii . -'. " A Pretty Sight. sleep togother, but oven eat out of tho samo bowl. Hut ut last Coo-eo died, and Fluff felt so lonely nnd unhappy without her that shu ran away and never returned to tho artist's home. |