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Show GRAND TO LIVE. And the Last Laugh Is Always tne Qpst. "Six mouths ago I would havo laughed at tho Idea that thoro could bo anything hotter for a tnblo beverage bever-age than coffee," writes an Ohio woman wom-an "now I Inugh to know thoro Is." "Slnco childhood I drank coffco ns freely ns any other member of tho family. Tho result wns a puny, sickly sick-ly girl, and as I grew Into wotnnnhood I did not gain In health, but was nf-fllctcd nf-fllctcd with heart trouble, a weak and disordered stomach, wrocked nerves nnd a general breaking down, till last winter, nt tho ago of 38 I seemed to be on tho vcrgo of consumption. My j friends greeted mo with 'How bad you I look! What n torrlhlo color!' and this was not very comforting. I "Tho doctors and patent medicines did mo nbsoltitoly no good. I was , thoroughly discouraged. I "Then I gave up coffeo and commenced com-menced Postum Food Coffco. At first I didn't llko It, but nftor n fow trials nnd following tho directions exactly. It was grand. It wns refreshing and satisfying. In a couplo of weeks I noticed a great change. I becamo strongor, my brnln grow clenrcr, 1 was not troubled with forgetfulness as In coffco times, my power of enduranco was moro than doubled. Tho heart trouhlo and Indigestion disappeared and my nerves became steady and strong. "I began to tako an Intorcst In things nbout mo. Housework and homo-making becamo a pleasure My trlonds havo marveled at tho change and when thoy Inquire what brought It about, I answor 'Postum Food Coffco, Cof-fco, and nothing olso In tho world.'" Nnmo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creole, Mich. Thoro's a reason. Read the llttlo book, "Tho noad to Wollvlllo," In skgs. |