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Show Exchange of Courtesies. The following letter has been sent to each of the Commercial Clubs at Lchl, Brlgham City, Kaysvllle, Logan and American Fork In hopes of establishing an exchange of courtesies; March 10, 1000. Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Garland Commercial Commer-cial Club, held In our Club Booms on March 12th., 1000, the undersigned were instructed to communicate with tho various var-ious country commerclul clubs with a view of establishing an exchnnge of courtesies between tho various clubs concerned, con-cerned, and we desire to say that wc be-liovo be-liovo it would be u good idea for all of the clubs aforesaid to enter into relations wlirrfliv the members of one club might be prcmlttcd to partake of the hospitality hospitali-ty of nil of. tho other country clubs in tho slate. For lnstnuce, if one of your members was visiting Garland he would bo prcmlttcd all the privileges of the club members, while iu our town, upon presentation of his card showing that he was a member of your club. '1 he same would apply to any member of our club visiting in your city, and it strikes us that this would bo very advantageous to all concerned. Of course each visiting member would be expected to pay for anything thai ho might procure at tho Buffet or Cafe at the time that anything in that line was obtained, no credit being granted to visiting members. Our ldeu fa to glvo to visiting members the privileges privi-leges of the club, so that they may have sonio place to while awuy a few idle hours while In each others locality and get better acquainted. Kindly let us hear from you as to whether or not this proposition meets with your approval and very much oblige. Yours very respectfully, Moslah Evans, President. K. It. Bush, Asst. Secretary. |