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Show HAMILTON HAS HIS SAY. Money Was Given Him With Knowledge Knowl-edge and Approval of Trustees. Albany, N. Y. Andrew 'Hamilton an-oeared an-oeared before the Insurance Investigating Investiga-ting committee Thursdny afternoon and broke tho sllcuco which he has maintained, except for his statement brought from Pnrlo by John C. Mc-Call, Mc-Call, ever since lilu namo was first mentioned In connection with tho great sums of money shown to havo been paid to him dtrlng tho past ten years on account of his legal and legislative leg-islative work for the Now York Life and other Insurance companies. Ho declared unequivocally that every payment to himself by tho Now York Llfo was made by the knowlcdgo and approval of the trustees, especially of the finance nnd auditing committees, and roundly scored the officials of the company, who, ho said, wero not fit to vlmlnlster the affair?, of tho company. |