Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE NeWS Ogden Bureau -- I V: ed to Study Recreation Work Is Resumed After Delay Caused by Facilities Poor Weather Three-Da- y Session Slat- - i rfr' $ t terworks and sanitation facilities amphitheaters playgrounds and other recreational needs Increased Uses Justification for the development work Mr Olsen points out is seen in the increasing use of the national forest lands The 1935 figures for the nation he said show that persons used the national forests compared to but 38000000 persons In 1934 More than 2000000 "trippers" visited national forests of the intermountain region— Utah south- ' 'S' V K W Wv " V'!J Project Photos Stir Criticism Of WPA Chief Workers Told to Stay Out of Foreground and Look Busy Special to The Tribune OGDEN— Now that the snow is clearing away and WPA projects are again getting smoothly in operation photographic troubles have descended to form the latest plague on the lives of foremeri? supervisors Building of Pipe For City Works ern Idaho western Wyoming and Nevada — during the past year Utahans accounted for more than 850000 of the visitors indicating and district directors OGDEN— Construction of pipe definitely that tourists and "reForemen and supervisors were orfor the $331000 Ogden city pipeline peat" users figured in the forest dered to prepare pictures down recently land visits Ogden canyon which has been hunters picknickers of major projects to be sent back to suspended for four months will be Campers the national office in Washington resumed" Monday at the American anglers hotel and resort guests winter sports enthusiasts The order was received with en- Concrete and Steel Pipe company motorists horsemen and hikers Mr thusiasm and soon the district W P plant Seventeenth street and Wall Olson said will all be considered In A office in officials said SatOgden was flooded with avenue company the plans for forest recreational deurday works of art The work was stopped last Developments in the coming year Caustic Criticism cember after about 800 feet of pipe was not The enthusiasm however had been laid inside the reservoir shared by H C Jessen assistant inclosurc Trench had been opened Receiver Sues Closed slate director to whom the photo- up a short distance north toward graphs were sent His criticism the mouth of Ogden canyon Bank on Assessment was caustic on the camera work and If the weather clears by the end he sent to district directors the fol cf this week the company probably lowing instructions: will begin next week to clear the OGDEN — Suit seeking $4000 alfill roles the who WPA employes trench at the reservoirs and conlegedly due as an assessment on of spectators he said should not be stock of a defunct bank now held inattentive and should remove their tinue excavation The pipe which will be manufacby the closed Ogden State bank has hands from their pockets at the present time and which tured been filed here against the Ogden Project foremen who choose to State bank Rulon F Starley state clutter up the picture foreground will comprise the major portion of bank commissioner T E Thomas should be directed to the nearest the line is of concrete with a steel cage reinforcement The cages are special liquidator and John' A portrait studio formed of a spiral rod intersected Malia former state bank commisAdvises Thought with rods running lengthwise withsioner Thought should be used he said in the pipe The suit was brought by R E and The cages are placed within intelligence the receiver for Sugg United States Do not give your camera to e steel cylinder and the concrete is National bank of Vancouver The complaint recites that stoek in the workman to operate while you get packed against the outside of the Vancouver bank was held by the in the immediate foreground as- cylinder by centrifugal force eminbedding the cage reinforcement Ogden State bank since the nineties suming a Napoleonic pose” he After about one month’s work When the bank failed Mr Sugg as structed the cameramen “This only receiver assessed the owners of the advertises your egotism and will not which will take the line from the reservoirs to the mouth of Ogden stock Including the Ogdert State bring you an increase in salary” Pictures which should be entitled canyon progress is expected to be bank Notice of the assessment thfi complaint states was given Sep- ‘The Rest Period” “The Exhausted halted again until the canyon rail tember 25 1935 but payment under Man” and “Man With Shovel” are way line now used for hauling mathe “double liability” jregulations taboo in the state office he sug- terials to the Pineview reservoir reclamation project can be removed concerning bank stock was refused gested by the Ogden bank officials October 3 1935 Wife Granted Divorce On the same day a petiUnable to Attend tion for declaration of a dividend POCATELLO Idaho — District OGDEN— Patrick Healy III exwas presented in court here by the Judge Isaac McDougall has grant- ecutive secretary of the North CaroOgden bank liquidators The com- ed a divorce to Etta Martindale lina League of Municipalities Satfurther states no reserve was Kroll from Robert Kroll on plaint informed Mayor Harman W urday set up by the Ogden bank for pay- charge of were Peery of Ogden head of the state ment of such claims as had been married here March 29 They 1934 Cus- municipal league that hewill be made by the Vancouver bank retody of a minor child was awarded unable to address the Utah league ceiver her in Smithfield in ‘August Will Be Resumed rt Building Permits Gain March Reports Show n J r- - i ® r w y- e- - n- -- iff Liquor Board Chairman Warns Against Sunday Beer Sales OGDEN — A total of $56200 in new building was registered at the city engineer’s office during March comSpecial to The Tribune pared to $23878 in March 1935 and OGDEN— Sunday sale of beer in $3575 two years ago Of the total to be expended under Utah may result in revocation of the permits $19045 is new rest the dealer’s license Hugh B dential $3750 new nonresidential Brown chairman of the state li$2705 alterations and additions rescontrol commission told Satidential and $30700 alternations quor urday He was asked concerning and additions nonresidential was resumed last week after a delay of several days due to weather conditions With excavation completed on 14 of the igloo-typ- e magazine sites the concrete work will be advanced in lots of five units each with four pourings required for each of the storage houses Materials Arrive Materials are still arriving on the grounds of the $300000 rehabilitation project About nine carloads of gravel five of sand and one of cement are being delivered at the depot weekly with occasional consignments of steel for reinforcement Included in the present project are funds for rehabilitation of the 35 magazines most of which were destroyed by wind in 1929 The railway and shops waterworks building facilities also are to be repaired No extension of facilities however are planned under the present allotment Army men in charge of the con struction and Brigadier General E M Shinkle who inspected the proj' ect last week have been particularly pleased with the workmanship of the WPA employes Robert W Cra' ven district administrator of the WPA said Saturday Permanent Force The army supervisors have stated that a permanent force recruited from the relief workers would be as efficient as any force which could be hired to man the arsenal after completion of the project The men are bringing their own tools for the job in many cases About 350 employes now are engaged Most of these are employed outside under supervision of A1 Downes general foreman while approximately 100 are working to repair plant and shop facilities under direction of A Nordquist 4 regional headquarters building under direction of C J Olsen assistant regional forester- - in charge of lands and public relations Public campground development work Improvement and installation of sanitary facilities on the forests Installation of waterworks systems in the larger campgrounds &nd other recreational aids will be considered by the conferees Plana Outlined Determination of which proposed Improvements and developments shall first be undertaken should result from the conference Mr Olsen said The demand for recreational facilities the amount of use of the ence The proposed forest improvements Include such constructions as camp stoves tables beaches shelters wa- Logan Bureau 3 Phono 11S North Main Agent Residence Phone 87-- J Correspondent Phone 858 112 Tourney Sunday rulings after Attorney General Joseph Chez had communicated to Mayor Harman W To Pass Through Peery regarding Sunday closing OGDEN — Ogden Mills secretary law interpretation in general of the treasury under President Since 32 beer is classed by the Hoover and once prominently menUtah state liquor laws as an alcotioned as a Republican presidential holic beverage instead of a soft candidate will pass through Ogden drink it comes under the same Sunday night en route from San regulation as the state liquor stores so far as Sunday sales are Fgmclaco to New York City LOGAN — Herbert L Clark di rector of the celebrated Long Beach Cal municipal band and cornet soloist for Sousa’s band for 22 years will be the judge of the Utah state high school band festival at the Utah State Agricultural college April 30 May 1 and 2 Professor N W Christiansen head of the instrument music department announced Friday Director Clark not only is recognized as a soloist but also was Sousa’s assistant conductor He first became recognized as a cornet soloist in the Patrick Gillmore band in Special to The Tribune in the OGDEN— Concrete-pourin- g first five of the 35 projected magazines at the Ogden ordnance depot de- area proposed for development and the number of persons to be accommodated by the work will determine priorities he indicated Although winter snows still cover most of the national forest play grounds in the intermountain region plans for the summer work have been progressing Work will begin as soon as weather permits on some of the projects Mr Olsen said Maintenance requirements type and Cost of the proposed improvements landscaping sanitation and fire protection problems for the various projects have been studied during the winter and will be de cided upon at the coming confer- B Group inter-tnounta- in it 1936 School Board Workers Pour Former Cornetist for Sousa To Judge USAC Contest Plans Five Units of Study of Now Head of Long Beach Arsenal Job lerbert L ClarkChosen ’36 Contracts for Band velopment of recreational facilities In the national forests of the region will be discussed Thursday Friday and Saturday by forest service workers here A con-- ' ference of recreational planners of the region will be conducted at the i 5 - Special to The Tribune OGDEN — Plans for further 11 APRIL Concerning Utah & Utahns Forestry Meet I: Will Consider Public’s Needs :":i ! SUNDAY MORNING concerned Chairman Brown Indicated Mayor Peery pointed to the fact that under United States legislation the 32 beer is held nonintoxicating and classed roughly as a soft drink yet Utah laws place beer again into the same classification as liquor Attorney General Chez in his explanation of the Sunday closing laws exempted service stations in interpreting the meaning of the term "garages” in the law Drug stores he indicated would be somewhat restricted In their Sunday sales being limited to conducting the ‘legitimate’’ business only on Sunday Teachers May Receive Higher Wages for Coming Year -- Special to The Tribune LOGAN— A special meeting of the Logan city board of education will be held Wednesday to discuss teachers’ contracts for 1936-3- 7 Clerk David Tarbet announced It is possible the teachers will re1892 Professor Christiansen in discuss: ceive a slight Increase in their saling Director Clark’s work as a band aries for the coming year Condirector and the Long Beach mu- tracts will be mailed to the teachers nicipal band stated: “This is one of the famous bamjs of America and on April 20 Clerk Tarbet stated unquestionably the outstanding Board Member B L Richards band of the west The band estabE Allen Bateman lished in 1909 is composed of ex- Superintendent and George S Bates were appointed of international perienced players as representatives of the city schools reputation Twelve soloists are fea- to work with other committees of concerts All tured weekly afternoon civic organizations in obtaining are broadcast” numbers here for the public In recognition of his distinguished is to match the Utah State planned career and his wholehearted intercollege's fund for Agricultural est in the' band movement the entertainment for the public American Bandmasters' association Progress of the new $120000 Director elected unantomously was indicating it Clark president at the fifth annual will have one reported of the best swimming convention at Toronto in April 1934 in the state Harold Farnoff Professor N W pools As an added feature an underChristiansen and Walter Welti of water system is being Inthe Utah State Agricultural college stalled lighting at a cost of $925 to provide will be the judges clear visibility in case of accident gym-nami- Herbert L Clark us Horse Show Body Providence Road reston Water Head Succumbs to Illness Selects Leaders Bond Voted Down PRESTON Idaho — Ernest B Card head of the city water department since 1912 died here at the family home at 11:50 a m Friday Presidency Succeeds following a week-lon- g pneumonia Ilis Father illness complicated by a paralytio stroke Mr Card was born in Ldgan NoSpecial to The Tribune Special to The Tribune vember 17 1874 the son of Charles PROVIDENCE— A bond for ap William Card and Emma Booth OGDEN — Philip J Dix was chosfor road im From here he moved to ‘Portland en president and trustee of the Og- proximately $10000 provement here during the summer Ore where he resided for some den Horse Show association at the was voted down Friday at a mass years In 1912 he came to Preston annual election meeting Saturday meeting attended by about only 60 and was made head of the Preston vote two to about The was water department a position in the Hotel Ben Lomond He suc- people one the proposed issue it city which he had held since ceeds his father Colonel P A Dix was against reported He married Minnie Hamilton and as president However the group voted to sup to this unon was born one daughter The annual Ogden horse show will port the city council in a smaller Ruth C Kinney Mr Card is surroad summer the program during Case on Weber Water be conducted May 28 29 and 30 the providing no bond issue Is neces' vived in addition to his widow and daughter by three brothers and association members decided sary It was the plan of the city Wilton Card Cardstoni Continued to April 11 Confidence was expressed at the council to oil 34 blocks in the town sisters: Canada William Card Long Beach which would float' necessitate the Cal and Althea Greaves Preston meeting that the Ogden coliseum The funeral will be held Monday would be made available for the ing of the bond for approximately $10000 OGDEN— Determination of rights annual show 6 at 2 p m in the Preston L April officers A small program of this sort It reported of approximately 2500 claimants to D S Second ward chapel under waters of the Weber river is still Plans for the annual show were was pointed out would not require the direction of Bishop Leo Peterat issue since the matter before the somewhat recently when bonding son Interment will be in the Pres& Yi'-A' 'V4 The also was given supf Second district court here Saturday trustees of delayed ''l ton City cemetery under the superthe Ogden Livestock port bycouncil in care a the group making was ordered continued until April Show Inc who control the colivision of thd Hendricks mortuary ful of a 11 study proposed municipal seum building use announced ar- water here It was under A petition that the court order esto stood system been had completed rangements that Mayor Austin Frank tablishment of river water rights as to the of the building grant fulljise would a committee soon to Three Get Jail Terms agreed upon by conference commit- Merrion and Wilkins Sheep and make aappoint complete tees of water users was objected to Wool Commission Investigation For Theft of Gasoline company as a by R J Hogan counsel for the means of the wool annual promoting comCoalition Silver King Mining Ogden State Bank to auction sale in Ogden BRIGHAM CITY— Ray Smother-ma- n pany The objection to the petition Besides Mr Dix new officers of 23 Glen Smotherman 19 and Golf Fence was sustained by the court and the Property Howard the association chosen Saturday inHenkle 19 of Rockford c&se continued clude H W Dunn vice president OGDEN— A small portion of the Colo were convicted of petty larAdjudication of the water rights and trustee A P Miller vice pres- El Monte golf course may be with ceny in court Saturday morning and is being sought in court in a friendtrustee Dr C M Dee drawn from sentenced to six months In the play as a result of ly suit of the Plain City Irrigation ident and and Arthur decision of company against the Hooper Irriga- treasurer and trustee trustee liquidators of the Ogden county jail They were accused of State bank to fence certain proper- breaking a gasoline pump at the tion company Rights of all water Woolley secretary and Britenbeker store at Perry two ties formerly leased to Ogden city users except those on the Ogden Notice that the lease to properties miles south of here at 2 a m Satriver systems are involved in the Animal Pest Campaign of the El Monte Springs corpora- urday taking 15 gallons of gasoline litigation and proposed adjudication of rights The men were in the act of taknow controlled by the bank Mark tion Reaches had been canceled September 19 ing more gasoline when they were 1935 after being in force since Nofrightened away by Louis Britenthe vember 12 1930 was communicated beker who lives in the back part of PRESTON Idaho-Thro- ugh Negro Suspect Held of the Idaho Wool to the city commission Saturday the store building Mr Britenbeker In Dining Car Theft cooperation the state The property 1 n v o 1 ved T E notified Night Marshall Leo Cottam Growers' association animal board and the Thomas special liquidator for the who arrested the men as they came predatory 23 OGDEN— James Baker negro Idaho biological survey approxi bank explained still is being used through Brigham Cityv was beipg held in the Ogden city mately $15000 was spent in 1935 to for a golf course He asked the jail Saturday while officers investi- exterminate predatory animals and city commission to express an opin gated a burglary of a Union Pacific rodents by the state of Idaho ion as to the type of fence best suit Plans for Lions Club railroad “sealed” dining car Baker This amount was supplemented was being questioned by Detectives by $19000 from federal funds With ed to mark the property line Meet Show Progress E L Shaw and J C Hutchens and this money almost 13000 predatory WilPalm Railroad Spfecial Agent Walter W L Skanchy Sunday Service animals and innumerable rodents LOGAN — Plans forthe district son concerning the car robbery al were killed About 30 per cent of Selected Lions club convention here June 2 Musicians leged to have been committed early all predatory animals were taken and 3 are developing rapidly Val Wednesday with poison OGDEN— Virginia Freize Barker W Palmer Logan Lion club presiTobaccos liquor beer finger ale anbe the will at the soloist dent announced The local club and other supplies were taken from Adult Courges nual Palm Sunday services of the will act as hosts to the other clubs the car which had been sealed unFirst Presbyterian church in the in the district and will be assisted PRESTON der regulations prescribed by state for the free Orpheum theater The services have by the clubs in Cache county liquor laws Percy Baldwyn 22 ne parents have registered offered by been conducted in the downtown Mr Palmer said committees are gro also was being held in connec correspondence courses government The work is under theater each Palm Sunday for 12 being appointed to work out the tlon with the investigations the direction of M D Nuffer adult years detailed plans for the convention Special tp The Tribune Other musicians who will appear and It is expected several features Franklin A to drive OGDEN— raise the Og- Road Commission Will education teacher for the on the program are William H of entertainment will be worked county district Courses offered are den junior chamber of commerce auto mechanics Johnson Rosemary Barber Mar- Announcement of the principal Diesel engines Meet Chamber Greenwell and George speakers Is expected to be made Group journalism psycholo festry: jorie Perrins membership to 125 will be conducted this week under direction of aeronautics “English photography Young all of Ogden soloists and soon OGDEN — The state road commis law preliminaries of engineering Charles Glasspool Newell Walters President W L Skanchy and Director Willard L Eccles of the mem- sion has accepted an invitation to economics mental hygiene adver Robert Neff and James Briggs of meet with the road committee of tising advanced auto mechanics San Francisco brass quartet bership division Schools Closed Dr John Edward Carver pastor City A committee of 16 additional the Ogden chamber of commerce and Diesel engineering and per E chamJ here will deliver the sermon Fjeldsted Tuesday members will canvass the city durFor Spring Vacation sonality adjustment was informed Saturing the six days to enlist every ber secretary available prospect All men under day LOGAN — The Logan city schools The conference was proposed for 35 years of age are eligible Mr of of the discussion closed possible oiling Friday night for the annual the with only Skanchy emphasized Monte of the road Crlsto a vacation and will reopen portion in spring requirement being an interest South Fork and Beaver April 13 Superintendent E Allen promoting projects to aid in the de- through Batunan announced canyons velopment of Ogden Nearly 3500 students were disEach of the 87 chamber memmissed for the vacation which is Summer Mugic School bers has been provided with a blank LOGAN— Nearly 20000 persons The “Elijah” presentation was the only one scheduled until the on which to enroll one new appliPRESTON Idaho— A music saw the sacred pageant "Elijah” given two years after the golden closing of school in the spring cant and a report will be made by school as a part of regular school presented by the Logan and Cache jubilee pageant which was also The senior high school marked the each member Saturday night The activity and sponsored by the P-L D S stakes at the tabernacle written by Mr Wood The last beginning of the vacation presententire chamber led by the member- A during the summer months has under the auspices of the genconpresentation was "superior in the annual “Senior Hits” proship committee will participate in been approved by the city school ealogical committee of the Logan text and color” to the jubilee ing Student Body President the campaign Harold C Christensen stake during 13 consecutive nights pageant according to H B Camp- gram McMurrin board announced James 1936 on the the will be instructor who school music projects Among bell general chairman from March 22 to April 3 calendar of the juniors are: Pro- hired to teach the school has outThe pageant written by J Karl Special scenery a recently conIssues Bench Warrant motion of the Olympic track try- lined a Wood superintendent of thi L D program of aims structed lighting control system outs for the intermountain region: BRIGHAM CITY— A bench warS South Cache seminary in comand a new stage did much to make rant was Issued by Judge sponsorship of one college football committee under Mr Skanchy and memoration of the 100th anniverthe pageant an excellent producJones Saturday morning for Alvis game next fall: publication of the Mr Eccles are A E Anderson Jr sary of the appearance of the tion financial history of Ogden for place- Kerneth Davidson Andersen 28 of Tremonton for fallMr Wood directed the presentaRay Dawson Prophet Elijah of the Old Testament in schoo's preparation of di- Hugh Ford Virgil Hinchcliff Clif- ment at the L D S Nauvoo temtion He was assisted by Howard ing to appear in city court on a rection signs for all county roads ford Johnson Clyde McFarland Dee ple has attracted wide attention Pond dramatic director and Miss charge of fraud ( Anderson I acand distribution of pamphlets de- Gray Ira Nye R M Mitchell John among leaders of the church and cused of securing grain from sevOretta Hall dance director farmers A cast of 62 members assisted eral Bear river valley scribing the scenic and recreational Slater William Stone Mark Tillot-so- n members residing in all parts of George Whipple Atwell Wolfer the United States officers readvantages of Ogden by a chorus of more than 60 took promising to pay for it at a future date but falling to do so Appointed to the membership and Earl Pehrson part ported Philip J Dix Elevated to Council Supported in Smaller Program During Summer City Heads Drive 7 v 13000 Junior Chamber Plans Campaign Idaho-Eighty-- eight Elijah Pageant Presentation Given Before Nearly 20000 T nt |