Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE British Spurn Paris Plea for Locarno Meet SUNDAY MORNING APRIL 5 1936 A Cessation Looms Oracles of Tibet to Choose Ludendorff Assails Infant Ruler During Year Late Von Hindenburg In Ethiopian War Committee ' China April 4 reincarnated since the fifteenth Meets NANKING League the end of this year mystic century signs and symbols will lead the high Interpreting the last words of the in Wednesday to Deal oracles of Tibet to the discovery Dalai Lama the senior oracles of of "the supreme being with four Lhasa know under what conditions With Mussolini CD-Be- Declares GerAian Field Marshal-PresideReality Was His Subordinate nt German Italian Crises MUNICH April 4 (AP) — Quartermasto Be Discussed at ter General Erich Ludendorff is still fighting the past war and denouncing his former chief Von Hindenburg while those in Geneva of modern armies Seventy-year-o- Wire By Tribune L GENVEA April ‘4— A peaceful settlement of the are getting ready for the next conflict conflict appeared nearer tonight charge than tn many months when an' In a letter studded with vltupera-- 4 nouncement was made here the upon the dead Von LONDON April 1 Wl Th tive strictures Ludendorff committee of 13 (the League of Naasserts Leagu of Nation’ troubles with Hindenburg tions council minus Italy) will meet late field marshal-presideItaly and Germany hitherto sepa- that Germany’s next Wednesday to consider plans was in reality his Ludenrate suddenly cams onto the same to end the war subordinate stags tonight as the British abrupt- dorff Ludendorff ire was aroused by a Following official acceptance by ly rejected a French government book of his recent work ’The Premier Benito Mussolini of the ofrequest for a meeting of the Locarno Total jeview War” The review was writfer to deal directly with the League treaty signatories at Brussels of Nations the Spanish chairman of August The situation arising from Ger- ten by Lieutenant-Genervon in the "Aufrechte” a the committee of 13 Salvador de remilitarization of the sort Cramon many’s of house organ of the Hohen-zoller- n Madariaga immediately convoked Bhineland therefore will be the meeting for Wednesday family at Geneva simultaneously Meanwhile bitter protests were Rejects ‘Forgiveness’ with a league consideration of the arriving at the league secretariat Von Cramon had quoted the folwar both from the Ethiopian governlowing as coming from Hindenburg In line With Aims ment and from the Catholic bishop he discussed his breach with when The refusal of Anthony Eden of Harar Mons A M E Jarosseau : British foreign secretary to join In the"Iformer quartermaster-genera- l Italy’s open acts of agdeploring Ludenthat forget everything the proposed Brussels parley was gression and its violation of the has done to me after the war in conformitywith the British de- dorff Hague convention in 1925 in bombuntil my last breath I shall remain sire to slow up the proceedings and grateful-ting “defenseless’ Addis Ababa and him for the services he to provide a chance for all the pow- rendered me as In destroying religious and civic my first assistant” ers concerned to weigh developTo this Ludendorff replies: buildings in Harar ments fully “I reject these words in the Although the Rome government The British 'think the period of agreed to preliminary negotiations I have sharpest terms possible Urgency has passed and that ne- rendered no services to General von with the committee of 13 it made no representations regarding the gotiations concerning Germany Hindenburg I wasn’t his 'employe' therefore should proceed through I did render service but in charges against it of deliberate vioregal channels without volition and in a full feeling of perregular diplomatic lations of International law special meetings sonal responsibility to the supreme The Ethiopian protest to the Eden’s maneuver affords the Brit- war lord the league was made by Foreign Minand the people army ish an opportunity to unload the "I ister Belatian Gheto Herouy His the expression ‘assistant’ Locarno treaty problems oit ' the and reject refer to the events attendant strongly worded message was adleague council where it is under- upon the selection of the dressed through the secretariat to stood the French also want them commander who was placed highest all states members of the league at my placed side and not I at his He was my and declared that five Italian airView of Exchange assistant (and I rot his) in order planes had turned machine-gu- n fire on Addis Ababa while flying at a Edentold the French that sinee that corresponding to the erroneous low altitude the league council "committee of 13” viewpoint of that timerhe might add was meeting April 8 on the weight to the measures decreed by Copyright 1936 war that session would the ‘young ge'neral' afford an ample opportunity for an Voices Regret Chinese Communists exchange of views on the proposals "Above all Hindenburg’ uttercounter-proposaand for European ance leaves out of account historical security facts of quite a different sort At Reported Routed in PARIS April 4 (Ah— France swung his request I stretched out my hand back to the League of Nations to- again to General von Hindenburg Long Siege of City in April 1919 despite his behavior night to block what the French call toward 26 me on 1918 October and toHitler's “dream of expansion” ’ without knowing how he acted on ward eastern Europe By Tribune Leased Wire Pierre-Etienn- e Flandin foreign November 9 1918 toward his suPEIPING April 4 — Chinese com minister at the end of his second preme commander and toward the New German Zeppelin munist forces besieging Ping Yang nor how he carried himself in day of study with France's diplo- army Fu were routed when the Versailles treaty a fierce fight matic brains determined to concen- Kolberg Lands Brazil Port and government after was accepted in June 1919 troops have entrate on two points: "To my great regret I shielded him tered the city unconfirmed reports 1 To prevent German fortlfica Maiden Voyage here said today Hundreds of the After tions in the Rhineland which would " y memoirs of the war because Red soldiery were reported slain be effective in preventing France of the German people In the book The reports said that the revoluby General von Martz enfrom going to the aid of any French written ‘Aus Meinem Leben' he perallies which Germany might at- titled RIO DE JANEIRO Brazil April tionary troops had been besieging mitted his actions to be interpreted Ping Yang Fu the holy city of tack (UP) —Germany's giant new Zep- Shansi province for more than a 2 To negotiate a wide European in a manner that was thoroughly derogatory to my honor as war pelin Hindenburg rested tonight in week Details of the engagement peace within the League of Nations leader are He remained silent when I its available the lines of collective security hangar at Santa Cruz 25 miles Thenotcommunist along him to rectify this It requested troops have been and with mutual assistance for any isn't he who comfrom de Rio Janeiro after has to forgive me but I marching and counter marching in nation attacked maiden its transatlantic pleting rich Shansi province him” for several Would Be Kingpins crossing weeks Recently they were report The moored was huge airship ed close to Taiyuan Informed sources said the French the capital safely to its mobile mast at 6:20 city Yang Fu is about 175 Ping plan would make London Paris and Few Visitors to See a m after a first attempt had miles from Taiyuan Moscow the “kingpins” in collective proved unsuccessful The mooring security pacts open to every EuroPalm Rites cable broke when the dirigible nosed Sunday pean nation with the whole system gently against the mast and the within the framework of the League In Rome This Year giant of the air drifted away It Squatter Tries to Kill of Nations was necessary to secure it by hand Experts said they were seeking It was the only mishap of the Spanish Nobleman machinery for quick military action to punish aggressors VATICAN CITY April 4 (A)— The flight It was stated that Flandin’s emptiest holy week Rome has seen Passengers unanimously praised Dhring Land Dispute scheme after the French cabinet for many decades begins tomorrow the craft’s behavior on the flight approves it probably will be pre- when Pope Pius receives the decor- despite severe storms encountered sented to the League of Nations in ated palms from the Bresca family en route Commander Ernst A LehSEVILLE Spain April 4 OB— The "the near future of San Remo They have supplied mann in charge of the flight de- governor of this province ordered new "faster as In diplomatic circles the plan was the pontiff! palms for the Sunday scribed the airship the ejection today of thousands of and more stable than the Graf peasant squatters who t6ok considered an attempt to prove to before Easter since 1585 poeses' the world that Reichsfuehrer Hitler The Easter period which always Zeppelin” sion of huge estates after an at will accept "only a has been a favorite time for tourists of assassination Count Las tempted and pilgrims finds the Eternal City Torres de Sanchez one of the peace” with few visitors this year Rift Closed Between wealthiest landowners in the disOne of the reasons is that the trict Russian Bonus Plan Italians are busy with their war Antonio Gonzales Ruiz one of the Son Alfonso and King conEthiopia and equally squatters who was ejected by the Creates Increase in against cerned with resisting the sanctions count’s retainers entered the office imposed by the League of Nations of the governor and attacked the 4 NICE (UP)— Franc? April Pope Pius will assist at Ihe holy count who was waiting there for Output of Machinery Thursday oft Alfonso and Former King Spain and Good Friday celebraan appointment with the governor tions at which mass will be cele- his eldest son Count Covadonga to protest the illegal seizure of his dehave become reconciled it was land MOSCOW April 4 (A1)— A 40 per brated by cardinals but he has given clared De Los Andes Count of the by Easter today up celebrating The secretary of the governor cent increase in production in heavy mass atthought to Alfonso St Peter’s as he did last knocked a pistol from Ruiz’ hand as Industry which was declared large- year The original break came when the he over the count whom he ly the result of the Stakhanoff count renounced his rights to the hadstood knocked down and a bullet enmovement was cited today in offithrone to vacant marry tered the ceiling Police attracted Spanish cial figures for the first three Little Entente Will Edelmira iSampedro Cuban beauty by the sound of a shot arrested months of 1936 Ruiz and a companion " Protest Austria Plan butTha commoner This gain In comparison with reconciliation was brought the same period last year came as the count's recent grave about BUCHAREST April 4 UP)- -It was Illness by Havana of a surprise In view of a recent anthe hereditary ‘U’ Alumni Members in nouncement that the Stakhanoff semiofficially announced tonight family disease The hemophilia — the Little Entente Jugoslavia count Is on his way to Europe and Will Meet on Monday system a movement for increasing that Czecho-Slovakand Rumania— production started by a coal miner meet his father in Rome It may of the same name was not making would protest to Vienna tomorrow has been denied that he has broken IDAHO FALLS Idaho-T- he the expected headway against Austria’s new compulsory with his wife Idaho Falls Idaho "U” Alumni club That announcement was accom- military and civil service plftn will meet Monday at 7:30 p m in After two days o4 discussions panied by a warning that producth6‘ Hotel Bonneville Burton L Succumbs Enof the Little shake-up representatives Bishop tion must increase and by a All president announces tente nations announced that the HONOLULU T H April 4 (UP) Moore notably in the Don basin coal former students of the University fields where 50 mine workers and Austrian action was an indirect —Bishop John McKim 84 retired of Idaho are urged to attend to establish universal Stak-Pla- n assistants were replaced senior bishop of the Protestant Possibility of obtaining the Unitary service in violation of one of Episcopal church in the world died versity of Idaho Vandeleers The rise in output as accompa- the principal points in the treaty here today He spent much of his group of 27 music students for ana of St Germain life in an nied by increase in working perTokyo entertainment April 21 will be dis sonnel of only 614 per cent and cussed Vocal and instrumental therefore can be attributed mainly numbers readings and other enterto higher productivity per man the tainment would be provided if the government statement said troupe is brought here Mr Moore ld Italo-Ethiopi- - nt fore hands” the infant reincarnation of the Dalai Lama temporal ruler of Tibet who attained “Nirvana” more than two years ago Before the late Dalai Lama entered the paradise of the west early in 1934 he assured his followers that for their sake he would Consent to be reborn within three years even as his prdecessors had been flesh bumps around the shoulder blades and conch shell imprint on the palm of one hand has yet been discovered If more than one infant boy meets all of these requirements their names will be placed in a golden urn out of which the name of the future ruler of Tibet will be picked by chopsticksin the hand of Lhasa's oldest oracle When chosen the infant Dalai Lama will be taken from his parents and schooled night and day In the hidden mysteries of Lama Buddhism so that when he reaches the age of 18 he will be prepared to rule a land which for centuries has been under the domination of the priesthood the new Dalai must be born the year of birth of both parents the type of house in which the birth must take place and the kind of trees which must surround the house These things are known but no child fulfilling these conditions and who bears on his legs tiger skin markings or who has Nearly one-hathe cultivated thin up curving eyes large ears land in Sweden is now electrified lf 9 Stake Plans Campaign For SL Hospital Fund ' K SHELLEY Idaho— Shelley I p S stake will open a week’s drive Sunday to raise funds for the L P & Primary Children's hospital In Salt Lake City Utah Shelley stake haslbad 22 children receive treatment in the hospital Two more applicants are being prepared for hospitalization Norse Fishermen Drown OSLO Norway April 4 (UP)— Eighteen fishermen were drowned and many fishing boats were missing today after a severe storm in the province of Fin Mark al Italo-Ethiopi- Italo-Ethiopl- The BEST in STYLE and QUALITY at LOWEST PRICES OIF THESE GROUPS 4 - 30 Values That Regularly SeU Up to $45- - 345 SOUTH STATE STREET 014 EASY TERAS Six Complete New Croupsll ls at POSTER BED CHEST PILLOWS SPRING AND MATTRESS It'i a whole room full of furniture priced way below the market value for tomorrow Only $3 DELIVERS EVERYTHING! STUDIO DIVAN OCCASIONAL CIIAIR END TABLE Styled for daytime lounging end perfect sleeping comfort when opened to twin or double bed $3 DELIVERS EVERYTHING! Pan-Germ- aide-de-ca- ia Sturdy Dinette Set e Glasses 18-p- 32-P- c 26-P- c Dinner Set Silver Set Furnish your dinette in the letest vogue with all of the pieces listed which are included $3 DELIVERS EVERYTHING! Mottled AXMINSTER RUG RAD THROW RUG CARPET SWEEPER e value which gives your floors beauty treatment at low cost 4 Pcs $3 new DELIVERS EVERYTHING! es Germany Bans World Jugoslavia Student Politics for T en Days Killed in College Riot BELGRADE Jugoslavia April 4 student was killed and several others seriously all fight among injured in a tree-to- r medical students at Belgrade university today: The fight resulted from attempts of leftist students to hold a protest meeting against installation of special university police Nazi and fascist students sought to prevent the demonstration (A) — A communist Wife of Spanish Heir Awaits ‘Blessed Event’ PARIS April 4 (A)— The princess of Asturias wife of jhe heir presumptive to the Spanish throne came to Paris tonight to await the birth of her first child Her husband the Juan third son of Alfonzo of Spain will join her here shortly He gained the right of succession to the now nonexistent Spanish throne when his elder brothers renounced their rights ex-Ki- I if - V BERLIN April 4 UP—International politics so far as Germany is concerned are of no interest for at least 10 days German officials declared tonight Reichsfuehrer Hitler left today for his country home in Bavaria and most of the members of the entourage of Joachim von Ribbentrop his special ambassador came back from London tonight Remains in England ’ Von Ribbentrop himself remaining In England was described as undertaking distinctly a "private” visit with no intention of talking to Anthony Eden the British foreign secretary again unless invited The attitude expressed in is that Eden blundered in writing letters at this time to France and Belgium promising British support against Germany Government spokesmen said that Eden would have welcomed Hitler's security system proposals even more heartidly had not Italy achieved new victories in Ethiopia It was suggested that Great Britain now must lean more heavily upon France and that Eden’s rather reserved comment on the German memorandum was the result Encouraged by Vote Encouraged by the overwhelming affirmative vote received in last Sunday’s general elections the nazi government is perceptibly relaxing its stern treatment of nonconformists it was believed today It was reported that at least one concentration camp ha been completely evacuated and a number of Catholic priest held under arrest have been ordered released Official quarter however would not confirm rumors that a general amnesty for political offenders was planned but said that a nationwide clemency "is within the realm of possibility” Meanwhile it was learned on good authority word has gone out for the easing of the energetic prosecution of certain cases involving the Catholic clergy said DRESSER Simmons METAL BED COIL SPRING MATTRESS For your own boudoir or the spare room whet could excel the beauty of this attractive group? $3 Write (nr free Maniple with fllmpUfltd U Mlf mtaiMirlni ('hart DELIVERS EVERYTHING! SALT LAKE 345 So nrrs evkniniis State St SO MAIN ST Beautiful walnut veneers end other woods— sold in groups of three pieces only Tomorrow $3 DELIVERS EVERYTHING! MOST LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS IN TOWN1 Store BELL TAILORS 252 BED AND CHEST And DRESSER ADDED ALL 3 PIECES naming m Our OGDEN Store 2422 Washington i t |