Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE' SUNDAY MORNING f:1B A Drug Travelers Name Demurrer Considered In tJtah Copper Suit Murray Man as Chief Shrine Cheers 21 Initiates in 5 1936 Teachers’ Meet Set Disease Reported t Dr L John Nuttall Jr city One hundred and twenty-nin- e of schools announced cases of contagious disease were the annual spring last thta Salt in Lake Saturday City A demurrer of Salt Lake county reported teachers’ Institute Will be held April to a suit brought by the Utah Cop- week said the summary of the city The 24 at South high school Departper company was taken under ad- board of health Saturday visement Saturday by Judge Till- board summary showed there were mental problems and details of the man D Johnson in federal court school year will b featured 58 births and 35 deaths reported 1936-3- 7 The suit asks a refund of $251509 week the in the discussions during in taxes alleging an by the state tax commission The county was given 10 days to file briefs and the company 10 days Gerald Craven of Murray was elected president of the Allied Drug Travelers of' Utah Saturday at the regular meeting of the organization He succeeds in Dick Gunn’s cafe officers are: Other R Bryan Harry of W R Shaw first vice president A H Lund second vice president thereafter Masonic D R' C C Johnson secretary K Silvers treasurer Mr Bryan Draws Bangs and A L Larsen directors Plans for the coming convention in Ogden June 18 and 19 will be Novice numbering 21 survived discussed next Saturday DRUG-A-TERthe Moslem test in the trek across Moslem Test Spring APRIL Ceremonial Order 1000 THE GREAT INTERMOUNTAIN STORE nt WANTED! EXPERIENCED BROADWAY FITTER IA the burning sands at the spring Plan Easter Services Broadway and State ceremonial of El Kalah temple AnUnder the auspices of the Salt SPECIAL Capable of managing an alteration department Must be the Lake Federation of Protestant cient Arabic Order Nobles of competent and have executive ability Steady position services will DINNER Mystic Shrine at the Masonic temple Young People sunrise 6 a m on Fried Tender Half be conducted Easter at at once Superintendent's office Apply s Spring Chicken Saturday Simon Rosenblatt the steps of the capitol it was anFrench Fried Potatoes Buttered potentate directed the fes nounced Saturday Dr Stephen C Corn and- Hot Buttered Rolls 16c tivities Torney of the University of Utah Banana Split While 1000 Shriners cheered them will be the speaker and musical Fresh Strawberry Nut Sundae 1 So numbers will be played by a trumpet We feature broiled steaks In their endeavors the following trio Initiates attained their goal— Mecca Danzil F Larch Stanton W Peck Howard B Hoover Harry A ClarGaddis E Thomas Thompson ence M Eberly Jr Robert E Guyre Robert Peel John W Southworth Howard H Romnes Seawell Stanton Reed C Culp John J Roberts Elmer E Silfvast Howard M Jones ' Herald M Ruch Fallas M Kelley THE GREAT STORE Salt Lake City Roscoe and Moulton F Charles C Lusty Ogden John A Rugar Park City and Mayor J Bracken Lee Price Largest Attendance The ceremonial which is the last major event for Shrinedom before the Imperial council sessions in Seattle in July was one of the largest attended in the past 10 years Nobles from all parts of the empire were present ! Nobles who had traveled the sands in past years found new pleasures in the torture and tribulations that blocked the paths of the newest novitiate For more than an hour M E Lipman forgot his duties as city treasurer to lend comfort and encouragement to the weary band Broadcast’ Features Featuring the traditional banquet Was a “broadcast” by members of the patrol and band with the novices serving as stooges The band directed by Leopold A Yost entertained with a concert after the banquet with the patrol captained by Johnston presenting an tricate drill ’ Dr John Edward Carver of Ogfashions Presenting important den carried the grateful message Of the youngsters of the Shriners1 eager to lead the Easter Parade Hospital for Crippled Children to Classic fashions very wear the nobility The shriners promised £uH support to the spring football able very chic with an easy game scheduled for May 2 at the University of Utah stadium Proindifferent style Costume suits ceeds of the contest go to the children’s hospitals maintained by the and swaggers casual suits and M&i ahriners and the L D S church coats soft tailleurs and the 35c illus-triou- AUERBACH’S AUERBACH’S INTERMOUNTAIN n - OstywMONS V Tomorrow— Buys High Style and Tremendous Extra Value in Easter w COATS AND SUITS JA - ‘7-f-- Australia Like U S -- Favors Novels Says styles Many Carolyn models included Complete size and color ranges man-tailor- Melbourne Librarian Fiction continues to be the most popular of literature throughout the world in the opinion of Albert E McMicken of Prahrart a suburb of Melbourne Australia who visited ' - In Salt Lakh City Saturday Mr McMicken city librarian of Prahrafti called on Mayor E B Erwin and County Clerk W J Korth Saturday to obtain information con-licerning Salt Lake City’s public He is touring the brary system Ugited States as a guest of the Carnegie Corporation of New York -'- a I ?$! t’4 Every hat is new end every hat was individually selected for a definite style reason! Because the event has been planned for weeks we've been able to command that EXTRA quality which puts each hat unmistakably above any $5 hats we have seenl Hats like Flower Gardens! Hats tailored as your suit! from Margot to Cartwheels! Straws from Rough to Brims FASHIONS— Satin-smoot- SECONDFLOOR City ‘While fiction is greatest in demand" the visitor said “travel and biographical literature comes a close second But reading in general is day by day becoming greater —The depression period saw the peak In reading” Concerning the depression Mr McMicken said that Australia saw is j the depths three years ago but rtierging rapidly “Australia is changing greatly’’ the visitor said “The aoorigines are becoming a thing 'of the past Now they are mostly confined to the northern territory many on reservations supported by the government much like those for the American Indians’’ I jdr McMicken praised the American libraries and said he was particularly Impressed by the children! departments He pointed out thatftj! Australia the government supports the libraries in the main cities of local tax supplike the method port given American libraries JThe visitor came Friday night from Los Angeles and left Saturday night for Denver fc Hah in swirling Mists of Veils! Hah with flattering Veil edges! Flemish-inspire- d Off-Face- s! Toques entirely of flowers! m ' ?h Gamekeeping Charge 75 Draws Fines for Pair Sthart Navy Black and Violets! Glowing Pastels! And ALL WHITE! Jack Garrlty 26 was- - fined $100 and Bob McMilien 29 was fined $50 on gamekeeping charges by Police Judge A H Ellett Saturday Garrity was arrested at the rear1 Of 225 South Main street March 16 and McMilien was arrested at 253 Second East street March 20 A gamekeeping charge against L B Wilson 32 arrested at 415 Felt building Mrach 20 was dismissed! while Bill Burley 28 arrested at1 g the same time admitted a charge and was granted until April 11 for sentencing Eleven men arrested in a raid at th rear of 225 South Main street Friday wire granted until Wedgambling nesday to plead to charges - small as 2 'a I Headsizes as Large large as 24! Petite Headsizes as - I game-keepin- 2 Birth Announced r $39 Rag Now - Mr and Mrs Perry O Epperly denounced Saturday the birth of a uioii on March 29 it the Cottonwood Mr Maternity hospital Murray Epperly is employed in the United States weather bureau station at the imjnlclpal airport' Plaid and plain Camion wool in a stunning three- Satin lined fiigcar SO $2995 Carolyn twaggar with Double-breasted planty of swank silk modal lined Reg $39SO Now T 4 Attractive swagger in effect 5 check Reglen sleeves Wool scarf of Now yellow end brown I XT' $2995 $2995 JvV 3 mi Green swagger different Of flna wool Buttons at Rag $3975 Now v smartly loomed throat $2995 5 suit of tan and topcoat of brown makes this charming three - piece Carolyn Rag $3975 Now $299$ A MILLINERY SECOND FLOOR ' |