Show 4 THE SALT LAKE" TRIBUNE 16 MONDAY MORNING JULY REPORT POINTS FARM EXPERTSRANGES CROPS If OF WEST MEETSURVIVE HEAT TO INCREASE IN S L MONDAYSURVEY SHOWS TAXES SCHOOL Agricultural Problems on Agricultural Station Djrey-toiSlate for Economic Reports on 2000- Mile Trip Discussion Compilation of Returns o: County Auditors Shows Need of Rise in Levy 27 1931 U S Air Chief No Ground Flier 1 FROM CAPITAL Brig Gen Benjamin D Foulois Tells History of Aviation Branch' U S l - ARMY AIR HEAD FLIES TO UTAH I I- W3 SERVICE Research and agricultural leaders Despite hot dry weather through FATHERED’ from the eleven western states will out the state "Utah range and farm convene In the Hotel Utah at 9 a m crops on the whole are in surprisingly Monday to consider economic probgood condition" lems confronting the farmer Seventeen Per Cent Jump Experience Dates Back t to The sessions which will last four So declared P V Cardon director exAssociation With W'right in Rate Looms Through day s are sectional meetings called of the government agricultural at the suggestion of the United periment station operated In Logan in State with Utah the connection Brothers 23 Years Ago States department of agriculture At Study of Total Valuation the conclusion of the meetings on Agricultural college Sunday on his from a trip through Thursday a report will be drafted return led by l for submission to the department the state Like the rise of a great Industry or 17 per A rise of 8 of s situa- Dr R J Evans agronomist at the the agricultural summarizing the from humble origins to a position of In lax the cent levy tnroughout experiment station tion of the western states condition of the range magnitude to the story of the United state for district school purposes Among the major problems to be The good was foreshadowed he said holds true even "in view States army air service as told by Sunday ofafter considered are: the of continued dry hot weather and Miss Sybil Hopkins secretary )— Effect of drouth and excesBrigadier General Benjamin D In places woefully meager reserves state tax compilation compiled re 1931 crop outlook on sive the heat Foulois who is known as the “father water turns from county auditor as ti of world-wide Irrigation economic I— General of the service” assessed va'u&Uont throughout the “The final outcome of the crop situation as It affects farmer of season state and the condition of the fall General Foulois recently prothe west of The returns showed an aggregate 3— Way and means of remedy- - and whiter tanges will depend to moted of the chief army air serof the assessed valuation course upon ensuing weather M the total Ing the condition of agriculture ct vice effective In December arrived state of $617948870 ThU Is Serious Problem! Some H be will sessions of the In In Salt Lake Sunday on a tour of the charge to whatever charges tho state M Dixon and W A Lloyd Wash“In some localities It Is too late for western army air felds Unlike ax commission may make In Its of the C D but to rain benefit range representatives ington anything many men of his ran he was not process of equalizing assessments Other of short and weather the agriculture department plants dry sitting In the passenger's scat while between counties federal experts also are expected to water supply having proved too someone else did the work He was Though Impressed with the argube In attendance along with between great a handicap In these localities piloting his own plane ment urged by the state t&x re57 and 75 dlegates from California the problem of winter feed supply and 1923 vision commission of Calls Flying Recreation Idaho Mon- for livestock Is a serious one and Oregon Washington prexmt tax by tlv strengthened Brigadier' General Benjamin D Foulois (left) “I like to spend at least 150 hours Nevada farmers ar resorting to every postana Wyoming Arizona commission own partial investigasible economy to forestall recur- father of the army air service ” was' here Sunday with a year at the helm of my own ship flew Mexico Colorado and Utah tions that there are great inequalto keep In practice the general exMost of the delegates are research rence of conditions marking the of property ities In assessments Kilner General Foulois is plained “and then It is one cf the Imno winter commemorable educational institutions from of tox lajor (right) state experts the throughout the est forms of recreation I know of Among the Utah group will be Wil- mature grain has been cut for hay ground flier his mission members may find Ibem- He the' 6ivn piloted into ship When I get tired of tho otfice I airport exten- straw is being stacked to serve as a of Petersen liam director drastic the to take not ready selves yet hop into my ship and inspect sme sion division of the Utah State Ag- reserve feed supply and even weeds action to uproot such evils of the army air fields” ricultural college at Logan W W like Russian thistle are being plied General Foulois was accompanied Question lip Monday while still palatable and Owens C O Alder Stott Byron '1 here from Washington D C by Just how much wl'l be dore this localities a fairly good other “In U 8 members W the of P Thomas mid the Major W G Kilner executive in the year— that is between now first crop of alfalfa was harvested A C faculty — asequalisoffice In of Davidson F Trubee first Monday In Auguet A number of county agent also are but the second crop promises to be sistant secretary of war In charge of assessments tetween likelihood of a third little with ing property to light attend expected aviation who also Is flying Ms own counties comes up tor consideration unless wet weather ensues Here again plane of the commission Monday the specter of possible feed shortage Seated In his room at the Hotel If the tax commlsmon equalizes Is prompting farmers to observe every Utah where he attempted to eool the general effect would pmliably course 5 "Whose But little are known precaution of boy you" revision be off after his long flight from Omaha though not necessarily “The more favored localities where Only Seven States Rank Third month-ol- d "Bob" found abandoned on the steps at the Presbyterian Congre- this morning General Fouiuls reupward water is still available in Irrigation be may some of the of thr army lated Some additional property reasonable quantity are about ready Lake County General hospital early Sunday morning Is net one of the Higher According to gation Makes Permanent air service He history found for assessment between now Salt to cut a good second crop of alfalfa swashbuckling generate of romantic and the turn taxes are due Is more cannot tell I In Dixie it to the third) and the feed He is being held by Miss Quata LindU S Figures Selection Sunday busifiction but a But unless the equalisation to much more favorable situation adhim or nesslike man who ooe his work In than usually comprehensive ouantl-tie- s sey a nurse at the hospital who helped care for Here beet also the looks crop good an efficient way and with a world ditional property Is found in and the stubble left In the grain Utah has reduced Its number of not now expected the assessed during the day The liev Howard V Comln D D of experience to guide him field Indicates that fairly heavy the Which cn stae valuation of the Oldest In Point of Service illiterates tn the last decade from was chosen as permanent pastor of crops were harvested ' tax levy Is fxed will net be far from 6264 to 4640 according to a report Third Presbyterian church of General Foulcis Is the oldest milithe Test Find Enthusiasm Exacting in 618000000 adGroup “When we take account of the un released Sunday by the national CLOSED Lake Eleventh East and Seven tary aviator In point of service In Rale Raise Looms" visory committee on Illiteracy In Salt the United States In fact his aviaEntered for Salt Lake precedented In stream situation flow South streets Sunday morn- tion state D C said The teenth the Washington under Such a valuation experience dates from 1908 the reserve Is In nation supthe disappearing rapidly the the Tribune Prizes a report eighth mathematical rules laid down by ing at meeting of the congregation when he was associated with the Water In reservoirs of ordinarrate low plies coma in tax Illiteracy the having morning services at Wright brothers popuhrly known as legislature for the state ily ample and the almost rainless : There to 12 per cent of the popu- following o’clock the inventors of the airplane mission means a state levy for Is skies under which Utah crops this lation above 10 years unable to read 9:45 time of This the vhen mins 85 Rev Comin has been yar tbJ When the army air service was orMr of The purposes school ’ been have causes one and write Kansas Nebraska South made it gardener throws down year at the church under a tem- ganized some 20 or more years ago-thpreaching The rate In 1930 was 4 7 mills fixed to much wonder his tools of enthat and quits But those anything Dakota Iowa Oregon Washington porary assignment since the middle annual appropriation wm 150 The legislature has already thusiastic amateurs who entered has been produced It Is doubtful if and Idaho rank ahead Of Utah at 2 of xaniiner Mails Checks to A blue eyed baby boy smiled at their of June The pulpit was left vacant Now it Is 32000000 ard the general the state high school ratelimit the of decline secsoils ever in Utah been a has has there Tribune’s The and capacity Although garden the first of June by the de- hopes that congress will see fit to a mill the constitutional nurses at the Salt Lake county gen ond contest launched last spring been subjected to a more exacting in the general Illiteracy total the about purposes Depositors for Portion the state levy for gerr-ra- l parture of the Rev Harris PUlsbury appropriate more so that tne exand test out should bothered eral “it heat disturb morning the drouth at Sunday hospital report although by points flxed who received a call to take over pansion and development program has been practically citizens of Utah to church of Accounts Certainly it to a tribute to the public-spiritrae which If he had been older than 6 months bugs and grasshoppers are far from at Chico Calif may be carried out maximum constitutions of this state that they have observe that farmers the numto the 24 discouraged actually according Judges years for Is “There were some of us” General Rev W H Ensign pastor of “Where asked: many has prevailed ho nqlght have who have siarted the long task of been able to carry on In the face of ber of native white illiterates in- 4'ieThe Westminster Presbyterian church Foulois said “who always figured and mama daddy?” a most are 952 925 creased There these from combination to discouraging of gardens This would make the total levy examiner In K D Williams His tiny head crowned In 4 wealth viewing acted as moderator and presided dur- that aviation would 6ome day be ImThis Is not the final Judging for unfavorable natural and economic now in the state 1547 foreign-bor- n purportant from a military standpoint of the Dlxio Stockg-owerfor the state and state school the election Sunday of dark brown hair showed above the that charge ing 2111 conditions white Illiterates will and In the take compriswith place September bank at St George which closed two blankets In which he was when with fall rains - and cooler poses 81 mills as compared The Rev Mr Comin came to Salt don’t know whether It will ever Inraces most other the obvious being serious principally ing “Perhaps which of the mills has prevailed rate of 78 Its doors last winter will mall out wrapped when he was found aban Lake from Grove City Pa He will overshadow other brsnehez matter facing the farmer of Utah dians exweek to depositors In the insti- doned on the porch at the west en nights the gardens should be at their east by motor car early lh the military service but ’it Is certainly for many years with the single this return sinnot a One county In Utah has best But since gardens change from aside from the general low price sitIn Importance” it was 72 tution check for eight and to trance of the hospital early Sunday month ception of 192Q when to month It wss decided to uation to that of feed supply and gle illiterate— Daggett Three coun- weekto bring his family Salt Lake growing General Foulois said he dots not cent of their deposits mills per morning 50 or or 10 wisdom ties less fourteen more score make have one would than card for prompt every man contemplate any changes of policy This brings the payment to aepoel-tor- s William Stevens of 1838 Edison Highest Rate Reached with livestock to waste nothing which less and 20 less than 100 Eight when he succeeds Major General rate that the total street an employe at the service sta every entry to date to one-tb‘counIt la much the highest since 100 Lake more would serve Salt have than as Nicholas of one a reserve 'the food Byhower valsupJames E Fechet In December but according to E J Ptokett counsel tlon at 2118 South State street dis- Judges who has spent 52 year s of his ply This would afford some 1424 has prevailed In any year most Illiterates has the ty out of aims to speed the protecWilliams covered the abandoned Infant when uations were placed or their present for the bank who said Mr forty-thre- e states one to tion of If life a Utah active an in work cold winter long gave garden should the army service’s “five-yeprobelieves that prospects are fair that ha ran' up the porch stepe to visit account of basis In 1915 which (he first garden contest follow and even in a mild winter and the District of Columbia gram” ultimately a large percentage if not the hospital He carried It inside to ever to be conducted By stretching It conscience have organized state advisory com: a to seldom amiss” reserve last In of Utah feed at 'Air commission when on of the Delayed money deposit Program all nurses the state tax mlttees on Illiteracy Dr Ray Wiof the Judges This week's that the bank closed with or returned The program should have been convince All day Sunday attaches of the was In meevng lbur secretary of the Interior has 1903 and was sponsored by might be able to was for sufficient someone Is claim to for dividend this ll waited year but was unlevy completed Total of the presert hospital a the old Salt Lake County Horticulencouraged the formation of these schools It calls for In90000 was on the child but no one appeared 5000 About counavoidably delayed about $ tati support to the district the committees tural since defunct throughout long to society “A foundling 5 months old and In Most of when the bank quit About creasing the serviceable airplanes to this year 7 here is every areason men active hi the condeposit the try A youth was shot and wounded in 1800 and the persorjne' to 1650 regudeclared test Including John k Cox John 16000 of the 25000 stockholders’ good physical condition’ fear however that even Members of the Utah committee rate lor this levy will prove Inade- liability ha already been collected Dr Robert J Alexander county phy P Sorenson Lofter BJarnason Mrs the leg and two girls were terrorized lar officers 550 reserve offictrs and Include: of East Fisher F James slclan after examining the Infant Mill Creek Louis Hemenway of the attorney reported William Reid Mrs Henry S Tan- by a youth who ran amuck at the end 15000 mdn The service also Is tryquate to provide the by legH Hadlock state bark com- “Well but Inexpensively dressed" he W A ing to get more service typj ships of school population required ner George Riverof Nookes John George N Child and constGranger of an automobile drive early Sunday for the reserve units to replace the commented missioner announced the islative Interpretation of a “Why—?” L 8 M GlUllan Calvin Eaton ton now are dead Mr Byhower to police reports Nurses echoed the same question does not remember the of Will L Hoyt of Nerhl state itutional amendment voted bythe training shit the general explained Mrs Kate according Worlton T Dr Smith J winners CarlIs prize wounded a decade The Harry boy will 'permit When C Snow and Bruce Mlllikin all of Why did Its parents abandon lt?“ of that long ago contest but be does representative from Juab as attorpeople a little more than 20- of 743 East street many ofappropriations ‘At pretty as a picture" Dr Alex- know that 25 was doruted ns prizes the units including the one A young unmasked gunman held Salt Lake W Karl Hopkins Fran- son was sent Sixth ney for the North Sanpete bank the capttare-quire- s to SThe ratio of $25 emergency He Salt Lake will be equipped with which closed Mondav and the law ander said out of funds by Commis- up a downtown cafe at 1:15 a m cis T Wiggins and Ray L Olson hospital after he wandered into Fort at v the more efficient planes attaches temporarily sioners county the state tax commission to firm of Hougaard Sc Brltsch of Mantl Hospital 61560 In cash and a 135 of Ogden W W Christensen Price C Mackey and John B taking John all from from suffering will raise headquarters Foulois aid Major Kilner Douglas General V Howard In similar capacity for the Mt Pleas- named the Infant “Bob" after Dr Cosgrlff brother of James E fix a levy 'hat Eureka E Bartlett ff diamond T from the proprietor ring The left Washington Saurday morning leg chcil popu-lail- ant Commercial Sc Savings bank Alexander sources 3682300 for D C Jensen a gunshothis wound In the Sam of 2 Whitmore apart- Ashton Park City Salt Lake banker ear Just name of assailant Is not known and flew to Omaha where they spent The hospital’s soda! department Salt Lake declares Mr Byhower mentsArgentos during the school which closed July 11 and P M Nielson Tooele Sandy to polite the night They left that city Sunwill take the matter of the child un is one of the most favored cities in While ended of 147292 old Joseph Davis of 225 14 each Were Two girls years der advisement Monday morning and flew to Salt Lako School Attendance Jumps the United States for the gTowth of South West Temple street sat eat treated at the emergency hospital day ’ with a stop for refueling at Cheyroses' Chat this stare Is destined ing In the Eagle Gate cafe 56 East The fact that the school populaof told ' a story attempted enne after they to become noted throughout the na- First South street the gunman tion of Utah has -been Increasing One of them was bound attacks here with Lieuconferred They the that beautiful is Its the for tion walked up to Mr Argentos who was gardens steadily year by yew- njeansl with a rope police were told The tenant C P Talbot commander of opinion of these men and women who at a cash register and ordered a school population for ysr Just scene of the attack was Tenth East the local air corps reseive unit They 000 asto more are their time be will gladly giving robber tendered a 10 cigar The la beginning street between Sixth and Seventh will leave Monday mornlng for Is the 147292 In X-Raof hundreds the while words sist the In bill Judging other and when Argentos In payment y South streets to visit Pacific coast air figure the of gardens entered in the contest to make started a headed last ofllclal school census Patrolman J E Dastrup change whipped fields basis They will return to Washout a gun and demanded the con money wlU be divided on the detail hunting for the alleged as- ington via Texas The annual convention of the Utah tents of the register W Taylor assistant profes- sailant ’ of the school census to be taken next N Dr circles Neighbors of Woodcraft will and there fere something October The robber then ordered Argentos sor of physical ohemistry at the UniTHIEF STEALS GOLF CLUBS to brush up begin Monday at the Newhouse howant Scouts who more than 3682300 improbably Into a bock room without arousing versity of Minnesota who Is now enBoy Three sets of golf club were reare to 100 at more tel than with II the districts delegates the to be required the suspicion of Davis took the pro- gaged In special on wood chopping preparatory Investigation ported stolen from the automobile receive a full 25 tor each person summer camp which opens August tending The gathering will continue ' C D Pope Elks’ club while the prietor’s keys ran to the front of the at the bureau of mines laboiatory Mrs Wilson Ruth through Tuesday the In Lake the Ruth of be will cafe of school age In a state stale school Granddaddy locked the cafe door from the University Utah speakat machine was parked near the club so Wednesday district guardian neighbor wlU preEnRevenues from tne of do luncheon er the may at lakes the outside region fled and ' weekly in an automobile Sunday ’ !(r th® side land grants are available vmiedln 7 pm at Liberty park The cafe owner said the money gineering council Monday noon at will 10 at The These convention beve 4m open forMcLaren distribution time of commerce Peter that At chamber he stolen two represented Pearly days’ 3x) OOO and 400 merly of Melbourne Australia cham- Monday with an address by Mayor deDr Taylor will discuss the past betweenIn time?receipts - of low prices the afDuring 000 This year wood chopper of the world will John F Bowman Detectives W pion Smith reaand velopment with particular reference Clyde William services for J Funeral a will ternoon take the for'farm products tin re- is good to skill delegates his of exhibition C W give an Farnsworth to use in mineral Investigation In civic political Patrolman son for taking the lower figure But scouts of the Salt Lake council The sightseeing tour of the city and there Lynch 69 prominent without DELEGATE LISTS REGIMENT 6 p m at the ho and fraternal circles for many years searched the neighborhood compromises at a be will dinner Is attend to also Invited Mrs Florence Hanks Pyper wife if the tax oomtnlsson for the public were held locating the gunman and then Inwill show the tel followed by Initiation of a large who died Wednesday also and guesses these revenues The e champion W Cragg 329 Bryan avenue of George W Pyper scenario writer F a stituted search there m at Masonic 5375300 the at 230 at p school year Sunday coming boys how to throw a heavy ax from class recently 'elected a delegate for the died In Hollywood Cal Sunday of will still be 3307300 to bo araised distance of 60 feet burying It deep Tuesday will be devoted to busi- temple John F Critchlow camp No 3 to the pneumonia according to word reAc genFree ard elecother The lodge ness grand with only of the a tree trunk within meetings concluding from quarter Oeorge convention of Spanish War Veterans ceived by her father-in-lation of officers The national of- cepted Masons of Utah directed the eral tax on stale property an Inch of an Indicated spot at New Orleans La in September D Pyper 224 A street Edward Rev John service The Returns be Grand will musical ficers of Show by the native demonstration represented was After Tabulation Mrs Pyper a was a member of Company H 20th Logan With actors selected for every was the speaker for district numbers will be given by the scout Ouardlan Minnie Hiner of Portland Carver of Ogden A levy of 55 mtus Infantry and not Company H 30th which was also the place of her mar- new character In this year's 41 under direc- Ore and Grand Inner Sentinel Ag- The consistory choir sang two hymns of from vahiatlwi No band troop on a the dischool purposes Infantry as previously announced riage Interment was In the City cemenes Beth of Salt Lake 3830000 II tion of Arnold Burgener Mr Pyper- upon receipt of the word rectors have now fantasy call for he said Sunday issued 618000 00 would raise a serthe with Templar Knights tery of her death- - planned to leave Mon- last year’s veterans to fill the roles A trlduum in honor of St Mary the total amount at the grave vice funeral In the fourth act The character Fed Typewriter Desk day for Hollywood to attend Experience nas eliovn must be alMagdalene patron saint of the Salt Oak Is survived by the total act Include: Little in the Lake diocese of the Catholic church ARROW PRESS 62 W Second South services Mrs- - Pyper per cent ofuncollectble Joan tax's and Orphan fourth 6351 husband 11500 a daughter Sale Pr her lowed for Annie her dog Sandy ended Sunday morning at the Cathe- List Price that beUeve brother two sisters a Is reason and b (Advertisement) and bear Willie Uncle Walt of dral of the Madeleine with a solemn haps there of uncol uroporH-- n Gasoline Allen Auntie Blossom mass this year the will high But oe taxes blgler lectible Skeezix The Rev W J Giroux was celebCorky Skeezix’ prizecent or’v is deducted 'even If 3 percominKsif-rant of the mass speaking on the winning horse and a new characIn making the tax ter life of 8t Mary Magdalene The Rev Orphan Annie’s new little pet levy would vl estimate the Believed to have left the city with John Ovuerard the baby Cleopatra of Menlo Park Cal Pupil who attended the first poem written by Ellia R Snow 100 In receipts for onlv $3297030 as state aid to school approximately The was full cast will be announced erected outside which “An of Robto Utah the deacon and the Rev Ode to the Flag” preSchool districts This Is W?7® le“ ert Dwyer of Salt Lake was subdea Salt Lake City participated Sunceded the flag ceremony conduct- sale of Covered Wagon Days’ proTuesday morning following a be to mated amount es was grams a vendor of programs than the con Muslo was furnished by the chiled by the Boy Scouts of the ward meeting Monday at 7 p m In day morning in the unveiling and On a basis of an actual required The Tribune-TelegraauditoThe monument has a base of sought by police Sunday night dren of the Judge Memorial school school year dedication of a granite and bronxa rethe in nt pres la the at made Search population being rium of last year’ cast and any marker on the aite of the old vrranlte taken from tho quarry to follow'x In the from every state la the Car and New Washington the W of Hewitt of 148000 It would mean a distribu8 of quest others who wish to take speaking Little CoUonwood canyon from Elk" ' building on Gordon’s lane on order named onion aa well as from all provhotel who told authorities he CORRECTION tion on only 22 28 per capl'athat In roles In the fourth act Much of u South State street north of Mar-ra-y which the atone for the Salt Lake directed than Every state has sent more than under sale of lact something still the for Covered' The the programs In other ince and ImbedCanada prize is parts was grand the fourth act will be devoted to secured It temple one car although Delaware and man Wagon Days floats went to the Young ws claimed by the state school offiHe the Backman said P Gus marker was On The ded cement base the its face a in In the circus performance to which placed by of checked and world tho bottom of have are Maine at the the loa cers certain appropria' ions made by priesthood of MUIereek 40 out of checked who is about Is a bronze tablet containing hisward unFamily association for the “Miss Pio- oat of Yellowstone national park various playgrounds of the city with two cars each Secohd-tlm- e out of list are to be lrcisiatnre paid left cal and hotel Sunday t'e neer” entry Harry S Joseph chairapparently torical data and the buffalo head der the direction of Bishop A M visitors are increasing in recreation department will conthe state district senne 1 funds man of the parade committee an- this season according to a disCornwall Nearly a hundred memtribute stunts and pageant numdesign official marker of the Utah the city with the money number 1874 having registered np erto The nounced Sunday The Tribane Sanday Tribune Pioneer Trails and Landmarks asbers bers of the ward participated patch Australia was the Victory and Liberty will until Jq)y 1 ROOM IsRANSACKS PROWLER In Its stated sociation which authenticated the roneously Saturday $870 George Albert Smith president furthest country present acrobatic and tumbling Roger IV Toll park superinrepresented r sue was Trails the entered room TtETl'RN A location of and that historical Utah Pioneer AND from BUTTE The data TO of the tendent reported that California prowler ransacked the Cars also were registered "from "numbers Jackson plans a pagwhich the location of the site was R L Reese at a hotel at 138 Landmarks association delivered eant using their Knighthood of by the general Covered Wagon Days cars totaDed 1273 np until July 1 AIGIS T "Til Alaska Hawaii Czecho Slovakia determined was read by Louis G West South Temple street Sunday committee From Salt Lake via Oregon Short the principal address and offered There were 3551 passengers givYouth characters from the play’ Cuba and the Canal Zone Haiti Hill clerk of the ward The invoLine Tickets good onlv In coaches or tho dedicatory prayer John D The west entrance to the park morning escaping with a man’s gold A float entered by Payson to call ing that state the largest repre“Knight Toby” Toy bands “Cot-er'c hair reps limited for rot urn to home cation was offerwatch a woman’s wrist watch and a attention to the Black Hawk en- sentation In automobile visitors Giles executive secretary of the has been the most popular for Wagon” episodes tap dancers jn WbyC JPark ' ‘ihaV ti before midnight August A and the ’'eri woman's purse Mr Reese told the campment August 4 5 6 and 7 also to the state Montana was' sectrails asmclstion also spoke Mrs clown and animal dances and paauto travel The east entrance at 2 n of local the was the theft occurred after 3 Cornwall At pupils rade features will be given by othAgnes Hamiton one erroneously listed as a Spanish ond with 686 cars and 2135 pasCody Wyo and the north enagrt for further j st the school apolice m fc dlls Fork entry during it lAdvj trance followed In order er playgrounds whQ attended the school read a sengers Wyoming Idaho Utah ATTENDANCE GOES UP 2000-mll- s t ‘Y e Hewas-accompan- T sub-ie- -- WG 1919-192- s tl h ILLITERACY IN CHURCH KEEPS ic p p ti UTAH SHRINKS ACTING PASTOR c w JudgesAgain See Gardens F re quiet-irmner- In Contest Waif Left at Hospital Has PAYS DIVIDEND Cheery Smile 25 N FT PI ar SO BANK -- die-trt- trait-hearte- d! sa wi se: Ak de fu wt e to? pe cli dei foi ley ed qne-thl- loo dei of ly th tra exl rd Youth Antuck Shoots One and Attacks Girls rd Young Gunman 64-mi- ma occ I deg uni ar Sot rep tur bre wh can COS Gets $600 Ring 85-m- win In Cafe Holdup A out pap frle exh clal pr hea cloi a fe Cos-gri- "V sect rece und Engineers List Chopper Champ Promises Scouts Mayors Welcome Set for Lodge Skill Exhibition H whii one Educator for Talk oil twei of I Arlz of n F Cali-tom- eonl ors In I Masons Conduct W illiam J y Lynch i Dies i tog Het Former Utahn Funeral Service i 150 Writer’s Wife at ' KJ ering Coast Directors Call For Veterans in city-wid- High Mass Closes Honor to Saint We w skies fort mom ka ar Th was Kant Fantasy Roles zoom and and Tei k' mmunity - lhatu3 RITES UNVEIL MARKER Police Seek Fete AT EARLY SCHOOL SITE Program Vendor AUTOS FROM ALL OVER 15-m- 'll 1 genei A secon ties v creasi xnlng 4 L J mm mi WORLD VISIT IN PARK B1 —L men m with A hi who me Well getti nrini estln Ahnl any they Did getti they Harr -- prize-winne- 2 ed I coast piece dits iff SHI |