Show JULY 27 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING — — w— — — — OTIC alt rr Biornlni by Th 011 Ik TnbuD f utilihln Compeny Enured iMiud TEEMS or SGMCUTTIONl Dally and Sunday rat menUi OH t 1010 Dally and Sunday ant year line above raue apply In Dtan Idaho and Nevada Wyomlm) Hravhere In United SUM Dali and Sunday one month U on Ml In vry lm The Tribun Rd tortnnt iif la ih United ftUWa r certain MnU to aj pUj bf $ thie office telephoning Tb rrlbun la m member nf th A vocleted Free The AMoelitea Preen U exclueieetf entitled to the use tor re ell oewe diepetchee ered ftroducUon or( not etherwtie credited In thle neper end also the Joca) oee published herein Monday The potof f let SJSfl LK Cits m c°4 elm eherter member ot 0'1‘Audil Bur!r ot Circulation member ot The The Tribune If lWooo Group ot merlean Cinae "The Tribune le a prembay ol Media Ino- - eroup Ine Tha SMkwIth Special New aeent Sncy advartlrlne eaatarn Chlcaea Si touMb Ptnladclphla n U Q Sanaa Vc Atlantal cllia eoaat wr Co Anerlea rmatlva Sen janeitco Ua Seattle Portland Porelen bureaus of1 Information ot The Rue Scribe Perle rlbune are: No nee: US Pell Mall London Eneiand: Untar Den Linden Berlin Oermtnri Minor Rout Rome Italy s c Moraine July 27 1921 Roots of Strife seriously disturbed by waning gold reserve as n result of the activities of French financiers has e movement to replenish her stores The launched a competition between France and England lor basic gold supplies but emphasizes the world shortage In the precious metal ft adds nothing to the security of the world or the future of gold If Indeed It does not actually aggravate existing sources "'iREAT BRITAIN world-wid- economic difficulty Other world powers cannot look with complacence upon this scramble for gold If they are not drawn Into the competition they are stirred to ponder the advisability of new Currency standards Mexico for Instance has gone upon a silver basis establishing the sliver peso as the country’s legal tender and eliminating the gold peso In a national way this change Is calculated to offset difficulties attending the world ' decline In sliver In way It makes for complications estabOf - r lishing deticlencif In International trade Germany lately has given added significance to silver as money In the light of these movements the competition for gold Is fraught with evil Gold Is undergoing the tesi of world adequacy possibilities Economic distortions and restricted purchasing power In a large measure are due to the Insufficiency of gold a deficiency which the current competition Is calculated to aggravate rather than dissipate ‘ - as economic security The United States as a nation la concerned with this outlook It perhaps Is the most disturbing element In the current economic situation As yet we have formulated no public policies with respect to silver despite the fact that cur- rent trends are fraught with disturbance In this connection It Is encouraging to note that Senators Smoot of Utah and Borah of Idaho are to me4fc this week for a discussion of this It Is to be hoped that this conference may lead to problem some official action which at least will take cognizance of the "serious financial situation which now confronts the world Silver cannot be Ignored In this situation because It Is the logical substitute for gold and the first relief when gold proves Inade- quite to the needs of the human family and the demands of world trade On the PARIS” (By Mail)— In other days It was a part of a night out to drift to the Halles Centrales around 4 a m for a bowl of steaming onion soup But in these more sedate years I had to be routed out by the hotel night concierge to' Join Willis Morgan on his dally visit to the markets CRYING BEFORE HURT (The New York Times) for two Thinking tha matter over convince days has been enough to European newspapers and public men that their protests against the Austro-Germa- n customs union were at least premature Prompt publl cation of the text of the proposed treaty put an end to soma of the early and hasty attacks upon It T was said that It violated the Ver sallies treaty and the Locarno agreement if not also the protocol under which Austria secured a loan through the league of nations But the term of the treaty dispose of such assertions Austria and Ger many contract with each other re Uglously to observe all their obll Far from jatlons to other nations own agree ntendlng to keep their ment exclusive they directly bind themselves to “negotiate with any other nation desiring to enter into a similar agreement” And If It is merely a question of commercial treaties short of reciprocal free trade tha two governments pledge themselves to taka up that matter with other powers Thus the words of tha treaty Itself show that the first Impetuous criticisms of It on technical and legal grounds were not well founded There Is some force In the complaint that the plan ol a customs union was too suddenly sprung upon tha diplomatic world It might hare been better If Oermany and Austria had first sounded and satisfied other But It Is plain that the governments real reason for disquietude in France and England and Poland and Czechoslovakia over the Austro-Germcustoms union Is fear not of the treaty itself but of what It may portend Already we have alarming accounts of what would happen were Austria and Germany to be brought Into political union with the result that Germany would not only gain gTeat Increase In population and In resources but would at once command strategic lines of attack upon weaker nations which are supposed to be her probable future victims All this looks like a wholly unnec Austria cannot be essary fright- annexed to Germany without the consent of the signatories of the Versailles treaty That safeguard Is certain to run for some years to soma and ought to be sufficient Meanwhile it would be well for people outside the suggested customs union to leave off their horTlble Imaginings about 1U consequences and possess their souls In patience until they see how the thing works An exclusive novelty shop In one block long Rue Royale shows what looks to be a 'huge marquis-shape- d diamond ring It la carried In milady's purse and the diamond la a strip of mirror Adjusted to a finger The great central markets are t bft owner may Inspect her rouging reached along upper Rue de Rlvoli and powdering and have been the site of Paris’ food Champs Elysees has become somesupply for centuries The markets what the Fleet street of Paris Along halls Its Its are In huge warehouse-lik- e expansive and sweeping pathway early morning vigor Jias a shrieking publications as Le Figaro deafIs almost that roaring blatancy L'Aml du Peuple Le Petit Parisien ' ening Chiffons Jo L’Excelsior Femlna Aswlrl with porters Sals Tout Comedia Le Rire Fan-tas- lo tha "forts des holies” (strong men of Cinemonde La Naclon Can-dlscreaming viragos the markets) Ric et Rao and the Boulevard -early morning drunks and swearing ler Incidentally Paris has a total of slice a Parisian truckmen It offers of 168 dally newspapers— mostly life that is the most stimulating in four-pasheets and often devoted all the town The’ tempo Is as to the fruits: of political blackmail as the blood from the dripping beeves Ike Meltzer tha Brooklyn bridge Here axe the buxom ruddy and newsie still rushes up and down the saleslaughing merchandes the boulevards crying his Ameriwomen who seem to be in an eternal Paris can For eight years he has sally with customers There is no been papers a familiar figure among tourists sale without haggling After the In front of the Cafe de la Palx Harmarket closes come the pinch-face- d bar Weber’s and the Rlts bar spindly-legge- d children who search ry’s His winters are spent around the the refuse for food Also elder chlf Frank Gould casino at Nice where foniers with sticks Ike is marhe is also well known They sort through the castoff to ried an English girl and is tha fruits vegetables and other odd- oldest American in point ments to refurbish and resell for the of service on thanewsboy continent' Ha of the Paris slums Next makes Paris a bit more friendly in Interest among the local marts I think la tha Flea Market so called Paris has a drink automat It is a because of Its filth and held twice where one bistro Rus weekly near one of the eastern gates may in a coinFontaine in a slot and lap up slip From a casual glance the- Flea a choice five drinks It Is not of Market seems to be a field with piles Parisians-no- t only want to of abandoned Junk and debris It Is popular dawdle over drinks — they want beau-comostly that for one Indeed may conversation along with them hand actually barter there for second a a tooth brushes Yet out of Its Jlnkle-JumbA hatless young’ blade bowled up treasure hunters have come to an American - flapper along the upon rare and authenticated an- curb In Place Vendome thle morning tiques— the loot of thieves cried “How about knocking over Too there Is the Marche Tabac and posts before lunch?” She once a week at Place Maubert Here a few lampand they roared away the tatterdemalion gutter scavengers hopped in a exchange buy and sell collections of The current hit tune of the cabcigar ana cigarette stubs Ends of arets is “La Petite Tonklnolse” pop ularized by the sepia Josephine Ba- administering preventives In place ker of Harlem I saw Miss Baker noneffectlve cures— fines ana to- her nails a brilliant red and hair en prlsonmenta brosse dining In one of the most We have Juvenile or “industrial fashionable restaurants in Paris are the which really hools’’— Jails with what looked like a monocled the Egyptian primary or common schools of and criminal education while city Forwarded telegram from Brookcounty Jails are the high schools and state and federal prisons the line Mass: “Read June 3rd column mauniversities of this system The Glad to be back In your good graces jority who are sentenced to enter —Peggy Hopkins Joyce” as The dang women won’t let me this system graduate profesalone even in Europe sionals Cannot something general and effective be done to save the youth of (Copyright 1931 McNaught Syndicate Inc) our glorious country? I C THORESEN blue-blous- ed de L thse f&JUMtt - aeowc) —'UEEk'S— — t“ ' ‘ ' uAm? THE OWE WHO MAtfe A Wflfofc TCP AHt CP 7500 AAlLfe- S- ' oon-stitue- nts would seem to be one that will meet no strenuous public opposition The promised trend downward In the tax rate at least conforms with public desire In so far as tax rates are concerned The average taxpayer In these times of stress at least will be appreciative of any sincere and earnest effort to reduce taxes The typical official answer to public pleadings for lower taxes Is that It cannot be done without sacrificing essential aervlce In a general way city tax rates have Just about reached the limit They cannot go much higher without Inviting general rebellion on the part of the taxpayers This of course Is re- -mindful of the fact that men aspiring to public office are facIn other words the public everying a new responsibility where now courts officer who will assume the Initiative In finding ways and means for reducing taxes This would seem to be what the Price city administration has set out to accomplish Just how well It will succeed of course can be determined only by the future Nevertheless the need Is urgent and the promise is pleasing It affords a desirable example for other taxing units to ponder Longer a Virtue doesn't always pay It sometimes yields penalties Instead of dividends An Idaho man on his way to Balt Lake offered a Uft to a hitch-hikAt Logan he extended his hospitality to the point of loaning his car to the stranger Now he Is looking for the stranger and the car The incident Is Interesting only as It serves to point the dangers of chance acquaintances on the road It explains and Justifies the growing tendency among motorists to know their guests before offering to carry them frofn one town to another while on the highway In the early days of the automobile the g tour-f- ct fed freely on the spirit of western hospitality He might still avail himself of these facilities but for the fact that the spirit has been so often abused and betrayed Despite the fact that a good part of the people courting ridea are honest and deserving the proffer of free rides has long since ceased to be a virtue In the Light of the record It Is not Only foolish but It's TTTEOTERN hospitality er hitch-hikin- dangerous Farlrlan designers have nothing to say as to what American women should wear In a The question Is rather beoe rne point anyway speakeasy because 'after they have found the tey quit worrying about the clothe" -f V pot-au-f- - up an rejected artificial Increase of agricultural of agrlcul the for restoration prices tural health Benator Watson re turns to his old love the equalisation fee He has “always been for It" though he Isn't sure It wUl "work In the present situation" But something must “work"' There must be some magical way of bringing about the Impossible Senator Jones thinks that congress may be compelled to pick up the export debenture remedy again Mr Borah and other progressives may be depended upon to do their best for that So the American cigarettes incidentally bring the very highest prlcea- -a sou for about a hatful le - C IMIKiaf rMiamSadlraialMCmi Urlun right ntt rw THE FORUM International League for Fcece and Freedom Is linked up with the American Civil Liberties Union and you ask for proof do you? Of course as one Imbued with the rather lontd conception of patriotism aa exemplified by the founders of our constitution I can- not blame you for resenting any connection with such a group But since you ask for proof here la one of the most recent happenings On June 8 1931 135 representatives from 30 radical groups assembled In New York under the New 8chool for Social Research" to ilan for "defense of civil liberties Mrs four Organization Zucker namely die Women's International League for Peacs and Freedom olned with the American Civil liberties Union the League for Industrial Democracy the Fellowship of Reconciliation and others of similar atrlpe to cad that meeting If you had had no affiliation or sympathy with them you surely would never have Joined In such a call for such a purpose old-fa- sh Rules By Our Readers ( Prevent Crime as Well As Punish Urges Writer Much Wheat— Put Lots ’ Editor Tribune: It must be admit- Of People Too Says Sap for Contributors Letter Mattel te M werls L ie) Write ea mi ille of the ra WtUe Hgibij s Mr eaJn ftelleleas ptrtiiaa dltcorelonr barred i fc) hrwaal uMnloni net ) Writers nest elm deelred 4 tree mmn b retldentlel sddreeeee ea evidence t goed fell hi 4b) Thee re withheld ea request except where direct aeceeatleas art aaade retail ladlrldoeia er eerweralJenf when the tree aien vast he printed ft Feetlesl eontrlbnttons are eeneldered d Views expressed la tbll department ere these of the eentrlbetere sad d net aeeeesarllr reflect the slews ef The Trlbawe 1 The department eea aet be ased ea ft The a adrertlalae mediem Persia dees aet eeert mere than ene eeatrlbatlca a week frm the Se ted that a very deplorable condition exists In our boasted high civilize tlon when so much money Is spent and such great efforts are made to detect crime and punish criminals while no funds are spent and ho effective public agencies are operating to prevent crime This Is still more regrettable when crime Is so rapidly Increasing among the youth— "the hop of the nation”—about 73 per cent of the criminals are under 23 years of age We have Juvenile Justices city dla trlct and U & courts with hosts of u at mae Nildbnlofs Editor Tribune: Surplus wheat Surplus wheat! tongues and papers cry Yet no one has stopped to figure how many bushels of wheat and now many people there are In the world to use it Get busy dividing the amount of bushels of wheat by the number of people In the world I am sura It would be like eating soup with a toothpick or adding eggs to a breakfast meal when there are none to submit Speaking writing I should say on the reverse subject If people had enough money to buy wheat they would buy and store it In their cellars for future use There is not enough money In circulation to buy and sell grain properly This Is why Industry Is sinking It Is one fat reason anyway What are we going to do about It? THE SAP 1 r LOST SOMETHING? old row will be begun again detectives constables polioe sheriffs Nothing unusual— In the exThere will be attempts either by citement of a big celebration perusal of his blographw effects marshals etc for detecting crime or fee the debenture the equalisation one out of 100 will misplace vagueness regarding Mr Lincoln's entertaining and making complaints offendto insure against losses on exports of apprehending and punishing attitude concerning slavery forget or lose something our too numerous laws but no ers farm products This Is to be underThe negro has all to gain from the one of warm as crime the to —through the law of avertaken under conditions which But youth against outcome of political campaigns beand guide them Into the better way Senator McNary an old advocate of age most worthwhile loct conscientious discrimination hooving the equalization fee frankly admits articles will be recovered when scutinlzing ballots — to realize —at least none supported by public Mrs C 8 L: See Rule 2a leave nowhere in the world a satis with a ad unbiased Justice the vote of the funds factory market for the American sur home-e- ven one Judging by the Increase In crime members but the plus As he says there la a world the churches snd schools appear in minute over the voting age PITHY PARAGRAPHS wheat surplus Row Is It to be diTWO RECENT "FINDS” effective W A BURGER minished now Is the American surThe White House Child Welfare to “Blankets Is how Returned Thru Ad be the of disposed In movement If carried out would no A vaudeville artist New York plus Morn Joly 20 Very Happy!" Letter Lauding Utah American farmer to be benefited by doubt meet this requirement with plays the saxophone under water Mrs well As the Zuokef you know BUNDLK ol blankets rolled In pink federal schemes and federal aid which the younger children but who will which Is the way all saxophones Stirs Reply reach n blanket lost tn M1U Creek are only an invitation to pile over American Civil Liberties Union has out for those In the danger pe- should be played— Kansas City Star Fleh commission been the By 33B4-- J exposed by 14 to 21 years of age? It la riod— from production on overproduction? to be hoped rather than expected appointedto by the house of representIf It Is true that “an ounce of pre- Especially In a street car you can “Brief Case Found July 21” atives dig down Into the grass by Oliver Cromwell Bar bone In which ventive that one disastrous experiment will roots Is worth a pound of cure” tell a gentleman by what he stands and find out something about he boosts Benator William BLACK brief ease lost near 53 W for be enough that congress will not add for—Publishers Is a to chance here King save thousands Syndicate sth Bo Return or phone Hy can these subversive agencies You the presidency and inf the same of souls and millions of dollars by deficit to deficit for the purpose of 3S83-- J Reward get the report of 'this com- breath tells sixteen (18) millions of we all want Is wartime wages What ’placating" or deluding the farmers easily In which the American Civil American citizens who voted for Al- the report we gave to foreigners with which to buy things at panic The farmers themselves must have mission Liberties Union is branded openly fred E smith In 1928 that he (Smith) prices—American Lumberman (Chimuch more credit’-Thlong ago become cynloal about the Anything Worth 24c Is as the a nor any of his friends con ever reach value of the projects of their friends dium unequivocally Worth a Lost Ad! amazing figures prepared by cago) In the States United the Let Mr be Barbone at Washington With the best Intenpresidency "the higher ups" for Senators Smoot Odd that tha a whola lot of advised I to that of Slam appreciate had to takes It man a In king TRIBUNE that tions and big and Watson and given out by the perfect good faith the women like you yourself are be- reach the TELEGRAM presidential chair If the latter at the same time may still come to the driest country on the farm board has but Increased their fine merely deluded and but misled writer recalls correctly In 1928 Just be fresh In the memory of thote who globe for an eyeopener— Ohio State troubles They may well ask to be ing to If these knew wishes what anyone before the Democratic convention let alone but It Is not In congress them The senator tried to Journal d organln'lone are do- Mr King was undecided till the elev- noted to doubt its own wisdom It Is not show that there had beon but a few minutes with enth hour whether or not Just a ing spend he would decrease in Imports under the for political parties to refuse to seek the Fish commission report I will attend the Houston convention It slight new tariff but they forgot to look dividends of votes from meddling In be to hear from you again Mrs was at glad time this Mr that King at the exports which bad decreased and marring of agriculture So the Zucker it you want more placed himself above the dominant Now comes the “hightedious ‘old altercation must be reAgain hats off to Mr Welling for choice of the party and any man enormously" be will If sumed The result any ups” with figures purporting to taking a real fall out of these cars who thinks himself bigger than the er mess indefinite show with and and Jumble “Invisible exports” that “only van representatives of slackertsm party can never attain its leader-ahicounted In (gold silver and credits dislocation" PATRIOTIC our exports held up very Whatever else can be said against exported) well Al one Smith no head Much his yet raised Gain It Is this last fiction that Hall ogro and accused him of blgotlsm or nails down by that vastly From Says Header Smallness And I take this opportun- more gold came showing In than went out In ity to ask Mr Barbone Just why Mr 1930 H PAUL J Editor Tribune: The solid negro Smith cannot ever reach the presiJIM vote can In A sense elect or defeat dency HARRINGTON city county or national political office seekers Cold Figures Nail Export The negro unit in these United States Is beset with three distinct dl Fiction Declares Reader visions or types of humanity via: Reasonable rates— mo commission First a division or part of the race Editor Tribune: It Cl becomes F of lack X A Eble commission of customs I hold that to need nothing Is has a number wholeart attorney’s fees— options Semblance of to denounce as persona “allied to divine and the less a man needs the of ambition or the nearer does he approach divinity— pride or reverence for the worthy foreign Interests" whose who take repayment sacrifices snd achievements of our tha figures of import and exports Socrates ancient forefathers and aristocrats as his Clerks tabulated them and and to declare patriots those who accept "Ah my brother above the clouds who were kings potentates the sun is still shining” cooes the rulers suffer and labor under a com the "doctored’’ figures that those have led yeans competitors Indeed to those lust above him give out to the pubOh yeah?’ growls the plex discouraging lic Does he mean that the figures number of real estate loans And under tha ocean trying to "c&rvy on of his own department must be alof the beehive there Is plenty of land but that regime Salt Lake County as recorded Second and third arc two distinct tered and revised before they are doesn t help the guy who has Just types of negro politicians the first seen by the public? ‘ shown the fallen overboard" County Records by hi ot which Is either unable to work or On July 12 Dr Ray o Hall forsufmer too hand a to custom beofficial get lazy resigned In a recent address over the raand waits for cause the figures as actually found LISTEN I dio it Is said a rattled announcer ficient recompense tn the customs furrlsh tha by are workers political campaigns as Introduced “an needed extra Could we do this unJudge Lindsey Is of The other changed before they are given out authority on marriage and djvoroe the respectablefunds He specifically charged that imports less type who during our rates terms and crime In general" litlc&l campaigns by virtue of ills for 1930 were Overvauld $175000000 and methods bis were The of the head division G M supposed community Dr right? Have you ever wondered when rating opinion! are final— these Jones held that Hall's figures were seeing the decidedly dccolletta manner In which African and South Sea types of politicians are dangerous not accurate “because they were ob7:30 w around —as detrimental to' all humanity and can tained direct from custom house Island natives romp shown In the motion Pictures— what with Justice be called “vulturous records" Hall denounced “correcCourtesy: e twenty-fivtive terms Items” Judas” and made In the despicable they do with the old pants we send records by the higher otfflclals dollar politicians them? luch meticulous Hall declares the estimate oT NATIONAL RESERVE a downright 131 South Main Street When some people ray you a com venality dominate! tn tha higher officials that $733000000 of: HOLDING C03IPANY In capital era exported pllment they act as though they ex- - white race IS Jn this country the white American " 1830 American and was “grossly exaggerate be- -: ted you teacher Wasatch Operating God forbid when as henchmen In “$427000000 more than tn 1929 "i or it NATIONAL BUILMNO these political jackals cohere while "the net Inflow rf gold In 1930 The three dimension are length So long as there Is that th"tetlcal was actually $159000000 more than ‘ & LOAN ASSOCIATION Public breadth and thlcknex I'va got a obligatory sentiment for Mr Lin- It was In 1929” Hall asked “why Organized to Serve hunch that the fourth dimension coln and the Republican (by we received so much more gold from 343 South Main St the scientists have been hunting for negroes nothing' can be accord year foreigners Jn J Is "cost'1’ ' pUshed) His untimely ing to those who edited end changed i ed kst-fou- Senator Way Down l fEMBERS of the Price city administration promise their a decrease of 4 mills in the city tax rate At the same time they indicate that they can maintain a 1 mill levy for civic enterprise Without entering Into a discussion of the manner or means of accomplishing this result the departure No By O O McIntyre LSE ‘Patriotic Insists Upon (From New York Times) of the world's population are going hungry in the midst of plenty No sooner has one magnificently Linking Organizations - It is difficult to see how the gold competition can relieve expemlve form of federal farm reconfessed itself s failure than Editor Tribune: Grattlngs Mrs this situation The natural reaction Is a forcing of substitute lief the political doctors begin to pro Zuckerl And so you take exception disother methods previously currencies which at least wUl meet the domestic demands of claim cussed In detail and for the to a statement that the Women’s k Horse Sense and Satire Any Monday Morning World money systems predicated entirely upon gold have given evidence of breaking down They are inadequate to world needs being wholly out of balance with necessary world credits Gold as a result Is In direct danger of reducing itself to its basic values The world’s money systems must be adequate to We consumptive needs else they result in economic stress right now apparently have reached this point for a great part THEY HAVE LEARNED NOTHING nations The Immediate obligation of gold is to prove Its power to sustain the trade of the world In the absence of this it Is bound to be beset by substitutes which bid 111 for gold as well 1931 can-so- V i 1 a Was 590 i i sugar-coate- Money to Loan v p enator lias Ballot to On improved residence or business property in Salt Lake City amdpit liberal or of For in the ve all in us ‘ARABESQUES' KDYL Tonight paoe-mak- Tracy Loan & Trust Co: 650 er prty — the i -- 1 r i V V ' r |