Show - y THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING m MOTHERS’ AID LAWS PROVE BOON IN U S i EAT CLOTHING BIG HEAT MISHAPS GRASSHOPPERS ' PIONEER FIESTA DEAL DEATH TO ENDS IN RITES (Oonllnutf from Pf On) Ross who was driving east on Twenty-first South street swerved to the left across the thoroughfare to avoid hitting an automobile coming from a private driveway from the south Into the street and another car approaching from the west The Ross automobile leaped a ditch on the north side of the street and hit a telephone pole the broken pole striking Mr Ross as It fell witnesses said Other Driver Cleared No blame was attached to the driver of the car coming from driveway who was Russell Rigby of Magna Witnesses told Deputy West the Ross automobile was traveling 40 miles an hour The westbound car failed to stop after the accident Mr Ross was bom June 19 1897 He came to Balt In Denver Colo Lake In 1903 with his parents Mr and Mrs Angelo CtmlnL He served overseas during the World war He Is survived by his mother Mrs Jennie Clmlni Riga one brother Angelo Riga of Balt Lake and eight sisters Mrs Frank Latino Catherine Luctle Louise Clara Victoria and Grace Riga Salt Lake and Mrs Joe Bonaccl Helper Eight Thousand Pay Rever 1848-4- 4 By WALTER RUMBLE United Pres Staff Comwpondent BUFFALO Neb July 2— This town was ortthe grasshopper battle front tonight with farmers Inflicting heavy losses on the advancing army that had penetrated deeply Into the Buffalo sector fence posts Wooden wagon tongues even clqthlng hung out to by the dry was quickly devoured contain-lnhorde Anything vegetable fiber attracts the hungry grasshQppers Although farmers said several millions oi the grasshoppers had been killed additional swarms are expected when eggs now strewing the ground have lnoubated Fires In which bodies of the elaln Insects were being burned dotted the plains tonight Introduction of poison as a weapon resulted In the death of thousands of the Insects At some points the bodies of grasshoppers were piled high on the rails Impeding trains At others they made the highways slippery beneath the tires of automobiles Some of the farmers their crops dZEFLE'ATES DOT FIRES GERMAN 4 Organizes Wide FIVE UTAH MEN FUNERAL’ By ALFRED E SMITH ent Tribute to Utah a How quickly thing spreads once Its worth Is proven! Pioneer For years and year practically every state In the Union ' as the obtreated orphan children and the widowed-mothea the of father death or of Upon ject public private charity (Continue from Ps Ons) the old system was to commit the children to public or private came of New England ancestry mostInstitutions by due process of law ly Revolutionary stock They gave If the child was committed to an 300 of their finest young men for a Institution the cost of maintenance battalion to fight for America in the vas borne by the community or unit 8 war with Mexloo In They of government which had committed GUN raised the Stars and Stripes on Enthe children In the country (cotIn arrival soon their after sign peak BARRAGE To!” ' 4 9 AT TABERNACLE Orphans Widows Benefit Alike in New System of Social Welfare Smith Declares ' JULY1 27 1931 LAND destroyed raised money by packing the dead grasshoppers In preservatives and selling them to fishermen (or bait at 20 cents a pound The Insect Invasion has devastated gardens crops and fruit trees and behind their advance stretches sere swath Damage already is in the millions of dollars Entymologlsts said the grasshoppers soon would sprout wings and increase the area of their damage Unless checked soon they will be In control of the entire tier of north em Nebraska counties Fields green today may be splotched tomorrow with barren stretches Another day and the fertile Platte valley may be barren City and town dwellers also are FOR ARCTIC Dr Hugo Eckener Pilots Craft on Scientific “ Exploration (Br AmocUU4 Phis) Russia July 25 — and Oerman Russian Carrying American scientists the Oraf Zeppevoylin set out today for a age of exploration 8nd ' scientific study in the far northoff from LeninThe dirigible took at 11:10 a m (4:10 a m eastgrad of march the the grasswitnessing time) hoppers Gardens and trees are left ern standard Taking off In the face of unfaleafless Hungry grasshoppers swarm conditions the vorable atmospherio solidly on the houses gather In her nose from the clusters and fall to the ground from big dirigible liftedmast a little ynore special mooring trees and telephone poles 14 hours after her arrival here than was of the decided insects Burning Berlin to take on hydrogen from upon when farmers feared their cat- from tle would die after eating the bodies a special storage tank erected lot of grasshoppers which haul been killed her During the night the ship took In by poison 9000 meters of gas Just before the start Dr Hugo SMOOT LEAVES FOR Eckener her commander said he was leaving for the north fully conBOISE SILVER TALK fident of success and hoped to reach Franz Joseph land within 24 hours (Continues from Fan On) unless hindered by the weather the arrival of Senator Smoot and the which according to the latest Salt Lake mining men was not quite favorable When n the neighborhood of Franz Joseph' Recently in a speech at Parma Senator Borah Included the restore land Dr Eckener added the Graf tlon of silver's purchasing power as Zeppelin will try to establish Immeon of the necessary steps which na- Chicago Racketeers Shoot diate contact with the soviet icetions of the world must take to rebreaker Mallgln lieve economic distress The Mallgln already Is In the viNewipaper Delivery cinity of Franz Joseph land and has been Informed by the wireless staFigure Actions Seen ai tion on Rooker Island that the enWorld Challenge trance to the bay is free of Ice gray-yello- LENINGRAD Ralph Rose 34 (left) faUUy in Jured In an anto accident Saturday the superitons the mother the valley taking this land for the night and Floyd E Head 43 who ntendent of the poor Xn large cities nation When the telegraph line was died from- heat exhaustion she vent to a department of charities first brought to the territory of Utah or whatever agency was charged with In the sixties the Mormon leader were prejudices and misunderstandtheir care Many a little family telegraphed to President Lincoln that ings to overcome and this took time has stood In the courtroom and heard Utah had not seceded from the union explanation and experience But the a Judge commit the children to an N Y Officers 14 Utah’ record In the Spanish war and changes came on gradually to the Capture Institution separating brothers and World war is weU known the present era of friendliness and comlisters and taking them away from "We should give all honor to the panionship which marks the relaMen Booze Boat their mothers for no other reason great men and women who tolled and tions of the people of this great nathan poverty suffered In ths wilderness to establish tion Truly from the days of the Three Auto me been never has for It possible the principles and lay the founda- pioneers of 1847 westward the course to consider children as recipients of tions for this great commonwealth of empire has taken its way” charity Their poverty after aU la the "Thank Clod the days of quarreling a poem In conclusion be (Salt Lake Tribune Chicago only reason for their dependency and and distrust between factions tn this given by Charles C quoted Goodwin once Service) Tribune Covered state why they should be humiliated and The have Wagon gone 28— Fourteen editor of The Salt Lake Tribune at NEW YORK separated from all those ties which men believed to beJuly a gang of Vannte Days celebration proved that the peo- a pioneer Jubilee In Balt Lake 34 srt really essential In the upbuilding are a united here regardgroup ple Higgins’ rum handling of character because they creed and we are pull- years ago held off police with a gun bar- less of race or for Senator King Speaks Briefly the misfortune to lose their dearest the great state of toing together an hour more than early relative hat never seemed a humane rage for Utah which we proudly call home!” Senator King noting the near ap- Auto Overturns were along before captured day they or even an inteUlgent policy to me with a $10000 booze haul a cabin proach of the closing hour and ex- Killing Mayor Praise Pioneer Missouri First State to Act truck and two Mayor John F Bowman presented plaining that he did not want to encruiser a seven-toLOGAN— Heber George Bott 33 Missouri was ths first state to enact passenger cars the greetings of Salt Lake city and croach upon the time of President of Brigham City and Oland OUne Dewidowed mothers The battle was staged on the legislation enabling tribute to the hosts of pioneers Ivins greeted the audience and sat Sorenson 28 of Bear River city were to keep their children with them in von avenue bulkhead of Shell Bank paid who have passed on killed early Sunday when their car down their homes The first bill however Creek of Brooklyn More than 50 ‘‘We are proud of the "I extend" he said “my greetings overturned on a “hairpin curve” In applied only to a slnglt county but shots wer fired spreading terror achievements justly of of our Sardine canyon near here blessings” later extended to the city of Bt Louis through the neighborhood at 3 a m Utah” said Mr Bowman pioneers not salutations and my himself a pioneer “They President Ivins Driver Falls Asleep Illinois was the first state to adopt One of the prisoners was taken to only built one of ths most beautiful of 1853 commented on the Covered a statewide law In 1911 In the course Coney Island hospital In a critical cities In the world Bott 19 driver of the car Eugene especially fitted Wagon Days parade the aerial maof ths next few years several other condition with bullet wound In both for Budge Memorial hospital in modern traffic problem because neuvers and the stadium show add- is in the states experimented with mothers’ legs and the abdomen of Its wide streets but they also sent ing that the great success of those Logan In a critical condition sufferMexico's drastlo course as an- CHICAGO July 28 C)-- ®y H Orr aid laws Melvin Social workers educators Police believe more than 20 men out colonists In every direction and events ing from a broken back left very little to say Bankhead 21 and Crosby Bankhead nounced In the Sunday Tribune of secretary-treasurof the thoughtful people generally recog were engaged In transferring the built other beautiful western cities Newspaper since the td the sliver monetary Then relating changes nlzed that the simplest home with s cruiser's cargo of rya Scotch and ‘‘It was here that the pioneers of his pioneer youth the church official 18 also of Brigham City are In the returning Delivery Drivers Chauffeurs and mother's care was preferable to any Cache Valley hospital suffering from standard Is a challenge to the world to ths truck but some Utah Inaugurated the modem champagne system 100 had declared the to those afflicted with the “gold Handlers union was assassinated that and years past Massachusetts of them escaped by diving into the of type of Institution bruises cuts and on this been the miracle century of the ages Irrigation by Americans to the shortly after he left the plant of soon followed with s broader type of creek One man was accident happened about 2 mentality” calling attention captured as he continent A new system of agricul“There has been" he continued “a a The re- Imperative necessity of rehabilitating the Herald and Examiner were legislation men Today all but three states swam ashore m when the young today has tural that development practi—Alabama Oeorgla and South Carolduring this past turning from Logan where they had silver and giving it a monetary status HONOLULU July 38 m — lieutof the close mouthed atti- cally bullded the west for without ag- greater development In Two men In a speeding automobile enant J C Cram and conveniences H So declared Senator In the William ina— have such laws on their statute tude spite century of the United to State to believe riculture all else would fail These a been dance the of According police T prisoners of fusillade a slugs In all shotgun books 7:15 States army landed hls gilder Clark who in- King Sunday in discussing possible poured were hired by the Brooklyn hardy pioneers of whom a few are physical comforts of life than Patrolman J at Harry machine sat In they he as hls Into Orr and consequences of the MexThe earliest attempt mads In Mew boose barons who lost three a m to claim an unofficial Amerdriver Eugene Bott effect the blos- the centuries preceding liquor us still desert vestigated made the with the a Intersection street go awaiting decision ican York state In 1913 failed probably More Pioneering Remains" ican glider flight record of 16 hours must have dropped to sleep at the “It boats In Brooklyn police raids on som like th rose They ehowed that because It was too radical a move and may be” said Senator Klhg signal from a stop light and 45 minutes A newsboy Emil Woznlckl the barren desert of the west could He paid his tribute to the pioneers wheel The place of the accident was that China will follow Mexico's only exIts benefits were not understood The Saturday He went aloft at 2:30 p m yesterIn addition to ths dry law viola- be made habitable despite the fa- for their part in this development just below the summit at a hairpin and that Gandhi at the round witness to the shooting said the early difficulties In ths way of enacti- tion the ample and circled over Oahu Island and car were overturned booked for day turn and the mentioned the and Webster mous trappers statement of Daniel as early conference In London will de- slayers laughed they drove away art of the time above clouds The ng such legislation were due to the felonious prisoners and possessing In the United States senate that the and explorers as the forerunners of rolled to within 20 yard of the bot- table assault "West mand that Great Britain shall Orr recently supplanted safeguard which charitable organizattom There Is about a anding was Without mishap drop Five revolver were picked up land west of the Mississippi was fit western civilization her ions felt must surround the care of guns gold policy and Side” Jack Barry as secretary of the scene of the shooting he at to Sorenson and Heber Bott were change IndiaInjurious nathe reference at“But the wished state’s and he attaches blmet-allspioneers" beasts of for union the and to only have either permit dependent children They were feartion did not own It as It was i added “Is not complete without men- killed Instantly both suffering from or the benefits which would torneys office immediately ordered a ful that If the care were transferred tion of the Mormons who came here badly fractured skulls Bott was re- flow from giving to sliver a purchas- search for the An arrest liability and worthless from theso private Charitable agen4 Sons un“Today we enjoy the fruits of the In 1847 under the leadership of that moved to the Lindquist cies some of the evils of the old forms power now denied It It to diffi- order also was Issued for Anthony ing was Sorenson as hand labor of the people who trudged master mind and Brigham dertaking parlors cult to foretell the direct and indirect (Red) Klssane gunman of outdoor poor relief would come who was later removed to the Stone results of the drastic policy across the plains to make their homes Young back into It and that children and adopted of The victim for 27 years an employe at the City from redriven ever been we mortuary had Brigham In the mountains May Mexico the mothers would be exploited for politi“They prior to hls Bank-hea- d by LAS VEGAS Nev July 28 OP) — yet The two Bott boys and the vere their memory and abide by their western fringe of civilization Is certain that the financial con- election to the union office last De“It cal reasons It was ths most Imporwhen they reached here they were youths are full brothers their dition of Mexloo could not be much cember 12 visited the newspaper of- Three persons badly Injured Friday tant part of the work of private phiprinciples" H and Nancy worse Calles and the Mexican gov- fice at 5 a m In company with two when a terrific wind destroyed nine 38 UP) — The law abiding and patriotic citizens parents being George lanthropic organizations to care for SALINAS Cal July Smoot Praises Pioneer Task of 1931 was history And the worjd wonders why they Bankhead Bott Sorenson Is the son ernment were Justified In resorting business agents Dan Flore and Her- small houses in the settlement of dependent children and to hand this Salinas rodeo events Smoot SoSenator think” I "Whenever afAnderson answer Selma the of Joseph and were 1 do not propose to to drastic measures to rescue their bert Phelps Midway near here were reported ending this work over to a public agency seemed tonight the of pioIn detail I will ask the renson of Bear River Charles at a Las Vegas hospital today to too radical to most of them But In ternoon with the winning of the cow- said "of that noble band here Assistant State's Its nation from question situation Attorney perilous who entered Salt Lake valley question of why Jesus Christ was Sorenson recently returned from “The gold standard Is In have good chances for recovery 1915 re- E Lounsbury said he had Informaafter Investigations here and boy championship of California s neers partalio who followed crucified his own people The an the mission fields of Sweden and had sponsible for Mexico’s plight and The injured are Mrs Leonard tion Barry had several times threatabroad It was adopted In New York by Johnny ' Schneider Liver- In 1847 and of those by their path in the succeeding years swer to that Is the answer to the only been home a ahort time He was for the economic depression In other ened Orr’s life The latter was elected Berry and her small son and -- the more Cal state were oxen the only other son ot Mr and Mrs C bom In Bear River and had lived countries Mr Keynes eminent En- to the office at a meeting held under Schneider got 1000 points Perry when team and Application of Law Widens D Banks Is much pio- there all his life of still the Sonora Cal wsa runnerup means of common access to to the bureau there us of deracket financial “For Ivory glish supervision authority recently In most places Where this law ob- with 800 great west I feel to bow my head In neering to do We are only on the clared that gold alone as a standard the state’s attorney's office followpoints Companions Drown Together tains Its application has contest Schneider humble reverence to the courage the threshold of what the future holds Heber Bott was born tn Brigham of value was a parvenu and that If ing a plea from President William Labor to all union ths gradually By winning been widened to Include other than makes the first leg on the $5000 Joe faith the Industry and the fore- In store and It Is my hope that the December 18 1907 and had the gold standard were not applied Green of the American Federation of known racketeers widowed mothers as It proved Its Mora trophy which goes to the cow- sight of those heroes of modem civi- children and the children’s children City lived there all his life He returned wisely revolution would result la the cars of lization In western America we are honoring toof those boy winning three years Gold Handling Hit from a southern states L D 8 mischildren In some states dependent "The opening of these mountain day will pioneers the childid on as their carry sion this spring His statement Is proving true dren of deserted mothers are civilization la a distinct parto vales Would to return nona them of provided today Bott Is survived by his parents the Maldistribution of for In half the state the has proven family Is the former method of solicitation of allel to the founding of American inThe music program was furnished three brothers who were In the acci- a serious Injury to gold mo6t of helped where the father Is totally In- charitable funds to care for depend- stitutions Throughout all the choir and Virginia tabernacle half-sistthe Elsie the world— Indeed to all nations by one and dent restrained capacitated and tome provide when ent children and their commitment been had this land a who soprano eang Barker Freeze Mrs Christine "In my opinion the demand for the father is In an Institution for the to Institutions As a matter of fact from settlement: and when the early solo “Oh Ye Mountains High" and Bott's stepmother an International conference to deal also survives Insane or tn a penal Institution the nation and the various state settlers came here It was from high- John W Summerhays who aang a Nelson Ills survived Is Sorenson parents with the sliver question will prove by Some states are stlU hesitant to exhave given ths matter most careful er motives than for pillage and d‘ tenor solo “The Flag Without a and the sis and brothers Irresistible tend the full benefits of these laws following ' The president of ths been able to develop venture Btaln” The Invocation was offered Eric Herbert and Silas Soren- United States ought to call such s because they are fearful of the eco- study and have “Christian temples of worship are by Chaplain J L McBride of Fort ters! have for certain aid standards They Hlldred and Peterson son Mrs conference as Effla nomic burden which they think Is In- even requested by the sen learned that it will not do to our forts and towers that hall the Douglas and the benediction by the Harriet Sorenson all of Bear River volved If our government does not This Is a mistaken point of pass such freedom’ day Humble Is Very Rev not of law dawn and then approBt A of Post dean Henry view It cost the taxpayer believe that aroused publlo sentiment City far more those brave pioneers of the Mark's Episcopal cathedral to car for dependent children who priate the necessary fundi to carry the lpt of throughout the world will compel west and theirs Is the race that Is out them adequately some other country or countries to have also become delinquent to all the families through blessings bringing Effects Saving call such a conference System Reports Close neglect or Improper education or for thereof ends Companions to the even earth Director Praise "The friends of silver must not acchildren who have beoome victims of So far as ths economic question Is of the Drown Together disease or malnutrition We are al- concerned It Is estimated by the de‘Pioneers Pise With Winners’ cept any halfway measure or other Aides Celebration in - EVANSTON — ways discussing the Ideal citizen Lynn Eastman 18 palliatives They must contend for In partment of welfare of New York May our fealty our reverence and High a democracy everychlld Is potentiall- state that If the forty-sipraise to everyone connected and Hersohell Smuin 18 both of the restoration of silver to the high thousand our gratitude to them never weakceleCovered with the Days Wagcn Evafiston drowned In the Bear river station as a world money which for y that and has a right to require children who were aided In their own en or grow cold- - They grasped the bration wss Sunday right by twenty miles from here Saturday thousands of years It decent clean home surroundings and homes last year by the forty-eigh- t wondrous lesson that In the great Louis Marcus given occupied” festival of the director to be left In the care of Its nearest boards of child welfare In New York battle of life there are winners and who declared that the celebration night of relative when she Is suitable to Evanston Both been state had high Mexicans Hail placed In Institutions losers and that their place was with graduates pen form such service the oast of their care would have been the winners May our choice be as from an entertanlmert standpoint school and close companions they success was a complete The fears of the private philant- about fifteen million dollars The cost honorable m 7 about went Just Silver Adoption thelri was p today as Mr Marcus pointed out that each after swimming dinner According to reports hropic organizations that such laws of caring for them In their own homes their time MEXICO CITY Ju’y 25 celeon events the of the would be here Bmuln suffered a cramp and sorrows and the hardships bration major exploited have not been rea- was something over hlne million dolPlutarco Calles long called program was greeted with sank In deep water Eastman at- Mexico’s list If they were given their choice lars and the cost of administration the"The of victories pioneer the end Joys by these who witnessed It tempted to go to his aid and also ments in “iron man” for his achieveconsiderably less than half a million dtye have mads the them of song acclaim military and political fields While the saving of money la always end story end It Is not for me to re- and raid expression i from friends went under Neither youth was today was being hailed as the counand associates convinced h'm that an Important consideration If we cite them here Prom my personal the Covered Wagon Days commit- swimmer try’s financial savior have any regard for the taxpayers' reoollectlon I recall In this open valSmuin was a native of Lehl Utah Overnight the former president their respective tees pocketbooks It Is Interesting to note ley the deep snows of heavy winters tasksaccomp'lshed ex- and Is survived by his mother and returned from his life of retirement exceeded tna manner a In that It costs leu to do the best thing wneli many had but a screen of shivsisters two and Edith father and as a farmer to take of the naof Salt Lake residents for the children keeping them home between pectations Smuin Eastman was bom tion’s most pressingcharge financial probering scrub oak branch “The parade was a clSHtc” Mr Maxine ' Do mothers’ care under their his than In It is And survived In and Evanston lem blasts by a and radical sufby them and ths wlntery from 'you desire the Marcus said “and of Itself was costs to make other provision for their summer one brother the beaten paths of departure we had what was known as ficient to warrant the time end ef- mother and father flnarce protouch" only "fancy asKemmerer of and of Eastman Glenn support a solution which for places on celebration public has the posed fort Expended brought Hare and there attempts are still the bowerythese covered kith the Tens achieved by the finest of thousands of Utah residents the following slaters: Mrs Gus Lar- him voluminous applause made to bring the administration of semblage The government's decision to same oak brush branches to shield adults as Well as child) en gained In son Evanston Mrs Alvin Fern Rock caterer? Then you have these laws under organised charity us from the burning rays of what was appreciation and knowledge of Springs and Mrs Scott Haycock Of eliminate gold as legal tender and or welfare groups I have always after all a glorious only to genre our delito throw the country entirely upon Lake sunlight Utah's pioneer as a result of the Salt firmly believed that every attempt to "I recall the rough log houses and The accident happened twenty a basis of the silver peso which In cious procession clothe this work with a charitable atthe crude edobe dwellings I have “Another Outstanding feature the miles from Evanston at a place recent months has been at the lowmosphere should be discouraged We seen and rejoiced at the transforma- airport show won plaudits of the called Chalk Creek crossing After est figure for many years has alare conserving the state's greatest asbuildings citizenry those to Salt Lake will be unable the bodies were recovered artificial ready been labelled cy thi public sets when we aid these children and tion from of brick stately and marble to repeat this event with armv and respiration was attempted but failed “the Calles plan” the work must be kept out of the and palaces Move Surprises Public navy filers as participants until she Not AU Wagons Covered Made by skilled bakers realm of publto charity because It Is constructs and dedicates another air- PEAK SCALER DIES Extreme measures had been annot charity It Is the duty of the state "I have seen the little barefoot boys who hare all the art of ticipated when It was announced to reach Its strong arm Into the family driving ox teams drawing covered port IN ZION PARK FALL Calle pastry-maki"One of the blggsst surprises of would be made president of life when the breadwinner Is taken wagons and outlines wagons with- the celebration to local and visitors the Bank of Mexico and In effect COME IN OB PHONE (Continued from Ptc Ono) away as the highest form of conserv- out covers I have seen men and residents was the excellence of the czar” but tie withdrawal ing and developing the best in the boys In those toilsome days hauling “Spirit of Progress” presented at the The body was taken to Cedar City “financial state the wood from the canyon and hay University of Utah itadhim Al- and an Investigation was started by of gold from circulation and naming Z silver as the only legal tender and grain from the fields working though professional talent was draft- Sheriff William Brooks of Washing- of wa something the public had not Was 475 (Copyright 1931 McNaugM late and early These ecenes have Lake ton county of Salt work the ed to augment even considered of (Syndicate Inc In his ascent of the Great White taught me the virtue and the worth people the efforts of local people With one sweeping blow- - the AU Rights Reserved) 6 m a honest labor base at Throne the left Orcutt of the professionals equaled that Calles plan wipes out all debts In "1 hare seen the rude bridges which “Services held Sunday morning at on June SO and shortly after 1030 gold within the counby and makes a nt hts smoke signal was seen ris- them the lightest automobile of today a constituted tabernacle fitting the payable In silver peso for peso would not venture upon I have seen ending for the three days’ oeremony ing from the summit 2500 feet above Yesterday the man In the steet who these changed to the wonderful in- The entire affair wax conducted with the floor of the valley received hls salary in silver rd paid Reserves Your dustries of this hour built upon the dignity and good taste Efforts of Peaks Many Conquered his rent in gold had to buy the gold firm foundation of civilization laid the committee to prasent a celebra40 mouna climbed at cent over Orcutt had per many premium by our pioneer fathers and mothers tion in keeping wltn Utah's pioneer Co President of MuUett-KeU- y them Mt Whitney the Today his rent Is payable in "I have known the primitive school-hous- traditions were well followed out It tains among In United sliver Mt In the the States amount as In tame highest and furniture and their rude shown that Salt Lake was HATS TO HARRY JOSEPH Mt Hood Mt Rainier and gold teach- can clearly the sincere and take care of thouands of visi- Whltnsy Gold Holders Loco of the high peaks of the Sierras Wanted in’ the Fall! ers who were building the characters tors can successfully cope with ab- most When he completed his climb of In Mexico City alote 900 000000 You did a line Job suid pulled off the greatest parade by of the younger generation of that normal traffic condltlcns In an effecreelse is the "Whatever he White Great Throne may be said about this pesos In gold mortgage wero made time And I trust that the example tive manner and Is well prepared for far that has ever been seen In Salt Lake It was unique In that ported to have said: “The Great payable In silver by the decree is most important to and sale accommodait and of sincerity that entertainment the mighty It not only portrayed In a vivid manner and exemplified the Throne Is the hardest climb Another side of the pictui e howha not disappeared front the splen- tion of thousands of people who at IWhite can buy fur coats now know that also mounIllustrated you but climb ever made Don't ths ever wsa that and of not days of so early hardships and Ho’ders struggles bright did school buildings churches the present time are visiting cities tain for a acoounts TRICES IN 20 convert LOWEST who at tlto made hive pleasure advancement to and manner gold trip” the progress la a dramatic other than Salt Lake chapels of today In 1927 I B Evans of Pasadena the payments on thm Into dollars n set ! has “Covered YEARS Day from 1817 down to the present time No one knows sxoept those Wagon of Course Empire Westward Calif fell a thousand feet down the or other foreign exchange stand to example for Salt Lake to live up to who are familiar with per ides the amount of time and hard Nor have I forgotten the persist- This city should be tne 'cene of scores slopes of the huge monolith and lay lose heavily unless the quotation of such Involved in of detail the work It requires and the endless staging ent and effective advertising of huge conventions more outsiders helpless for 38 hours before park the silver peso against foreign money beauties and desirability of our homes should be Informed of and attracted rangers picked him up He was un- radically Improves an tindertaking Ths whole program Of Covered Wagon Days An Immediate complete recovery In the mountains which has brought to Utah's outstanding scen'o offer- successful in his attempt to reach the as carried out without a hitch sad was a huge success The to these valleys thousands and tens ings and the Covered Wagon Days top Orcutt who climbed barefoot of the balance of sliver against forwho took a part directing heads the committees and everyone of thousands of later arrivals who Idea should be perpetuated as a slipped once and slid 40 or 50 feet eign exchange was not expected by end tied to unstinted praise and the thanks surd appreciation have Joined tn building up the splen- mean of bringing about greater de- toward certain death He stopped financial experts tooay but Senor Just before It was too late Hugging Calles and Secretary of the Treasdid commonwealths of this extensive velopment for Utah from a grateful and proud citizenship a rock he finally made his way out ury Montes de Oca wld they exarea of our great country MULLETT-KELLCO pected the stabilization of the mone- “We were glad to welcome the good In 184 countries last vear 35 805632 of danger ti and true of other section of our automobiles busses and trucks Were Orcutt lq survived by one sister tary system would nave a favorable' on such Los effect lives 1929 673134 over in of a aho There exchange Angeles suid lands registered gain foreign country applied to DEFIES POLICE -- GUNMEN 'SLAY UNION OFFICIAL Fair n six-da- f 4 i ft Army Lieutenant Sets Glider Record er at 200-fo- ot i Three Nevada Wind Cowboy Contests End Salinas Rodeo Victims Improve Herald-Examin- i er A -- ’ fore-bear- a" oen-tur- le er ’ ' x Ph-El- ias Danish Pastry Danish' Pastry ng C M I Bakery E IF KELLY es Say: OFF P0P Until Y w Ufa kA - (2® Aff f |