Show t MONDAY MORNING THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 12 JULY 27 J 1931 BELIEVE IT OR NOT By ROBERT L RIPLEY A Nameless Child No Longer LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ' INMW MOO HRVT SNVO tWtOPKmtC I thought IT WA$ A TERmELE HANE- iou HER PNT- - - but EVERMBODTU cau-- THERE'S SURE nothin wrong with does she know HER HkE TMVtW HEY RAT A WH ATS HER NEW NAME TET? f poor ANNIE'S GOTTA TW STOR — BUT lU BE NOME EARlN STM HECJ AHVO $kNVi'l-VM-U- t Be- - GVrnM' TO U VsTH O K TOO ” NOW Be WHMiDSvW' SO YOU'LL KIR! SHARP AS A "S WWAT TAC- K- KNOWS HER HEW NAME ALRGAYY-6LNAW GREEN UKES TH‘ NAM- E- I KNOW VNTV4 f AT WOULO EE A AT HE- RV WAVT’LU I TELL JAKE about this - J - HM S- O- CLEOPATRA T $ THOUGHT MAHBE TOO WOULO I WOULD CALL HER REBECCA HAVE U KET TO EE ©OOTATHER BUT TO A UTTVE BECKS PAT VS A GOOO NAME TOO- - - - WELL SOU CAN BE HER EVEN IF HER NAME S PACT CANTCHA JAKE WINNIE WINKLE THE BREADWINNER WHILE HAVE AD UW IS OUT AH INDIGNATION I IT 'S A meeting! ve've got oucl MONty IN THIS BUSINESS AND IF- - WE WANT TO SAVE TO RUN IT WE'IV 1WINSS OUR6ELVEAwr'(f mi i'3 A 6UV OUTSIDE WHO Y GOO-PATHE- " ' " Passing the Buck "PETCHERUF6! T WANTS TO SEE TH‘ BOSS! l AFitaAUWERS' bosses too It! vQlt ' hi ' r4 1 ’ — a J)KK ’ i£ jkvvlS2Fi:TAU ' DWARF MWAHAO- Philippines KlNC A S Tut (J S as a training school - HMOl±- U8-- u wr LAND BATTLESHIP - built ftOf ktriciah Co Toft ELECTRICIANS WiP r Uw Tnitm SrmSItm lmhnu IriMa rUM mi PR iTVSrH1 —— — WpTor RotiNofjolKV —ml OAE Tha (chttlbaata Wlndtwt That Art Namr Iht aablla bltb Hhatl la Call far Ut Openad— ltd fltlto aatrla Cal to tba liwaat la tbt vtrld balm tkt w mirM ItamMd 1M (tat btlaw ata Itml hi tha laa Inlt Ut atrial raUtr at amuUioal ilim 4 tiatbera CalMtraala Tha uUtr tarntt tloct Tr Cikk Maklaf kit wtndawa tf tha belldlat bin bma ball! Atbat la April IMI la n llmct at kit bt lid ventllillin krlnc taken tara af by erlem whirl drlet bad aarait ttaatcltl ftr 14 kilt— latladlna Atakltt t atheiptalal In tbi winter nnd inlt nnd mnlittat trial lol a btaei— itr tana aiaklnf aa tbt air nlr In iht eprlnr nnd tirlr tnnnitr "tha Mna Wbt Pilot! Wltb if am h lb lira fir dart al flir KitTemarriw anrirt Ten tat Ant k‘t tllll biltlnt trotnd OP RATUBDArE EXPLANATION TOON las Vaaalk— Vnialk CImiIis4 InClini It rnn ml knit COOK COOS lMT OaaMfbt Ta Akto BRINGING UP FATHER BE To 6t-- E PUT K1 TOUR BATH-ROB- E AW! (Beg U S Patent Office) By George McManus LET ME ALONE Don'tYou think i knoWhcpWto You act pack? IF NEVER AS VENT AWAY IN By Ted Cook ALL ME LirE- - fbataaaa writara In Htrtaa fonflil tilt ktnrt atllbar (era tlktr Tba kuiled and tat tkttli Fktp flm a lcbis btctrat rnftraa ttoppad ta tba dual “ -- fight (Aa hand af t fifty paaaa let the winner take on or Vanderbilt tha wap Vanderbilt baa And !irno Bp tone to New York It ts reported that he will rlni Arno's doorbell and then return to Reno and the ewalt rtral Wrllnln Hfhl fewrrM at husband SCIENCE chews tobacco" AND INVENTION This David eerap la Dr libel who 1 experimenting with a new method I-for testing the ntel It gence of tho human libel male Pr crop place e beret ofen the head the abject givee him m mirror and then note the riaa or leek ef rise tn the blood pressure oa Good cewi of good times can get rid ot unem- If we ployment toft IHI oorueqoenees Ifilaaf eMt oe tha path rlmoniaf rafintmtnt I DETROIT— Seeking ft divorce’ Jan Smith charged that hi wife hung out s large sign In the window ot their home reading "Mp t Iri PfiHrykwIff tm THE GUMPS There was a book That 1 weald The Comstocks eat It To the bone Henrietta- - There was a play That 1 would aeo— The censors get there Before me There was a escktall Ton BROKE Hit fcUVMMl THE "TO DAT TAAA CAKR rAvTOXT I UfONDER HOAI THE two are dove turtleNOWuttleALON& - OETTiNPCv VllPtD OVT- T- I woold mix Volstead snoopers Made It nix And Henrietta PtNNLWV Todap we drees And set According What Matters Now MAKlNtp and drink to ONER HtR£UCLOTW Wot wowsera think —KiU Wlhp a thinks Doe Petes Aad Moroni U two dollars in Spanish a And that Sandburg Is ach settlement s spin- i st the situation will itself"— Harvey B Tire ad-Ju- TODAY’S BULLETIN "Let no couple hesitate to marry because they are poor It will cost them less after than one one Ught fir rwering etc- - an the purpoee tor both" —Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms Q pThen woman used to veil her face Che had a gubtler furtive grace Joday when veils are not thought a half inch A avoitch in tima ass mhi ail (Iatirrlw) "Tes" Mrs Kennedy "I believe Almee has a of I am added friend noble Austrian blood sure he Is not the but klr 1 of person who would cheat ce the contrary” t Q-f- Aa— Wn It’s abivbap OMlGOSnt vbo is — Disillusioned fact T e Eevifie— ft Lustn ran muff— Ivtrybody was appal Iad at tba parfaatly outrageous way you bebavad at tba party last night Wara yen crude WJkst was (he idea af acting lika you did anyway? Didn t you raaliaa you wara ip a literary atmosphere t chic Che kalsomines thick AND A DEPARTMENT wall cartaialp Ikwfkl I la (I thing wrong With tha Aent (Hnatan-te-Erv) that a aa n saw gin Bella Alfonso la blamed ny the revolutionary government for the riots in Spain iven In exile a monarch doesn't lose his usefulness— Louts-vill- c Courier Journal -- The latest edition of fairy stories is all about pitchers who once upon a lme lasted a full nine innings— Tort Worth Star-Telecra- ph A |