Show v THE 10 1 LAKE TRIBUNE HUN HA V AI0KN1KG JULY 27 fcJALT 1921-- ' - DIXON BROTHERS MISS CROW RETAIN STATE TENNIS TITLES French Nose Out British to Retain World’s Championship at Tennis 4 4-- 4 -- Champions Survive Final Tests Jo!inson Gives Champ crown paired with (3) Don Dixon (1) Grant Evans Junior doubles winner and (4) Ray Host Junior singles and doubles champion The other champion to repeat was Miss Ruth Champions of the three major events of the annual state tennis tournament repulsed challengers In Sunday’s grand finale at Victory Recreation park (2) Fred Dixon sin gles king who also regained his doubles Brilliant Net Fight Jt KILMER’S SUN BEAU AGAiV THREATENS TURF EARNINGS RECORD OF GALLANT FOX nv Fred Chops Way to Victory in Four Sets Pairs With Don to Defeat Freed and money-winnin- Callacher Must Wins Twice Day Matches Jim Elliott g months Last winter the six y ear-ol- d campaigner had his chanee in the $100000 Agua Callente handicap but failed — the victim of a poorly Judged ride He hadanother opportunity but not so rlth a one in the Arlington cup yesterday and won boosting his total earnings to $302744 — the third horse to enter the golden circle of $300000 winners Zev still holds second place with $313369 Next Saturday Bun Beau is engaged In the Arlington handicap with added purse If he wins he will need only a few victories in overnight events to go ahead of Gallant Fox The big colt apparently never has been in better form He broke the track record for the mile and a quarter yesterday and with an even break in racing juck should win sev eral of the rich fall handicap races Victory in the Hawthorne gold cup or one of the Maryland stakes would place him far out in front with a record that should stand several years at least The rise of Bun Beau and Mate has caused a slight shift in the big ten of leading money winners Sun Beau recently passed Blue Larkspur which won the Arlington pup last year to go into third place Now he Is far ahead of Blue Larkspur which has been retired Mate has advanced to ninth place shoving Crusader out of the first ten Here are the leading money Winners of the American turf with the number of races in which they have started won and placed either second or third: Champions ruled supreme Sunday as the annual Utah state tennis championships came to a fitting close on the Victory Recreation park courts where 400 fans watched the Dixon brothers of Provo make a clean sweep of the singles and doubles and Miss Ruth- - Crow of Salt Lake retain her TPflnic Split Final Crow Br ORLO ROBERTSON NEW YORK July 28 (P) — Once again challenging for the American title Willis turf's Sharps Kilmer’s Sun Beau today is in a position where he has an excellent chance to pass Gallant Fox’s record of 6328165 within the next few 444 444 444 444 444 HurlsFatal Wild Pitch Austin Beats Borotra but Cochet Downs Perry in Stiff Battle By MELVIN AUTEUIL Girds Split With Braves Dodgers Reds Also K WHITELEATHER France July 28 UP—In blaze of glory Prance a today won the Davis cup for the Fred “Buck’’ Dixon whose brilliant fifth consecutive year She beat back Divide Double football and basketball performances a determined bid by Great Britain three round thrilled collegiate athletic fans In In the ' challenge men’s to two to assert once more mounted the matches former years NATIONAL LEAGIE - singlet championship for the fourth Team ptanding her world tennis superiority flt It waa the uncanny tennis brains time py ©utstroklng Lund Johnson 6 3 In four fast seta of little Henri Cochet which kept New York The husky Provoan returned to the tha cup— more bowl than cup— from court IS minutes later and paired In the crossing the English channel Pittsburg with his brother Don to win the Philadelphia first of the finstl two singles matches doubles title defeating Dave Freed Austin Britain W of Henry (Bunny) and Mel Gallacher Balt Lake City had whipped the fading Basque vetSunday's ResulU Philadelphia & Chicago 2 champions In straight sets 64 64 eran Jean Borotra Cincinnati 4 Brooklyn 0 64 bonnivillc usovx and brought the series count to two Boston 3 4 fit Louis 2 6 Sensational Rally Blaalfii Tua Only games scheduled all That left tire issue squarely up Won Lest' Pet Mlsa 'Ruth Crow rallied sensation- Oreen Cab to Cochet 1 mi Monday's Schedule 500 womens 1931 Far off his usual form in his two Boston at St Loul ally tai capture the a Phils M at three-seleiphla Chicago t In a bitterly fought previous cup matches and beaten earV trophy m New York at PittaburskU lier in the season by two lesser playduel with Mlsa Edith Von Hadeln Only games scheduled EfuHi ers Cochet did what 10000 wildly exThe scores Oreen CibSander's formerly of Germany 10 10 Bests rn Hitter CHICAGO July 2fl HVI® El- cited tennis fans expected of him and ere 64) 63 v UininMi liott who liad just Clise beat the big Briton Frederick J The brow of Ray Hust was crowned Independent ft Vtih Fowsr ft (forfeit) Dudley on (he mound for Phliadel- - Perry in the deciding match 4 twlca In the junior division He deMonday's pkt41 wild loos let in a the pitch Comfeated Fred Glade of Sugar house Utah Power v film Kxchsnee Ehia this afternoon tnat perSwing end Titter fi p m inning Borotra Has Slipped 6 3 to walk off with the singles munityft Scanlon v States Mountain Municipal mitted Teachout to score the winjj Borotra again today was only a cup and teamed with Grant Evans to Ho Don Le McCarty and Oliver ning run 1 for the’Cuhs The score shadow of the man who used to fight win the doubles from Stan Smith p m to with Maiore getting the “Big BUI” Tilden At the start it and Julian Durham by idenUcal best of Dudley in a pitching battle: seemed Green Cab won Its twelfth came scores 62 had learned somethe Charlie Grimm was the Cud her thing from Basque league Sunday The elder Dixon had everything In the Bonneville 104 defeat of Perry Frihis He a the nlntn with over It when opened inning t6 play a less slugged a victory under control when he began his 1931 day and was triple to deep center the only extra strenuous gamegoing title quest against Lund Johnson the Eastern Hatters In toten Innings in order to conserve base fits W hit the Bruins Tcchout got forfeited IndePower Utah the The former Logan city tltlebolder strength But before the second 11 17 Gallant Fox ran for him Hartnett was pur- his Zev 43 pendents falling to put full team 23 game of the opening set was over 313839 waged a sound battle mixing up his on when but Elliott Sun Beau 68 30 field the passed posely 302744 was evident the friendly Frenchit chops from deep court with a sparkBlue Larkspur 18 10 273 070 came in to pitch to Mi lone he threw r In the Olen game man still was fatigued from the 103 23 Display 256526 away the game ling net attack but In the long run Victorian 39 18 253 425 Dlxon’e masterful steadiness arose Worthington Hatter first sacker 1$ pounding Perry gave him Austin had 100 60 Exterminator The victory put the Cubs in sec- but 252 596 to return reasonable number out of the cloud of brilliant shota to knocked a home run over the buildMan o' War 21 20 v 249465 ond center back of field fence plaoe the Mata 20 11 ing of balls and the match was his 232325 claim Its due PHILADELPHIA CHICAOO Barazan 27 65 was blow over The the 225000 longest hit With the score at two-al- l young BlfOAl The champion waa at his best His BHOA 4 11 0HIlr3b 4 3 3 the fence Brlekellef Perry gaUoped Into the enclosed service Boomed over with a world of that particular section ofever I 3 4 4 I 3 4iEnlhn Brtelli In and the among unmindful longest of tho 4 6 0 0 Curlerxf Klein 1( PACIFIC COAST 10 10 square seemingly speed ramming horns points when the the 8 1 I 0 Baetonrf 3 0 4 0 load on his shoulders He never hesiArletlrf park Alex Logan cleared the tltleholder moet needed them 3 1 7 1l8teDhnsonlf 8 I 1 0 a field with fence end Huretjb to homer' the right run tated into LEAGUE dangerous 8 0 Dlxon’a chop-driv2 BelI3b 4 0 0 McCurdfe sped close to the Pete Huxford poled one over left Cochet often 0 Grimm lb Yi 4 2 forcing the French Whitney baseline and to the corners with 3 2 6 2 star to err 4 0 3 4iHartnettc field fence PriberRlb Team 2 I 1‘Malonep Btandinr 1 1 1 6 Dudley7p regularity and although The Hatters plied up an (4 lead In Wo Lost 0 0 0 OzTeachout Pet JElUottp 0 0 6 0 Briton Plays Grandstand Johnson fought gallantly he was out- - the Seattle 13 ft t five Innings but the Kids 819 first outset the San Francisco numbered at is 9 The Briton had an attack of “tem591 33 8x24 12 29 ft 27 1? Tot alft Totals to Frank hit began Shepherd hard Dfikland 18 505 which run xNone out Johnwhen set scored winning In third the out a of Only perament” He made guitar Los Anrelea 13 in the last half of the game They 565 rRan for Grimm In 9th inning son took at 3 did the challenger made 6 Hollywood 430 Philadelphia 000 060 016—1 his racket and often turned to adone In the seventh and two ft Portland 429 Chicago 001 600 001—2 monish someone in the audience for give promise of toppling the trophy In the eighth to tie the oount Neither ft Sacramento 409 Summary Runs batted In— Blair holder The forehand chop which club soored in the ninth and the Kids 8 Mission 381 hits— Bartell Arlett Three-bas- e “breathing" Result caused the downfall of Mel Oallacher came through hit— Grimm Jt Stolen bases — Barton Sunday’s Losing the first set Perry Came two counters In with Sacrifice— English Double Plya back to snatch the second at tnglish In Baturday’s semifinal round pene- their half of the tenth while ripAt Portland first same: — English to Blair to Grimm R H Bartell Coggle trated Dixon’s defense with fruitful held the losers scoreless in their half 110 012 13014 Hlti — Dudley 9 in 8 ping through the champion Tike a Hollywood Prlberg to Huret tli 100— 000 3 ft 001 Wild Pitch—J In town it 9th Elliott five tornado through a of wooden results Johnson won straight a KEEN CAB IASTUIN Batteries— Tde end fievereld Malls KU- - Hit batsmen— Dudley (Cuyler) Bases on B HOA B H O‘ A leen Graf end Woodall games reaping repeated applause ae Btruck out— houses iballs — Malone 4 Dudley cf Second tame: R § 3) The match was halted half an hour 6 Malone ft H he the champion Dudley sing pitcher— M£htphtrdM ft Oil 001 061—4 Hollywood Dudley in the sixth game of the second set e Dixon Answered the burst of superb i an Portland 130 000 JOx— ft 10 Btua Geh batted In— Reynold Chapman row after Cochet had dropped one game In a BatteTlcft— Orwoll Johns three with Bassien and games and Sullivan Ruth playing rig 2 Fonaeca Fothtifill Crack Fitzpatrick Three-bas- e Champions’ hit— aSullivanhit—Homa Kerr Reds Take Lary chiefly because he slid and slipped before Johnson served out the set at Bonny U Dodgers rur— Brown Blue Sacrifice 6 lb whUe serving -- 4 o f o 3 H — Ctssell E Turns BAN FRANCISCO July 2ft CAP) — BiU At Los Ancelas first tame: R Double plavg— Wgtwood Faber Frank Whitewash at In the third set ' Perry passed 110 o£o 001—6 10 Winning Streak After and 0 Foiled Champion Kerr Kerr Clsnell and Blue Bases Rhlel Portland outfielder eontlnueg to Oakland 2 Shafer p OF ftliphirdj Los Angelas 10 000 000 60x— 6 0 on bella—Faber 9 Johnson ft 01 Struck out CINCINNATI show tha way In the Pacltlo Coast league Battertes—Ortman July 26 (UP)— Cochet at the net frequently Cochet Johnson’s best shot was to illp over Powillp Hurst Craghead Coffffl Victories —Johnson 4 Faber 4 p and Read McMullen: Ballou Her Cincinnati nd BrojkJvn took turns as on Friday plainly was disgusted The score: a fast chop down the forehand aide JortenMnoi 2 batting race according to- - averages in- DagUa Rhlel mann and Hannah Campbell Second game)— cluding games of Saturday night 110! — and Hogtno each other ir a Na with his play but he found his touch Second game: R H E in shutting out NFW YORK catching Dixon CHICAGO who has taken part In ninety ball games 001 000 0—1 3 here to-d- each time his back was against the 2 tlonal league double-head403 while Frank Cox Oakland of a has BHOAI BHOA Tot! that’s an accomplishment consider44 13 30 percentage AMERICA LEAGUE 424 201 X— II 1ft 0 J J OBrrd cf rf Bluelb Seattle catcher it trailing him by two Lot(7 Angeles a — to the first wall Cincinnati m ul wlnn'ng the ) speed champion’s 5 ing 4! by lea Standing agreement Innings J I Cochet gained a 3 lead In the Oil 30 OAO 0— I Eastern Hattar j Sewell 3b points ‘ (14 won Lost Frt Jeffries Batteries— Peareon Hurst Daelle and 4 to 0 and Brooklyn the recond 5 ct O AB BH HR Ruth rf Sullivan When the two renewed the bat 1110 Siimmio: Error— Lea 1 Squires T- - Philadelphia fourth set but Perry rallied for a 3ft 739 343 McMullen Fool Stetael and fichuUa IX to 0 l 0 0 0 McMullen Oakland 30 102 35 J j OCombect Bae e after the Intermission however Horo Costle M Bhphtrd 1 417 Reynold 3ft ft waihmgtoa 402 90 148 263 Rhlel Portland rlllce Jolley If O'Oehrlglb Tdaro grind Horn rum New Three double plays helped Larry Cochetadvantage in the ninth game aft 87 At Seattle first came: 4 400 R 76 240 H 96 Dixon scented the danger of losing Huxfordlilt— Cox Poniacarf !k E ft’ChapmaOslf Beattie Lotan Worthiniton Thre-be- e worked It to 4ft 479 and after Cleveland assess 010—2 Benton 100 000 6 shutout in the 1 Hoagil Mission 30ft 6 49 hurl A it 48 124 0 to Beattie Brown Oiton M hit— Kothergillrf Lean sufficient Honan pressure and he applied Bhtphro St 463 Watwoodcl Louis 10 001 102 00X— 4 ft 1 first 375 Seattle as an3 ft Two-b- i Vs nee gave the a long volley reached hit Hafey Mleetnn n game 1 Frank Dazzy lead Joraenaen9 Lee Boston 380 race Into a commanding Cole 371 03 Batteries— 60 137 Brenxeli and and Bevereid 3b Page Kerr other winWorthiniton Shafer Hollywood Cochet’s Auetl began 370 downpour Chicaca 34 Reds three and single fanned see 269 Bottarlnl 6ft 4 only 56 c 179 Basaler Clurfl j Jorum Double Johnson smashed the big fellow's Bonn Squire pleya— Swlna II Detroit 36ft ning point for game set match and 363 Second tame: v R H 4 3 IIRuiiinfp E seven in the second one Fckhardt MUsion 109 44ft 162 Orubee Xnntnil Shepherd to worthiniton service however to bring the score M ft— 001 060 360 Mission 4 series came when Perry overhit the 0- rrlire 10 0 OMcEvoyp Oana Ban Francisco 99 425 163 10 Bitched— Shepherd t Dowel Sh(r Lefty O’Doul after going hltless 1 ft 858 Seattle 005 300 x— 7 Coleman Portland 107 441 158 Credit victory to Detroit ft 7:flanday' 7Rasalta Cole up to 6 before Dixon bore down for I Csrwyp j100 01 hi31 7 Innings by agreement) 3 (1st 10) Boston 351 133 94 378 in the first game connected for two ball Monroe Portland Coeel Chare defeat to flhspherd Kuna ‘the winning point — 13 3 As the match ended flying red Cleveland 1 $03 108 150 Batteries 81 Caster and Hoffman Hill Hollywood 0 0 Vj Philadelphia I xTt responsible timely singles in tne second game cushions filled 350 Grew and Cox Chicago ft ft New York 4 23 Barbee It waa a good match void of soft Powell 2 Hollywood 102 397 139 fitrurk outfthphsr4 4 fthofer 8t the air From someana to ft drive team's "ss" in first third his 2 Louie 348 110 154 ri442 Washington Fran Crosattl Ban The Tolls t Powell I Coeele I Burt on ball Totl where came the tunes of "La Marhitting or reckless clouting to out- Shepherd 347 At Ban Francisco morning game la Hufft Oakland t 96 331 116 xBfttted S Cosuls ft Whd runs lor FowtP 6har 343 vals confined their efforts 101 399 137 140 OhO 000-- - 0 Hack Sacramento Srhadalo H R E Fass 4 balls— Hntan Tim Chicago of game Chicago mtMafiftay'i Leo Durocher accepted 10 chances seillaise” and “God Save the King” New York 103 000 066—4 14 389 400 00x— 33 Sacramento 2 — 2 hour SO minutes Hew York Umpire— Scanlon ftt Two huskies loaded Cochet onto their generaling each other takingoutthe ' —Claell 002—6 11 Louie at Philadelphia San Francisco Run batted In 2 at short for the Reds today making Oil Error HERE’S REAL FAN ficorsr—Crser Ad Peacock gnmmart of when hard hit to chances only Detroit at Boston Batterfea— Byan and wlrtz Jacobi and a total df 304 chanxs he ku han- shoulders and haled him off the -- Fonec 4 Oehrl 4 Chpmn 3 In Berlin bag written for A football fan ' 3 3 Ruth In defensive positions Cleveland 1 Waiiilngton Baldwin Sewell 3 and court Reynolds Lrjr Two-b- e tlekata to the Harvard Texas game at Cam SMltlon R Afternoon game: 3 Brrd 3 Jorjenj 1 Ruffin H E dled without an error in the 45 the shade better but the bridge next fall 007—9 Threo-- b 1 11 100 010 Sacramento hit Ruffin he in her wnlch hit— Fonc games This participated Week’s CLEVELAND Ohio July 26 4Pb-T- he — Fonec orube Bloltn bea — Reynold loser deserved commendation for the 014 000 020— ft San Franciaeo 15 Fights 0 Double play— GlUlrk Battariea— Cheaterfleld Hubbel since he made his lost error on Sacrifice — Chep- - —McManus 2 Rothrock Byrd Chpmn wlnnlngrtrek of the men Lry pltre— beady campaign he waxed Hits and Ricci Wlrts Douglaa WUlourVKy and May 15 l Sweeny to Rhrne to Rue! to Miller Laxxerl and Double Lry was champion Philadelphia Athletics The doubles final waa more specKerr Cl —Russell ft in 1 13 Morris ft In 6 33 Mcftley Sewell Laererl and Oehrl MONDAY (First game): I CINCINNATI Bae on ball— Ruf- Durham 1 in 1 Hit batsman— Russell EROOKLY tacular Supremely confident the At Ntw York 'Madison fteusre Oordan) ended today as the (levelcnd In- ell and Sullivan A Wehde 4 Losing pitcher— Russell McEvoy 4 fin out BHOA matBORA O'Crabtree dians Calforni a vt blasted Ztinio no Ktna could Judy Carwy not be Johnny shaken victory truck out— Ruffin 3 Wehd 3 Hits— (Hayworth) Dixons 4 2 4 8 10 rf FrederiektCf New York RobCharloy' It of also marked the defeat first Ruf4 4 11 2 In ter how viciously Freed and Galla-che- r ert Newark fathrwthtr 7 out 4 Srdti I Inon In IIRoushlf Fenn2b v Willi Dmnao AJbn i arawty In Sam Baffles 4 11 'Hendrick lb Waite Hoyt since he Joined the fin Herman rf in 7 Wehde Ml la 0: McEvoy each 4 (0110 attacked Content to hold on to N ASY fawfathrw0ivht I Wild 3 pitch 0 O'DouMf I Winning I 0Guedno3b pitch— 4107 The ty(mL Pirate Saturday afternoon York (Htrlleht nrk? Tuin carty had won four straight their own services with 0 Douthlt cl 3 0 4 0 pitcher— Caraway Login v Ansel BIonettIb Senators Browns Win Harry Wills Tony Kom - SOU failed to live up to their name end bowed 4 J Averlal" twentieth home run for —Ruffin 14 14 to gTlpa and to wait patiently until New York welUrwaights I J jl BeckBb 28 WASHINGTON (UP)— N I more the Kld At Nawark one his Jack J 4104 the state Th ball team to the season total July then 1 Barg either Freed or Gallacher momen3 0 3 3 o( 18 to II prison 0 0 0 Sukeforthrf xBrra&Lcr 11 Newark PnU Gill the OrlHin for too Red Sam much light 19 Sox atfor featured proved a Tigers last year hit Oray ind 3 ood time wi 4 13 0 1 hits tarily became erratic the Dixons waiihts 107 The Beaver baseball Lope j Brntonp Plckerson nd Dirron ’ Washington Senators and the St BEAVER— took advantage of the vital oppor- va At Coluirbus Ohio Jarir O'Dowd rwtroit tack upon Hoyt and Rommcll clouteri lor the visitor It Even won the purse of $100 for first Thurjtonp while Rlbleti Day of took boys oorLouis O the Noil The last Jack PLUburih Browns game havywthts in tunities to drive home a victory IS nd Morttn carried 10 14 13! Totl IS tho tick honor 10131 Total three-da10 CLEVELAND y PHLLADITFHIA series In the held 2 lor the homo team msking it three place BOSTON July 26 UP)— The Red the series 5 - to xBatted lor Blda Id Stb At Portland Ora Hay HrOuilllaci Port BHOAI BHOA Straight sets of on first here 000 the 0 three 600— the PI3UTE3 out PRISON days of four land y Peta Marars ftan Prauciaco Brooklyn iishod 2b Sox took the first game of a double-headJ Porter rf 000 001 Six — 4 Win Crucial Points BHOAI 10 BHOA ilrsmar cf Burnettfb It was Gray’s fourth victory diamond Jubilee and homecoming Cincinnati 1 4 Brton3b 5 In— Crab-tr- f Sonns S 4 I 3 Kuna batted Error— Berk OAverlllcf 6 At St Louis A1 BtUlman It LoufSe vs CochranasO J to Detroit 7 from Beaver celebration today season the with Nats Once In the first set when Galla- - Chunk this played Beck Mechm3b Benton tho I TrullloccISb 111 Hendrick 6 Morgan lb Bums San Antonio and K O Irving o against I I Bn-toi n 5 1 II DeLndc 0 Strmdlb I S ISO WASHINGTON 6 In 10 Gilbert Crabtree Cucelnallo team SX LOUIS afternoon Milford hit— OiVosmikU the lost the second cher missed several volleya and once Rally Akron nrsro vs Allan Mat thtws (tmmonalf but Friday Innings ft 1 9 6 Smith m Three-ba- a Herman Duroeher Blmooicf S H O A score BH O A mlddlawalihtk taoh 10 Foxxlb (Kamm3b In the second set when Freed’s over- St LOttia 1 1 S being IS to 9 in favor of Bea- Sacrlftt— Beck hit— 5 3 9 6 RtblettiTlf Double playa— Durocher Wetfell3b i 7 to J I I OIMWJb Rommal MraUc TuianAY 1 4 o ver I I s nr Riwrr wilt get second prize Cuccinello to Hendrick- Benton Bukelorth Pickerionlb ft 4 ft 0 Hudson p Milford i head failed the Dixons punched At Lot Anvalas’ xPslmaslng JMontuH SalTator with Vtugvlratle 6 Morsanrf 4 3 3 0 Oliver ft to Durocher and 4 OlManuahlf -'-i Doublet 4 Cuccinello by to Hendrick: Berry f 1 1 vs Dynamlto Jackson ftan l Moa tHl'rrf Haidrp 4 6 13 of $504 3 through for a service break to win Italy 4 6 1 3'Cronlns Hendrick Baie on ball — Thuraton J Ben- Diamond! o ft 9 ft Mveraccf 4 McNair b lea haawwetBtjta 10 none out accounted for the winning ft 9 O 3 Reddini 2b cl 4 6 6 0 out The Beaver boys won the purse of ton 3 Btruck out—Thuraton I Benton 1 Dtcktr 4 0 1 0 Westcf I 3 At 0 Kuheilb ft 0 4 I 6 6 4 IBecond iQuransboro aame)— more set Beaver the had little a The third run in the opener Matao Osa Hortp1b 4 10 3 $150 last year given by Totili CINCINNATI 4 0 I 0iBluege3b a 10 34 111 Total 44 31 17 12 BROOKLYN McNeeiyrf 10 8tv Pims Pas drama and found Freed and Galla- Spain N haavywelghta 3 0 8 0 county fair committee B H O A (First game)— 4 ft 4 0 Spencer o BHOA' Bengougbd J vs frank Morris Haw Tork l BOfiTON DETROIT I 600 4 0 3 OCrahtreerf NIGHT Frederick el 4 ID 10 GOLF FBACTICB TTotal 41 37 Brownp 11 10 31 2102 cher battling for their Uvea The saio Yotalg ft 3 0 1 ( BHOA 4 0 8 1 Rouhl( BHOA' Finn 3b Hadley p xdatted for Rontnd in 6th Mrdowbrook Countrr dub Fort Worth teams divided the first tlx games haavYwaifhtfe WFDNY8DAT 6 2 3 0Warstler3h 0 10 Tex 4 I 4 OCulloplf Herman rf coo 10ft 10ft 3 Johnson rf xHargrav PhiUdslvmia 1 loitalled ft recently ft 7 pnttlc 0 0 6 0 4 3 10 Hendrick lb Rhynees O'Doul If Burke p a 41110 Joa Cortes Bolsa Tdaho vi Cleveland and then Freed lost his service and At flrattla 200 ?nft 13x— 13 Qehrlngerlb 8 I 4 ORothrocklf courw so toller may practlo llghtad 8 1 I! at nlsbt " 6 p CucclnelloJh 4 0 4 3 Portillo Seattia wsltrrwsiahtst ft Run b4td In— Burmtt 8 Sto’jecf 1 Summary: 4 1 Alexander!? 4 OWebbrf again It appeared as though the turn- Tony 0 0 37 11 9 ! Douthlt I I At Oakland Calt Lon (Bombo) Cheva- Averlli 84137 let 33 Totals Totals 3 Voswvlg 3 Morgan Kamm Myatt 6 2 0 2 Worthintnlf ft 111 0 8 Beck lb 3 0 6 9 O Hafey if 2Swcneylb s xBatted for Hadley In ftth ing point had been reached But lob- lier Oakland negro va Jos ftant Portua McNair Tsdt hit MrMenus2b 4 I 3 4 Miller r 8 0 0 4 Richbourgrl 5 2 16 6 0 0 Durocher Koenig sa 10 I 0 Roettierrf 8t Louis n Myall Fox Avartil Vosmlk Owen bing accurately and atormlng the net gal fceavywtlghts 4 1 j lOllver 1 0 Atbjornvms Sb 8 0 Manousoe 3 0 3 Bpohrere 006 100 001 MUIt Washington Burnett THURPhAt if (iitim Montagus Tqdt V Lake 1 2b McGuire broke 0 ft the Salt Berry ISukefortho Runs batted Error— Brown through pair a At Summary: hit— Avsrlll Home run— AvsrtU GrahowsklC I4111 Bari Utro Chlcagro vs J Frsnkhouie 9ft 0 0 ftiOelhertsa The Utah State Umpires’ and 1 1 iMacFeyden 0 0 6 0 In— e 3 xxxJohnson p Meltllo IRixey p Don Dixon s service to draw even at Vidal Datrolt ftacriftoe — Harder Herring p Qoelln 3 Cronin 3 GrayThree-bas!toln basw— Morgan )1 3 18 4 Orgorlo Spain tsathrwigtatw 10 )oubla 0 0 Brandtp e 0 ft 0 0 xBottomley hit Scorers association will meet MonItHeethcote Oosllrv Mjer (Klinep Foxx hits— J g plays— BlhoD 4 William and 44 FRIDAY xx Blades ft 0 0 S 0 — Manuah run— Ooslin p Btruck out day in The Tribune library it was (Johnson Home ft on Struck Rommel Hoyt bails— iius At Sad Francisco Jtmmf fvsns Vallejo 37 P17 11' Totals 3 Totals on Bases 0 0 2 1 3ftft03r 1 —Brown But the exertion took toll for 1 ft Hadley Rommel Hit Gray Harder Hoyt 30 xNone out when winning run scored 2T 17 Andy Dlvodi New York wsltarwrUhU gut— Totals Hit— Brown 0 announced Sunday by President M Totals T33 ft 27 ball— Brown 1 Hadley 1 Losing Detroit Hoyt 13 In ft Rommal 4 in I 41 lsl 403 000 000 0 dropped the next service and 10 3 Totili 3 ftth Total XBatted for Rixey In 6 In ft In 4 Burke II The Hadley “Mick” Scanlon J meeting pitcher— Hoyt b-T York Coff Island gtatfluml’ xBatted lor Johnson In 11th 361 666 200—5 Boston 120 afXTlOO Double Fred Dixon pulled out of a bad hole At Haw Haw in 1 Brooklyn Lowing pitcher— 'Brown will start at 830 o'clock 606 006 000—6 York vs Cannonball Addle In 11th jrxBetted lor Watkln Singer Cincinnati Summary Errors — Koenic 3 Rung batted plev— Mver to Cronin to Kuhei to win the tenth game and end the A1 In— 3 Martin New York lightweights 10 Alexander Owen Error —Slade Runs batted In xxxBatted Collin In title 6-- 4 6-- Bonny Loop Champs Win Again 10-- 8 3-- e $25-00- 1 t 3-- 6 s 6-- 6-- 1 1 3-- 6-- 7-- 1 6-- vu i a Cab-Hatte- a hit es tha i4 ’ 6-- What’s This What’&This Barbee Hammers A thletics Finally Lose ? Out 30 Homers I I r3s: 6-- Ar-le- Two-ba- se 6-- 1 w In Coast League !jlIntUan8 'ft Two-baa- Thirteen flat-foot- ed er lie 1 io UIm iiji av r I! 30-1- 5 30-a- 10-h- 40-3- 0 jtj’:: 6-- 1 3-- C 3 fihr i t 4- rt Prisoners Win front Cieh-r- -3 Beaver Takes Gray e vlse-llk- Pirates 1 e Jubilee Prize : Both Hit 1 to for - lr I er Twe-b&- I ' u 1 HI II 1 Two-bae- is "hree-bae- Gal-Jach- Scanlon Calls Monday Meeting 4S u n Two-bae- 1 i match SATURDAY ’ Idaho Fred lenhari Fred Dixon again played a great At Mullan Uarlows Canadau va Otorgo outvolley-Ing seldom and game erring 10 both Freed and Gallacher at close SAlhllHft DOES WELL quarters Neither Freed nor Oalla-chr- r Sandara euttislder of tho Cfroens-boruncorked their usual severe Jimmy N C Patriots last year Is having s overhead smashes but it Is doubtful tood season wtm lha Tu Usgua thta turn' If their greatest speed could have mar everoome the Dixon brothers’ catlike court covering and superior steadi- set In the third tet the Ocrmwi feminine star fared well for six ness Mlsa Edith Von Hadeln and Miss games but she weakened slightly unRuth Crow exhibited rare tennis in der Miss Crow’s well controlled shots a match filled with hard hitting and The champion had her challenger fine control The German girl retreating most of the final three took the first set before the local games the third set ending 3 Ray Hust became Utah's ranting champion Warmed up to the situation The challenger's backhand was junior netter by a double win Sunwell directed and her service was day He defeated Fred Glade in the singles with the loss of but three powerful garnet and paired with Grant Evans Miss Crow Rallies he scored another decisive victory In After the first set Miss Crow grew the doubles against Stan Smith and steadier and chose her shots With ex- Julian Durham Qlade played well traordinary skin Miss Crow dug her in the final but he was t trifle erratic rhops close to the lines when Miss on crucial games Von Hade'n relinquished her speed Tha Lauren A Gibbs trophy was and t- -e e champion drove vigorously preiented to Fred Dixon and the t'-!v Barnett-Wei)"n challenger pressed the Issue cup was given to Ray 'i c i'iaign of the champion was Hust following the matches Other p o 1 'i e and she railed through cup winners were Don Dixon Miss t games tq take the second (Ruth Oow and Grant Evapa Spo-ka- hssrr-waigb- ( 6-- ss IP -- ts Yanks Chisox Split Second Run Getting Riot Koenig Oehrlnger Sweeny Webb Two-basOliver 2 Johqjon Sacrifice— Her rin Rhyne to play— to Miller to Weratler Rhyne to NEW YORK July 26 (TV— The Berry Werstler to Sweeney Bates on belle— HerTankees breks even with tits Chi- rins ft MacFevden — I Struck out Herrins I Kline 3 ft in 5 cago White Box In a double-heade- r Kirne ft In by (Weretler) today winning the second the overwhelming cors of 23 to 6 (Second game) I BOfiTON DETROIT after Chicago had taken the first BHOA' BHOA 8 to 4 In a ninth Inning rally 3 6 11 3 3 3 liWareUerlb Johnson rf 6 0 6 3 Is 6 18 P ReeveaSb In the second tame the Yanks Oehnneer 4 3 4 3 s 6 0 Rhyne Stone cf I took advantage of the wtlciness of Alexanderjf 8 3 1 ORothrocklf I ft ft 66 ft 1 I Webb rf 8 8 2 2 3b MrManue to run their big up Chicago pitchers 1 ft 8 Sweeney lb 4 6 ee f 11 Koenig on only 17 Owene 3h score In four Inning 4 6 Ml Her 3b 111 4 hits Hayworth e 111 0 Oliver cf 4 Oraboweklg 3 ft1T6ftutlc (Flrt garnet— 1 ft I Bueaell 3 Sullivan p 2 1 ft 1 CHItA°HQAl iMorrlsp ft ft 6 6 B!uMb (Durham ft 11 0 ft KBerry Bu!lln3 1 ft 6 IxxFickering lynolds IxxxVart Camp 16 0 0 -- poniFca i 4 I I IxxxxWinsett 16 0 0 4 ft 4 IGebng 1 kitwnodscf 4 ft ft ft 4 I 8 7 Chapman U Krr’Jb 313-9133 10 37 If Totals Totals 3 ft I 4 Ury m xBatted for Morris In 7th 4 ft ft 1 2 9 4 1 Tuif e plrkrye 1 XxBaUed for Waratler in 1th 4 14 1 xPotharglU j ft 0 Lesrt Jb ft ft ft ft IchnaonR J I ft 3 XxxBatted for Durham In ftth xxL'na 1 ft ft 0 xxixBatted for Reeve in eth ft ft ft CaBftd Gr nit Detroit 3 ft ft L 11 160 610—7 Paberp Berry 2 Kline Oliver Three-bas- hit— Herrin hit— Koenig and Miller Double e - 6tn b4 WrK04 ftlll TTftftftlOJ TsaltJ?!! TotalA for Tat in ftth xxKan for Fothartlll In ftth rBaited for Johnson In 6th isrtarx lor RutU In 6th MO 912— Chicago 10ft 1)10 101—4 York Auoi Lary lumiaax Total! xBAttad ft ALONZO STAGG JOINS TRIBUNE’S STAFF OF WRITERS ON FOOTBALL lor Boston St e 1 — - ? I 11th Loul Runs batted Summary Adms Spohrer Flowera 1 000 000 000 03 —3 000 000 03—3 la— Sheely Rich--hoTwo-ba- hit— o Stolen base— Flowers Sacrifice — Urbsnikl to Urbanfck I Double p’-MeOutra to Bheeley J Urbanakl to Sheely Bases on balls — FrankhouM 3 Johnson Struck out— Frankhouse S £randt 3 Johnson 8 Hlta — Frankhouse 7 In to 'none out In Brandt 1 la L Wln-nln- q rltrher — Frankhouse (Second tame) I BOSTON $T LOIHO B IF O A BHOA - Maranvllle is 4 3 4 3 Adam Jb UrbanskUb Watktnsr 1 1 3 lTlowersll Bergercl 8T LOUIS Mo July 28 (UP)— Shelr 4 a 0 Collins ib lb Louis CardU'ls divided m Worthlnstn Tho 4 3- -0 If double-head- er Boston R'ehbourrI I! 44 35 3110 Haley with the 3 Onsttlef O S Wilson J 3 c 4 Boston 14 Braves here today taking Cronin c 0 O 1 0 3elbertse 4 2 1 2 opener 3 to 2 in the eleventh 4 5 ic(jireb 4 3 i Qerrlnterp i llthli Braves Cards Split athletics First Rare Slab Duel Jesse Harper director of Amos Alonzo Stagg veteran imd “Hunk’ Anderpresario of athletics at the University at Notre Dame of Ohlcago has signed a contract to son new football coach at Notre write for the Christy Walsh syndicate and The Salt Lake Tribune dur- Dame have likewise signed with ing the 1931 football season This is Christy Walsh Harper will take an unusual achievement for the Rockne's place on the Walsh outfit a Stsgg has been re- board of football ceiving offers to write for nearly 40 Walsh also announces the signing years rejecting them all for lack of of Frank Carideo twice assistau coach time and other reasons quarterback and at Purdue Dr Walter E Meanwell Stagg takes the place of Knute Rockne In a newspaper service con- of Wisconsin and Dean B Cromwell sisting of Pop Warner Bill Alexander of 8outhern California Dr Mean-wel- l becomes chairman of the and Tad Jones He will write one ar010 010 166—1 board of basketball and Rurta bted ticle a week discussing middle westKoenig Summery Error— 3 Sullivan Johnson Oliver ern football and attempting to pre- Cromwell chairman of the tn—OehrUuer 2 Stone Grabowkl Rhyne Tobave board of track trd field Cromhits— Oehrlnger 3 Owen Oliver Alexan- dict the weekly scores He will cover der Ruel 3 nit— Rhyne Stolen several outstanding games includ- well will cover the Olympic games bake — Johnson Bases on balls— Russell t on Oc- - in 1232 and Meanwell will do a series 3 Morri Sullfven Durham Stnirk ing the Yale game at Chicago of basketball articles bicxUAca kuitober 17 7$ AlwiU K Three-ban- Summary:2 Two Bisaonette Vanes 3 Three-ba- e has hit—Slade Stolen bases — Herman Plcinich Sacrifice to —Vanes Double play— Slade Finn Beck Cuccinello BJonette Durocher Beck to Cuccinello: Sukeforth to Beck 1 1 Rtxey Btruck Bajes on ball— Vance out— Vance 7 Rixey 2 Johneon 2 Hit' — Rixey In ft Johnson 1 in 1 Loain pitcher— Rixey —O Doul $011 nil 110 6t t the and the Cards winning the nightcap II 5 cunninhrap xMoor In the first game Johrtion held ’ 'LPJL” the Braves to six hits and no runs until the eleventh when Boston de- - xuuo lor Sunoinihm in otb o?o- -4 boui ooojio veloped four singles ard a we Ik into 101 190 JOx— 6 St Loul wires runs Summary Rune batted In— Collins 3 Th Cardlnalft took two rvn lead Adamn Flowere Orsatti Riehbmi 2 ShM' in the early innings cf the recond hr game and were able to stay ahead " wtkitn worthinton Iichbour bioiobaaea— MaranvlHe : CaertBrrter Ha fey Flrt ST LOUTS 3 Double rlura— Adm 6 B06T0H Flowers to Collina Maranvllle ABHO1 BHOA Mautr ft 2 1 5 to Ad&msSb to 5 3 Maranvill as Urbansk 3b Berger rf biifiylb 11 4 6 1 ft’Wmklns 4 6 3 6 Flowers 6 2 13 Oi tk ef 2b Coiiiwib ftheely OiFowert 2 4ininshem 3 4 fi 12 Oainxbaa U 4 5 O 1 ft ’ Adams Wilton Bate on I Struck Drrinsr DwriRger 4 to Collins) bait— Cun- OUt-C- v |