Show H Teiephoco Furnished Apartments wtS5Sy'!?9 trqm Fracedln Fl JUST OPENING NEW BIGELOW APTS Qnc6ln' HOUSE up t modem $ rms ilho unf laundry clesn ideal loo g 1st go 435 Money furn and unfurn log East Broadway lly 8I0-PETER PAN— Furn and unfurn modem 445 E 3rd Bo Hr 1604 50 I AND K kit apt rm Broadway 6 apt Wat cs i JtfT TEMPLE RICHMOND in HOTEL f MU im§ 4764-- 70 EAST NORTH HOTEL rooms and completely furnished apartments by day week or month At the mouth of eool City Creek canyon One turn and phone g So Templa apt- - caa coal rants Tiiht 16 23 W 6th North la httxlllot thouind w Imv P H tnn u taka nvr had to Ioann ludimant aaunt 8 utomohtl er In Murk lit WAR IN DOR ERR miBURNHAI AUTOMOBILE lit C6 BANKERS WAS MOTOR AVE 1030 COR BELVEDERE APT" ttSH 111 thir REQUIRED EMPLOYEES’ LOAN S0C T0$300 621 YOU OBTTH FULL AMONIft OF YOUR LOAN U6 CASH No dduelloM wtthla 16 hour McOornlck Bldg 10 Wt lgt 8o PERSONAL LOANS NO FOR SALARIED PEOPLE OF SALT LAKE HOW TO GET Travel Opportunities Hotels WIN -- Plumbing and Heating SmmrfNOGOS MP repairing AlfP"m"hTn'Yin"i:'low'e prices Eat free Printers lk and FAC taSfiKft ftTilN1florComVr'and ebow equipment printing 361 BO WA8 8436 Wt31 TEMPLE end Duet Co f 0private POH binding horary at Wag 187i CENTURY PRINTING 00 35 Edison Wu 189 mgfclel printing 117 public 831 Edison Roofing p r irrTthis" Oo 636 Bo Btat S Pu31 A 119 tT - 111 Kizi Hy 86 19 Si ool-I- Safe and Lock Work 2214 66 AO 5 kcation JtuIM Main Bar Co arwde repaired EXTRA SRklAL SALT LAKE TO LOS ANGELES— $10 CXVE Boulo Overland Rout wetQ— Wonderland Weat Yallowatone America' 12(0 on war 11380 round trip taiet leave dallr far Danver— Rama Ida) Cltr— Chlcaao—Omaha— ( tallo— PBUland— bpokan ' Loula Pock' Other Star Una fo Park Cltr Tooele Junction Vernat OrantavfUe Coalville Grand Haber Station CARLTON HOTEL APTS uo (5o5iSlNATToNT7IiM3Pcieian3Li3Kued O A Fowler 83 w 3rd 8o was 4D80 MOTOR CO Waa Shopping: Suggeitiom HIGH pNJJkAH LAKft caBln aoenmmo-datlo- n Danclni flahlna and awl with In A bottom jaka ra kMdlei for tha Haaaonabla rataa eool Wrtta or tolrphona Flab Havan Retort Flib Haven Idtbo for rtaarvA-tlon- i AH Kuburn '’'Motor Waa I486 MJBUhN— cSKB-hvlan- d Co 156 Eatt lit South rSitD— TAYLOK-fUdHARb- s 41 Eaet Bth South at SHAPIRO a Trunk A RlSW FISH HAVEN Dealer Service Parti Etc Auto SWourT-HAyfLlN- National Monument In American Fork Canjon ONS OF THE NATION WQNDIH mil of van-coloratalaotltea id alalaibiltea arlatlcallv dealinad b educa-lotitur A aellthtfu! mid trip wtthfa on hour drlv Ironi alk I ake Oily CALL WAS 4066 Binders T0UBIST TIPS THESE Plastering 116 To workin on No pople colgura or mort-fag- a Taka advantag ol th wonder luj bargain now bung offered by th merebanta xn Pay back easy payment SFE UB FtRBT REA BY CASH $10 Keiorti Comps 3 - own not MO clanin BLUNGE DRAINED EVERY NIGHT 700 gala per minute f‘Jlre— Wallace and PAPERINft d 8 rm aairp3880--furn Tlernan stem If our swlm- V prior Jtcrba Paint kalehlorinating— Ht "‘neat you nav ever ID YOUR MONEY 113a $e A Iced drink 50c specials cottages $1 upPLASTER IPO"carpenly work pejmeat chicken FrlKeith orchestra U every oik remodeling pieces Jta etc 89 Wig 110 BO ENTERTAINMENT ANUINO 20c lamp umJL 6070-- J W R Duke Hv HANKS P6RSONAL ATTFNTION TO DECORAT INQ OF ALL KINDS HYLAND 6M BPKt’IAL low prlcps palnllnf tlnilna Work 6utr Paporlnt Bam pl urn W 12’3-Ipr YOUR OAR WHILE YOU RAY R 1ST THIS YEAR’S TRIP THE EEST YOU EVER HAD - PAHEHII H0MU1OFMAHCECO 16 E SO Temple houaekeepln STRICTLY modi well lum"mii til ko 6th East Hr 1836-LIOHT HOUaEKEfePtNOROOMS 6 NO WEST TEMPLE NKWLY’cleaned 2 rmi litht U raraxe 866 : CONFIDENTIAL—QUICK DlUVl su::Estio::s to ujixe aorli BEST WORK painting psperlng cleaning J L learson H 1365 Hiss expert paper hanging oilciotami etc at ritht price W NO INDORSERS It mo V Painting— Papering1 iMRToTTkToomTnrwaiTrpIViunuiw rnvaou pamunr ale truer Waa (TFeOuarenfeed Otvrsr PRICES LOWEST RATES' phona 66 W 2nd North PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS:’ ClHTf PHONE ADULTS ' 20 SO 6TH EAST 1 2 and un-1- 6 RENT reduced and fur fur apt tip 6i B 1st North at NICEIY burnished Vrm kitchenette everv-thl- n 116 So Included th E W 032- COOL clean 816 end up: with or without 12 15 112 pr I rm 680 VV It gas bath eioeet 67-- J wk 411 f$ to )4io weak 155 Vb pta nicely turn prlv bai!) tar- - IIP mo up 36 E Qth ga I3 RodMS pleasant hot Water llaht Ill 20 B 6th Mouth 60l-B j ultra fvo modern rooms rarare Fre llrliti and 50 $2750— VADNAI8 APT8-I- 37 3 ana mod cool overstaffed furnl ture Frlgidalre 33 West 7th South ROSBDALE APTS- - 650 fttb Bast dig bed and bedroom bsth end ohowar 'urn and unfurn Was 3964-CLAIRMOUNT 446 E lid Bo 832 SO 146 I end rm pt ettr turn Hr 6778 616 — nicely furnished with prl- veto bsth 171 E Bth 8o 170— round fin prlv! bsth hot ter runes 136 E 7th So Money to Loan 82 INeTALlMkNTS J35L Information and estimates free 'AIMING g Saisooumnt pp ring971 ciean floor ooiiahmt Yale Hy 7353 JOHN HANKS remooehna woodwork plaw teiing paper paint concrete Estimates ini ULTRA MODERN to Loan Telephone Wasatch Dutineti Service Rooms COOL ground floor front 2 ymi glees 82250 42fi porch piano light garage SHUBRICK APTS Alameda ave 4th 1 bet Bo Tem -- 1st 3o Tb mod eoDTcnlrnl homllk apt Reason CLEAN also rms rma leaping 1 rent and S rm city nd newly furnished elro rangeoompltly and r 12 able 1434l feo 4th Eat Hy 1386 SO— Wll furnlihd cool trlrrratlon 74 W 4th So T0 leunt h k room 26 I th 80 38 UO-so— B7RICILY MOO linen RN FRlaiDAIRK NEW OA8 RANOFS It TO 18 rmJukP NEWLY DECORATED jra INVESTIUATF lurnlthtd 2oi’v' ind So THE BEST APTS IN THE CITY FOR Bt- i JPRICE SNOW APTS 144 N 1ST WFST turn 16 68 week U th STRICTLY modern 1 nd round NEW CUMMINGS APTS - 2J ndroom tloor rttonabi 661 East 139 50 UP 9 1 fur NIC clean room an kitchenette apu LlthU W 0543 nd unfurn 419 E 2nd Sofrlgidalre a rare 780 fril Bo Hr 6086-- THE SHADY BARNHART Financial Ut 0o 3wTciin 66 Housekeeping1 RM STANFORD APTS 50 to 165 82 31UKN1NG JULY 27 1931 MONDAY sterilised rooms at 35c 40c 50o day new features throughout kior re best baths baggage rma ' 933 SOUTH TH EAST tots 61 beautifully furn S and Everything electric convenien vl)bit modern Also luxfurnUhed apt© JWctly 7 THK SALT LAKE TRIBUNE v Financial Rooms in Hotels 60 Aloat 43 50 680 For Rent For Rent $7 watcb B Broadway tackle reela and rod nudaon’ 337 So ftate a Huh: raai Hair and Scalp expert masssse W 423 Cont Benk 3703 BE PEEP ABED Auto Battery Bepaln BATTERV eiactricai end shock absorber re'Service that serves " Wasatch pair Battery Co g$? 80 B- t- t WeklltL FREE SERVICE CARS Mht anvwhdr in cltr tor rtpalra to rout tlrea or battfrr Open a Brrtlce Tire DO- - fnc- - 481 Mala W 2083 BEST prlcw pl lot all car C- o- 73 Bi Suggestions to Autoists Phone Waeateh 6221— block from business district and Mormon 63 120 Stove and Furnace Repairs Board and Room ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST CHANOED templa Ideal tor tourists or permanent oa anpold btlAoc et Ur prlnolpoL OLD MlUTCLUB guests 0ALL W o Vindi”oi r r t eij nound 1518 up PERSONAL SERVICE CO weierieeket Move repairs w ' 474 LOS ANGELES— Oomplrt electrical aervlce $18 TO $40 modern 1 2 and BISWARK HOTEL Mouth -- It Oottonwood Canyon apts TERM TO BUTT TOO STALWART BATTERY CO at SHELL 636 CONTINENTAL BANK BLDO "8 E et A WEK1 DANCING SIX NIOHT LY 6 P M- - ARR NEXT PAY IF If sip porches cool and clean 2 68 North State Servioa Station 202 E 2nd Bo Waa 1120 We specialize u cleen to p i66L WAS 121 PHONE Shoe rooms fiid real food properly served Iti Too llll Whe dcalfnc with u Repairing KIMBALL — NEW DOWNING APTS bomellk?? TOO CONTROL THE COST OF YOUR cloa in fhone Wag 10010 USED TIRE BARGAINS DENVER— LOAN 130 BOARD and room for 3 gentlemen In NEED Laneai ateck In cltr to aolect from g 0a 3rd East Office beau-tlfuRepaired while you tait Reas Reliable MONEY? home no children or other boarders APARTMENT house district olose In C SUTLER TIRE CO 308 K BDWAY CHICAGO— STRICT PRIVACY dignified loan aervlca Ion the salaried 121a rat pally month Reu Oarage einsle apts with French doors and Quiet and delightful Beet food 13$ No QUiaCASERVICl to U IrtDMCtloo and Scenery people ol 8 L 810 or more No red tape obrvtd 8th West veranda very cool newly decorated evTravel Insurance UfeM-fSSbHFW- W aervtce GENEVA ery thing furnished also apt LADY rlth beautiful home would like cou-pl- e ffATiiTEio7rfKrr??1TAS6g fNSURE ‘fcefo'ra you gorfc njdVcomp?ete BALT LAKE DISCOUNT CO OOMB OR WRITE HIW fSl FOUIPMINT 20 yre Wgg 1908 SION LETTERS t AduitsI Oarages B y day week or month M business men excellent meals garage Balt Lake to mt Wag 133 i1 Beaeon Bide orricB payed highway: tab iilnd Lsav It t© HATCH Iniur-W- as Ins bathing danclngw beautiful cool location 707 6th ae Bats holiday 6458 anee Cont'l Bank bldg Our rvprvMnUtlo 66111 call 66 POT quick money on Utah and Idaho 125 NEW CAPITOL HILL APTS $36— DELIGHTFUL Repairing front rm in newly furn LOANS MADE IN ALL NEARBY TOWNS farma Home Inettment A Sav- irritated Oottonwood HOTEL SEML0H Brighton— apt Shower with or without board Big Co- - 20 ' 3 rm old breakfast nook bed rook else Walk Ing Walker Bnk GOoSnwTrFEAlRIffSr dlat No 9 Elaine apts Hy 4930-refill erd range new furnit T M 6URBAU0H 167 o Btata 165 SO STATS Ph Waa 166 WHAT- TEHMB ano draappeanna oiorigaaea on HlGlfcUss board and room reasonable proof no stairs $45 and 14750 clt propertv Ailncllve rale at 3rd North near Main rates 167 No State Wag 7083 125a Window Shades V FLETCHER-LUCASIN- V WOULD CO HOLLYWOOD 134 E lSTBOT (JOOOD home and good eg re for 'elderly 8A NDERifmVkii' Window $30 to $30 3 or 4 rooms coot well xurnt gtr SHADEflTTnj 725 E 6th So Hy 987 a Udy (160 Mal ala eart aandwlchra Rm 18 Waat 2nd South’ STAGES Waa 2(64 $10 color else or quantity niabeat trade me FINANCE COMPANY 82 mod 1st floor Also semibasement 820 aocommodatlna wk t I uoa ANOELBS fj’oMOby Lib park at class mod convenl v A M DAILY DENVER tenali loweat price in weal For gufr 811 wk meala dallr OlrlT 1J (addle Room 416 Oootloentai Bank Bldg $34 Bo 5th East Hy 2961-- J 82a Wanted tatlona Waa 7896 848 State- nortes: 2 cnterteinera ever eve 6atur-d- er UCENBED BONDED JnSURE® RTDI IN Phone Waettcb 3007 WXnTED-ISOO- Money PICCARDY APT EXCELLENT board and room or alp rma 300 South Milo noelal orchttra nlht dtnolnt Salt lake City Utah at 8 per cfnL lntereat 125b Weather GA?rrf ON GUARANTEED TRANSPOR- LIKE teas Park space 727 E th South Exclusive and cool 3 and furjL- - and Insulation excellent Strips 7 KNOW? aecurlty Boa guaranteed MAIN OFFICE AND DEPOT TATION 115 Bo 3rd East unfurn e $36— EXCEPTIONAL meals UTAH Tribune-TelegraOUTDOOR CAMP Double or BT7FFWVTBTON UNDCT fTATF WAS 6238 123 BO WEST TEMPLE Co? MetaTweii aI) CHAMBERLIN thar S’ rms 434 Bo Tem Wss 8086 g rip $25— HOMELIKE apt- - beautiful ground ht gar COTTONWOOD BIO CANYON type Free repair Lifetime luatante 615 !u ave For wour convenient and In order It gas phone 3 adults GOOD BD AND RM RAlkt Only 32 miles from ths city an ideal place SUNDAY PASS 25C-15- C service Waa 1481 414 Nest Bldg to make rour afar moat tnforable FOR TWO 243 E 1st SOUTH COOL— First floor front 3 rms aleo rote for the family outing Cool and health- Oo plaoea on Bundtr rid Service THE TRIBUNE and TELEGRAM art arid at far ful facilities and opunusual heat phone bath 138 J st $25 00— COOL rms Best meg Is Playground Prlv borne aa rou Ilka Good on anr Traction offering the forInformation Bureau 232 Canyon road portunities lor nature studies Tents or often Was 4960 str modern prl ATTRACTIVE and Ltbrarr rour dlapoaal averr Car or Bua except So Temple hue cabins at new low rates Daily stages vate bath garage CooL quiet 840 310 PURN room excellent board No 1 Smith 86 dar tbta week leav-n- r Assayers 4056 Was Outdoor Call Aasn Utah PRIVATE and Beattl oar to Portland 6980-E st Was J apts 230 So 3rd East Waa Bat I p m Little hotel WOMEN and girls are welcome Girls' Frlend-l- y CASE— Bltek leather nurae case end equipON YOUR CAR TWO rms sleeping porch nicely furnished FIRST class UNION ASSAY OFFICE INC 2727 board snd rm : home prlv Holiday House Brighton For reserve- South West Temple P O Boi 16661531(6 ment loet July 9 on state highway belights gar Adults $27 50 533 K 4th 8 Garage If dealred 427 1 9th South PIFTEEN-MINUTE Will take two LOAN SERVICE to California call Was 8358-DRIVING tween Lynndvl and Hinckley tloni for Reward m $55— with sip pch snd private GOOD board rm $28 and $30 A cool place Trib -- Tele lidles Address box 2 return or information to Alice Walker BRIGHTON BIO COTTONWOOD CANYON I 86a Anto Locks Keys front porch 34 D st Was 3161 close In No 50 3rd East Was 6646-Hinckley Utah OATES FURNISHED COTTAOEB CAR irevlng for Idaho Fall Tuesday Take Any question on matters pertiln-jp- g MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES $30— PLEASANT front apt with kitchen LOVELY room with board in WE 6131-6128-10398 2 I or Room Was Was Was home Call viFOX In and black brown ed terrier private urro lock repaired keyg duplicated logt to pioneer etent former ettc piano phone Close in Wag 3346-130 mo 102$ E 2nd So Hy Answer STAGES leave Cullen hotel I1W 2nd So EXPERIENCED of and 17th 8o East Garage cinity 6th driver 837 udion'e So Was State articles you should like to re4286 440S-J ON LATE MODEL CARE TO RE 3 LARGE eool rms and kitchenette ground for trsnsportetiou Re: Jo name of Llndy Reward Hy 6443 fer to kddresies games statistics daily at 8 15 a m Leave Brighton at 4 floor 726 E 3rd 8o Hr 8036-OOOD meals home privileges $1 day new m For Information call Holladay 166 DRLVINO to Reno gnd fl F Wednesday etc will bs gladly answered Just GLASSFS 87 Indies' lost near 10th E and P DUOS YOUR PRESENT MONTHAttorneys o s get $3 week APT 2nd 8o management 659 E B Temple Was 6552 TRONT stop in at Ths Tribuna and Tsle-fi1014 E Snd Bo Hy 4194 Re night Room for 1 Box J- -l Trib -- Tele 145 Bo Mato street or— gram tard Llghti gas Inch 662 go Main OOOD meala ATTORNEY-AT-LAB WILKINS d cod! room In mod private LY PAYMENTS OR FAT OTHER J: to Denver $10 to Log Angeles 829 CAR costs but trifle to set Tribune home 237 7th East Hy 7704-DOG— Brown female boston Ibull losl Whitr Atlea Bldg 8 121 Was 2227 Wet 2nd 6outh Hotel Little Frtsce 58 Furnished Houses neck feet 2 warts above left eye wearTRY our home-cookOBLIGATIONS OUR SERVICES PHONE WAS-59- 0 meals they are difTelegram Wants to work for you in 1465 Harvard ing harness Tiokets ave 89 Bedbugs Exterminated Hy ferent Cool rms $6 7 wk 447 E 1st So 2884-- J TRIBVNB and TELEORAM INFOB-RENT or lease elegantly furnished mod bum carrying out your Ideas— you’ll likely foVoimation1 aft ' (tne'r tour a amf cruTeei Liberal reward STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL din-n$26— rms COMFORTABLE Breakfast MOTION DEPT break3 bedrooms living dining galow COIN purse man’ lost containing 3 $5 aa not find them very productive RESULTS GUARANTEED IN 6 HOURS Manor house 674 E 1st Bo W 10059 IrB Floor Tribune Bid ‘ fast rm bath garage Must be seen to American txpreaa Co 14 W 2nd Bi W 280 hills about $3 76 in silver etc ARCH U RICE receipt close in INC appreciate Its value Ref 1863 So $th CLEAN cool rms home"cooking BUDGET SYSTEM 627 Downington 628 MILTON AVE ave liberal reward HY 4630 342 So 2nd E Was 1238 Was 8663 -- R East 122 Motor Avo Wat MIL USE LOVINOEH S INSECTICIDE lor killing DOG— Pure white collie Frostle name on mod $43 50— sip pch beautifully ATTRACTIVE rma best meala 'reasonablti collar near Newhouae ROACH Lost BEDBUQS DOOM hotel lor Sunday ROACHES for two furnished Wilton ruaa piano electric Close in 348 8o 3rd East eveu Reward Waa 2316 206 8th ave 819 So W-Waa 8052-Temple 446 Denver it Key st 444 6o MODERN rooms range good board sleeping BLACK eultcaae containing costumes Lost 4th E Apt $ porch garage reasonable 824 E 2nd Bo 90 at Work hall June 13 Call Hy Klnqabury home nice! BOARD and room Carpenter VERY desirable new style 134 Salesmen Wanted 77B0Ft by day week nr month Liberal reward furnished garage attractive yard J168 reasonable Weather Condition July 26 16211 CARPENTER parking space 615 K Ut 8o WORK Remodeling A Brick WRIST watch 'mairSwTss whita golXa-goo- PAPERfeini?WfPvvalnYenwrk" Princeton ave Tha day tn Balt Lake City continued very work Plagterlng Roof repairing and gen 6816 Mon Reward By Reaaonable rate Hy 3366-wanted cement 16 died In a warm with maximum temoeraturs of 1011 A modern nicely furnished Roach & Franca 68 Mri Eat Warehouses 7623 Hv repairing cheerfully glvn lost CONFIDENTIAL '’ll Rear Reward of dolly caua like basement gar close In 30 gy 7974-mornln drgreas accountant' eet and avarags temperature of 80 or would EXPERIENCED piano local Sunday hopllal ALTERATIONS and remodeling: DIGNIFIED lowest " 4th So Was 7M7 Modsna i£X0e£ (She wa th widow 13 degrees abovt the normal 7 Incident to har aa of books to keep evmnigk Box apt ground floor © s furn WAREHOU8i!rTf"TRACH prc let clane writ Ooodfellow W 6335-Utah reported a maximum temperature Trlb-TeWAS 3Uu le SADDLE loat State it bet 37th-54t- h Will Supply ENT LOCATION of William M Roach and la aurvlved b: of 00 shade lswn 435 7th E as t 101 degrees the highest aver reported Pari W REMODELING 641-cement Garna J Mra dauihtera Reward Brick carpenter thra manwlshri workiwlli Murray eve YOUNG modem furnished doiny- City Mra 8 L $45—NICELY MONEY roofa repaired E O Orlggi w 9087-Salt Lake: Mr from that section There has been little 2 BOOK — Lost also $27 manuacrlpt temple thlng Box 8 Trlb-Te- le sleeping porch 3 ga 69 Wanted to Bent of Lease William H Bale Balt Lake four eon change in the pleatean low pressure sysCARPENTER— Anything In bldg- - remodel-ln- g record vaL June Was Rwd ag keepsake rage Inquire 138 3th East Park: Locton tem and high temperatures persist over ft SO TO Roach flrat-claa- a William Parley' 74115wrk 3Q32-Hy repairing 136 Female Help Wanted Roach Balt Lake: David Roach Park City a wide area although light local thun$45— duplex heat and h w hdwd WANTED BY AUGUST 1ST ON CARPENTER— Build anything: repairing: MONTH TO TWELVE MONTHS OUND— Oentleman'i grip cont RoacU Lo Anaelea: two derstorms In Wyoming Colorado New Mex wearing Oarald firs Thoma pch 666 E 2nd Bo Hv 3674-- J or contract Waa 6636-- J Ico snd southern Utah produced a measure altering by day on highway bween Galt Lak( tr mod hom ATTENTION SALESLADIES! alster Mra Cyru Tollman Chesterfield of party BOO 3 ROOMS nicely furnished: garage Cheap ByE retp a ia MoSmi A- -I CARPENTER Building repairing and apparel relief in localities Waa 3o70 or S E bench Olya comp Inf lit 8RECEIVE and Evanston The northwestern Idaho Mra Morgan Knefr Richfield and 620 8 1st W 20 and 33 50 Was 3159-- J $ 4V6 6000 y letter Hy 41 Trlb-Te6193-- J cement work Frederick Riley of Bountiful high he strengthened somewhat but its 20 leading A brother of New campaign Hy $ SUITCASES between lost Cooperation Rock fipriinr 10000 modern furnished cottage yard 23 cooler weather remains stationary in that: on Enitend waa born Bha la April valufirms Bales and Balt Liberal Lake Room Balt Lake experience reward 500 00 and garage 156 Llncoo st 11 I068- Until tha time of her death her region Th© weather is fair and tsmpera-tur- es S7 Beml oh hotel 91 Must be refined I8S8 able but not necessary 16 20 Cement Work Wu 165 100000 seasons 6ver the greater part of realdence had been la Parley' canyon at $ NICE rooms newly papered basement and pleasing personality to Compensation LADY’S white purae containing fountain the sail Half-wa- y PPftllPI houae 187$ th for attractive Was apnice yard gartge 1092 Bo 4th East Call very Wt-atcCLASS FIRST work done Gilfi Bros Waa 7274 Reward pen etc Friday lost data gt Balt Lake City Comparative 1766-All work guaranteed range nlcsfy pointment cozy cottage coal-ga- s LOST— Ladies’ Degrees Temperature white kid gauntlet rich NATIONAL 3 blks concern offers neat appear-ln- tr Hotel Utah 165 4th ave 71 furn FINANCE THRIFT CO Automobiles Wanted Highest temperature lot hand black stitching today Was 6033 20 of between 30 ladles and age the 166 1147 )2 Carpet Rug Cleaning stoo© month In Highest 4 ROOMS nicely furnished gaa basement this 1B7C 157 Go Was State LADY 8 eyealaeeea white cold rims and who are ambitious an excellent opporLoweat last night 76 shade lawn 2750 Inq 721 0 5th X by State Banking De t home at 8975-- J hit died Peter Supervised Chrltlanaon Jena chain while Earn chances Wag Call Reward learn FIRST U3 GEE you 43 4072-Lowest tunity ihla ‘ montheince 1874 ROMNEY RUG CO Not cheapest but beat Hy follow-- I ‘ advance Apply promptly at 10 a m 1244 Wasatch avenue Saturday to BAKER MOTOR COMPANY to Oo-oOriental Chinese — p dms't run mod HILL house and fllncM CAPITOL of heart 925 ytare' and 3 p m to Mr Konold Ambassador ne a teveral 7T Furn Dlnwoodey 2 C M 1 Waa e07 WILL ay cash for Dodge touring car Ideal for summer 620 East Capitol ellmente kloney hotel Inches 104 E Temple Apt No 0 after t He waa born tn Feuerbo Denmark July Total base4 RM8 nicely furnrgas eoI7ange p m Monday precipitationra for ih© 34 hour 95 11 1888 emelreted to America 27 China Painting: ment $37 50 Inq 721 6 Bth E Hr 4072-ending at T j p MTLLTNERY experienced eopytst ©n hand ato and had lived In Balt Lake nearlyFari HOURS all Total Auto $10 TO $300 IN BEST price paid tor used car to month for T date this made hats Only good workers need ap- tha Urn tinea hi arrival In tbl eoun- $35—3 CLEAN rms mod except beat Male 739 Bo State Wanted Salvage Co Wag 2610 Help OP YOOR FUCHSIA 6TRINOHAM July aglt H off at 130 YOU GET THB FULL AMOUNT Accumulated month fog deficiency this 45 E Inc firs overstuffed turn Urge swo walk CA8H Lenorg Bdwy ply residence Bountiful Phone 140 LOAN IN CASH I 6 48 of care trucks Ife ta aurvlved by ht widow Mr Annie to date paid for all makei dlat 170 P street eclHi NO DEDUCTIONS! Total tine© October lit to date Wreckage $45 Bo State t3o miliar with all typei of brakes Wages WANTED immediately' men or women to Sophia Chrlatianaen two aona John Chrla-tlantt- n Accumulated brick bungalow compietelf urn HEW Prom 1 day to almoit 2 rear to ropay It 97 Detectives October deficiency since 19 per B 1343-hr fob Chrletlanaen of and Robert mod Only permanent day Plano all 1th Positive salary IS per day convf garage Hy locally ' ea ut you wlah When deallna H 73 first class man need apply and Please Mra Emmy dauahtera ISO m Room Clothing Wanted or Was alow Phone Sun 12odayA m a at LEASE furnished tor year at 7M ' you control the coat of your loan getg rises and AMERICAN Deto Ann clrt pe- state experience and references Rose Sorenaon of Balt Lake and 1081 bet 10 a m and 4 p m Sot a vc 60 1 Cont Bnk Bldi w with sleeping porch fag heat GREEN men’i for 42 p m July 37 1911 tty pays highest Ato Mont prices Mont 828 Butte of Butte r Pattereon Bhop rage 34 10th East Hy 6724 clothing and aultcaies Wag 10008 TAKEN YESWFATHEK OBSERVATIONS randchlldrtn and (even TERDAY AT I MOUNTAIN TIME 98 3 RM87 bath kiteneneuei sleeping oorgh WILL pay nigbest prices for men e cloth-InQIRL for restaurant or housework capable Dressmaking: MECHANICS 180 Q st made b announcement wlU Funeral 6506 newly paint Mednlck’a 68 E 2nd Go W 10310 ble references Wa rolls ATTENTION! PLAIN sewing and dressmaking reasonable YOUR CHANCE to get out of the modern furnished BEAUTIFUL COUPLE who want to keep few boarders to later rices Satisfaction double garage coops for 706 chlckenSi 74 Furniture Wanted guaranteed 241 E More pay and pleasant grease meet living expense Was 21o f Bo 1344 3th S Hy 4526 work reasonable to responsible party ROOM 107 CLIFT BLDO PHOH W 1377 for manager at 466 So Ask GIRL to look after home and help lo store 8IQOEST tuyere and highest price payers 27th South BALT LAKE CITY Wain “ Ti 4 Oood horns small wages We need your furniture la the city StationsB L CITT 99 1$ WEST THIRD SOUTH Furs and Furriers modern good City 1582 BO 6th East Tnfant Cannon died In a local hospital — Northwestern Teachsr Agsn-c- y Furn Exchange 21 So W T W 2028 TEACHER8 Corner Msln Street 37 50 month — lawns furniture natWANTED: or firm to rSpreaeiirTarie Man Saturday of caused undetermined but — Lake VISION Utah Balt PER City UNDER HALL us flret or call us last 6TATE8U Bldg Templeton we a pay but ’LET furrier store elean CL : and and your fura” wholesale rebuilt tire company lot 'Hate ural He was the son of Spencer gas Sal more than all the rest $20— MODERN clean eool 3 rm of Utah Must be able to file bond to 37 Schooli and Nancy Cannon of Mona and Is survived ranges cement basement 3537gaffaiga HUDSON BAY FUR CO FURNITURE ‘CO HOLLAND cover merchandise College Write Rove Rebuilt Hr 2038 So 4th East by hli parents and na rtwin brother 384 Bo State 8518 Wat T Tire Co 2223 So 8aa Pedro et Log Ah' PHONE WAS 1161 ttt WELL CALI n gs- glassed-i- n sip pch $50— MOD BEST PRICES paid for usedurn geifg Calif tovti Boise rage Nice yard Hy 6073-- J QUISH ruga dishes odds and ends Was g 331 100 YOUNG man to prepare direct Annie Floor Cheyenne mail Finishing by !?l new $63 furniture modern Jeffrey WB NEED FURNITURE and wU pay high-iTHl OULTURR BEAUTY SCHOOL OF ©Id Ch'ctso focal firm established for Mrs Annie Rasmussen Boyer Denver cLon8th So bet 4th and $tb East BEST IN THB WEBT No othsr vocation 49 OGDEN— 101 AUCTION Answer ADAMS’ cash price 3 Address In Box owo If I ' floors electric aander detail REFINISH your at Nella of wife Barer died Sunday furnished 3rd on so with saragg floor MODERN HOUSE Trib Tele request profitable Oateiog Juno Hy 4800 ‘Ill ll'rio for rent V Heymanon 33 W Br W 4i6a family home at Five Points after a Ord the 7560 Waa J CALL US FIRST' Ezra $25 perjnonth Ticlody Bldg Thompson Helens NIGH-IST 17§o7thJEHy4438-rest' Forgft Iho brief Illness of heart trouble floor sender for rent br day CARPENTEFt or handy couple to do few 941 d 00 Clear women who ara working eta get IECTRIO nice furniture bato-me- nt 4 NICE uodTcoorfms on Kan City SPOT CASH PRICE Save time and IfEN-anMrs Boyer was bom at Mantua Weatern FurnltujA 138 80 State w 8193 hours work In exchange for eool apt 79 zander the extra money you will peed for your 55 State SCHOOL close In : real HIGH UTAH trouble street 8 27 to THE came Hi Call Hy 5643 RIGHT NOW ?!:::: 1862 She Oyden November to pay preaninc debts r to jog Ang rood beaut furn newly dec- WILL BUV HOUSE FULL OF FURNITURE vacation nine years ago and married Mr Boyer COOL WANTED— 3 men for permanent work iee 74i $81 Fluff Rug: buy pergonal necessities ea your per- 101 Minneapolle and five Modena 136 N Pth West NOW CALL HY 6863 OR HT 656-- J BEAUTY CULTURE orated OF Surviving are her husband Mr Neff 1021 627 Clift bide 641 room bet not sonal San ’ Rasmussen oTcf Peter Vour Diego brothers RONrNXy VVrvenVp"Tu Iroifl nio4 ma a m 021 OR BECUJUTT Needles NO Let me 1370 $37 60—WITH new furnltureTn Was 331 Clift RasmusBldg Martin Cal Henry Rasmussen tertal Beautiful in design and workman WILL New York NECESSARY heat gas 1070 Wind with Co I C 'rove I pay highest spot eaeh course 8 men $24 plua commission $16 per month sen and jQhn Rasmussen of Mantua month and employ W Waa 6807 222 T Eat free ship 43 iQ If you can jrags sor Our easy pavment Plan will euit you Jenkins auct 160 E 2nd So course $26 per month Christensen ©ualify References required Rasmussen of Brigham Cit Omaha first-cla- ss 1081 EASTERN FDRN CO'buya used furn t will COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT Permanents by grad $375 free marcels ©ond mod M8jC ft bl d a bet 8 and 5 for Interview In charge of Lind- Phoenix Funeral 103 Furniture Repairing: PocauHo Visitors welcome quist and arrangements write for cstalog Bon will be announoed later Portland Hy 7476 exchange EXPERIENCED Wag 6375 47 W Broadway stock salesmen sell Issue “ii for mod' local Box U S GOVERNMENT BTEADY fOB8 $108 DESIRABLE concern BFdMPAInlilourUl oldfltabllshtd cottage bath1064-- ga OOOD coal range also good beater Must Pueblo B 147 ROYAL CO FURHTTURK 0O 2nd 4U l!" Flor -Judt 8 Eaat 3rd South ' 658 K 6th Bo Hy J be cheap 30 50 Tele frib 60 18 Paid Call Was 8797 Rer to Men rage 1250 women month q o Waa 1571 Uphl ( refng and repairing OLDFB Louie Vacation Experience usually unnnecee-lar- y aoc May WILL our a houae full of hirolture "and Employment refto UPHOL8TERING 59 Furnished Booms antiques renewed Lake Full particulars with sample coach-n- g A1W and Bo Waa eooo rug right now Hy 2236 OGDIN— Nw hai rath6 th eity o( Salt SALARY LOANS William Furn Rep 768 K 4th B H 4820 BTROOK’B Franklin PTtEE Write immediately Diego death of Mia Mayme Sullivan former- San yoiT HIGH LSI epot cash lor used furn kfiTTA??83Tl!OTf Waltei li rmt 1 t ed'TiVre Institute 147 2nd So fFThBpo7tVon 121 00 to 87100 leaned at ROYAL FURNmmi“Cp San Fran Rochester N Y th Pff enl Dept 338-- L n A Aneetea At of tn fa L° Otden auallflc a I today Waa 1946 your dw rm lo hikp rm 6 or wlr deecrlbe tlone Auction He ly waa 1991 Seattla without Indorur If ti(lll Uphl- - refni ano repalrln Mr A 9 Broedway 5o N LLl Wanted-Ma- le' E 12$ RC a U East “Situation Saturday ad (684 par No some 'houuhold MARRIED eoupleheed MICELY turn im In tr mod Apt li Spokane mploy4 ' NO INVESTIGATION FEU for line for a ad) Alc a clerk to help hair trimmed 15c: halreut 25e Mia Sullivan left Oadan In 1(16 7683-LouIm furniture Tonopah pti 101 104 Holladay Hat Cleaning you word Four ad at Want Ad Dept Trib 6h waa a daurhter of tho late Washlngtn fiecelv 13 month 1678 K of gepy Sullivan Tel Bt tha 146 D matter Bt Bo i AND Joaeph Main FAUSE FONBER MEN of School 37 BUSTNESS tl'niJ it hata Venovated ultJMtle iTn e' d AlX Wlnnemcc© 190 00 Repay 13 month Dressmaking 410 Wanted 11 Cathollo ehurch ou wlh room PHONE HY 751S-Loan mid only to peopl woo sub pressed OhrU the Hstter 170 Bo Btmtt 132 Burvlvlnt ar n (later and two broth- Yellowstone with phon als prlvatt bath enoL rit-iu- l FI? KfS?i£''?oR jdniT TURWFJm cube to our living plan L33 ers: Mra Henry William Lo Anteles - Euma jBchooli for Men Redticd rata Dancing Schools and exclusive SAGS BOTTLES bookA odda aoda ate INVESTMENT UNION FUND CIO 106 Dan Sullivan San PTanolaoot H L BulU'PECIACet?MMERTtATiaW 1 132 Meter AaT Keysjritted MABBIAOk LICBNBBS Wg 6797 lliht room In tr mod rlv bom leaf only— A permanent trd WOODWARD B 248 BO MAIN-- Prl t ftwInweek Large COALVILLS l£fcYf‘‘atl‘lnda mads qulcitlyTToeka rep ForUuiht left Sunday for Loi g'mvan (Oe-6BAR-BEwaltx Garaa If desired 87 Bo 7th trot toe 1 oriental fox short tine MOLAR a Tap IRYIW WRrovrf JJ Peoai 76 Wanted Livestock Waa 101 24 311 Fox State Novelty burial to for to Oadan tho body brim on atep Writ for cataio Call W 8012 or arlthout prlvi bath: COLLEGE 118 REPENT 6T NORMA II Proa CRAiq — Rma wllh webB acr'o-batl- c av Wa hotel trvict 10 WILL call for and pay cashI lor daaf or ELMER 288 3rd So Ballet tap COWAN 23 Balt ilket JACKSON 8 107 Lawn Mowers Sharpened 131 Salesmen Wanted uelesi horaea and cowa Fhotr aollact ballroom Claaa and prlv Irrona CLEO HBrrnRICKBON 18 Salt Lake all con NICELY (urnlht) alnila room REFINANCING HOWARD BEDKLL 21 Coalville: nareit factory Tnlncea 106 1st av Apt 6 W 176-- R COLORADO 630-SANIMAL UARJORXK WifEATEN 21 grille Learn to Swim Knudson Novelty 337 6 Btate W 4286 COOLEST rm In ett — ingle or double- sured In LIFTE UNDER WRITING as In no 38a Lak City Otden Lotan 6632-81 at " WM H Rr aartae WB sharpen or repair lawn mowera WILL bur sell or taka on eonalammont all CaU ether vocation Many und(rwriti WILL buv daad or uirltsi horaea or eowi Yoo awim in 3 laaioni or aon't 110 COURBB Houeo 00( S3GOO Walter’s B 1888 Auolion deliver in Ini furniture to $i0 earning Uth LARGE attractive front rm 1 or 2 aar (ed annually VERY LOW RATES HyJU Will pay eaalr Phona Murray (70 pay Prof Thornton Warm Sni W 1733 sales nod In addition 9 annual reBkfet optional ' 61 let ave H 6762-olledTedl SHARPENED guar' Free M!v-er- y tial TRlBUnE-TELEGHMPhone for RepreeentaUve newal fees I Be independent! JBuild for O A Fowler 62 W 3d So Wa 4®80 coo) lrae trout room Delightfully the LOAN 38c ERWIN CO future INV Permanent work & w dignified 86t0-Songs Stories Booked modern cloe In aartge healthful I THE PACIFIC MITTUAL LIFE 628 6648 Bank In 109 Continental Waa turn bom Mattress lovel Bldg Eepairing1 room 13 to UP— Nicely li 9$ years old with $177000000 In assets THB COOPFRATIVB MARKITINO ASS N 101 No Wel Templa It iisuei a policy every minuto and pars 45D®RNi£r"rnattresae OR MORE roomTno i Louise 79 every four minutes — business weliT FuiENisHSij s MooRest spg units W 320$ R claim Personals gberhardt Charles GILLETTHr— Funeral services for ours UTAH AUTHORS It popular “Live to Win" policy 101 1ST AVE Mona todiy without red lip or A Gillette will be held from the Xvans Vnd M aaa ' that orftVdu 11 5 ways’ is unrivaled as the H tor “pay men Fubllclt ind A statewide orginisatlon with Intermployd 110 St at 10 Medical FURNWHED ROOM NICELY mortuary chapel Monday Early INQUIRE AND INFORMATION "best sales A offered la seller” Ultra Borrow nr without Violet womn Ini elec cabinet m position national marketing aff 11 tatlona Amaa m in charge of the Rev Frank L RATES No 16 GRACE AFT- - 107 FIRST AVE you you have a fair education btrraMmont Lowut rate — ulMt ExperlenceL Technician tlRf R I FF IT H awe laVi ( Jall good provided teur or professional Mail or bring rour Hunt Friends may see Mr Gillette at references THE PHY8IOTHERAPY CENTER addreaa and SERV1 'flJT 84 ALL n ew pKona parklna pent h w COMBINED term your assuring 6814 payment I12t4 Bo Main et War Ideas notes or manuscripts If it is good the mortuaty chapel prior to the ser630 Clift Bldg terTbath 3rd So Hy 7914-integrity (ages 25 to 46) If your applicatWas HW$ we will develop and sell your story play vices Interment will follow In the fam-ll- y CO Is considered favorably CREDIT CASH ion end will be Tribune Mornln you The COOL "pleasant sip rms of article hemor treatment or If In It radio scenario nicely NonaurgicaJ is 111 Moving and Storage program Mt Olivet cemetery injection ' plot given complimentary membership tn our olds (piles) 606 BOfn BLpo rmanent Dr furn not good we will tell you the truth and fJOHNSON— Funeral services for James lobby writing rm does In 164 painless Same Evening Galea Course and personal Instructions 8 Lgwrenee 601 Templeton Waa 4140 E Be Temple Wag 6P06-- J assist you to success Call Was 8797 or andrees Boyer 6 Exeter will be held In the Miller Owen Johnson TERRANCE I RYAN OEN MGR $3— RIOELY furn rm n tr vd horns clean PRIVATE lessons In French by man who General Agents 510 Continental Bank ward chapl Tuesday at 2 30 p m un' NEW RATES MOVING VANS 430 Chamber of Commerce W 88 Ext 44 125 E 7th 8o has lived in Francs Call Hr 6473-- R be hot water Reflnaneln buildl ng Salt Lake City Utah der direction of Bishop Solomon Friends 191 Effective March 4 tween m and Frteuded $ call p Payment at the Deseret mortuary Monmay JIOOM In mod bungalow boma1071 Ra£aLlsmen 39 Positions Wanted— Female day night and Tuesday until time of FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE rer lint mona avenue CAN YOU QUALIFY AS SUCH CO 79c Chiropractic and Masseur FINANCE ceme-ter- y aervioes EQUITY In mill Interment Creek If so and willing to work you Per Line CAPABLE YtrTaaDls KouseworkTfufl orpart BE A UTIFUL eool room private liom for Dally Ads under direction Deseret mortuary ST - WAS 4211 FURNITURE PACKED can make money selling destr- a to health Set UR W ( 74$ 0a STATS Confidential refined man or morngn Garage Hy time Call Wag 882-MASTRINI— Funeral services 5914-for Mary Sunday Ada used cars for Btreator Per Line IjAMOREAUX 337 Const Bldg Was 220? ible light for chilhouse GENERAL or Saay FayasnU caring denning Barone Maatrlnl wife of Louis Mastrlnl Ixie at 536 60 Main Bt Our boslnea is caring for houssboJd goods to hi a ladV Meredith dren at pl a ht 35c hr Ecfe fences W 7240 will 81a Bet Mr died in on who 35th Neve this Ada per Une city July Service S unexctiled Osteopathic Physician Apt K Apt lady Hi EFF1 FiS with be held at 8t Patrick's Cathollo church gome experience MAN with car to seirelectrlo refrigerators STENOGRAPHER 5-A HIGHLY on Fourth South and Tanth West streets CLEAN plenty of hot water walking Lino wnere tadie REDMAN VAN Call Monday or after Hy 6598-STORAGE and reepectabit machines place commiswashing 12 0xU 4th East 13 per week Ths funeral cortege snd centtoroen can borrow money os die Tuesday morning sion If you are s rustier you can make PRAC nurje will do nkpH cocking etc will leave the family residence 666 Wes ihonda and leweiry at legal ratei The from $40 to $60 per week first lua” of Four ad and CO Was 8953-COOL rood rm exceptional for business fleas Call ref Oood Ref ehck 0 m a 30 Bo and 155 Fourth North street at Diamond Shop Main street 505 E 2nd So apt 4 W 5613-writs or wire J g Jenkln Pak City Ut YOUNG German lady wlahea people notlfr na at one of an error 4 position Wasatch will proceed to the church where mass t? YOU need money icqjire aoout our perWANTED— Reliable sales agents 2476 So 6th cast nurae IN NICE home rooms for I or $ gentlemen of gOOC helper will commence at 10 a m Friends may Emolormnt ada lo start ta Th Talo-tra- m sonal loan ranging from $60 to 11000 In BEFORE you store your nousebold goods Call 430 80 W Temple E References AppJ standing see the at the afternoon required body this etc set our prices stalls $3 autos $3 aoeaptod llll 1130 a-- m-- dallr multiple of $60 Anyone of good char Western Loan and Building company 4c O O Donnell mortuary chapel on Fourth NICELY furn rm mod home hvery conv 82 open ttor St up Pack and ship furn regularly employed and prepared to submit East let South Balt Lake City to Loan Block south of South' All ad Fast street one-ha- lf ara aobjsct to Trtbun-Tla-trtReas Close In I1 1st se Sales Money Dames of responsible may ap anywhere We charge less and haul free street on and standards of claaalfTlno eatuor Tuesday morning Tempi WALKER BANK A TRUST CO STRICTLY mod furn rms close In “Fo mrmnmTIoan Ply UJ 135 Positions Wanted — Male the Interment BROADWAY at residence WAREHOUSE family - rule and reoulatlona 107 1st aw ship type13 Grice apts Ddoraement security or tbs of aoesptable be in Mt Calvary eemeter' REAR COMMUNITY M ARKET WAS to any amount from $56 to 10 r 85 06 ROOM furnish latsat paper Hy io5T LEAdigtr Ibutlon s n d" promotion of HALL AUCTIONEER B $1000 minimum interest coats The Conti-RentPERSONAL LOANS de Call A M with man by young car CO WAS PICKETING 401 Can 'ssve TODAY 10 90 a tn 1697 80 Rt h East f National Bene A Trust Oo town WE MOVE FURNITURE PIANQfl ETC Btate clearly proposition PERSONAL Loan Department of BecurtVy ith young eruple rm SHARE lovely set ROOMS OP FURNITURE FORD CAR 5 PHONE AND COUNTER BERYICI Trib T Is QUICK ttkAL 15 150 B So Temple LOANS National Bank One tear to repay Ap LARG& motor vena- - citv or oui of lows only — LOW RATES— m to 13 Mtdntaht Dally— B CAPABLE man and wife wtaheg apt house HIGH CLASS AUCTION SERVICE HY sQU CaI Moilerup Wag 1562 or Was 7085 MONET TO LOAN CO THALES M DERRICK AUCTIONEER to manag© 4 SaturdaF— t other work Im mto to10 10 p so or Booms in Hoteli tj BO MAITt 60 Box ON IMPROVED REAI EOT ATI WE have large clean furniture van SALT B Trib a HALL AUCTIONEER Tele UBEHAi loaos on atocaa tewsjry $10 feu J B Sunday— p m No axamlnation Bo commissions feet LAKE TRANSFER CO WAS 2335 Wm" 1 uSST toe $25 for Rrovl-den- t HY HOTEL 44 Bo' RELL6 rVERYTRTNO 75© Holiday — a a m to 10 p m Large loan Ism No deiays 12 terms UOOKKEEPINO Tpxtoo" Attractive man by position young " One of nicest family hotels In city Rma Loan 6oclfv g ftp Temple LOAN TRACY CO TRUST low salary to etatL years' 10 E Broadway W H ADAMS AUCTIONEER 50 East So Tempi© experience ABdrrao Bath Papan— Patent Attorneys 4 50 wk up suites apt 151 Main Street day $1 A 1 50 AT 4 Address Waa 655 1464 TO 1455 80 STATE HY Was 9730 Trib IOO Box Wai 3030 prevailius rakes on dwellings abd bui 145-1Snnth Mein (Ur—i CO OL clean rms and apM R £ privileges & B CASH for eeilers equHNa in R & contracts de- - EXP gardener THOM A8n cervlcs respectable G JENKINS a oldest Utah ERNEST LAMBOURNE 67 So Main Wa prompt flowers caretaker COL S lawns U £ dVV'lcU Co Ecksoa bldg U UR-- Everything fum 6$ a W Art 6a U51-- J £as KOifll — i Joionto Co $$ W Km Co A as natif 3316 Salt Lke’a eldest and lMdia fiotltt auct 160 Last lad Bo Wu 4310 E4& Bid Waa V 43 n uutoou pW4 6 $8 dr apts ftneHOTsfioWeTAfi: lpTBAtllR $10 $25' Signs staoi Watch bTlsamW hcIi wri "Tincoln Limousine $8 you’ TO Business 126 Losland Found 1FREE SERVICEj! Fitted It Employment OBITUARIES WeatherReport Frances Tr Roach Ptron $1000 Wanted Buy k Jens Peter Christiansen CASH LOANS Employment 24 lii Infant Cannon 4 w Rasmussen Boyer fil:: Jl tth i ft:? y me Sullivan rfuable NI lt itiJm t yr i Junk "h Loams lt t roibi?‘EErnfjFOMinr 3ocwe$- Announcements 140 Auction Sales Classified $10 Advertising gf t t Tflrrrm tJWi Ollli t 17p 20’ 14C k Ads12 Ftr Financial 140 Auction J N 9 Ilia t y tia&a if VASATCfl BSD |