Show T Wtch Telephone 14 Real Estate Homes For Sale Business Opportunities for Sale Business for Sale (Misc) 10 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING 690 Miscellaneous for Sals 23 oomecUonerrTao Poultry— livestock usedToaOXrge$ latest style coal East Bench Sacrifice MfLCH cow frVih sndcomtn g f resh six Automobiles for Sale 46 CRlflPETTB and popcorn machine $50com-- p OBAYIRON WESCO r te As k Ke n 353 E 2d Bo Was 1 942 range with water jacket gray porcelain finish top perfect fully equipped 4 block from condition $50 ROOMS 2 auto camps cheap rent sell Must acct UNIVERSAL gas and coal combination Sirs: J All rooms on day ftitVoom English colonial has water Jacket bungalow type SADDLE horeeood condition coal baking oven gas broiling oven one floor Beautifully decorated Hard fine Ilfs but Lovely buffet 16 Hotels and Apts for Sale wood floors throughout black enamel finish nickel trimmed 40 gentle Can high Jump Hy IU49-kitchen tiled sink Largo tiled bathroom GAS RANGE bottom oven dibasement cement full walled tood condition 91250 fitraishl with garage In basement BTEWART coal range - vided In rooms upon legs ' nickel Jftirnace automatic electric hot water trim water coll in good of la home near 10 University heater This REDUCED PRICE condition Priced for ImmeUtah and East high UNIVERSAL black and white porcehotel well lurnished now operat-In46 ‘ Automobiles for Sale diate salt $6500 easy terms Call Hr lain nickel trimmed upon legs hag rented to steady tenants Close 1498-35 water Jacket to Brosdaay and Mam nicked HALLORAN-JUDO- E JEWELL coal ranged semi-whiTRUST OO Was 032 Main at Broadway trimmed upon legs has watef jacket 25 COLONIAL JR black and buff pore ONE WEEK ORLY 20 lain nickel trimmed upon less PARTY With 95000 cash to bur intsreat With 1355000 CHARTER OAK black and white 8uearhoue facing owner in finest apt building in city Walking distance from nickel trimmed good condition has Owner will place Interested party in eneast located at 1920 Lake mstreet Newly 122 50 water jacket urebrlrk tire charge and pay 1100 per mo salary linoleum STAR all black nickel trimmed 10 papered Inlaidwhich r'EEL and apt to live in and share all profits I paid $4450 00 five bungalow for all white JEWEL range gas Trlb -- Tel years aso since then have Installed each year Boa end black porcelain broiling and iurnaoe built garage with cement strips WILL sacrifice at your price within reason baking ovens with Lorain attach- ® 5 and floor Bare Improved property with 31 West Broadway Independence hotel ment If Interested lawns and fruit trees apt house by owner 222 Bo 2rd UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO disturb tenants but call pleasem--do not 1560 cash and 13000 per Fast J Hy Was 500 129 South Main month ROCK SPRINGS rooming house furnished 205 25th at Ogden Utah DEMONSTRATORS RECONDITIONED CARS HlRB is a buy:’ Cli and M Th Lucid hoi I Wai asoo LATEST MODELS fine little home ELECTRIC WASHERS 1209 Richards Bt 125 It as left as the modern one the 9100 cash per good Every lot day large 17 Stores & Offices for Rent Thla la your opportunity month Hr 3829 factory CO take advantage of our SPECIAL CO Prices ERED WAOON DAYS OFFERING ITH 80DTH AND STATE ST cut to range from 950 to 990 CAFE BY 0WHER On of th flnwt olfrM (or Ml 7th and irrti On new ilret vr Whit War on Main Ith on the weat aide t br 103 ft to an of Main atreet 97 alter Owner wilt aed thla fine piece of liberal for 110000 bulnasa propertr term or will build to ault tenant on Ion Call Hr 1493-for appoint- tima So STREET ST0REI UTAH POWER A LXOHT CO Was 500 Bo Main 111 For leas to Keith Emporium building 361 Bo Main st also space upstatra For terms apply 211 Kearns bldg Wat 024 steam tables taCAFETERIA equipment bles etc some used showcases steam radiation used bathroom fixtures pipes Ketchum fittings etc Plumbing Dept OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Builders Supply Oo 780 West 4th South LOW PRICED WELL SERVICED Was 6411 REASON BUILDING Waa Eit 7nd South 18a Office Supplies DUCQ LACQUER sold repaired PAINT NEVER SUCH BARGAINS 10 CARS ALL USED CARS UNDER COVER 1937 HUDSON SEDAN Juat reftnlahed 111 a beautiful era areen combination br Muir Dandy tires guaranteed me Thla I the chanlcnlly mobrakea model wltn tor Market value 499 NQW$3?5 1926 A FEW OP THEM: 18 7880 $95 1929 WHIPPET COUPE tires finish sew and rebuilt 1929 1930 Ss For Sale fay Rent?? Wfcy NEAR 13TH S0&5THE brick home strictly modern except best Hardwood floors Large bathroom upstair Large lot plenty of shade Oarage Just ttis Place to ralae a family small down payment baL Only 13200 like rent CaU Hy firebrick bungalow Double iOD garage chicken coops By owner Will consider lot as down payment 2220 Bo 9th East Hy 2967-- USED lumber Um d (heathlng 11 lit pr M ya KETCHUM 780 W 4th So tn 28 800 1380 1780 kinds SEDAN ft SEDAN 1927 Coal and Wood $555 MTDAN BUICK 6 wire wheels Finish dark blue body with red wire wheel and trim good tlies Guaranteed throughout Cost over SliOO new Market price 91095 NOW leveling and excavstlng of ail Call Was 1234 $395 Fully guaranteed to be perfect Finish like new in a dark blue color By far the best Chrysler buy Ln town Market value stioo Hauling Sand Gravel PLOWTNO i60 29 BUILDERS SUPPLY ' Phone Wae THOR IK0NER 1930 FORD 1710 DICT NOW Ammonium Sulphate Fertiliser BAKER MOTOR COMPANY 83000 rd South and irdEaat Was 3711 1780 gravel 9250 1780 MT BOIL 2 yard $3 92 2 yards 2 yards sand 50 fly 1936-- per M flooring Lattice picket post bitten Lied pipe and Ilttliisa deed medicine cabinet deed bath tub deed lavatory deed toilet New toilet deed toilet Hat Special price on wall board CHRYSLER Soil and Fertilizer 27 BARGAINS STUDEBAKER $875 ' Reconditioned Guaranteed Original finish aood uph looks like yar-ol- d car good tires Market price $500 NOW 1930 $575 HUDSON 8 WIRE WHEEL SEDAN Driven only 12000 mites Brand new tires Finish and upholstery perlect Cost new sisoo NOW 1936 $295 8TUDEBAKER 6 SEDAN Brand new get of tires Original finish and upholstery ptrfect A car of which anyone would be proud Market value 9700 NOW firebrick home close In price list Wholesale Typewriter Co'Ml4- "Xpr icots— aFkicotb Bo Main Waa 2761 Is neatly decorated has oak in front rooms fireplace cement L C 6MITH and Corona Typewriters Inc W P Otrthner 8t0 Bo 3't E H 4370-- J nt Verst Jot and It faces gast Call Ne used typewriters Attractive rental FANCY apricots at Manwarlngs In O’Dell Hy 4511-orchards 4 miles north and purchase plan flpeciai rates to atu- 40 W 2nd Bo 2 new Waa 3939 Will dents coops duplex garages APRI0QT8 2 pick them youmif tl buthel Hy 4156-- J 3185 Bo pa f for Itself Hy 520-1st East i'u 4011 Hlahland APRICOTS 80c drive Right-roohome 1031 First mod 1 block aouth All lt CHOICE aprtcote aaruie south front loi hardwood floors Weeetch cemetery all through furnace Easy terms Hy 23 Miscellaneous for Sale BUILDWO MATERIAL Excellent mechnnicaiiy Whit-take- A very fin boms 3824 Two original three brand new Perfect NOW spray machine rested Air compressors A 0 Terms Was 4360 544 State 8 L flafe NEW doors vault used safes snd $350d) COMl?££flinTlnPoF“nin?icw"injpS A Lock Co 49 W Bdway Wss 5925 KELLY CO 22 W 1st Bo modem brlek eloa In tl South equipment In at most DEED stock tires city largest AH Seventh Baal Verr asr term 19 Typewriters it asonable prices 209 1 Brosdway Hr 3836 paid Supplies reS0T2?F TYFEWKFffeRS— AltMAKks 24 Farm & Garden Produce Late paymenta Fully guaranteed £3300 ’ONLY $200 DOWN Easy models rented I months 95 Ggt our (Shop as You Drive) Bant FSSEX 6 COACH Here is the biggest value in our group Good motor dandy finish and shows the best of care Worth $165 TO CHOOSE PROM HERE ARB JUST $875 FORD FORDOR In fine mechanical condition everyNew seat covers rugs where etc Good tires Market pnee 9150 COAL BY 7 SACKS II DEL KINDLINO SACK OR TON' BECK'S HY 8808 8411 LUE S cash coal and wood 8 aacka pea"TI: Waa 8817 8 k put 8138 7 klndllm NOW n Pipe— Machinery— Iron Houses 56 Unfurnished Apartments Ford Ccmrer SOUTH k SO TEMPLE and tarts: 3RD EAST ROOSEVELT RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED BAIR CHEVROLET WAIN Unfurnished Furnished Apartments SALE SL Sacrifice 54 DUPLEX ELECTRIC RE AND RANGE NICE BRICK OARAGE CLOSE TO 8CHOO1 EXCEL1477 LENT CONDITION 334‘Ew RENT 110 AVENUE ROOSEVELT TELEPHONE Very foteet Ready for occupancy Aug 15 WA6ATCH 5040 OR HYLAND H141 date 2 to up apartments Tiled m 135— ATTRACTIVE bunsslow break Electric range refrig bath and shower nook gas furnace fast cloae In $37 50 to $66 Gusto ' eraUpo and fans ! 1 9 Herbert sve 3RD See them today Inq 167 Herocrt dian on premises mod newly painted and decorated 463 Denver stt 115 per mo 67 Hf5i22 1939 FORD ‘it acre ground garage mod TUDOR SEDAN 1449 $25— new 4127 1930 FORD Bo fetate coops ttPORT COUPE 463 1930 FORD TOWN SEDAN 839 house partly furn $18 216 Bo 5th East 258 E 3rd 6o 1930 CHEVROLET De Lux one and Mb $35— apts Fur brick Bo 2nd 522 mod Call Beautiful S 1939 ORAHAM-PAIOnlehed and unXumt&hed ODAN Walking dis8:6 3262 Hy 1939 PLYMOUTH Call Was 6748 tance of town COUPk JJS PARTLY furnished house No 6 8o 1st CAPS0N-B0W- MN 1927 NASH West good for rooming or bosrdtng house RIO SIX SEDAN 275 1928 FORD Terms reas toright party Was 3850-- J TUDOR HfcDAN 325 213 AtlH Bldg 1920 OLDBMOBILE COUPE built-i- n 125 2 ROOMS mod cupboard newly 554 E 2nd So decorsted $18 Hy 1692-1929 FORD ROAPBTFH 275 $20— mod house gas lino 639 Edi 129 FORD ’1 PHAETON 275 rms and kitchenette all outside apts son st bet gast Was 9964-1928 CHEVROLET PANEL 275 TRUCK prlv bath everything furn 925 to 934 or built-i- n mod $30 — feat lino gas $10 wk 160 W 8o Temple Was 6935 1099 Bo E AND OTH ERA— TERMS 9613 Was 8th range garage TRADES and kitchenette 3 RMS snd mod $50 — double trlctjyave So Srd Eaat thing 1373 Browning garage m new reconditioned apt $25 — modern close In sip porch CL06EIN BAKER new mohair suite new bath fixtures Be newly pspered double garage Inq 223 215 D st rent Rensonabls Judge your AUTHOR 1ZRU FOW1J DFAlHt 6o 8th East Phone Was 8656-- J $22 — modem home lawn shade $20 UP— 2 rms comforta- 3RD & pri bathIn clean 511 4th Ave Hv 4617-231 1st ave ble cool quiet dost 4 ROOMS modern between 7th and 8lh $30— 1928 DODGE STANDARD fir ground SEDAN new Duco prlv enmod 739 Kilby court Waa 6478-- J South finish new aeat cover A-- l trance across from W High 360 W 2 N mechanical condition S good tires Will consldei 56 term Full price $395 £0UfcHn R J FRY INC 37 SO 2ND EAST IDEAL loo unfurn radio service 1929 FORD coupe Just overhauled look’s 234 1st ave tile bath e SALE For Rent For Rent Automobiles for Sale 46 Automotive $1900 Hah Automotive $ feeder pigs fat lambs registered builg 9451 80 Ct afe 2jS0Yfl goon to farrow also young pigs 1420 Bo 6th West Hy 5139-FIRST crop hay for sale Phone HollaS28-12 Telephone frasatch 590 1931 27 Automotive Livestock for Sale 43 i JULY 1929 APTS Pdin INC UTAH APTS neat furn225 MOTOR COMPANY SOUTH 3RD EAST Unfurnished Apartments rde fW' ilSf 1295 1930 Wheels terms Hy 2231-COACH — Driven Just condition fine 8732-- Call blue light P80 short mileage at Was MODEL A FORD Fordor aedan com-pletely rrconditlonil Will accept rour' present car In trade terms on bal 38S R J FRY INC 87 60 2ND EAST 1929 FORD COACH— ha car Original tires been used very little around town and shows good care A real buy at 2365 JOE' CARPENTER 47 WEST 4TH BO ONE 1929 Che vrolet sedan must be sold st once 1325 1929 365 E 9th flo roadster 309 Fast 1929 CHEV $300 quick salrexcellent coupe condition 3154-real BUICK reas bargain Hy J Trucks Tractors 47 $45 00 Oood rubber Truck 168 No 9th West order Auto Parts Tops Tires REO 1823 running 51 and USES' paTtLc O "to 90 peelrrrraTleT for carg Best Jrlces foumi Wrecking Co 1018 State Hy 6852 stuto parti st big savings Mall all sizes Auto TRUCK snd order spec 53 Felt Wreckage Motorcycles & 645 8o State Motorboats INDIAN Scout motorcycle fiTst-cl- s condition 875 1929 Harley-Dldio- n police motor fully equipped 8135 These traded ln 00 new Indlenk Hy 1929 2231 r” 1“JADRIi'EYS NEW FEATURES PRICES Iate reduced greatly HOUSE OF HOPPER 140 E BROADWAY NEW outboard Sedan cruiser reas Very Muat sell N 8th W 2647-- 137 $95 For Rent Was furn HILLCREST body E 13th 6o Atkinson WILTSHIRE ARMS 4 and shower refrig E 5th So Waa 256 HOWELL and 8 Room 10271 Cool FrlgJdalre rca& Walking distance furn BUCKINGHAM 1975 South Uth East BRADFIELD rHE 4 and t rooms 3 and 4 rooms new high class furnishings Frlsldilre Low rent Adults I 137 1BT AVE— Under new management KENSINGTON 2 3 $18 and up furnished apts Call Was 9868 6 rooms or unfurnished 4 LARGE modern rms H beat st 125 porch garage COVEY new $20 — overstaffed furn pr bath furnished W 878G-- R $15 paper also paint or unfurnished 342 g So Temple RITZ apt THESE have lane large living room kitchenette apartments dinette bath closets $32 50 to $46 Very sleeping porches porches aud glassed-i- n nicely furnished 435 E Bo T Was 5730 These apts are all in excellent condition and you must see them to appreciate just COMMUNITY APT8 how nice they are shower bath Nicely furn or unfurn apts no car large lobby attractively furnUh-s- i COVEY INVESTMENT OO fare light rcluded 326 to 935 45 & 239 Fast So temple Was 5671 Broadway Take elevator 4th floor parlor PIERPONT and up MAYFLOWER 1283 ileep WENDFLL— furnlsned rent res EAST SOUTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE'S FINEST! Arranged like the most exclusive home 8 Urge rms cove Soundproof fireproof porch APTS— 3 rooms and bath $2350 Was 4394-- J 153 Pietvont st cool well debated Newly 1 3 rooms refrleeration andW 2Q4 lgtFo Was 9946 KE¥7 TRENTON 544 FIRS! SOUTH ceiling archway gun room fireplace 3 BEAUTIFULLYE furnished apts 93250 93a exposures 3 baths shower extra lg reFrigldalre Maid's from frigerator quarters separate inbasement elevator apt GarageSECURITY HEW NORMANDY APTS FIR8T TRUST CO 8 room Main St at Exchange Place Was 8221 beautiful furniture close In 937T0 and $45 Unfurn $32 50 125 1st ave HOLT apartments 243 So 3rd East— 6 rms and sleeping porch overstuffed furniture BEEZLEY Was 3964-- R all new furnishing 125 9TH EAST MARQUETTE 569 E 3rd So— with apts soundproof walls tiled cool: 325 month floor ground bath: with shower breakfast nooks gas OA8 electrical ranges refrigeiatlon FURNISHED FREE Good location and APTS reasonable rentals CaU E B Wicks Co 710 8o Btate— Newly dec and refurnished Was 2040 SWAN apts HUPP 6 SEDAN custom model with 6 wire wheels uph and original finish like new excellent tires perfect mechonlrajly Cost new oer $1800 Market value $600 QUINCY 325-13- APTS 0 Was 9555-- J JUEL IIOBT OF THESE CAM CARRY OUR 54 Unfurnished Houses 168 I ST ONLY DOWN LAUNDRY SIZE 8LIOHTLY UBED 30 WRITTEN GUARANTEE excepapt very mod apartment with e1assedln sleeping Attractive kHiaJl hotel or laundry tional conveniences furnished and On paved street one block from Liberty This lroner A°L DORIS TRUST CO 661 E 1st So W 6313 electric gas range Is but slightly used and la a refrigeration porch E Hy 7772-6th 34Q So 5634-312 Was clothes J Call closets OO mod AND park with sewer sidewalk atreet paving Wonderful buy METAL MONSEY IRON Ooatesville cot large $1250 PILLMORE-UINTAcor 2d So 2d West 1138 So all In and paid a TOO South Ird Wait brick Waa 4788 W T mod 1500 REO PRICE 185 NOW 980 CAPS0N-B0WMA- N INC mod apts very reasonable rent! Pawl threaded mod bungalow with oak floors fireplace ceUaed plpa all alia was dls bed 1250 UTAH POWER LIGHT CO Waa 7834 Waa 3006 ment basement and furnace furn or unturn This home 852 LOO NOW 212 Atiae Bldg 138 go Main Was 500 Washington 461I-be 8TH sold must CALL HY SOUTH AND STATE si peii 1915 So 8th East 1800 31 Furniture for Sale CLOSE E IN mod 12 50 VERY gas dig CAPITOL HILL beds 6th WAg 30118 WAS 4877 HEW THOMAS OEN1RAL ELECTRIC REFRtQERATORfl ' 12454 TERMS and convenient cool at-imodern newly papered Shade 3 rms evervthing electrical muat be seen 1 tractive 136 I --room modern frame Full basement THIS IS THE PLACE $22 50 2627 So 7th East Was furn ipts unfurn by day wk 3525 extra well built Ideal for family or can ' t cu ft box porcelain interior to be Adults $35 up Lea&e mo Lincoln Arms 242 appreciated 1st South UBED BUY YOUR flame FURNITURE cost TO terlor finish $18— be used for apartment origLot improved brick house CaU at 252 6o 6th less Waa 9065-- R walnut dining suite— special 35975 East Hy 2031 inally 9319 00 used but very flttle and and fenced All c‘ Gsrase OUT OF TOWN INQUIRIES SOLICITED BROADMOOR terms Priced now at only ag demonstrator owner at 559 Pc goto st LARGE warehouse and trackage also PHYLLIS APTS breakfast set 97 50 Used 9290 00 Terms 112 00 per month 8 Cool and comfortable ultra modern brick houses $8 and $10 OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS 68x2?-inc- h Was 365 UTAH POWER 0s LiQHT CO showcase mah finish glacs or 5 rms MODERN APT WITH 8 UN PAR-LOWalking distance university 128 60 MAIN WAS 800 ends and top with I fltdlag doors In modern brick $15 235 N 5th W E high school 930 E Broadway and E 353 AND FRIGID SO AIRE TH $5250 front glass shelves Sold for 9146 Now terrace 815 W 3rd So $15 2 OXFORD APTS — 119 W North "Temple BOULEVARD special 265 fine STATE Jpetant home I rooms all modern modero bouse $20 month 752 Ricb-ard- Cor 9th E and 1st So motors and wumps bought sold four-roo- m and strictly aptsWasnioely1837 furn Frlgidaire garage large corner lot 1st and H Faces CLECTRip t ELLC THOMAS EXCHANGE 32 50 to 145 6678-SUGARH0USE repaired and rented fine location modern i Was RELIABLE Hy USED CARS south and east Home coet owner over 543-9 W 2nd Bo TRIO CO h81 location 3 AND 4 rooms inod newly decorated 608 3000 Cor 9th East and lat flo $20— Will sell on easy terms Hr 2824 apt Just cleaned partly327 furn 8o 3rdE and 326 E 5th So Was 9331-- J d'lUHIk blXi'UKKb 1828 OVERLAND SEDAN MFA1 CUUNltHfl and decorated STORE Denver st t 76 $199-RBHOWCABES 22 RICHARDS BT W 8210 OR quick sale mod JMIBGLEY-MAYNELL furnished 1838 OLDSMOBILE LANLUXE DE with duplex mod heat except with light 315 446 Denfurn apt 1884 K Ylt Bo ' home Juat (it South Main st splendid DAU 845 Priv gar and back yard 354 HIGH-CLAS- S ver st Hy 4488-- J bath Front Hdwd lira front rms location B 17th So 1928 FORD TUDOR 65 furnishings service surround business condl OWING to the present Hy 2362-- J rm dining rnu and oedrm gelt living $20— russ 1938 DURANT COACH Inga furn unfurn 335 up 621 8 W nicely fum newly dec bath 545 WHEN you move aave time tions we have been forced W repoesess 8PECIAL LOW PRICES and New gas rgand lolaia Uao splendid ranee conexpense w heater 676 So 2nd W OLDSMOBILE 1939 COACH like new 845 en unusnelijr large emeunt of furni 1930 LA BALLS SPORT COUPE 9 ird 4 reliable $12 00 10 84500 breakage Waa 8988-- J hire moving man terms WHITE t 1927 8TUTZ STRAIGHT 8 COUPE nected up— all for 37f-Easy four-roo- m 295 ac outfits BROADMOOR three lure 73 and M listed hi CO BT MAIN ' No 111 8 claaalflcatloD ’5 or Hy 4589-- J Moving 1928 OLDS COACH 395 FURNISHED Just —Call - Hr Most of this well as separate pieces apartment close In 1M0PAOKARD COUPE 1 nd 4- -: and Storage COOL 1927 9 USED and comfortable modern flies ana ultra DESKS office HUDSON BROUGHAM 525 home like No Mam 149 equipment furniture U more than half paid for HIM PACKARD SEDAN ftpasa “ ‘ 5 rms walking distance university and $18—3 ROOMS 1938 nash Roadster Desk EX 327 B W T WaS 9975 m close aleepiug porch we will fell any of it fo the baland $25— clean cool Oood mod view modern 1927 STUDE COM COUPE ONLY 385 217 Stanley DOWN HOTEL COAL high school 930 E Broadway place 2nd E bet ance owing Take advantage of the IPM IA BADliK SEDAN Near U of U Plenty of hot water 1104 flo 1928 BUICK COUPE 145 Was 2479-- J RANGE— FONTENELLE— 3 nna furn or unf New AND THOMAS other fellow’s loss 1838 LA ISALLE TOWN SEDAN E Srd Eo Witts sleeptn Nnr thla wonderful ELMAR ave cool rent reaa 155 2nd ave modernistic mod cottaees MADSEN CO SOUTH p 236 FURNITURE 1838 8- $3750 REO Lari CLOUD SEDAN home near I frame FLY1NQ Liberty park $25 $36—2 mod porch overstuffed AND RESPONSIBLE GENERAL MOTORS Call Covey Investment Co STATE STREET Was 6671 CAPITAL VIEW APT8 146 2ND AVE tr has good plumbing fixtures larvs lot PM furn new mgmt 341 S 2nd 8u W 6717 DEALER 183 NASH SEDAN hotel or cafe 0 $25—0 RMS lawn and flowers Cali Hy 4811-TEN BEAUTIFUL WALNUT DINING RM mod gas range water heater Your bargain in 2 and m apts LOWEST FINANCE RATES - 675 furn and gai It lino MAGNA OFFTOE OAR 90-All apt completely So New decorated newly You can save Just half the regular 6th E SETS 1551 Frlgidaire Hy $20 463 E So Temple Farms and Acreage 183 STUDEBAKER COtTPE UTAH POWER k Light coS and Was 9099-OLDSMOBILE SALES CO $32 50— Agarage management price Will take In trade your old set LOVELY brick bungalow THE 1837 CADILLAC SPORT SEDAN 7 A B KINNERBLEY West FUR CO 424 E New DIXIE 8 mTemp strict!? PICCADILLY-ROBERT- A Strictly modern Hardwood floors 1838 CADILLAC SEDAN RESTAURANT SUPPLIES 4a Brosdway 835 to up to the minute gas and electric range Was 8328- aptmts SO STATE 945 CaU Mrs Healey W 8350-unfurnished furnished ACRES MAJESTIC hotel ranges steam tables mod firs gas range fur- hdwd 178 BUTCK BROUGHAM A Ultra mod H 7899 Homebuilder Office 454 E So Temple Ice boxes counters back bars FUlingame OOLDEN OAK dining rm suite 934 50 29 OLDS atoois' rubber Tour pace $35 and 60 t beautiful good coy 1830 3 FORD COUPE and urns dishes cash registers Leiest offee WALNUT dining rm model 65 COOL $30— motor on st level lg apt northeast 5 RM mod $3250 Dooley cottage adults $18 WESTERN FURNITURE COMPANY 29 FORD Ton Truck suite tapcstry covering hag had liv rm dfsapp bed kitchenette and ptIv 60 Ruckstell FAIRMONT ct pretty place to live 823 Bup 2nd So Look at tht farm 133 SOUTH 9TATE PHONE WAS 6163 130 Weeetch 24 DODGE Tour Calif top runt fine 1590 very little use bath oak TODAY-SPEC- IAL good furn: floors garage Apt m E 6th So 4 or ATTRACTIVE Midvale aaet of State full else MAT- No I 304 ’26 ESSEX Coach new paint apt str mod excel GUARANTEED bungalow ave sip pch 50 lent Juet below UBED PTPE: all sizes newly threaded condition Frlgidaire garages Was water rlhl Cite water Blec-tr- lo s TRESSES newly papered painted gaa range gi ’26 FORD Rdst Pickup worth more 195 MONBEY IRON AND METAL GO 307 HOTEL 2 8 63 UMBbKLANL) 2nd 80 Waa 3000 East on car 4 nice room lilhte line 876 9th ave Was 7174-whit ’25 OLDS OOOD SELECTION of odd chairs BUICK BROUGHAM I excellent eon 700 flo 3rq Wait 1 Sport Rdet dandy value Wasatch 4768 and A few fruit tree sip rma $3 to apts also atucco bath end rockers in velour tepestry ’24 DODGE De Luxe Sedan new paint dltlon S86 cor apt near ca pltol Will decorate and onint BERNICE 1st So -- 8th East 6 50 Inc linen Space for cars gas MEAT 'market fixture cash registers lights and ’26 Priced 8 raepberrlej etc I fened: outbulld-tnv- v 6426-H rma CADILLAC new leather SEDAN JEWETT Coach good motor coverings gr floor porches also 4 suit J A Brown Hy 4025-- W (enulne bar 896 scales showcases Agent U S Blioeri etc Pin (OIL Owner paid $3 60 to 92590 from rubber taln m new ROOMS ATTENTION TOURISTS W L Wetherbes 86 Richchicken BEAUTIFUL apt sun Prices Tight leono for thla and will sell now at porch bath sleeping BABY CRIBS newly decorated like PACKARD CLUB SEDAN 6 26 Whippet Coach like new 25 miles anap 986 colored tile kitchen extra jarge parlor 739 Jeremy at coop $12 SO ards at living ULTRA modern Was 2115 3380 Will taka lat model car aa new to a gallon 450 855 mo including garage room apts by day week month ' 139 8a conexcel e n t "con di tlon SUZANNE POOL tables ’21 DURANT Coupe rumble seat a brick house coop garage 44 W 6th Eaat CADILLAC SEDAN 1 a rare bartaln 786 part payment mti 13300 on 358 E 1st So Was 3322-tract Robert avc Wetherbee 86 Richards st real TERMS TO SUIT bet So buy CADILLAC SEDAN t ALTHENA dependabla EAGLE GATE APARTMENTS Nicely furn mod cool $20 up Phont tnr aaent Hr 3831 ’26 STUDE Stand 6 Bedan extra good 245 1 ROOMS beat condition gas fuel hot 148 BAND INSTRUMENTS transportation Cottages court 912 50 up 58 N 2nd Wert Cor lat Ave and State St '38 CHEV Coupe new paint can’t be STUDEBAKER SEDAN 179 40 P st Hy 6755-Cannot dufurnace Buescher E-- b saxophone sliver only An attractive four and five-rooHOUSE$20— NICELY CO SUGAR FURN 225 furnished 3 rooms beat In apart' 14 148 ft to ACRES Mill (break plicate East $39 faclnv Buescher soprano only $ RMS newly decorated walk to town ment for rent Strictly first class For bath first floor 300 E 4th South private 29 DURANT NASH SEDAN 8 A repoaaeaaion Sedan overhauled 295 $20—8 37th Eait at Waa 371S-- J Beat -Terms 83 Fit (BASEMENT OF ORANITE FURN GO ) Information call office Bransford apts Hy 4101 tu in citx 98 PATNEfl 63 Main 1050 E 31st 80 469 Hy 3026 WASATCH HEW CASTLE HEIGHTS $30— house lino gas range On 10 Property for Sale or Trade FOR WALE— High-gramod 256 4 RM8 B st eves Was 8809-photographic car line front rear porches plenty heat 3 ROOMS beautifully furnished or TERMS Call TRADES rn Home with new mod equipment nearly new and at one-thir- d FURNTTUR jSX ownVrrTovelr'new ih sxchanss depart- 351 Waa bargaing East 6349 garage 3rd light OLDEST UTAH1 MJTOMOB1LB basemod decorated cement coat newly Add C H Papenfuss Corlnne Ut Evervthing mod Reaa 141 1st ave RELIABLE USED CARS ment ern cooja for trade laws or cheap gals Hose ln ment new window shades walking dist CAITHNESS at 2 B 9 room 3 ARTCRAPT-boun- d 88 and rms Call Hy 4389-95800 Dining set gulte pieces Wonder Our Heatrola MARQUETTE 669 E 3rd So 4 rooms new' thoroughly cleaned inlaid lino Furn or unfurn Was 8107-- J or Was Frig 1920 OVERLAND SEDAN 962 Bed davenport Spanish leathef 2500 175 World’’ practically new real addition A0 ACRES of unimproved land for trade range 3o3 E 4th So Waa 7946-- J ly decorated $35 mo 3 porches very cool 12 50 1929 OLDSMOBILE to any library $15— coet 68a 1361 Lin DE LUXE LANMahogany bed e snap 8T FRANCI8 369 E Bdway W 6364-for ear or what havg you 9 Waa 4249 — Light (too-rate-d 8UMMERHAY8 brick Nicely Good 975 DAU 645 50 5342 922 apt duplex 2 rms sip coin at airy phonograph Hy jpapered priv bath 930 front 2 W 2nd 218 EL Bo floor 917 No 930 68 gar Gas 6th DAYNES Main porch range 1939 FORD TUDOR Terms 365 rma dl bed kit bath Includes light WE8TINOHOUSE automatic combination Was 8172-- J 1926 DURANT COACH 24F AUTOMOBILE COMPANY m $25— LOVELY glassed alp pch m WHEN you move— save time expense and flee atovt $110 Cost 9227 124 N and mahogany high-grad- e dining room 1939 OLDSMOBILE COACH Jikd hew 545 WALKING diat mod car fare 325 Arnold at 147 3rd East clean g neat set 40 N 3rd West Saturday to t p m pi Weat breakage man " hire a reliable 1927 291 OPEN EVENINGS OPEN SUNDAYS and coal 8TUTZ STRAIGHT 8 COUPE or Monday listed ln classification No moving mgs: $22 50 450 Blair Hy 6537 rHE KESSLER264 NoAPTS Was 9081 39 FT 20 in leather belt Call Was 9970 1928 OLDS COACH Ut Moving 395 81 SOUTH STATE ST mod bungalow furnace garage $35 and Storage on new TRADE your ueo furniture 213 Beaaon bids State apts WAS 8707 1927 BROUGHAM HUD80N 226 PHONE 15 Businesi for Sale (Mizo) 168 Yale ave Was 2905 Reliable Furn Co i31 E Bdwy Was 4289 $37 00—4 RMS 1926 NASH ROADSTER 115 bath gi porch 3 closets $30 $36 AND 940— Four-roomouern apt QUICK Meal combination coal 1927 STUDE mod aud homelike 444 So 4th East oblliOT'O C ALipORNiXI 930 furnace FELT base russ 98 95 refrigerators at low 365 HARMONY COM COUPE completely furnished perfect ventilation range $15 408 E 37th Bo pi 35 7th B mod 6566-hdw 402 First ave 2 POR SALE AT SACRIFICE! ISC COVERED floors 145 1926 COUPEest bed BUICK — slse Apt 9660 babr Hy Urge $40 WAGON prices DAYS duplex elec range hwd floors 8 new beautiful Incdi um slse porch swing 915 gas ranges with ovens B wonderful piece of tncom property all SACRIFICE MODERN CLEAN 3 and furnished modern house 227 Modern place refrigeration clean airy Hy 6874-- J oriental rues 1014 Hollywood ave m 16 97 50 9x13 Axmlnster rug like new elrar brick house In connection RESPONSIBLE GENERAL MOTORS or unfurnished between 6th and 7th East on 2nd South 4 ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED $25 to $36 669 E 1st flo SPECIAL FRIGID 7 Bo State tth grocery store Home arranged up- - OAS ranges Clark Jewel'cablnet good as WESTERN FURN CO DEALER Was 8859-- J Rent reasonable TWO-TON- E 2 8 NEW AIRE RANGES FRON'r new turn 7679-Driscoll mod Was 2 gift apt Into up now LOWEST stairs FINANCE RATES rented at separate apts ROOM duplex newly papered clean 1022 146 PORCHES ' REDUCED RENTALS iPh 33 No 1st W Tourists specialty "' $27 60 per mo (never been vacant) and USED refrigerators st very low 1936 Chevrolet Musical Instruments $475 coupe N 1ST WEST Linden ave $15 Phone Murray 46 prices 98 33 CO OLDSMOBILE SALES INSPECTION TELLfiTtha for rms quarters and 1929 (6 tale yourself 335 and up Independent Ice Co 263 West Chevrolet coupe Very choice Iivlngon main floor) Purchaser can take STR MOD NEWLY DECORATED LINO NEW-If20— apt well furnished cool with bed1939 Fseew S45 8TR MOD730 NEW coach South Tempie Was 2038 PIANO BARGAINS 9911 over grocery stock at Invoice Profits room and glassed-i- n 845 LA FEVER WEST WALKING DISTANCE DECORATED 80 1ST 1930 Whippet aix coach 8R5 Bleeping Good porches 9M9t9 Reasonable from stors alone will make payments on KINDLING wood cut up all new wood 38 Ooodpractice upright APT8 332 1ST AVE :vMl 1939 233 3rd ave and 125— Chevrolet coupe gar 869 Washington at mod West load delivered Jteep cool burn wood T player upright F at Murray Refrigeration 1939 Ford Hill apts building Ensign school lust across the 276 834 So DELIGHTFULLY COOL Was pJokup 4799 FUR 1st m Inq Kimball Genuine s te d a grand Box of coal Oo Was L 6170 street Call Mr Henry Luce Was 10089 1M9 Dodge aereeo delivery 175 ROOM modern apts reasonable LA 325 NISHED APARTMENT Genuine Steinway grand FERN by day ' closet partly mod ln $10— pantry 10 cost $40 week or month BULLY equipped fruit and vegetable mar- BICYCLE— Good condition PARTMENTS 138 P 8TRRET HY Garages No 47 3rd E Many other wonderful used snaps Tuttle court 4th N bet 4 and 6th W 1274 Laird ave Hy 7463 All of the above ear are fn excellent ge! Readr for stock Good location In frgRM ’ IN USED FORD COUPES AND SANTA CLAIRE 252 5th East Nicely furn heart of cash shopping center A real 5 ELECTRIC desk fan 8 oscillating 2 12- condition and ready for the road Terms 63 Main cottage large sleeping pen garage PETER JR 35 So 7th E 165 1st floor apt 1st fir elec refrigeration DAYNES 6EDANS 83250 564 7th ave U desired money-maklor mao wbQ knows this ln and 8 n f elmost new cheap Call wondfrfuL Also 1 cool front 4 rm brk nook refrlg new pe-pbaby 30 alp pch bargain Steinway apt business ' Was 811 or Hy 4053 $18 50— 187-Inbrick ln gL mod R TRUCK 2 sip 6580-cottage wheelbase FORD once taken if Hr Apt Plano at Inq PEERY APTS grand cheap 3rd ave 223 furn 9869-W 5th No nicely W 317 cab 8620-with closed BABY carriage porch Inq stake body dual Lloyd used 4 mos JOHN DALY CO front apt sun-parlo- rl good Was OROUND floor apt strictly mod-erpiano and Kelvi-nat& CO wheels drlren only 600 mllea cond Cost $35 now 9129a 675 Douglas 05NUINB Maeon A Hamlin grand piano $20— YOUR claolce of five str clean 217 3rd eve dulls 3000 $3750 Wai 9282-ave 66Ei8t 4th South mod new Hy 1587-remodeled as houses Just B ac good Bee Mr Merrill 57 60 Main $15 UP 1 ana A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR OBapts on 1st floor 61 EXCHANGE PLACE Arch openings Good-payin- g basement etc drive youraeti rent ear MAYTAG WAS 2100 garage asher for balatVce of "contract HOLTON "E" flat alto saxophone like new 5 B HEY VAHHAS phone gas 11 g h ts A BARGAIN TAINING street n 7 late model ears Near 7th East and 3rd So Inq 749 business for tale 82 30 601 9th ave Terms 7773-Hy 6782-cheap ave Ref InNEAR u Best location in Sacramento 131 6TH EAST— Cool No 1&8 CHEVROLET coupe best condition Hy required Smartest apts A COMPLETE aiwf set tools watch material Will take part rath CHRIS B UN8CTHOTKN debtedneas instrumusical Bal- RE- 2KM 8217-town APT or Was furn mod 848 brick unfurn real Will ftva newly Davis terms 668 3rd ave strHy 5108 Call papered FORD MOTOR CO bargain DUCED RENT 212 'l3THg HY ence easy payments Price I5MH) Write very reasonable ment Maker repairing tnd rebuilding 348 We3t 3rd 8o Was U65-- J RITZ APT8 large living room kitchenette or wire Roy Fridley 1111 lUli at Dolma BINDER sewing machine $20 oak library 317 CohMltutlon Bldg Was 8146 RMS 414 WEST BROADWAY WAS 63 L garage 830 u light bath closets 840 dinette and 438 435 ve 3 ROOMS SEDAN ’26 STUDEBAKER Very modern model 9200 Cottage table with side bookshelves $13 small side LEAVING town Klmbstl pt ano $45: Victor Carase Sacramento Csllf M4 Bo West Temple E So Temple Was 5730 choice 9169-Wa 644 So 8th West Nicely deco Oarage Hy 5225 3 $5: fancy mirror All fine cond’ tlGH class coftee shop completely leer RM I'w-to- n phono 20 records ?3 470 80 9tfi E 1939 CHEVROLET truck with open Was 2429-N- J strictly mod nicely f urn"”"gsa apt $16 Clean 563 East modern equipped for sale at bars Call W 1839 5 range condIMon linoleum fine $3750 excellent 128 I at body: express ELAIHE APTS 6lh South Apt C ' old violin: 8 Winchesters 34a Piano Jazz Short Method BUY TOUR FORD FROM motor and finish Will give guarantee CKUD miimii properties for lesee CaU at TYPEWRITERS jTd McFARLAND-SMOO- T kitchenette bilh Edison phonograph All these 8 MOTOR CO mod 9404-clean gas range garage 333 and 723 So 6' ate R M Holt Call Electrl° S18 Bo Wert ere o k 353 ft 8th flo Ultra-mode- rn So 10th East All E 440 front apt 3rd Temple SEVERAL USED TRUCKS aO standard frARTM’R knowing gaa businesa or willing GR08HELL 8— CAHH 162 course Bo mail Main 7536 Method Davis 6o Vedanr excellent condiHy 1929 FORD REGISTERS and add$22 50 — large si porch new paper to learn Investment required Box 8 to 2 ton makes all body types LEEDS APTS ra mod tion on long term ing machines bought sold exchanged apts44 laundry Phone Hy 7P6I-- J VERY ATTRACTIVE' R J FRY INC 37 SO 2ND EA8T paint 1132 Emerson ave Waa 8780-Trib 1 el parking space 328 and 130 mo rented repaired 849 State it Oroehell-Lov- e 39 So 3d E Radios for Sale LATE m 1071 STR modern ft large rooms 1st floor heat OAKLAND $22 50— SNAP new brick MODEL COUPS rge 1939 DA SEDAN dup gas DODGE f I NQ clng tailor shop Pantex pren leather upholWas 8164 Esk 48 years bldg w lino d hth: well A- -l h front 2d-3- d I744-rear and gas 3irHmAkltchFH't flo range finish Norrl Firestone 11th E ave new w 12 tires VICTORTa and bootl-t a ter Kent R OTaT Bru new Duco finish very 8 No reas offer refused upholstery Hy 'tlrea stery JBJ 6o SODA fountain steam taoies eleo car-ho1B Bo Elec General ave 367 W 4th sip pch pchs Will consider small trade Full price 9295 Temple Will consider WALKING diat mod neat clean 67 good mechanical condition Majestic Croaley nearly all makes for rent 9 Urge rmg and shed 34-- 1 AND S rm mort ' ar floor bonators used gi R eases low prices 37 SO 2ND EAST FRY INO bithTTlJ OXFORD APTfl a front apartment from 129 up Gome ln and make your your present car in trade Price $575 W 8th flo 53 $20 Only $15 Hy 1301 UPCi Rear of 426 Bo 6th East Hv 833 Park rt Hr prlv mfsa 68 P O Placs 0r closets bath Frlgidaire electric range R J FRY INC 60 80 2ND EAST DURANT 877 Terms $3 weekly BPOBT ROADSTER 6 wire asi-5R5f”mod ll88llO 335" garage GAS range Clark Jewel 16’ duplex:1662-' 93760 119 West North Tern Waa 1837 63 Main DAYNES mod wheels top upholstery and finish like 1927 STUDEBAKER gu elrculat-U- t aedan Touid fully 2nd East UttT bakery in Idaho My Fo SALE— floor 48 Bo Pth new This mtUkxar looks and runs like Heatrola 475 162 PORTABLE 91990 radio equipped fine condition Must sell Wtr NEWLY ARCO BAKERY A ft CO IDAHO DECORATED 7th South new Will consider small trade Price take $285 or trade for smaller car Cal) 629 8th MODERN ni 'L0RHA Attractive DQ0NE itr mod Daynes 68 Main si 17 o furn a ave Hardwood floors steam heat Hr 3262-a r 33 W 8th 8o' weekJnc lta r3S: FRY XNC REPOSSESSED radio beat make: at Waa 9238-Exclusive 3 and cheap to riarht party 60 80 2ND EAST apts close in IMS ESSEX COACTI new tire motor It $15— 1st E 320 So J 6052 Was your own price 401 Walker Bonk 1927 DODGE kitchenette brick duplex dose in 1st class DELIGHTFULLY SEDAN new tire A- -l from Hotel Utah eaat condition finish and upholstery o k bldg pika aide condition Call Hy 2180 cool and attractive four-rooto right reconditioned where necessary Full price $375 party Was 6880 apt 69Cheap furnished apartment La Fern apart and fully guaranteed $245 JOE CARR J FRY INC 60 SO 2ND EAST bungalow furnace garage mod 6toom fronrapartment PENTER 47 WEST 4TH 80 mentg 138 P street Mr Noyes Was 2291 5 632 Milton ave W 2903 33 lovely yd : clouts bath Frigldalre electrio range Livestock APTS 1931 228 Ut ave cool 3 rms CHEVROLET truck cab and modern duplex at 676 No Srd West DONE also unfurn Frig reaa rates W 6903 TemplefU-r- 5"ed’1837 flO U w North chassis like new Big discount Phone For sale by owner— Master ‘0” Buick ’29 $16 Newly cleaned 7255 Hy — n- Th6 various want ad classifications appear ln numerical riv model Bought 1930 Driven 18500 mllea 1 AND 4 ROOMS clean modem sip pch $20 4 RMS newly decorated 41 Poultry and Baby Chicks a5 Mh Eaefc —3 I trance close in 274 Vine st eqsa-1928 CHEVROLET COUPE 2 front apt 6th ave W 4525-Priced for quick sale Everything Ufi Paid 91863 cash gloves garage beaut turn newly and dec S lg order as follows: this little car is orlslnal Very good con0— clothes closets Owner leaving town "chick 8 ARE dition Hy 3541 for ap-- 630 5TH AVE and private BifrHXsr5DESTED apt sip porch Frig A $40 310 brick BETTER $250 cool by day front porch 24 D st Was 8151 throughout Full60 price polntment week or month ip garage' vigorous They are purebred Jhozne builder Hy TSOS Bo 2ND EAST 1928 PONTIAC LANDAU SEDAN 9 and easy to ralae Prompt prepaid 100 R J FRY INC ONE 32 E 6ih So on 1st floor overstaffed brand $25— Md aptgarage ALSEEN orAPTS 149 Will 1930 CHEVROLET coupe in fine condition per cent lira delivery guaranteed AeHieW Bales strictlyInqmod1436 duplex new tires upholstery Is like new unfurlN Frig W 873 -- M Thla furn bath lights at for yini PJlY 5th East irt-ll96 Hl Wat like new hip C O D White Wyandotte Rhode Apartments L’nfnrnishe $32 50 212 So 7th East Hygar Will take small car ln trade ear has only had one owner who took the good location 3996-LARGE back rms $45—5 Island Red Barred Rock Buff 97 Frig Orpington porch Phone Murray 357-Apartments Farolsbed easy terms best of care of it keeping It well oiled $17—MOD house I rms bath dls bed ESTHER 3 rooms nicely furnished ideal 61 $7 00 g t nla a pts 4 16 E So bsmt new pat per paint lino 433 8 4th E Wnlfd heavy assorted 6 oa Braham s Apartment junk A over etc M new BaMkeplW 91200 Cost tightened FOR MORTOAOE BELL location 134 1st ave Was 8378-- W 44 Hatchery Sturgeon Missouri Astamsbiiea for 9 ale 1 ROOMS hdw floors modern real special at $395 JOE CARPENTER K‘ s fer bale SEAlmost new 1930 OAKLAND 9 $20—3 RMS '$ Let OAKWOOD— Singles Asia Irmieriu wad service 1000 lawn $40 61 So 7th East W L pullets J T Brlnahurat 47 WEST 4TH SO flwap $$ and doubles DAN very slightly used Guaranteed Sfh5 newly quire 53 T forks Aut 47 knd fni4 deco ! 1S6 IH ml to of 48th flo Redwood road Frig 1927 WILLYS-KNTOHT 66-gar 677 8 5th E Hy 689 PONTIAC BPORT ROADSTER Club aedan late 4 NICE rms gas range lg sip porch ga 71 for S6 A'ltamaeiies Wmlil A- -l AND new Urea STRAW new 95o bale Delivered in orders 1930 LOS condition mechanically GABLES Will $2300 close apts Cost CaU mod take $1000 329 518 Bast in 9th ave rage: 4 Bale reasonable Miseelianeoes for b'pinwe OgpartuaHlee 3rd 8outh of 25 bale or more Murray 523-Jwill guarantee tl $170 Owner Hy 367-HfusiniFsl Moileel Instroments for Sale Wsnled 84 It $22 59— and garage 664 E 3rd So and 3 rms 125 8o 3rd East Ultra mod WARRErTspt" 505 2nd East JOB CARPENTER 47 WEST 4TH 80 POULTRY wanted highest prices paid "cufl-tn- g 4 1929 CHEVROLET duco Goard an6 3802-- R mod Moving end Storage finish Beautiful gray goach Hy surroundings litID 1929 DURANT O a living suites d done sedan Thla car la fully 900 W 64th So Murr 538-Personals F'Mtneaa 5rrre (AipbabMcJ) 94 -- J$ft seat covers motor first class 30 up H 4189 Will sell CORNELL APTS COZY and Ill So 6th East Was apts brick bungalow 9 rooms lino78 Pots Doga Birds tuaranteed Will aU cheap Phone Hy reasonable on terms Phone Was 1265-- J $25— ifiilimi 800 ”W" L PULLETS Walter Clark Hatch-er- r MOD 41 CooL comfortable apU Frlgidaire mpts Heat light telephone bath Basement fireplace 4361-- J 4 range 89 and for Bet 41 4542 Hqlladay bird Call Holiaday 61 Poaltry end Bakv Cblrks Furn decora newlp 8EVERAL FTSHING AND VACATION cars 6195-or J ted Excelunf 1395 9th leum bed springs garage and M Homes 1927 DODGE 4 E Was 8953 Property far Fate or Trade le COUPE new ttrec very good at your own price Come up and look (hi'rtn’t Vratrinf 1500 RED lent shade lawn and flowers Must be BELOW Memory Grove beautiful cool 4 pallets and cock Rabbits for Bala die condition Full price $200 them over Terms can be arranged running ereia NICELY furn 3 ind seen to appreciate Bee mornings only Fine stock Waa 2687 f FFTaiung-IsUorln- f mod 225 Canyon od with bath str 94 fc J FRY garage apts 118 37 BO 2ND EAST INC INC 37 FRY R 2ND EAST 728 J 80 $30 up avenue Hy 2492-- J 70 E 7 th Bouth t Logan la-13- 7 Waa 4212 1 is!l Real tfttate for Faio unsl 1121 DRAYTON APTS FIRST AVENUE 1924 FORD 41b MAKE US AN OFFER coupe good condition $20 1 Rabbits for Sale urs fnt Faf $25— mod eras range lino Inq 452 flo II Real Estate Wanted 4 and cool apt furn 6800 Phone and Hy apts Emerson 1929 ave Studebaker comCommander sedan 14 3rd Fast we 248 So 4th East Waa 5760-Was 6806-Rooms in Hotels 7rrre Bnosht n an d’ WhUe Fleiniih young 1939 FORD WHITE FAWN APTS eiANrm u pletely reconditioned new ttrrs body will 108 9A Radio for Fsle IS -- ton truck stakePhone Rrplr4 mod except heat: good baserm furn or unfurn newly decorated RUTH APfs or old 2 3 1523 -- 4 Edison at 60 80 2ND EAST $22 50— R J FRY INC sell for $325 on easy terms apt Frig furn Mur lu 97 Soil end Ferttllter or unfurn kmi 1st W 694-4 ment 372 Waa 3964-653 E 3rd South No 167 So R West Was J18-Temple J 4 fltoree-Offlot ray &oi SOMEONE can save $60 oo down payment M 17 for Beni 42 Pet Stock Dogs Canaries d farcteb rrodecs nice dean cool gas pri- on new Ford: I have credit at Riverton $19— walking distance Inq DESIRABLE mod cool 4 rms pri $25 00— deco 84 357 1927 ESSEX nealy Rrboots and Colleges SUPER SIX coach new tlrea 4 46 So 3rd Eaat Almond at rear Motor Henry R Bills phone -l frmm 7 bath $30: gy coal raea W 9333-- J W 7661 vate bath 19 or 321 Typewriters and SifRitt upholstery and finish like new A- -l meFOTHTER Wipe mil for huntm ttaU tall m $25— RjVELY 47 duplex newly dc Close t!3-il4o Tracks tov Baio chanical condition Will sell for 975 down Murray 483 lg ga prgasbathfurnished range with porrh gas $22 50— sleeping 146 ‘m- r JPrlc as reeuk 11 39 Sherman ave 4i-- 7 “ 99 “7 and Tfek9do N and $17 50 month 666 VVarehouee heatcontrol BIG BARGAIN— Wiilya-Euigh- L W 6 coal Wall and 354 Oblad No st range like new wx anted io FRFNCH tw poodle puppies 17 47 1 36 R J FRY INC 4th E bet 6-- 6 37 BO 924 South 80 NO EA8T N S‘h Weat Pay (Mba) new — 50 $35 duplex and $22 $25 mod a bath heat gas BR garage $18 to $40 2nd East seeping Apartments Wanted le Rent or Lease 8217-1 1828 nd W 3 CHEVROLET aedsn finished in blue 1926 FORD ton truck eta'e boHR also one 187 E F Was 10123 Wav ?224 modern aptGiUi pup tot Ml Dorrh SiD duco: mohair upholatertn r n tq v Uh open express buoy r ool nH and I1N motor — Attrac -- rm Caiii$ - KM newly dec cement bascmeuL nv ELVTRA CUcap shower G E 9’h p Ct ar-eloViUa!l reeeonahl Midvale aliadei U pw 9o9-- j 6tb So Hy 3926-gefne v'xfrner 13th 1 (Continued on FoUswIn Fund $3500 $250 $595 So State SOOTH $150 Was 636 ST K Prices used sewing Machines $1500 A - $40 r 845 t y in 30 WEST 4TH SOUTH SHAMAN w J STEELE INC °SA!i'Lc°?Lv irimdNnoUrVaT I t TRIBUNE & TELEGRAM Classified Advertising Index Poultry— - “ Ii(k tr La' pr Kt - 9ts v 1 51 |