Show 0 — TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUTE MONDAY MORNING JULY 27 HEHUS By RECIPES SEWING- - HINTS FOR THOSE WHO BUDGET THE HOME ARY FAITH Beatrice Barton WomenHomeChildren Playing- Today's Fashion Girlt Enthusiastic the Game - ’ Over Barton Pearl Stillman Virginia Pres- Uncle Ray’s Corner OF DECORATIM ARTISTIC TREATJIEHT AHD DESIGN FOR THE HOUSE'S INTERIOR HOW TO KEEP WELL W By DR A EVANS Elva Broberg Alice Thayne practically nothing else: the yellow THE ADVANTAGES OF Chorus rehearsals are being held contains albumins fats carbohyCOOKING and vitamins The dally at 3:30 p m Immediately after few facts and drates minerals is need for There values depend on nutritional with relative story special the period telling What Has Gone Before ’morning And Kim broke the news PLAYOROUND JORDAN JUNIOR s Heart opinions on the advantages and dis- what one needs The relative Work rehearsals for the leading parts in Intended to leave his wife he that —Our girls are enthusiastic over the the morning and the later afternoon comely young orphan Mary started out beautifully depends on what harms If advantages of cooking Much can be The day Your You beats heart beats and la secretary to Mark Nesblt wealthy with sunshine and blue sky and charming dance drama "Cinderella" 'Cinderella" will be presented the never for It and but little against it a person is harmed by egg protein seen it but you know it’s there said in which all the action Is portrayed first "week In August the tentative especially avoidbuslnesa man She gives up her po everything going on in the flat Just However the raw food faddists are the whites should be of reThis 1s in need and dances 5 egg vitamins It’s and he know If pantomime ed date by their aberbeing you to tell working as so August usual about willing aition to marry Kimberly Farrell Andso view has been composed and arThe Jordan Junior baseball team There Is a way to tell how large ration that they succeed In confus- he should eat the yellows Farrell startten after Mrs A little The shiftless young lawyer Mary Faith ed on her weekly search for bargains on through several variations seem ranged by our director Miss Grace was victorious over the Sugarhouse your heart is Double would some that ing people up one of your the universality of Kimball The dances with the ex- Juniors Wednesday with a score of believes that loving a man hard She did this every Friday and recustom would same considerations apply to digestithe all fists and It will be Just about the be the only ception of three are original and are 21 to 25 argument needed In bility As a rule one should eatAnd enough will make everything come turned at nightfall loaded with toys arranged to suit the technique and Although the weather Is very hot same size as your heart of the trouble and expense of the egg— except theeatshell shells spite out all right In the end It was this for the baby dish towels that left need to the ability of the performers There is our attendance remains high The over the dishes mayonnaise cooking Is the custom in every level some people a part for everyone who loves to swimming hours at Pioneer on confidence that enabled her to marry lint all that refused to work here and there ground of society except mixers to In be dance and who wishes it Tuesday and Thursday are a real Kim after he had once broken their "Say among the very lowest savages Those to Nana” she said Places are being definitely assigned boon and we want Pioneer to know HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE not much higher than wild beast engagement She realizes As has an kissing little Kim goodbye She room we and have still for we raw though the dally of much that eat their privilege foods as of writes: appreciate “Granherself never MT spoke more eye for every girl bus hopes that mar' MARY ALICE PARKER even they cook some of them' 1 What Is the cause of high blood ried life will sober him and make dmother” said Habe enacted Cinderella will by for a is safety pressure? Cooking the baby and went on requisite "Bye" him successful in his profession In zel Oldfield the prince Janice Nel- Ball Team Loses 3 among those who live In communiCan a person with a perfect his string of spools stead Kim is annoyed at Mary Faith's playing with Alice Parson two the sisters food eaters raw Mary The ties expose of the It Isn’t heart wonderful— way lungs and kldpeys have it? If "Now friends and his "Puritanism" ker and Clara Gunn stepmother jazzy For Time in League themselves unnecessarily to Infesta- so what is the cause? Mary Faith I Kimberly Clair and Jack Maldon find her a he aaya thattalked Beth Miriam Parker godmother tion with worms and other parasites REPLY long before he was dull companion Learning that ihe 3walked and PIONEER PLAYGROUND— Our prince's pages Margaret Clayand to infection with typhoid and 1 "Among the causes are worry is to become a mother Mary Faith years old and this baby Is as smart ton TanRuth Hardman Bernice a number of other diseases Man anxiety violent emotion heart disgirls played Liberty Wednesday and ner and Katherine Powell for the first time visits Kim's office as he wasl” She never gave Mary lost with a score of 7 to 9 We were tried to hold on to raw milk for a ease kidney disease lead poisoning Kim is furious when Mary Faith finds Faith any credit for producing court lords and ladies are: Viv- tied at the end of the seventh inThe 3 long time after he had given up Yes See list above child and beautiful precocious him flirting with his blond seers ian Parker Gladys McDougal Mary ning so played an extra Inning and tempts to eat other foods raw but fi' window him to ' Mary the up "Hold his Alice Parker Ethel Noyes Melba lost the game to was was milk tary That night he informs our he go first This tp nally IRON FOR RHEUMATISM compelled to Durfn Helen Hallett Miriam Par- defeat although we have played four mother and Mary Faith that he is Faith so he can wave goodbye that was treated by heat He Is still she said opening the front G J N writes: ker Doris Knott Margaret Beswlck games This was the second league to the custom of drinking leaving Mary Faith heartbroken at his Nana" clinging 1 What foods contain iron chief- Helen Donney Phyllis Hobbs Clara game this turn of affairs decides not to door raw water but city people are now But the baby had no eyes for her ly? Ounn Fay Thomas Lucille Preston tell Kim of her eomlng motherhood celesome water in treated The kindergarten children that is using 2 Is iron needed if) cases of rheuViola Erickson Eunice Preston Marie brated Covered Wagon Days In their She and Mrs Farrell decide to strug- departing figure when MaryHe Faith way went matism? com- held him up to the window the home the Helen Schober to AnLouise for Jenkins Increases own made covered It keep child a Each way digestibility Cooking gle To learn how large your heart Is two sparrows on 3 By what test can one determine nie Virginia Tanner Specialty oourt wagon an Indian headdress and an look Is possible to digest raw starch even ing baby Mary Faith obtains a pos- Into raptures over at your doubled fist entertainers are: Virginia Tanner Indian tepee Then we made a trip ition as typist She refuses to secede the sidewalk and It was then that starch but digestibility of amount of iron in the system?tomalaundry 4 Should strawberries and Helen Christensen Peral Stillman to the mounftient and put our cov- The heart has been called a all starchy foods is increased by cookto Kim’s request for a divorce and he spoke the sentence that Mary askThlm iowait six months before! Faith Interpreted as "I see birdie” Ruth Hobbs Rebecca Hardman Lu- ered wagons in & circle around it At pump” and it really does pump ing Cooking makes it far more eas-H- toes be avoided in rheumatism? REPLY cille McDougal Leah Parry Bernice some distance away we made an In- blood around and around your syscarrying out his desire As the bells 8he tried to make him say it again changed Into sugar absorbed into 1 The foods richest in Iron are are ringing in the New Year Mary but he struggled to get out of her Taylor Betty Hammer Katherine dian village Then we all donned tem Fresh blood passes away from blood and used by the tissues liver tripe kidney heart bone marFaith’s son is born Kim Informed arms and buck to hla beloved spools our headdresses and played Indian the heart in arteries and “used up” Cooking Increases the digestibility row Glauque yellow of egg oatmeal cracked Stunt actors and tumblers are: of this event returns home and be- But Mary F<h was positive neveThe girls are going to Mueller park blood passes back toward the heart of most albumins and possibly of all whole gram breads molasses Ruth Hobbs Merle Wilson Marian at 7 a m Tuesday and stay all day through Veins comes for s ttme s proud and happy rtheless that he had said those three —properly done Raw egg Is less eas- wheat beatis chard and spinach peas Cook' than egg cooked is Bailey Evelyn Martllch Florence father Kim is restored to his old little words Late that afternoon ily digested Tuesday and Wednesday Each heart beat means another di- greens Helen Young Norma Barton more meat makes Two thousand people saw our show It easily lng position which he had lost due to when the flat was In order snd din- Printed Silks Tell a us see Let times how many pump” Doris Schober Mary Minardi Edith Thursday evening It was a showing of the as a rule However there are 2 Yes When his ner was under way she sat down to money irregularitiesheart beats in a lifetime of sev- gested A test of the coloring matter in 3 of Chic methods of cooking that may embarNoyes Leah Parry Helen Stillman "The Covered Wagon” salary is Increased Mary Faith tells make sui entry to that effect in his rate The of beat enty years average ed him to buy new clothes Mary Faith For Instance when the4 blood baby book She began Well we seem to all be In print Betty Hobbs Celia Cochran Lillian ROSE NACARATO min rass digestion seventy-thre- e is about lng per No sees Kim walking with a girl from to write: "This morning the baby ute In one day this means 105120 cabbage Is cooked too long and too hard a part of one of Its albumin the neighborhood library She ac- put three words together to make again despite certain prophecieswethat 38395-100 one beats means In year it DOPE USERS Is broken up and Its suldo cuses him of being a fast worker a sentence—" She bad reached that prints were dead Certainly beats In seventy years it means constituent causes the Is liberated Can one pick out Mrs This K Writes: Clair Maldon tells Mary Faith that point when she heard the sound of not see so much of the printed chifphur more than TWO BILLION SIX vegetables to turn dark and- to have persons using dope by certain sympshe should step out and be gay If Kim’s car and she flung down her fon frock for either day or evening HUNDRED MILLION beats! Its taste rank and odor digesti- toms? she wants to hold Kim's affections pen and started up from her chair year as we did last year and the Think of a little worker which goes bility This fact is an is decreased REPLY Kim again begins his visits to the Long afterward site was to open the year before silks We owe it a vote like that! This year along printed one The best answer is— No against improper cooking Maldon flat He returns late Many book and find that unfinished entry seem to be having tilings all their ’and now they do not trouble me at of thanks if it should stop its work argument By ANGELO FATRI all is that and ink it realafter of til wet and streak people Indulge in guesses on this subDon’t Scratch Mary Faith You can train children to make our life would be at an end night own way trailing a long Which Is good for us beall be milk If it boiling some are and that cloud argued the ject izes he has been on a wild party like and dark right very sight cause a frock of good printed silk These are scratchy days Files will much or little of their simple Ills as It is not enough to thank our heart until a thick tenacious scum forms During the weeks of his illness Kira was to bring back the vivid and with a little matching Jacket Is bite and children you view them in alarm or in the nat- —we should also be good to it Vio- on the surface decreases Its digestiwill scratch DANGEROUS IT IS NOT Of seems to enjoy being at home with aching memory of this March after- costume that will stand ural course of events lent exercise sometimes injures the up well durthe answer is that If any harm V writes: Will It be Mary Faith Then he becomes rest- noon — the yellow glow of the sun In That does not mean that a child Is heart Athletics are fine when kept bility a full day’s wear In town One of course we say "Don’t scratch” and is done it is because the cooking was to treat a swollen vein in dangerous less He tells her of the separation the room the smell of the geraniums ing the b“cl: be course to is most so do of the nicest and bites The less time within proper limits but some ath- overdone to Nothing they exposed representative of the thigh by injection? between the Maidens As the autumn on the window sills ths sound of the prints seen this season ia depicted as to be he has to spend on them the better letes overwork their hearts and have one to bitten the When we come irritating the to ingrefatty REPLY weeks pass by Kim makes appoin- vestibule door slamming snd Kim's in the accompanying sketch It Is ordered to stop that scratching He All windows and doors must be reason to be sorry for It “ever after” dients of foods the argument for cookNo tments taking him from home each footsteps on the stairs outside In blue and white crepe de chine is very likely to think or to say that screened Children should be guardIs a common mistake to say “the ing is not so good It makes It fats eveon One evening and Sundays was only I o’clock Kim hadn’t with a neat scalloped bib effect If you had the bite and he wishes ed against stings and bites and heart Is on the left side” When safer it increase digestiTo the limit of space questions perning when the baby Is suddenly come home as early as this In months Pleating la used for the double pep-lu- heartily that you bad you’d scratch rashes It is hard to forget a dose you feel the beat of your heart you bility butMostmay not recognize the taining to hygiene and prevention of people taken 111 Mary Faith rushes to a best done with notice it on the left side but that had she ana cf short is the sleeves was that poison for It Faith too ivy perky made glad Mary from disease will be answered in this colgreater safety of butter drugstore to telephone for the do- Just When a child gets a bite that calls the aid of a cake of brown soap and does not mean the entire heart is pasteurized milk but cold butter Is umn Personal replies will be changed Into a clean house dress The scallops are piped in white and mads ctor She hears Kim talking to a girl of horizon-blusome hot But e Is water the white darker blue used for scratching take something cooland cotton crepe— fly bites and on that side The heart is fixed in generally held to be more digestible to crepe inquiries under proper limitations employed there and later accuses color that "set off” her blue eyes for the belt witch hazel lemon Juice creams the like are easy once you get into a slanting position The upper part than the melted article Subjecting when ing return stamped envelope is inhim of carrying on an affair with The hope that had warmed her heart and lotions those nice milky ones practice is more on the right side and the fats to high temperatures generally closed Dr Evans will not make diis her Later Kim ia 111 again and for months flared up once again as a to It fatal child tell to sore the and more keep lower part on the left side say something lessens digestibility spot pat or prescribe for Individual Mary Faith tenderly cares for him Kim stepped into the room The about the boy next door the Ice man away from a bee’s nest It has a A scientist has figured out the Cooking improves payability This agnosis disease or the circus that’s coming DON’T certain sure fascination for him and amount of blood- the during his long convalescence Claire hope that one of these nights statement heart us on unsatisfactory gets he will go back until he is stung The around the body In a single pumps calls on Mary Faith and tells her mention the bite would come home snd be his old differ (Copyright 1931 by the Ohicago day he ground The tastes of that she and Jack have resumed he contented The lotion Is not to heal the bite best thing to do is to remove the states the heart pumps ten tons of and there are no scientificpeople — the companionable self standards Tribune) nest The their married Ilfs and Invites Mary Kim of last spring and of last summan of the will house It won't It will relieve the child’s know how to do blood through the body of an adult of measurements By MILTON C WORK but Faith and Kim to their New Year’s mer instead of the sulky and rehim that has He mind thinks something been falling of average size Of course the blood party Mary Faith refuses to go Kim mote man who had come and gone A Superb NEW Bridge Booklet dqne to soothe his misery and his de- try the country-breEGGS RAW OR COOKED neighbor Is pumped round and round and Is It seems Impossible to avoid these not goes to the party alone telling Mary like a paying guest all these past ten sire for comfort has been satisfied CELEBRATED CONTRACT new blood each time M F A writes : "Which contains altogether Faith he will not stay long When weeks Just as soon as his mind takes hold annoyances The best we can do Is It starts a new Journey HANDS the more nourishment the yolk or the to establish a mental attitude toward he hasn’t returned by 3 a m Mary next— of someIdea looked It at his the that with Auction In and give secshe as their and came of eggs? In eating them raw “Health” white Bidding— He (Place this article in that will render them as harm- tion Faith suddenly decides to Join the face thing far away from the bite and of them It was hard Is it better to eat both or only the Play— and hopes died of your scrapbook) her less as snd as Comhim She Kim finds party painless possible enjoying Tomorrow— The Breath of Life cold as If the regular beauty of THE FORCING TWO CLUB BID strong Interest yolk? Which way are they most self with Claire In the confusion and and Taut blithely for a moment or two fort the child with as little show of Contract's Newest Convention been chiseled out of stone had it easily digested? of fear excitement as Maldons’ posof ' then DO send to anxiety the the child drinking typical something sible Then Uncle Ray will be glad to send you By "Hello Kim” REPLY his She direct attention break Is to sit remains down until away fatal It or let him at look and her parties free of charge his leaflet entitled The white contains albumins and Hetdld not MILTON C WORK from himself toward some and fast Is served and then begs Kim at "Hello” scratch Take his mind off to Unhappy reach his Address "Records of Aviation” Contract's Greatest Authority baby who was trying to go home He refuses snd Mary thethe This booklet ia packed troubles and he will let the bite alone activity That will be a speedier cle Ray In care of this paper and blossoms pn the winthan that lemedy It Faith calls s cab snd returns' home dow geranium will and the time be "Stop scratching” gone he by Conbe sure to enclose a of secrets with Innermost the sill can ever be alone When It Is daylight Kim retract — and Auction Send 8 cents remembers It again walked out of the room envelope stamped Then hehim turns wet and cold having been She on Concentrating one's mind a bite heard go down the hall to his in stamps or ooln (wrap care(Copyright 1931 by the Bell will make that bite live If you do 1931 Publishers’ Syndcaught in a snowstorm on his way own room and close the door costs En(Copyright to fully) printing pay Syndicate Inc) not believe that you can try It out any home He contracts pneumonia and icate) enclose stamped A moment later he came back time You can give that bite a vicious again Mary Faith nurses him through Mr Patrl will give personal atten“Where's my mother?" velope for return addressed Millife or several weeks of Illness prolonged Indefinitely to you news' tion Is her ton C Workt care’ of this Inquiries from parents and Mary Faith smiledstill "This can cut Its career short as you please school 1200 KDYD—Th World Bookmin teachers on the care and dedowntown paper day She’s CHAPTER 37 I know that bites hurt I've bad my bargain Farrell’s P M of children him for Write 1S 05 KDYL— Prm flashes velopment bargains Mrs passlop Faith on had of been share them and I did my share in care of this paper Mary sleeping MAY AID IN A TWO-BI13 10 KDYL— NBC Maaaslns ot ths Air been the source of much v the couch In the Inclosing had always room ever of the 13 15 and KDYL— Noonday rhythm scratching muttering In stamped addressed envelope for resitting KSLr— Stock raUera 1330 since New Year's night and when good natured Joking In the Infamily to I learned Ignore them ply KDYL— CBS The Thr Doctor! Mary Kim was well enough to go back to But now Kim saw no humor 13:45 K8L — The Music Masters work she made no change In that Faith’s report of his mother's shop KDYL— Popular 1:00 K8L— Broadcasters review arrangement February warmed Into ping face was as hard as flint as he KDYL — CB8 U 8 army band His March and at ths end of March Is used 1:15 KSL— NBC Farm and home as helium Is snrh Q gas room fire and the 1 SO KDYL— CBS by sat down St George hotel were sitting Just as they had been In hi dirigibles a manufactured or a 300 KSL— NBS things a cigar Peg£7 Wlnthrop chats the autumn before Kim’s illness He bit the end from A Salt Lake M KDYL— CBS Dancinj by the aea natural product?— want she's not here— I Varieties A stayed out late two or three times to “I'm glad It is a natural gas first dis- 315 KSL— KSL—1 Tea Tim® Tune talk to you" he said and somweek making no excuse for his abA Library In Miniature covered on the sun by J Jannsen 380 KSL— Musical sketches 345 Faith tone his in made Mary sences In fact he had very little ething Melody moments This Indicates a person of sensitive French astronomer tn 186P in the 3 00 KDYL—CBS was the and That sick feel shaky Views and Interviews to sly to Mary Faith about anything course of astronomical research with 315 KDyL— KSL — NBC L D S tabernacle choir disposition and a very powerful wilL Your child’s future dewhen he came to Mrs CELLULOSE When he did talk to her it was of way he talked the KDYL— CBS Kate Smiths music and spectroscope subsequently The mind is patient and prudent Puckett's house to tell her that he pends more than you think 330 KDYL— Aemlclassica Science may teach map how to eat found upon the earth ordinary things 346 KSL— Better bargains perhaps on the kind of bed “Has my suit come back from the did not want to marry her It was capable of great concentration and the transparent wrappings of his ciKDYL — CBS Bird and Vish he or she sleeps on Strong the wav he had come home one Q Who la president of Hangary? 400 KSL — Popular tunes cleaner Mary Faith?” is There In a application diet will which gars to almost tell KDYL — CBS The Dictator! experiment ago straight —A T L Twin Falla growth night he wastwo years depends "It's In your closet KlmM 4:15 KSL— Shopping aids and observation leave to keen at her diplomacy much on the “rebuilding” Cornell university this fall A Hungary Is still a monarchy begin "If you'll add up your grocery bill her thatwsa he goingto tell her now? KDYL J3t skit value NBC will be well not to incur the resent- — News Item of the thousands of What Phil Cook going I'll give you the money for It" although there Is no monarch Ad- 4:10 KSL— KDYL— The Kangaroo dub hours of slumber For pershe wondered ment of this person who carries' the 1 From what is cellulose made? miral Nicholas Horthy de Nagy 445 KSL— “Thanks Kim" MtKicel progMin Is It you want to tell me fect “What ccmmander-ln-chle of malicious a un6 00 KSL— Melody sleep a perfect bed roasters No kiss now when he left for the being The above hand gives impressive capability 3 To what food Is it being com- banya 5 15 K8L— Popular built on a perfect mattress I ballads fleet 530 of the No more pleasant evenings Kim?" Mary Faith heard herself ask evidence of Unimportance of being relenting enemy able to wait paoffice KDYL— of melody Highways That is why you should pared? has served as regent since the colKDYL— CBS The Bon Bom before the sitting room fire No gay steadily But her lower lip quivered able by an initial two-bto show a tiently for revenge 645 KDYL— Musical album she drew back her breath and one strong hand When It was 3 What has led to the belief that lapse equip ALL of your beds of the TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS little Jaunts to the neighborhood as NBC 0:00 KSL— played male y Quarwith— Roy Bari hand grasped the edge of the mantel in an international match last Sepof the and the tet moving picture theater Charles C Eberhardt United cellulose will make satisfactory monarchy Charles expulsion KDYL— Dinner bracing herself tember arletlei “What can be wrong?” Mary Faith shelf asheIf she were Emperor American South to addition to States the minister Costa Rica passed born human KDYL— diet? 031 the scores she Baseball word knew Before spoke a asked herself a hundred times NBC West bid one Spade North passed at Callna Kan 60 years ago Frank Black orchestra Why are rats used for dietary he was going to say Q‘ When did Mark Hanna die?— 030 KSL— KDYL— Royal melodies —a forcday “What have I done or left what Harrison Fisher noted artist born experiments? KDYL— Orian melodic Lake Salt go on like this any longer” and East bid three Diamonds 040 won't Courtland “I undone?" to West N in Y NBC 55 5 KSL— What percentage of the rat’s A Marcus Alonzo Hanna United 700 Brooklyn years ago he did say sfter a pause ing Jumpshift commanding KDYL—CBS Express Lombardo music And she knew that It was nothing was what Professor Edith Marlon Patch food was celluloee? again After South's second pass States senator from Ohio died in 7:30 KSL— NBC MrOut that seemed like eternity Itself to bid Bunes and Company she had done or had not done that her West Has bid ever Maine after and noted three educellulose and been used 15 Spades 1904 KDYL—CBS Arabesque entomologist “This business of living like Washington D C February was responsible for Kim's behavior two KSL— NBC Amos ’n’ Andy ' 100 an cator bom North's fer second Worcester before? at the animal Mass food pass 55 contracting strangers under the same roof KDYL—CBS Fletcher Henderson mufilie knew that he was bored and out 7 What very common Item of our years ago Is the common sparrow a naQ be all right for you but I expect ended when East bid four sic — H Ogden 116 KSL— Western eoncert t f love with her once more Just as may has Had been the Lula P diet from hand bid been Mora 'Cellulose? noted Amrriri? made tive the North under of Connecticut INNER SPRING more that from than KDYL— CBS band 8 Arthur Pryor How is cellulose used by bookie had been before Well he had a! something Common Sense system West would artist bom In Uruguay 57 years ago A No It Is of Eutopean origin 9 30 KSL— NBC peml-taas- e revue life” ( wavs come back to her hadn't he? binders? in Rev America South's Rt Louis C Sanford P E and was introduced to KDYL— Ct9 Quarter hour had been living like two have bid two Spades after 45 KDYL— CBS Bert Lown music 9 What fabric Is made with cel- 1860-6- 6 “What's the matter with him? He If they for the From an original shipment 0900 pass He would have counted his two missionary bishop of California born ’ last three months Aces KSL— The Jeael Box lulose? acts as If this place was a boarding strangers d at Bristol 64 R his as 200 of tricks has two I throughthe specie spread KDYL— CBS Jam Barber’! music years ago It was his fault not hers She tried 10 1 SO KSL— Artistic music house” his mother remarked fre- to say so but her three Bishop Logan H Roots P E misWhy may this be called the out the continent throat seemed to two Kings as another and illstricks KDYL— CBS Ann Leaf Ben Alley This is how they're made: quently “I declare he runa around have knotted Itself all at once so that long Spades as three low-casionary bishop stationed In China cellulose age”? ' Who Is sheriff of Washington 10:00 KSL— 8aU Lake Federation el Q First the sturdy Moorest almost as much now ms he did be- she was unable to speak a word She so his hand would have met the Com- bom In Perry county Illinois 61 years Lake Salt KdYL— orchestra Utah?— Nlrht L club countyInner Spring made of 285 Henry ANSWERS fore he was married” stood at and slowly mon Sense requirement of six tricks ago Kim KSL— Variety program staring 1015 "William Brooks fifths R went A so And colls held in staggered forJohn until j Voorhis New York CllVs 1 at least three of which must be high things 10 SO KDYL— Variety procram Principally from plants and shaking her head 1045 KSL— old Informal man teenth of March mation presentation cards grand by long helical president of the boird coniferous trees It Is therefore a He went on: 1100 KSL— Ponular wires — all encased in strong After North's pass East’s reasoning of elections and grand sachem of the sort of relative of our ordinary foodMary Faith was always to remem-beKDYL— Police bulletin When two people reach the 11 05 KDYL— Sleepy tuaci calendared that day because of the would be as follows: It is possible that Tammany society bom 103 years ago stuffs surrtime burlap 11 30 KDYL— Dancing leet Hilaire Belloc noted English JourWest has only four Spades but If ounded by deep fluffy lay2 Bran In each other the inly things that happened on It Is thought that it may interest 1200 K5L —Silent It nalist essayist poet and novelist prove to be a ers of long-fibmade a whole sentence that cent and moral be headed by the KDYL— Midnight melodies cotton superior “roughage” thing for them to do so they must felt with 3 The experiments which Dr and In that case the hand born 61 years ago y day “I see birdie” Mrs Farrell an tr Lots of part company people FIRE NOW PROTECTION must hounced that she was going to be do it There's no one trick to add the ticking of been having dionly final Cornell for in has a disgrace making PUEBLO Colo Seven new touch of beauty and long hlgh-car- d married to Dr Thatcher the next vorce any more and tricks In side not much dif- contain 3 the last two years on rats Rats fed PHOENIX Ariz (UP)— Youthful fire extinguishers (UP)— 800 feet of and life violators of the law are treated fire hose were on cellulose thrived Expertly tailored ficulty You can atay right on here suits This with the assistance that Installed In the Sacred 4 Their metabolism Is most close- kindly In Phoenix as the result of an thoroughly ventilated made with my mother and the baby and East renders would give tour solid to Heart Here orphanage recently C of Niles NEW of assurance J In an snd order materials throughI’ll send you your housekeeping tricks Spades by Superior Judge ly related to that of humans out to eliminate the crime records of de- provide additional Xtre protection for It MONOGRAMS FOR THE MAN 5 ample strength In side suits money every week” Twenty per cent the institution demonto more have be than after would Miss lose Dear de 6 he they Impossible Yea It has been made Into linquents had been making his Peyster: Evidently Ask your dealer about the strated a desire to go straight Will you please tell me if It Is good food for animals In Germany for a long time for he seemed one trick in Spades unless one adplans ae im- form for men to wear a hand mono-— called most order for the destruction a The six to 7 the held all Spades versary was have details In worked MOOREST out g also made This SUPREME Sugar EArW Fed in exI— of records of all cases where the West how rammed shirt for general wear?- “You’ve heard me speak of Morris probable distribution waimrehMM Tnil Germany the MOOREST BEAUTY in harmony TefcekJ DOUBTFUL 8 Bookcloth Is treated with a so- delinquent had lived Gill — fraternity brother of mine? ever probably bas five Spade headBIRD and the MOOREST Well he has a law office across the ed by the Ace and in that case he Yes It Is correct for a man to have lution of cellulose to make It more with the law for two years following Tbta his shirt monogrammed if he wishes durable and leather cloth Is made completion of probation or release BLUE LABEL "’tea e trmfonatv XryjM Jwm hall from our office downtown You’d may have one trick less on the side from the industrial school side usually on the lower part of the from cellulose CPf'ttkxAun better go down to see him In a few but then he must have onetoshort iaijr &5cu of record a Ad'Veretubl a sleeve make (A suit permanent and he'll Product of Utah Labor) Keeping 9 Imitation silk Cellulose forms fix everything up for ample strength days and basis for all Imitation silks and Juvenile crime tends to brand a youth Alimony and so on I mean small slam nearly a certainty you the as a criminal Judge Niles explained Made Entirely of New (Mbs de Peyster will be glad to an silk finish cottons I've told him I'm perfectly willing to East might call four Diamonds as that swer questions on etiquette submitted 10 Because of the unlimited uses turn over to you half of what I a forcing Jump-shi- to bebeing sure at Material a by readers) the hand ought played make” of cellulose It is Invaluable to the best trump rather than No Trump and celforms of CHATTANOOGA Tenn paper (UP)— Industry special (Copyrighted 1931 by Beatrice Bur- after West's response go to six Spades (Copyright 1931 Premier Synlulose are the bases for explosives: Married women make better school ton Distributed by King Features unless West made that bid but the dicate Inc) It Is used for coating fine electrical teachers than single ones Everett If essential to the success of all SALT LAKE MATTRESS Common Sense East probably would Syndicate Inc) wires and is employed in Innumer- Davis head of the Woodrow Wilson SALAD bid six Spades Immediately to avoid to see that it is a showdown for Junior high school at Des Moines able other fields Glaus’ Fruit Pies are flaky and de- - giving the adversaries any informa- small slam in Spades Iowa told his class In educational Licjous-33- c tion as to the lead i 9 EACH 26 So Main (Copyright 1931 King Features Syn-- methods at the University of Chat1 It takes Dllle CeJ (AdvcrUscmint) Uicate IncJ- truly s glance at the hand -- t Copyright Joha tanooga summer school Pantomime By VERA WINSTON ton Dance-Dram- a Your rlth a at harm-fulnes- It ’bye-by- First First Ti-an- at y Kel-stro- m - silk-cover- a It m Contract and Auction Bridge -- d 48-pa- ge ’ TURNING THE DIAL D SLAM-BIDDIN- G Nfubmahok e HOROSCOPE FOR TODAY What's the Answer How High He Rise l)i the World? It ef one-tim- Austro-Hungari- an id Austro-Hungari- an £pberhardts Moorest Mattresses hlgh-car- rd La-b- Judge Aids Young tjwho'retyJeYhSTtiit - Law Violators de-ba- by en er hand-paint- Mc-Ca- low-ca- rd 1- -2 ETIQUETTE Neh)iVieenmie-a!piietmeIje- nMi PERSONS ft held f - teacher SAUCE i |