Show r TIIE SURVEY SHOWS ShawDozes EXPERTS FLAY PRISON SYSTEM Horses Race GOLD STANDARD Wyoming News - As Russian SLUMP PERIL'S $ gm Funeral Held FAILURE WYOMING WINSj For Victim of FIGHT AGAINST Auto Accident Sage Observes Birthday by Countries Short of Yellow Sleeping on First Visit Wickersham Body Scores to Track Metal Face Ruin by Brutality in Many Institutions Currency Lack y 38 (Jpy— George Iron (Conttnuid Fu Oot) by British economists before the Royal Statistical society In response to a paper read by Professor O M W Sprague American adviser to the Wireless die Bank of England patches from London reported Pro feasor Sprague as holding that the supply of gold had nothing whatever to do with the world-wi- de economic disaster Sir Jbslah Stamp who is not only a director of the Bank of England but president of the Royal y Statistical society replied from the chair: “I have beard nothing which has ahaken me In the belief of the that one tlie main reasons for getting Into trouble In which we tare has been our inability Internationally to eontrol gold and credits the distribution of gold and the science of its applica- tion" R O Hawtrey economist snd expert "6f the British treasury la reported by the London Tlmss as that the solution of the problem was to be found In the "very thing which Professor Sprsgue was arguing against— the purchase of assets by central banks compelling them to find additional earning assets whether advances government securities or anything else until demand Is revived the vicious circle LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING JULY 27 SALT FOREST FIRES Bernard Shaw celebrated his 75th birthday anniversary today by going to tht horse races— the first he WASHINGTON July 28 MVThe ever saw In his life— and falling American penal system waa (adjudged asleep He nodded perceptibly once or a flat fallura today by the Wicker twice lit the box he occupied with sham commission Reporting d! his party at the race track on the out- rectly to President Hoover the corn brutal skirts of Moscow and finally took a mission soored the use measures and asserted good nap with his chin on his chest dlsclpflnju-of in conditions the 3000 lnstt many while Lady Astor fanned the file away from his bew Weltered face with tu Lions of ” the system were "almost Incredible a brilliantly colored scarf If told of men who for offenses is Weariness rather than boredom were foroed the Irish sage to doze He had slight as talking or laughing to doors for 12 houra a dty been on the move steadily all day shackled train ride from tied down under a stream of cold after an over-nig- ht water strait placed Leningrad and he made no attempt Jackets Whipped confined in wire cages so to conceal the fact he was tired not move small oould or kept they He refused to eay much about hla for CUays on a reaction to the races but be seemed in complete darkness ounces of ration of four every bread to enjoy those he actually saw On 24 hours the way to the race track he obeerved "The eaes discfailed has prison to one of his Russian hosts: iplinary Institution" the report said I suppose there will be only one "The riots the fire the use of cruel horse In the race since there Is no and brutal measures of punishment competition In a socialist state" the persistent recurrence of murder Asked how he felt at reaching the mark he said: within the prison the presence of the frequent atmosphere “I don’t know I stopped observing narcotics of hate and bitterness are sufficient birthdays when I was 70” evidence Crews Control Blazes but Fear's) f New Outbreaks Continues of CHEYENNE Wyo m — A two weeks' siege of forest fires In Wyoming appeared definitely broken Sunday but the situation In all forests remained precarious because of continued hot dry weather Communication In some sections had been broken hy flames but it was believed all fires were under In control Scattered! showfers aided In checking some at the fires Saturday but In most sections the danger of new conflagrations was Imminent because of lack of moisture Colonel R L Esmay adjutant general of the Wyoming national guard was leading a few national guardsmen and volunteers In a fight against flames on the west fork of Labonte creek southwest of Douglas The fire was In rocky prairie lands and was not considered serious unless it swept through nearby tim- a ry Report Cites Failure "The prison has failed as an ed- ber Assailant of Mach Timber Destroyed ucational institution No one claims the men released are better equipped Flames that were spreading SatGovernor Jailed to accept as honest role In the urday on Horse creek and Its tributaries near Shell In were before than world the Horn commitment they broken and willing snd solvent bor’’The prison has failed as a business mountains were under control SunJALAPA State of Vert Crus Mexrowers are forthcoming merely befew With who man A enterprise 28 OP— young exceptions our day There was no damage to live cause ability to produce selling goods ico July Is a costly and d- stock or game reports said Several attempted to assassinate Governor prison system has materialized again” t We spend on thousand acres of good timber were Adalberto Tejeda was in a hospital ependent Institution the $350 each year for the destroyed were of Important Belief Voiced mob leaders and average many today Newcastle county seat of Weston These downright utterances from In Jail after a night of rioting in this maintenance of each individual priscounty threatened by fires In the high British sources against that state capital In which four of the oner In our penal Institutions” school of thought which would leave principal churches were damaged by The fcommlssion asserted It was Black Hills of Wyoming was definitely out of danger Sunday as fires convinced "a new type of to themselves the working of eco- fire penalItInstout started td die out Less than 2000 nomic forces are of special signifiIn the city of Vera Cruz two priests itution must be developed” acres of timber and grass were cance They mean that European Father Dario Acosta 22 and Father lined a plan of Its own under which opinion witnessing the cornering of Alberto Landa 23 were killed In a only a lew prisoners would be kept burned All fires In Yellowstone national gold by the United States and Prance raid on the Asuncion church while In heavily barred and guarded buildpark were believed under partial conwill no longer tolerate the deflation Imparting religious Instruction to a ings of commodity price levels caused by congregation of children last evePrisoners would receive wages trol and some were dvlng out Fire Those with contagious diseases the fighting crews were being reduced artificial gold scarcity The gold poor ning Flames In Grand Teton national countries are being ruined by cur Immediately after he had been insane and drug addicts would be forest raging for two weeks were unEducation would be xency scarcity and falling prices In wounded by a shot in one ear Gover- segregated der for the first time Large recording his perception that credit nor Tejeda declared from a balcony stressed and wardens would be men crewscontrol were being kept In the forest Issues must ultimately be backed and of the government palace here that who could be classed as “the prest because the danger from spot of regulated by the volume of trade Sir “despite this campaign of terrorism dent of a great educational instltu-tion- fires Basil Blackett Is reported to have I will carry out my plan” said: "People still believed that gold Rains Pot Oat Fire Parole System "Joke The governor had warned that unmust be kept In reserves as a backing less the Catholic church The parole system would be deve- A small fire In the Medicine Bow for notes that Ideally notes ought with the new state religious complied law lim- loped “as the best means yet devised national forest was apparently put always be convertible Into gold and iting the number of priests in the for releasing prisoners from confine-ment- ” out by rains before forest rangers even that gold coins were best In state of Vera Cruz he would take No man would be sent to readied it An all day search for the circulation fire Every one of these be- measures to enforce It which was near Quealy failed prison until It was "definitely deterliefs Is unfounded” to disclose the burned over mined that he was not a area subject This Is rank heresy against the acmarine for probation” Nearly 9000 Smoke discovered by a look out disofficers In England have signed a Nevertheless cepted gold standard the commission criti- appeared after a light rain To be sure as Sir Basil added the petition protesting against the gov- cised the present parole system as Disastrous fires In the Dubois re“only way to keep a national currency ernments proposed change in helm so undermanned overworked and ill gion were still under control and sound and stable is to make sure that orders from port and starboard to equipped that It had small dude ranches remained undamaged produced at any moment Its volume Is neither left and right results In 18 states It said contact Communication had not been retoo great nor too small for the work was made with parolees established In the Tolteo region of It lias to do It must be Increased or meet the apparent needs of each na- spondence alone making by correto Albany county but a fire pohern “easy decreased” he Insisted "not In rela tion The year's suspension of Inter- beat the game" that burned about 1500 acres was betion to the unregulated supply of national debt and reparations pay“The whole system becomes a huge lieved out as no smoke was visible gold but so as td keep prices stable” ments arranged by President Hoover Joke” the commission said “and Forest officials said before an acThis Is virtually identical with the is only a temporary breathing spell conies to be nothing more than curate estimate of the damage could conclusion expressed by the MacMil-b- n Adjustments must follow or the fi- aparole speedy manner of emptying prison be made throughout the state surcommittee which however notes nancial economic and political sys- cells veys would be necessary Roughly it This Is unfortunately the case was carefully that blame for the world tems of the world will be threatened in the estimated 40000 acres of some of the American majority HJalmar Schacht formerly head of states of the best timber In the state depression Is not to be laid on the had today” maintenance of the gold standard the Relchsbank has been drawn Into The commission and devoted much of been burned In Yellowstone "but on shortsighted and unintelli- government conferences preparatory Its Grand Teton forests which with the addition gent application of the gold stand- to resuscitating the rentenmark the of areport The burned over largest area was committee issue of which was based on specific of 24report by an advisory ard” totaled 343 pages to s near Rocky Point In northoastern experts of Instead credits property gold That Debt Gold Problem One of 60 prison conditions Wyoming where fires devastated 75 square miles of grass lands might easily mean the beginning of denunciation The financial collapse of central a It revealed federal prisons during about of European currencies from and destroyed several ranch buildflight 1930 were overcrowded 65 9 Europe Is due to the policy permitted the gold standard with all cent per well ings that imby the banking systems of France and than capacity It asserted in loss of financial hegemony more one-thithe United States of draining gold plies over all of the two prisons In MISHAPS INJURES COUPLE y the leading gold holding counfrom the rest of the world If per- tries In that event the United States the country were between 70 and 100 EVANSTON sisted In this policy can lead only to Wyo Mr and Mrs old and that 21 per of all might find the European countries years Lowe of Ogden were slightly breakdown of the gold standard and Brure men's prisons were without plumbing w than to resume willing their The state prisons in Injured In an auto a Went on the the gold exchange standard and re- debt Oregon the Lincoln highway west payments not In goods but In Charleston sort by most nations to paper of nere Sunprison In Massachusetts day afternoon discarded gold which by add' their Their car skidded the Auburn and Clinton prisons 7n in loose managed or mismanaged to lng to our redundant re News alreaay gravel and overturned acYork the Folsom prison in serves would be very detrimental to to deputies who investigated California and the old prison at cording this country The alternative to a failure of the Joliet 111 were given is examples of gold standard In world economy Is such institutions suggested In the conferences In London last week which maybegun consider the revision or reparations and intergovernmental debts and of the PITTSBURGH July 28 scheme for their payment It is befight began today to prevent pneuing forced home upon the financial monia from taking the lives of Finest coaches fastest time consciousness of the world that these of those rescued from fire thatmany cannot be paid except by furand Greyhound service all the debts ther large extensions of credit on libJuly 28 OT— Six of the Little the home for the aged of the Sisters of the Poor here Frinow in eral terms by the United States and seven balloons which took from way Excursion and early Saturday France and by reasonable assurance here late yesterday In a race for the day night effect Thenumber of lives lost in the as indicated In the MacMillan report Detroit News trophy and cash 'prizes blaze that the gold standard will be ad- had reported safe landings In Penn the meanwhile mounted to 37 over New Temple Hotel ministered week end with the deaths of Mrs Internationally for thd re- aylvania and Ohio tonight 77 TV So Temple St On the basis of Incomplete reports MaryFtiey 78 Mrs Theresa Rlsln-g- er covery of price levels and the per81 Bridget Shea 72 and Mrs manent steadying of the purchasing Edward J Hill winner of the James Pbone Wasatch 1366 power of gold Thus the debt prob Gordon Bennett International trophy Mary Connor 69 Fear that shock lem snd the gold problem are at race In 1927 and Tracy Bouthworth and exposure would exact their price even as the 250 vic-ttbottom the same president of the Detroit Balloon club was expressed were being borne in to hospitals and a member of the Michigan state tire still raged Today that (Copyright 1931 Irving Msher legislature were tied for first place toll believed taken with 220 miles to their credit doctors and Syndicate Inc) nurses aided more than 150 old and infirm men and women to help them rebuild their waning strength to offBig fit mer-ent- it EVANSTON Wyo -F- un-ml eer vices for J F Spencer 61 proprietor of tfie Lincoln service - station In Evanston who was killed Thursday when he was crushed beneath his gasoline truck near Woodruft Utah when it turned over after getting out of control m loose gravel on the highway were held Sunday after noon In the Evaneton I £ S chapel Mr Spencer formerly was a member of the Wyoming Utah legislatures Hi was born at Enterprise Utah on August 7 1869 a son of Mr and Mrs O J Hpencer and In 1871 he went to Randolph Utah nth his family living there until 19i4 being a farmer stock grower llveotock dealer banker and merchant He Rich represented county In the Utah legislature in 1909 He moved here In 1915 serving as & city councilman a membe of the school board and In J9?l represented Uintah county In the Wyoming legislature He was a member of the Elks lodge Mr Spertfcer Is survived by his widow Mrs Jennie Boo trie Spencer eight sons and daughters Roy Leon-- " snd WHITE RIVER Apache Reservation Arlz July 28 W)—Officers Investigating the strange puzzle of the death of Henrietta Schmerler 25 Columbia year-ol- d iyr‘T”j"TTT"'ivy"uuu'uj‘uL ard and Clifford Spencer Mrs J B Blackner Mrs Deli Trailer Mrs Earl Martin of Evanstrn Mrs Robert McKinnon Hiawatha and Mrs Justin Smith Nampa Idaho five stepchildren Betty and Sam Boothe Evanston Elaine Boothe M A Booth Bngham and Ogden Harold Mrs Horne Alhambra Calif 25 grandchildren and many brothers and sisters 10 " rates off Size 22x44 SUIHEABILE set the ravages inches IB (MDYTOPES OF HIE IJEV7 STANFORD UNIVERSITY Miss of Annie Martin woman's party leader ahd once senatorial candidate In Nevada died here today at the home of another daughter Mrs T T Mrs ho tL StiX — Oaal f lL eras fMi Inn 'Tracks and Speed Wagons ranging from 1 ton to 4 tone Prices 623 to $2800 chassis fob Lansu Reo f MOTOR CO Oistribulors7X’iahIdafi67 Wyoming aruTNefada-- ” Motor Avenue Salt Lake City Phone Wasatch 2703 Reo H3-15- 3 R President of Treasury Invites -- 00 one-ten- th Save att Pemmney’fl Men’s Straw IHIatfs Safe Plain r 07c Print QQc A complete regrouping of all silks Into these two summer money-savi- Ladies’ Silk Hosiery '69 o AU Sizei HS© DffeGGec Ladies Novelty GUnoec A regrouping of priced straws Into price the higher this one low IFIoedi? BaeUsc Washed 2c69 Chiffons Georgettes’ Prints and Plaii Silk In Evening Dresses Sport Street Crepes and Traveling Types mangled t 6 Sor Triced for Clearance! Ladies9 Fine Summer Children's Summer Tubfast Fancy --- Ladies Rayon 2 Sor 6Qg a Panties A regrouping of the higher priced straws linen hats Into this one money-savin- g price are sold at this low price hair braids and None after these Boys’ g y the afternoon of July 30 which will be dated Aumature November 2 will be redeemed at face value at the end of 91 days The money recehed for the bills will be used to retlre $60000 000 in treasury Jjills which fall due on Au- gust 3 sust 3 bills and O I Vests Bloomers ©nMdc Overalls Men's 69G 79s Clever overall type pajamas In colorful tubfast prints Sizes 4 to 14 See them today Plenty of selection In a range of sizes but not all styles in all sizes G bleached and July 28 Mills today Invited Secretary tenders for $60000 000 In treas- ury bills to be sold to the highest bidder on prices ng ' Act-h- th one-fif- Tenders on Bills WASHINGTON oase "In times of business depression" Blair’s letter said “la It not Important to havs scrupulous regard for the restricted buying power ot our people and guard against placing on growers and producers alrsody In distress any further hazards restricting thetjr markets or depesslng prices for their product?” Blair said New York accounts for of all rail trafpractically fic in fresh fruits and vegetables shlpplnw her own products to 68 terminal markets and drawing shipments from 38 states A 15 per cent rate Increase he said would restrict New York to nearby markets Freight rates on fruits snd vegetables Blair said In 1930 amounted to 64 91 per cent of the money paid producers of these commodities which constituted only 128 per cent of total railroad tonnage but pro- vlded 711 per cent of total freight revenues The proposed 15 per cent Increase-h- e said would add to the fruit and vegetable or ot the $400-0- 00 bill freight 000 additional revenue the rail- By WILLIAM C MURPHY JR United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON July 26-- Op ponents of the 15 per cent freight rate Increase sought by the railroads attempted today to enlist the aid of Governor Franklin D Roosevelt of New York potential Democratic candidate for the presidency next year The appeal to Roosevelt based on the alleged need to protect the Interests of consumers as well as New York producers of fruits and vegetables was mads In a letter from Robert F Blair president of the National League of Commission Merchants one of the organizations leading the fight against the proposed Increase The factors which concern only New York and the broad question of roads are seeking the effect of a rate Increase during Blair predicted such rates would the current depression and restric- drive the fruit and vegetable traffic tion of buying power generally were to trucks and actually decrease railmentioned as reasons why Roosevelt road earnings Prints Plain Crepes Shantungs and Chiffons - the Wht The BR0WER-T0WLE- WM Join Protest OvcraMs Gregory Washoe County bank Reno at the time of his death Five other children survive: Harrv Martin William OH Maftln and Carl Martin 8an Francisco Mrs Portland Ore and - B Mackey San Francisco I- ban of iMir C of20 SPEED WA60JJ —’ Martin went to Nevada as a nd marrled William OHara Martin banker and business 12 a Cal July 26 (JPi — Mrs W O’Hara Martin early resident of Nevada and mother Commission Merchants' Ask Governor to De3ggqg disease Early Resident Of Nevada Dies TO MATCEII TME LOU© LIFE ATJJ) QUAIUTTT AJmt memfUt of Y FJlSGllfllfi ICI 3 N Unbleached GREYHOUND c rate the In Two Big Value Groups Now! Square EtV ROOSEVELT AID Oinmmcr TTovelc Disease Threatens Fire Refugees Balloons Report Safe Landings OPPOSERS SEEK Large Heavy cur-renc- les LOS ANGELES Anion SIIAW BIOGRAPHY FINISHED NICE (UP)— Frank Harris veteran American author has finished his biography of Shaw despitee his phyyears sical weakness of seventy-fivand the book Is to be published in Shaw wrote New York next autumn a very witty Introduction of 8000 words advising Harris how Shaw would write a biography of Shaw might be interested In intervening in increase Every Department Offers Summer Goods of All Sorts Repriced for Quick Selling Priced for Clearance! All Gumme? Gills - a university r r: an- thropology student stood nonplussed today before the taciturnity of the seven Indians under arrest their Imprisonment Accepting stoically the Indians are steadfastly silent as to themselves and refuse also to comment on the detention of W R Warner white mam arrested when his name was found In a letter written by Miss Schmerler and when an Indian deaf muts declared In the sign language that he saw Warner placing the girl dead or unoonsclous In hla automobile near Ft Apache Warner held In the reservation guardhouse denied that he saw the girl July 18 the day on which she disappeared More than 1000 men are to operate the huge electr'crequired "tote" recently erected at Ascot race course In England at a cost cf $1259 000 rd cent 5 Suspects Silent On Girl Slaying Nov! ley 1931 ?o u 'OUUUU'57 OnStateJustJQff Broadway— Salt Lake City Utah 690 |