Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING JULY PROVO frovo Business Office— 24 No University and Are Phone 238 Southern Utah Correspondent: DROUTH PERILS Council Delays Airport Change AREAKROPS 429 E Third North St Phone 1130 Agent: Phone PRINCESS WEDS HAPSBURG DUKE 425-- M BEET GROWERS PRICE’S HEAT In Cedar City SPONSOR TOUR ' SETSJKECORD ' 1 Heat Cuts Vegetable and Fruit Yields in Orem District CEDAR C TTY—Step will not be taken this year to make Cedar City’s airport a federalized municipal airport the city council decided last week As the added expense of operating such a port was not Included In this year’s budget It will be necessary to wait until 1932 when the plan will be further considered Ths difficulty arose when It was learned from government officials that the Southern Utah Flying Service could not use the Cedar City airport for commercial purposes until It was operated by the municipality A committee was appointed to Investigate the situation and they reported Information received from the federal government to the effect that operating expenses Including a caretaker's salary would run the cost to nearly 42000 annually which added expense cannot be considered Box Elder and Wasatch U S Weather Observer Finds Temperature'IIigh Farmer Expected to Join Utah County et in Eight Year Nuptial In Old Castle Attract Throng of Nobles and Peasants (Continue from Pm One) 27 1931 Through the Garden Gate THE STATE CAPITOL GROUNDS By Maud Chegwldden X wonder how many Utahns visit the state capltol grounds to view the flowers and shrubs to learn new varieties and to observe how they have been arranged to achieve a beautiful picture? These grounds along with tha near-b- y Memory Grove are two of my favorite haunts The lawns at the capltol are really wonderful with their thick velvety turf and their freedom from weeds In my recent tour through several eastern states where I saw magnificent private grounds as well public parks of country-wid- e fame I saw no lawns which equaled our best ones You may allow a few roses to form the following year but don’t let the tiny plant expend all Its energy this way - June is the safest time to remove the bottles It done earlier you may be the victim of s killing frost Of course It Is often very hot In May and the bottles may be taken off in the daytime but should always be replaced before night Some rosarlans differ but It Is the general opinion that budded roses are the best and safest In a climate which has sever winters - By budding onto such strong wild stock as rosa multiflora or roaa canlna the strength of the wild plant Is added to the weaker plant which ha such In Utah beauty of flower to recommend it This year a great many lm You may try a budded rosa and an ments have been made Hill and many new features added to own root roseseeof the same variety and will the vast difference the garden Large stretches of new In a you single season There are a few lawn hava been made where formerly rosea are as good on their own weeds throve and along Wall street roots which as budded stock such as the beds of annual flowers with walks of turf glvs almost the effect of an or- hybrid perpetuals and shrub rosea iental carpet so rich are the colors of but moat of the hybrid teas need the petunias snapdragons salvia budding and other gay blossoms If you love Privet and Japanese barberry are that great splashes of color you must cer- the two least expensive shVubs I know since these are sold by the tainly tee these flower beds of would by moat nurseries They shape -- west of the building doaen be better than a perennial which Itself would have only a short Also new this year and therefore not at their beet development sre many varieties of French lilac— NOW PLAYING sorts In all I believe— twenty-eigwhich havebeen placed along slope VAVOEVIU1 AND PICTURES between the capltol and the formal Trixie ORPHEUM— On th THREE WIN VENUE CHANGE 19 CASTLE DALE—Max Judd and Stanley Judd 21 brothers and Leon McIntyre 18 all of Price arrested by Deputy Sheriff J W Seeley Jr Thursday at the Wllberg- resort for liquor possession were arraigned Peace Saturday before Justice of R C Miller of Castle Dale auid a change of venue was taken by th defendants to the court of Justice Andrew Anderson at Orangeville the form of the prewar days stood at the princess' left On the altar around which stood ten large lighted candles were three Upholstered golden chairs upon r which sat the three prelates Prince PRICE-'-Hen- ry PROVO— Unless the PROVO— Farmers of Box Elder Flack government Wladlmlr and Chlka Clsar Bishop and ’Wasatch counties are expected weather observer announces Price drouth end extri me heat wave Flskner which have held the Orem district in to join the Utah county farmers In last week experienced the most pro- Bishop The ceremony opened with a soltheir grip during tne past month the annual sugar beet tour of this nounced heat Wave In the eight years emn mass the accompanied enda within he next two weeks fruit county August 19 It was announced that he has kept weather records grand organ of the palace by a choir was 1025 de- of ten and vegetable crops yet har8unday The tour Is sponsored as-by Friday’s temperature nuns from the convent of vested will be greatly affected J B grees while on Thursday It reached Sinaia and a trained boys’ choir the Utah Central Beet Growers’ Sumner field man for the Orem sociation and the state extension 10325 the highest recorded In Price The principal witness after King V Berry Orowers Inc reported since July 14 1925 service Carol was Dowager Queen Marie The The drouth also threaten to the of temperature E this day J Professor every Maynard Princess Ileana’s mother who was curtail the tomato crop of the disUtah State Agricultural college and week has readied or exceeded 100 present with her other daughters The for trict Clifford L Wright manager of other readings superthe 8c days alley agricultural ormer Queen Elizabeth of Greece Douglas the Pleasant Grove Canning comMonday 100 and Queen Marie of Jugoslavia The Sugar were Sunday 101 intendent of the Utah-Idah- o will be present and explain Tuesday 1015 Wednesday 102 pany said Only about 73 per cent in the company young Crown Prince Michael also was THE TALK OF THE present budget of the crop of last ye at will be availthe modern methods of handling and Mr Flaclc made a trip to the San at her side 30 Green-riveTOWN! able this year due to the drouth and river Rafael of r miles south the beet growing Hands Rings to Bridegroom hot weather while the plant has There ! only one Chevalier Thursday and reported that Increased beet production and the As the organ peals ended Bishop hera he le at hi best only 80 per cent of the acreage It of the beet for instruments showed a temperature use of in th acreen'i moit ale had signed up last year Mr Wright feed purposes will be emphasized J of 115 In the vicinity of the river and Clsar read In Latin the words of the rlou romance— reported The plant will start AuW GlUman president of the Central 109 at Greenrlver The San Rafael Catholic marriage ceremony hand gust 13 and conclude its run SepState association states The Is drier than it has been for many Ing In due course the rings to the Utah bridegroom who placed one of them tember 15 This le practically the tour of beet fanners of the county will years he said same length of tims the plant opThere remains only about 800 acre on the finger of the princess flower beds Just described In year Frlianiia In 'M Trip to Hollwood": start at 8:30 am at Lehi and will end feet Archduke Anton's ’’yes” was In a or two when these lilacs are In bloom Waller "Dare" Wahl In water erated last sear but the munoer of Thru Oteradorf of reser-voir the Scofield Lunch will be held at at Salem Slater end Marlon Wilkins and danear voice audible be reduced but to to will Princess be remema scarcely be will Morthere D Wallace greatly employee according sight at 12:30 p m R Supervisor On tha aerssn “Sweapsteke” with Springville of Waym&n Several canal companies Ileana's was uttered in a loud firm bered long Few of ua In these westWright said QulUan James Qleaeon and Law gan of Spanish Fork John Lent H Conclusion of the picking season using reservoir water have exhausted voice In the course of the ceremony ern states have the opportunity to Oodv ON THE AUDIBLE SCREEN and Lyman See County Agent Less Payson Sanpete County the papal envoy gave the couple the view many of the hundreds of new PAH AMOUNT— on raspberries and dewberries was their allotment Ruth Chattrrton In “The Rich are working out the Itinerary reached Saturday Mr Sumner said pope's blessing and agold cross con- French hybrid Illscs Up on this Maxnlfieent Lie" with Ralph Bellamy Assessed Than a and Sam Hardy rello of Property Erwin was Stuart half Theresa of St but taining The raspberry crop famous hill we may have that great Green River In “The Maurlca Chevalier The princess wore white satin In- Joy and It is sure that once you see CAPITOL— last year’s crop and only about 25 Lieutenant’’ with Claudelt Ulna Year Past in Sin terwoven with threads of In Eleven Charles On cent Hopkin Years The normal and crop vaRui Adrian dewberry add will gold per them bloom you several VERNAL— Green river at Jensen her head was a gold diadem sur- rieties to your own garden dfiiLTO— Joe T Brown In “Broad Minded ' promised to be an excellent one but lack of water and the heat caused Her with Ora Mumon William Collier Jr has fallen between 10 inches mounted by a large diamond A Paramount Production end Marjorie White them to dry up on the bushes and GUNNISON— The assessed valuaQUERIES and a foot during the past 10 train which was unusually long was with OEM— Richard Arlen In “Oun Smoke’ seof is tion less $821320 two carried Girl Scouts Sanpete county by ten but a 10 to 15 per cent crop was and Lou lee Pallette Euaen Lake with Brian WTltei: “Amateur” Salt It days the to lowest Mary bringing CLAUDETTE COLBERT for 1931 than for 1930 The loss In Perenda and William Boyd cured C Ravvltf Miriam Hapklms "Would you be so kind as to answer ITATE stage the water has been this seven years old — Norma Shearer In “Strainer V The bridegroom wore evening dress the The apricots of the district are real estate and Improvement valuaIRrecAiQ or hr tiff Lmdiuou time of the year since the very low Robert Montaomery Mil Which Klee’ with questions? following Is accounted for by properties to 1:30 Wo— water during the summer of 1919 with rather wide trousers and on month£ls most desirable for slipping Hamilton and" Marjorie Rambeau District practically harvested with but a few tions Marlene over taken MARLO breast a his (Suaarhoueel— also was Was but the by county This order of crop Sanpete COMING! King rosea? Should the slips be allowed in "Dlahonored" with Vlotot McLaelen remaining the water During past month the has Ferdinand 10 to 15 per cent cicp Jefferson through delinquent taxes and exemp- Officer Mario Felly Link Man Cap fallen three feet to bloom the following year or should DRES8LEA MOHAN Three Conspicuotu In Crowd plums are Just coming on the mar- tion madp under the "soldiers' disDuchesne river at Myton Is reported Is June the right CHINA FLOODS TAKE 500 LIVES be the buds picked? ! 25 per ability exemption law” ket and have an outlook of a in Castle Dale absolutely dry Why 8IANOHAI China July 27 (Mon that has Three important personages were month for removing bottles? cent crop The early peaches are also The reduction In livestock Is never happened something s which have damto mem- conspicuous In the crowd These were do nurserymen tell us that slips do day) before the 25 cut a In were valuation but and per through general nearly harvested With Burglaries ory of early settlers Uintah river is the patriarch of the orthodox church not make good bushes since they are aged the national capital Nanking cent normal The later peach and on all livestock The bank tax quesalso dry at the crossing at Fort Du- Miron Chriatea not budded? Could you suggest a any many other cities In ths Yangtze a Beally pear crop looks good at the present tion accounts for a loss of about $300-00"Where chesne and former King George of perennial or inexpensive shrub that valley were officially estimated tocut If the It 'tveanQ Ceall” time but will be most In 500 Greece an deaths side of be caused used Frl Uintah to Another about parts have east the here basin day DALE— Arrest along prominent might person CASTLE The Increase shown In the assessdrouth ond hot weather continues canals have reduced their was conspicuously absent This was property line?” In the last few days About 4000 ments made by the Utah tax com- day morning of a man giving the Irrigation Mr Sumner said allotment of water to culinary pur- King Alexander of Jugoslavia PrinA August Is the idetl month for houses were destroyed and more than mission Is from the new law giving name of H E Livermore of Elko At brother-in-lacess so poses only 10000 persons mads homeless lit the Vernal culinary water Ileana’s slipping roses when the ground Is them the power to assess local power Nev in the automobile of D A After the wedding the young cou- warm that roots start easily area stolen Is being hauled from the city mains stricken was which of water Logkh and companies telephone by members of canal companies who ple drove through the town In a The following is a comparative re- from Mantl more than a week ago cannot use the canal water at the carriage drawn by four horsea They two port of the assessed valuations of Is believed to have cleared up and an at- end of the canals as It is so low that were lollowed In a second carriage Sanpete county for 1930 and 1931 Emery county burglaries week contamination Is feared by King Carol Dowager Queen Merespectively: tempted one in the past rle and Crown Prince Michael They UiM I 1:1 Real estate $5956245 $5993750 Mr and Mrs Reuben Brasher of then drove-tthe cemetery and decoImprovements $2176065 $2169950 the Brasher hotel In Huntington Richfield Records the graves of enemy and alrated with someone livestock heard $702140 tampering banks $1083070 LOVE LIAR I f lied dead 6PRIN GVILLE— MlsS Melba Jen- $199275 none merchandise $470-12- building across the street at 1:30 a m Highest Temperature or LOVE All the guests attended a gala RICHFIELD— The highest temmotor vehicles $327-07- Friday When Mr Brasher arrived $418755 kins daughter of Mr and Mrs Abe SAINT the perature Over recorded here accord- luncheon at 1 p nf after which the $246048 Jenkins will represent 8pringville Should aho machinery etc $389-03- 0 on the scene two men ran from nuieca v ing to 8 R Boswell county agent young couple left for Castle Bran In $368605 a and Mapleton as queen at the money $1510 none Quality meat market dropping 23 when It reached 104 after several day at man On Transylvania Black Hawk celebration at Pay-so- n bonds Judgments and solvent cred- merous bundles of meat and groceries was July Bran to will 20 I m aka h they London was 100 It proceed July darkness 21 the in its none personal prop- as they disappeared $106028 next month degrees July for a visit happrf following this they The queen contest was conducted erty not otherwise enumerated $274-04- 5 Brasher’ wife in the meantime had 10L JUly 22 102 July 23‘ 104’ July 24 will fly to and their castle at Freiburg W of Jr officers arid Sheriff Seely $219935 J called Deputy by the ward bishopric Germany the auxiliary organizations of the Property assessed by state tax com- and the two men discovered Livermore In an automobile on a side Spanish Fork stake with S L Mendenhall In mission Automobile passenger and freight street When arrested a bottle of Heat ch&r6 Wave $12995 A candidate from each ward was companies none express whisky Is said to have been found In selected from five names suggested companies $1182 $820 power ’com- the car which proved tq be that of SPANISH FORK— All last week this city suffered from a heat wave $137934 railroad the Logan man Each of these ladles drew for the panies $100472 when questioned Is unequaled In Its history For six final honor They were: Lucille companies $1904787 $1900844 tele- Livermore $24254 $22355 said by Deputy Seely to have ad- days the thermometer has registered Johnson Mapleton: Anna Beardall graph companies Paramount picture from from to 108 105 to known one his Second $80994 mitted $88382 telephone companions companies degrees People have First ward Hazel Anderson Leonard Merrick novel as lived Mel-v- a water companies out of doors other none as "Red” and the him aa as $1200 ward Third much posonly mining ward Theo Riding “Laurel and tha Ladr“ sible auto 1930 the the — With— stolen total had for $23779 Jones” seeking of property ward shade “George Fourth Jenkins friendly and $12389597 for 1931 from the Mantl garage last Sunday trees on lawns Small garden stuffs RALPH BELLAMY MANTI— Sheriff E J Peterson Miss Jenkins will reign as Spring-vin- e adhave STUART ERWIN night He would not howeverThor-ders- tense suffered somewhat from the in- County Commissioner June Metcalf queen at the Lehi Sugar day heat and the scarcity of wa- and F H Jones of Gunnison rethe son of J J mit torturing celebration and at the Utah county Scree Aeta f Cemedy ' Co-o- p at Cleveland of the ' Sound New turned late Sunday night after a day fair She also will be given a free nor from same Cleveland later the night ' people who spent Frl-I- n spent In Sevier county on the Carl Reports Comlnei trip to California Spanish Fork canyon are to Jensen murder case the burglarizing of the Huntington “The Great lover” Brothers’ store last Thursday night tne effect that the canyon Is very V M Fairbanks of Sevier Sheriff 9 Adolphe Menlou of nearly $200 worth of groceries todusty for thls- - ‘lme f the county sided them In scouring the However the year"4 In of the auto PANGUITCH — According to For- bacco and clothing truck search county est Ranger Leland D Heywood a Huntington store goods ware found whose tracks were found near where 8 crew of men wrlll begin the construc- in the car and he was charged with the battered body of Jensen was tion of a thrown Into the canal after forest trail between first degree burglary and will have MIDVALE — Effective Saturday Sanford at hia preliminary hearing Monday e was slain canyon and Casto special assessment taxes are levied on Guard Caesar Myers will be InMonday 2 p m Sheriff Peterson admitted at midTelephone Wee ION charge I property holders of land abutting of the crew Mr trio who robbed the Cleveland -J Sunday that he had failed to ULY 1 night reports Co-o-The Midvale’s new lighting system on range conditions Heywood and store p In were the heard by uncover anything In Sevier county all Matinee Saturday dry Ltncoln and Jefferson streets at a forest ranges are onvery was faced who Thorderaen young the alert for posduring the day which would Indicate Mt sHuaear rate of $0943 a front foot Mayor L sible forest fires with a pistol when he came to the an early arrest A Porter says $5225 will thus be realfrom his floor quarground sleeping Through prompt reporting from FROVO— Another group of stuized to cover the cost of erecting the Red canyon a forest fire was pre- ters In the basement The youth was system through contract between the vented Wednesday night The blaze bound and the yeggs rubbed salt on dents arrived at Aspen grove Sunto register at the Alcity and Edward B Jones entered was discovered by tourists at 3 a m his neck to make him tell where day morning Into December 16 1930 THE SCHOOL rod yCANDAL Brigham more money was hidden they having pine summer school who at immedireported Pangultch One-fifJkowfty Ahnwdpf of the total assessments university Womens dormifound only $10 of which $3 was in Young fkf df A OniidoAaW ately tories are now delinfull according to ProA n states the mayor will become ft Howard as- pennies In the cash register Baker with the Ranger fessor R Clark an H dean of the LURAY Va July 26 (An— The quent a year after the levy with sistance of twp men extinguished the The youth Insisted that was all the school MAIL YOUR ORDER TODAY more If any additional fifth becoming delinquent flames before very much register other cash In the store The trio then holiday on work declared Bex effle even new! II sm I damage refor the housing will have temporary each year following 2 JO sulted ( gathered up $10 worth of groceries provisions 300 by President Hoover continued today Nighte— 100 fl00 to be made he declared and clothing and left him bound at his Bat Mat— SOc 100 t camp Rapldan The at esent has registration run He worked his legs loose and called well the recent week contrast pt In with 12 Sc tinder VI1 coupon an Ido— children an officer but no trace of the bur- with beyond that of any oth-- r year ends when he kept constantly In when presented st th Ticket Office either at the exception of that when the glars was found or Saltalr Beaeh will entitle the holder to reL D S seminary instructors at- touch with the German situation he Saltalr Depot the The other two men have not as yet tended In a has enjoyed a complete rest on this ticket good only Monday July IT on the Salt ceive one round-tri- p body been arrested to the mountains Lake Garfield A Western Railroad company from Salt Lake to Miss Wilma Jeppron head of trip He went for a long walk with guests Saltalr Beach and return when coupon le preeented at depot or GUNNISON— The new officers for physical education for girls of the this admiselon to Saltalr when preeented at Beach morning but on hts return he the Gunnison Lions’ club took office VERNAL-l-A- t SALT AIR BEACH COa session of university In charge of Olay and sat on special (T) the front porch at the lodge recreation has organize! the school and relaxed Thursday night at the Wlstorla cafe the city council last week the asH D presiInto competitive foices as follows: sessed Valuation of Vernal city was Whlttenburg Miss MarThe autumnlike weather continued pres-- ' given out at $900012 for 1931 dent Charles Rasmussen vice garet Summerhays director of the and The an open fire again was welcome ldent George Last secretary-treasure- r tax levy for Vernal city was set at 18 ladles’ chorus Is also ths school In the oool tamer lion night air There was no Peterson M to mills two and same the as 1930 ladies’ expect Aymer distributed as PROVO — organize In his plan to return to change Bids for the construe choruses during the C M Edwards tall twister and re- follows: General 45 streets and alterm Alpine Washington in time to be at his desk M leys 4’ sewer and drains 12 wa- tlons work of raising the dam at appointed song leader John by 9 o'clock tomorrow morning C E An- ter system 3 Interest 1 the site near the head Lost Lake Knighton Ira Overfelt sinking derson and Dr J A Hogan directors fund 35 special Improvement gen- of the Provo river will be opened Committee chairmen appointments eral fund 08 Tuesday by the Utah county commission were made as follows: Major activif ‘ Bids for the work were opened two ties Fred H Jones constitution and AT weeks ago but all three submitted Leo Gledhlll education Ira NOW I’LAllMr were above the engineers’ estimate Overfelt attendance Aymer M PeSPRINGVILLE— to enterPlana fin Don’t Miis and were rejected E V Palfrey-ma- tain the old folks of terson publicity M M Dugglns: Springville and of Provo was tne lowest bidder nance C E Anderson extension on Friday July 31 were Mapleton 985 with at time $32 that r George Last completed at a committee meeting Drink CEDAR CITY— The assessed valuSunday afternoon with Chairman S L Mendenhall Leo ation of Iron county Including asFLANS BOOK REVIEW Harmer and sessments made by the state tax comS Boyer in charge SPRINGVILLE — Mrj O W Phil- John A program will be given in the mission on public utility corporations will review the by k "La’-ry- " at Second Is $9181135 according to a report lips ward chapel from 10 until 12 the annual entertainment Kolob made by the county auditor's office stake M L A and ward ofcfficers a m after which dinner will be V VERBAL— According to a report This sum Is $446427 less than It was Tuesday at 4:30 p m at the city served In the amusement hall At S lath a second ‘Also p m the old folks committeeLester a year ago A musical program will also 2:30 made by County Assessor men and partners will be guests of ItOaminet TMOtaliear are two new assessments this park be given under the dire ft ton of Emil Bingham on the assessed valuation There ' ADDED FEATURE of Uintah county for 1931 there Is a year one for the Interstate Transit Presidents George Slmklns and Fan- ter Ostlund at the Rlvoil theadecrease of $297174 as compared with oompany at $5283 and the other for nie Rowland The various will wsrd committees the same period last year The fig- the Pickwick Stages $11021 arrange transportation - for ail old —In— RETURNS FROM DENMARK ures for this year are $8383212 while folks Mrs D A Crandall Is In1 UTAH RETURNS SUSPECT “HOW I PLAY GOLF” Alicayt Cooler at Lagoon FAIRVIEW— S P Melgaard prothose of a year ago are $6680386 the of dinner while Virgil charge PROVO— THE BRAgSIE The valuation on real estate shows Deputy Sheriff James prietor of the Falrview Cash cream- Bird Mrs Almlna Mendenhall and Provo Hand to returned $871695 Saturday ery returned this week from a $2126745 improvements G W Harrison will arrange the prolivestock $1065872 personal prop- evening from Council Bluffs Iowa visit In Denmark Mr Mel- gram H Mark with who is wanted Porter assessed attended the dedication of the erty $653772 property here on a charge of forgery J A gaard state tax commission $1665128 new L D S chapel In Copenhagen Ollver la the complaining witness In June and later visited friends and Porter- was arrested by Council relatives In his native land FIREMEN NAME DELEGATES ” Bluffs week officers last Bluer and Btter PROVO— Delegates to represent SILVER DOLLAR SHIP FIFTH CARLOAD THE the Provo fire department at the STUDENTS ARRANGE RECITAL LAST TIMES TODAY annual Utah state firemen’s convenSPRINGVILLE— The fifth carload DANCE Proof PROVO— Plano in ARLEN students Mrs RICHARD Nielsen PROVO— 11 C 10 Gladys tion at Spanish Fork August of spring cockrells was shipped last Come comfortable In ihlrt W In S fessor will Williams of Federathe 12 appear Chief are Utah and Clyde Scott Frank week from the local Utah Poultry past president sleeve! and psjtmM alter- music recitals Monday and Tuesday Producers’ A REGULAR MONDAY ' Taylor and Clarence Duke Cooperative association tion of Business and Professional f ADMISSION nates Bert Kirkwood snd Cstl Love- evenings at the Provo senior high plant to eastern markets Producers Women’s clubs returned Saturday A Different Western school auditorium at received 15 cents per pound for- - the from Richmond Va where she was less s STARTING TUESDAY cockerels which was a raise or 2 an official delegate to the oiganlza-tion’CHARGE THEFT OF WHEEL nation convention July 6 to CROWD HEARS CONCERT cent over the previous shipment 12 — 19 Stewinclusive Melvin PROVO — PROVO Provo's wtekiy concert Strong Mis Nielsen was accompanied by His costume gay with pearl buteve- art Shearter 17 and Arthur Bona RICHARDS STREET given by the city band Sun-laMrs W L Mtrc'ock ol 19 were arrested Sat- tons J Phillips Peativ King cf Hox-to- n her of all - Uaneliif Etery Monday and was Payson at Pioneer pars heard by ning Wilto Beach Mise and a of Priscilla basket the fruit sheriffs SoloLong crowd by i evening presented deputy urday r exceptionally large CAST AN ists were Gustav Butgert baritone accused of stealing a wheel from a Prince of Wales on the princes son Miss Blanche Francom and J Miss E)m& Jones Lehi delegates ti birthday Fred Webb saxophone parked automobile at Salem v4i v t ed rit a TAX VALUATION ‘ ht TOTALLOWER te a s Lowest arrestgTves 'TheSmilbig Cleuteimt f ROBBERY CLUE tured (UP)--Flood- Sara-cean- CADQTGL u 0 I Bur-goy- ne Springville Girl Wins Crown as Festival Queen (paramount 10 o 73 am-nu- 1 Feels en OwrrpoH on the Stage PUBLIC WEDDING Begins on Monday TOMORROW Pay for Lights NIGHT at P at th FRI-SATh- Complete Rest 5c or 10c Buys Your Fare Admission Today and Wp VhWf F-t- e milDAM LUUl vil Dam Bids Tuesday - at 2 FOR Towns Plan Tele For Old Folks Auditor Reports ' Total Valuation 1 DAY swim: u'Jn waterj to Uintali County Values Decrease EVERY MONDAY BROADUMD BOBBY JONES Free Auto Gate Sundays and Mondays Its two-mon- th 1 STv-- fi Utah bTEWT Chib Delegate Returns - “GUN SMOKE” ' lpm “THE BAT y WHISPERS” R tftrlty-seven- ‘ ’ G Barrymore Hoover En joys Board Opens New 'i m VOCUCQTY Lions Install Vernal Settles New Officers Levy for ‘Taxes s M Students Still Arrive at Camp Summer School - - - Forest Trail Work Property Levy ruth Sheriff Returns From Futile Hunt In Murder Case Rigor - to ' - - - iifc flTOniGIIS lot iev iiumraiun BSLLRJX1 |