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Show The Ogden Valley news Page 20 Volume XXIII Issue XI July 1, 2016 Strickland Plumbing & Heating Inc. LUNDIN Ogden Valley Resident design/Build 801-395-1530 801-395-1560 3416 Fuller Dr. Eden 801-745-4545 www.ldbuild.com www.ldbuild.com Tree ServiCeS! 801-745-1100 NortHerN UtaH tree exPertS CHAD WAGSTAFF DDS 508 ogden canyon zimbi (801) 392-6775 2640 North Highway 162 Eden www.grayclifflodge.com www.zimbidental.com StALL • rEpAir • rEfiniSh Summer Discounts Call Now DENTAL 801-392-3332 Free Estimates Proudly serving Ogden Valley breakfasT ~ lunch dInner ~ TakeouT Custom Installations Repair & Refinish full Service -745-6700 Materials & Labor (801) www.bartonhardwoodfloors.com ** seasonal hours ** Please call 750 ogden canyon www.TheOaksInOgdenCanyon.com free Estimates • Custom Work www.bartonhardwoodfloors.com 801-394-2421 Eden resident (801) 571-7588 Member Utah h f Contractors Association Licensed & Insured Visa & M/C Accepted 5402 E. 2200 N. Eden UT l l l deborah@edenutah.com sepTic Tanks BasemenTs waTerlines l l l TOp sOil Fill dirT landscape rOck 801-745-2309 Office 801-745-6910 Fax summersandsummersllc@gmail.com LWF Painting VaLLey Storage Residential &Commercial Licensed & Insured Exterior & Interior Exemplary Quality All/Faux Finishes On Schedule Reasonable Pricing (801) 510-8220 Lwfpainting.com Camera Monitored ~ 24 HR Access Outside & Container Storage at affordable prices! 801-745-6234 4780 East 2600 North in Eden. Dumpster Rentals • • • • • 15,30 Yard Dumpsters 8 Yard Concrete Containers Home Clean Up Locally Construction Owned Roof Jobs 801.731.1600 From Ski Host to Home Host! Johnny’s Hauling Junk & Trash Removal Construction Cleanup Tractor Work Demolition Colored Wood Chips Hauling Cars & Trucks Anything Trees Cut & Hauled Anywhere Jerry Dickson Anita Oliveri Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Cell 801.388.1931 Anita@bhhsutah.com (801) 745-6128 (801) 458-7457 Call for a Free Home Evaluation Snow Removal Excavation ~ Landscaping Retaining Walls ~ Hauling Road Base, Topsoil, Sand & Gravel 801-458-6644 Lewis Tree Service Miller’s Mechanics proudly based in Huntsville Small & Large Engine Repair 237A S 7400 E Huntsville 745-1222 dr. Joy clem DENTIST www.joyfulsmiles.com 801-645-1501 gerald_dickson@yahoo.com If it has to do with trees please contact me! Specializing in ATV’s, Snowmobile,s Snow Blowers, Lawn Equipment, etc. What breaks down in the Valley gets fixed in the Valley! Call evan Miller Same day free estimates. Best price guaranteed. 801-430-5781 801-388-0338 Advertising & Subscription Rates The Ogden Valley news ad rates: Minimum cost for any ad: $21.00. Cost of ad is based on the column width price times the column height price. $1 per column width (1 to 4 columns possible). $7 per column inch height (2” minimum, 20” maximum). Ad sizes are rounded up to the next full inch for cost pricing purposes. Back page 2x2 directory ads, $22.00. standard rate examples: Full page, 4 columns x 20 inches: $560 Half page: $280 Quarter page: $140 Additional sizes and rates available using the column/inch formula. Color ads are available at an additional 50% of the original ad cost, with a minimum of $20 additional cost to any colored ad. Classified ads: Thirty words for $6.00 minimum. Ten cents for each word over. subscriptions: Available for out of area residents at $18.00 annually (24 issues). circulation: 4000. Distributed bi-monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month. ad Inserts: Available upon request. for more information contact: Jeannie Wendell @ 801-745-2879; or email: crwendell@digis.net or crwendell@msn.com shanna francis @ 801-745-2688 or 791-4387; Fax: 745-2688; email at: slfrancis@digis.net Ogden Valley news Po boX 130 eden uT 84310 VALLEY R.V. STORAGE Residential ~ Commercial ~ Industrial |