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Show Volume XXIII Issue XI The Ogden Valley news Page 3 July 1, 2016 Recipient of 2016 Hannah Warburton Public Hearing Announced for Proposed Ogden Valley General Plan: Meeting to be held June 29 Resilience Award Announced Live Hannah’s Hope, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation located in Huntsville, Utah recently presented the 2016 Hannah Warburton Resilience Award. The Hannah Warburton Resilience Award is a $500 cash award established for Utah high school seniors who have shown resilience in overcoming difficult obstacles during their effort to complete their high school education. In 2016, one student is being given the award— Allison Chapman of Eden, Utah. Starting in 2017, four Utah seniors will be given the award at the end of each school year. This award is not a scholarship but, rather, a cash award to offset any costs associated with the recipient’s efforts to attain higher education. It may be used for things such as tuition, books, supplies, transportation costs, or simply to take a well-deserved summer vacation. In the process of applying for this award, students share their story on the Live Hannah’s Hope website. Their stories can help other youth overcome difficulties experienced in their own lives by the examples of resiliency they share. Winners will be highlighted in their schools, via social media, and through local news outlets. Live Hannah’s Hope is a nonprofit inspired by the suicide death of Hannah Warburton on June 19, 2014. Its mission has been to empower youth who are struggling with mental health due to mental illness or concussions. The website offers numerous resources, many of which may be accessed outside of the proverbial “box.” The executive director of this nonprofit, and mother to Hannah, Laura Warburton, has vigorously advocated for youth mental health. She was directly involved in five suicide prevention bills passed during the 2015 Utah legislative session. She continues to look for ways to strengthen both youth and their families. The Hannah Warburton Resilience Award is an additional tool. It’s time to celebrate resilience! For more information, visit <www.livehannahshope.org/resilience-award> at the Weber Center’s Commission Chambers on the first floor. The Center is located at 2380 Washington Blvd. in Ogden. Ewert added, “If the Planning Commission is satisfied that the plan accurately reflects the will of the people, they will forward it to the County Commission for their approval. If not, the Planning Commission could postpone making a decision pending completion of changes.” Please direct questions or comments to Charlie Ewert, AICP, Weber County Planning, to cewert@co.weber.ut.us or 801-399-8763. OGDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION Weber High School graduate Allison Chapman received the 2016 Hannah Warburton Resilience Award—a $500 cash award. Allison was presented the award by Live Hannah’s Hope founder Laura Warburton. Apply Soon for Swan Hunting Permit: applications also accepted for grouse and sandhill crane hunts If you’d like to hunt tundra swans in Utah this fall, you need to be aware of a major change: starting this year, applications will be accepted in July. You can apply for a swan hunting permit starting July 6. To get your application in the permit drawing, you must apply through www.wildlife.utah.gov no later than 11:00 p.m. July 21. Tundra swan permits aren’t the only bird hunting permits you can apply for in July. Applications to hunt sandhill cranes, sharp-tailed grouse and sage grouse will also be accepted July 6 thru July 21. You’ll know if you drew a permit by July 29. If you’re not According to Weber County Planner Charlie Ewert, “The Ogden Valley General Plan Open House held June 7 seemed to go very well. Based on comments received, a few minor modifications to the plan were made to the version presented at the open house, but is now ready for public review.” Previously, a public hearing for the plan was scheduled for June 28; however, due to conflicting political activities, the date was changed to Wednesday, June 29. The rescheduled meeting will start at 5:00 p.m., and be held going to hunt swans, grouse, or cranes this year, you can still apply for a preference point. Hunters with preference points have the best chance of obtaining a permit in 2017. Mike Canning, assistant director of the Division of Wildlife Resources, says rules for Utah’s 2016 – 2017 waterfowl hunt were approved last December. “Getting the rules approved early allowed us to move the swan application period up,” Canning says. “Knowing the draw results in late July will give you extra time to plan your hunts this fall.” If you have questions about applying for a permit, call the Utah Wildlife Administration Services office at 1-800-2210659 or visit the nearest Division of Applications for Tundra Swan hunting permits must be Wildlife Resources received before the end of July 21. office. PLANNING MEETING AGENDA ~ Wednesday, June 29, 2016 ~ 5:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call: 1. Consent Agenda: 1.1. CUP 2016-07 Consideration and action for a request to amend a previously approved conditional use for the Trapper’s Ridge at Wolf Creek P.R.U.D. The amendment will add Phase 8, consisting of 18 lots, to the existing multi-phased P.R.U.D. This P.R.U.D. amendment will run concurrently with the request for preliminary subdivision approval of the Trapper’s Ridge at Wolf Creek P.R.U.D., Phase 8 located within the approved Wolf Creek Resort Master Development. (Eden Village LLC, Applicant) 1.2. UVR00116 & AE 2016-04: Consideration and action on a request for preliminary approval of Reflections Subdivision (6 Lots) and approval of an alternative access by private right of way at approximately 5650 East 1900 North in the Agricultural Valley (AV-3) Zone and Shoreline (S-l) Zone. (Cortney Valentine, Agent) 1.3 UVEOSOS16 Consideration and action on a request for preliminary approval of East Lake Meadows Subdivision (S Lots) located at approximately 8600 East 500 South in the Agricultural Valley (AV-3) Zone and Forest Valley (FV-3) Zone. (Brad Dobson, Applicant) 2. Legislative Items: a. New Business: Public Meeting: 1. Ogden Valley General Plan Public Hearing: A public hearing to receive public com ment, to discuss and consider the proposed Ogden Valley General Plan. After the hearing the Planning Commission may make final recommendation on the plan to the County Commission. 3. Public Comments for Items not on the Agenda 4. Remarks from Planning Commissioners 5. Planning Director Report 6. Remarks from Legal Counsel 7. Adjourn to Convene to a Work Session (Depending on the Ogden Valley General Plan Time Frame) WS1. DISCUSSION: Review and Discussion of the Bridges at Wolf Creek P.R.U.D, a 364-unit Master Planned Project. Small Business Friendliness Survey Gives Utah an A+ for Third Consecutive Year The 2016 Thumbtack.com Small Business ranging from overall business friendliness to Friendliness Survey recently polled over 12,000 small business owner-operators from across the country on their policy preferences and evaluations of their state and local governments. With this survey data, Thumbtack provided three novel contributions. First, we graded 35 states and 78 metropolitan areas on 11 dimensions, more specific measures, such as the friendliness of an area’s labor regulations. Second, we used an econometric procedure known as dominance analysis to determine what small businesses want most from their state and local governments. This exercise revealed that BUSINESS cont. on page 8 Eden 4th of July Celebration 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Children’s Parade Come join in the fun and participate in the parade! decorate your bikes, four wheelers, tractors, wagons, trailers, etc. Breakfast is $5 for adults, $3 for children and $20 for a family Please call Nick Froerer at 801-510-3210 if you can volunteer. August 19-21, 2016 - Free Admission A BIG THANKS TO OUR 2016 SPONSORS Mouth of ogden Canyon MON-SAT 10AM-9PM SUN 11AM-8PM |