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Show Page 18 The Ogden Valley news Volume XXIII Issue XI July 1, 2016 Calendar of Events Community Reading Group. For location, confirmation of date, time, & more info, call Martha at 801-814-1698, or Darla at 801-391-5143. Everyone welcome. Mondays: Children’s Discovery Time, 10:30 a.m. @ Ogden Valley Branch Library. All children, infancy - 5 years of age, & caregivers invited to hear stories & participate in learning activities. Children introduced to books, music, & art. Program runs on 7-week cycle with 1 week off between cycles. FREE! For more info call 337-2660. Tuesdays: Films @ Your Ogden Valley Branch Library, 6:30 p.m. More info at 801-337-2660. Tuesdays: Weber County Commission meeting, 10:00 a.m. Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Public hearings held Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. as needed. Meeting minutes & agendas at <www.co.weber.ut.us> Every Tuesday: Join us for ping pong night at the American Legion in Huntsville. Ping pong tables have been set up in a side room at the Legion. Play from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. For more info call Matt, 801-745-4403. Everyone welcome! Come learn to play or hone your skills with the best! Every 3rd Tuesday: Community Foundation of Ogden Valley (CFOV) Board Meeting at Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville, 6:30 p.m. Meeting open to the public.” For more info, call Dennis at 801-791-1036. Every 3rd Tuesday: Nitwit Knitting Circle, 6:30 p.m. We knit sweaters for the Knit for Kids Guideposts Project & baby booties for the Pregnancy Care Center. If you can’t knit, we’ll teach you how! Free & fun! Learn a craft while supporting a good cause. More info at 745-3635. Every 4th Tuesday: La Leche League meeting, 10:00 a.m. Mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding & pregnant mothers. Meetings held in Ogden. For more information call Sally (801) 621-4844 or Erica (801) 648-2849. Email LLLWeberDavis@gmail.com or La Leche League of Utah’s web address at < www.lllusa.org/UT/Utah.html> Every 4th Tuesday: Ogden Valley Township Planning Commission, 4:30 p.m., Weber County Bldg., 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. Wednesdays: After School Program @ Ogden Valley Library, 2:30 p.m. A free program recommended for children kindergarten thru 6th grade. Offered throughout the school year. For more info call 801-337-2660. Wednesdays: Sr. Lunch in Ogden Valley Library community room, noon. $3 suggested donation for seniors, $6 for those 59 & younger. Call 337-2660 for more info. Wednesdays: AWANA club for children kindergarten 6th grade @ Fellowship Bible Church, 4783 N. 3300 E., Liberty, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call Greg @ 745-6200 for info. Wednesdays: Wildlife Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. @ Ogden Nature Center. All ages invited to learn more about some of Utah’s native animal species. For more info call 621-7595 or visit <www.ogdennaturecenter.org> Wednesdays: Dinner at American Legion Post 129 at 6:00 p.m. Open to general public. 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. Beef & Chicken tacos & salads. Chile Verde Burritos. Every 1st Wednesday, GEM Committee, 5:00 pm, Huntsville Library. Ogden Valley GEM (Growth with Excellence Mandate) Committee is an open-to-all citizens group working to sustain the rural atmosphere of the Valley & promote the other values expressed in the Ogden Valley General Plan. Committee works thru County officials & processes toward keeping our Valley a great place to live & visit. For more info see <www.ogdenvalleygem.org> Every 2nd Wednesday: Eden Park Board meeting, 6:30 p.m. Call Nicholas Froerer, 801-510-3210, for location & or more info. Every 2nd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Recreation/ Transmission Special Service District Board Meeting, Ogden Valley Library, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Public invited. Every 2nd Wednesday: Ogden Valley Land Trust board meeting. 7:00 p.m., Ogden Valley Library. Call Shanna @ 801-745-2688 for more info. Every 2nd Wednesday: VFW Fred J. Grant Post 1481 & Ladies Auxiliary, 6:00 p.m., 907 W. 12th St., Ogden. Join us to learn about our involvement in the Community & how we may be of service to veterans. For questions, call Post Commander Doug Ferguson at 801-633-0610. Every Thursday: Ogden Valley Open Market, 5:30 p.m. – dusk. Located next to Century 21 in Eden. Live music, food, crafts, and fun & games. Entertainment for the entire family. For more info, contact us at 801-686-8433 or <www.ogdenvalleyopenmarket.com> Every 1st & 3rd Thursday: Huntsville Town Council meeting, 7:00 p.m., Huntsville Town Hall, 7309 E. 200 S. Visit www.huntsvilletown.com for more info. Every 2nd Thursday: Nordic Mountain Water Board meeting, 6:00 p.m. @ Peterson Builders Bldg., 4793 E. 2300 N., Eden. Meetings open to shareholders. Nonshareholders need to call a week in advance for placement on agenda. Call 745-2605 for more info. Every 2nd Thursday: Piece of Mind Quilt Guild. 6:30 p.m. at My Heritage Fabrics. Participants share quilts they’ve made & learn new techniques. Also produce quilts for charity. The guild is part of the Utah State Quilt Guild. All welcome—beginner to advanced quilters. Come join us! Call Jinny Dominguez @ 801-393-4845 for more info. Every 2 nd Thursday: Utah Homemakers Associations monthly meetings designed to promote stable homes & satisfying family living. Speakers share educational info. Come gain skills that contribute to your interests & needs as homemakers. Also participate in service projects to help others & the community. 10:00-11:30 a.m. Nursery available. $12 yearly fee. Contact Renee, 745-2468. Every 3rd Thursday: Ogden Valley Business Association Meeting (OVBA). For more info visit <www.ovba.org> Refer to web site for time, click “Meetings.” Saturdays: Zumba @ Ogden Valley Library, 10:00 a.m. Zumba class taught by certified instructor is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness program that’s moving millions of people toward joy & health. More info at 801-337-2660. Saturdays: Cinema Saturday Feature Films @ Ogden Valley Library, 2:00 p.m. More info at 801-337-2660. Saturdays: 8:00 p.m., American Legion “Cutterzone Karaoke” with Kent Cutler & over 100,000 songs to choose from. Come show off your talent or just for the party. Also, come in for Pool Player’s Challenges. Every 4th Saturday: Read to Succeed, a life success & personal improvement book club, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For confirmation of location, date, time, & more info, call ShyAnna at 801-821-6295 or Michelle at 385-405-8030. Everyone welcome to come and join! All meetings held in Ogden Valley. Sundays: Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. @ American Legion Post 129. Open to general public. 604 S. 7800 E., Huntsville. June 28: Utah Primary Election Day. Get out and vote! June 27-July 1: WSU’s Science in the Parks, a weeklong program for children involving hands-on science lessons, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Lester Park (663 24th Street, Ogden), free lunch for those age 18 and younger, public welcome, scienceinthepark.wordpress.com or <ajohnston@weber.edu> June 27-July 1: WSU’s Arts in the Parks, a weeklong program for children involving hands-on art lessons, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Lester Park (850 30th St., Ogden), free lunch for those age 18 and younger, public welcome, community.weber.edu/artsinthepark or <kmackay@weber.edu> June 29: Notice of Public Hearing for proposed Ogden Valley General Plan, 5:00 p.m. Weber Center Commission Chambers, 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden. See page 3. June 29: Wild Wednesdays: Who’s a Buteo @ Ogden Nature Center, 3:45 p.m. Meet Sampson, the Ogden Nature Center’s Red-tail Hawk and Jay, the Harris Hawk while discovering what makes a buteo a buteo. Observe firsthand how buteos differ from all other raptors. Free for ONC members; otherwise, $3 children/$4 seniors/$5 adults. All ages welcome. For more info call 621-7595 or visit <www.ogdennaturecenter.org> July 1: Utah Symphony performs a Patriotic at Snowbasin. Tickets can be purchased at www.snowbasin.com, at Ogden Symphony Ballet Association ticket office, or at Snowbasin on Saturdays & Sundays. More info at 801-620-1000 or <Snowbasin.com> July 1: The Eccles Community Art Center, 2580 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, Ogden Pioneers Day, Traces of the West Invitational Competition/ Exhibit thru July 30. Western Art by nationally known artists will be on exhibit and offered for sale. Painting, Drawing, Photography, Sculpture and Gear will be displayed. A reception at which awards will be posted will be held July 1 in association with Ogden’s Art Stroll from 5 to 9 p.m. July 4: Independence Day July 4: American Legion Post 129, Huntsville, famous 4th of July Breakfast at the legion bowery! Be sure to stop by! For more info call 801-430-5750 during business hours. July 5: WSU Swenson Bldg. pool reopens at 6:30 a.m. For more info contact <rebecc a m a b i l e @ w e b e r. e d u > July 5: Join the Eccles Community Art Center’s Tai Chi workshop on Tuesday & Thursday mornings 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. thru August 18. Located in Ogden at 2580 Jefferson Avenue the Eccles Community Art Center hold this Tai Chi workshop in their Performing Arts Bld. Tuition: Drop-in $8, punch pass for 10 classes $55. Preregister with by calling 801392-6935. Beginning students welcome, suggested for those ages 45 and older. July 5: Mad Science Brixology Camp - Exploring Engineering Concepts with Leo Brick for students grades 2 to 6 at the Eccles Community Art Center July 5 thru July 8, 9 a.m. - noon. Tuition $140. Preregister at 801-392-6935 or thru <http://greatersaltlake.madscience.org/campexperience.aspx> July 5: Dancer Deja Mitchell’s beginning African Dance workshop for those 50 + @ Eccles Community Art Center, Tuesday afternoons from 4 – 5 p.m. thru August 9. Tuition: six-week session $33. Pre-register at 801-392-6935. July 5: Drummer Deja Mitchell’s beginning Tribal Rhythms Drums Workshop @ Eccles Community Art Center, Tuesday evenings 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. thru August 9. High quality African drums are supplied for use in the class or bring your own. Tuition $45. Pre-register at 801392-6935. July 5-8: WSU’s Division of Continuing Education hosts “Computer Storytelling,” learn to craft stories using graphic artwork, animation and other multimedia, 9 a.m.noon, $145, ages 12-14, Weber State University Davis Bldg. 3, Room 230, <continue.weber.edu/summer-camps/> July 5-8: WSU Science in the Parks, a weeklong program for children involving hands-on science lessons, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Monroe Park (850 30th St., Ogden), free lunch for those age 18 and younger, public welcome, scienceinthepark.wordpress.com or <ajohnston@weber.edu> July 5-8: WSU Arts in the Parks, a weeklong program for children involving hands-on art lessons, 11:30 a.m.1 p.m., Mt. Ogden Park (3144 Taylor Ave., Ogden), free lunch for those age 18 and younger, public welcome, community.weber.edu/artsinthepark or <kmackay@weber.edu> July 6: WSU’s Small Business Development Center hosts “1 Million Cups,” an opportunity for entrepreneurs to present their business ideas to business owners and receive feedback, 9-10 a.m., WSU Downtown (2314 Washington Blvd, Ogden), free, breakfast provided, 801-626-7232 or <1millioncups.com/ogden> July 7: Open Studio art class with Jennifer Sorenson @ Eccles Community Art Center, Thursdays 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. thru August 25. Students should provide their own supplies. Tuition: Daily, $15/student, 4-week punch pass $45/student. Pre-register at 801-392-6935. July 7: Ease-y Meditation @ Eccles Community Art Center, Thursday evenings thru September 29, 6:40 p.m. Supervisors Linda & David Wisekopf will provide basic instruction in the practice of meditation. Quarterly tuition $20, nightly $6. For more info call 801-392-6935. July 8-10: WSU’s Outdoor Program hosts at backpacking trip to Kings Peak as part of Summer Summit Series, Uinta Mountains, Wyoming, $75 WSU/$95 non-WSU, moderate fitness level recommended, register at 801-6266373 or <weber.edu/outdoor/summer-summit-series.html> July 8: WSU’s Outdoor Program hosts a Weber River inflatable kayak trip, 11 a.m., $25 WSU/$35 non-WSU, ability to swim confidently required, register at 801-6266373 or <weber.edu/outdoor/weber_river_kayaking.html> July 9-Aug. 13: WSU’s Center for Lifelong Learning hosts “Jazz Jam,” learn, rehearse and perform jazz improvisation, 10-11:30 a.m., Browning Center Room 133, $68, register at <continue.weber.edu> July 11: Eccles Community Art Center’s summer art camp for children ages 7 to 11 years, July 11 - July 15, 9:30 - noon. Art camp will introduces students to a variety of visual and performing arts. Tuition $55/student. Preregister at 801-392-6935. July 11-15: WSU Science in the Parks, a weeklong program for children involving hands-on science lessons, 11:30 a.m.1 p.m., Mt. Ogden Park (3144 Taylor Avenue, Ogden), free lunch for those age 18 and younger, public welcome, or scienceinthepark.wordpress.com or <ajohnston@weber.edu> July 11-15: WSU hosts Arts in the Parks, a weeklong program for children involving hands-on art lessons, 11:30 a.m.1 p.m., West Ogden Park (751 West 24th Street, Ogden), free lunch for those age 18 and younger, public welcome, community.weber.edu/artsinthepark or <kmackay@weber.edu> July 15-17: WSU’s Outdoor Program hosts the Weekend Snake River Raft Trip, Snake River, (Jackson Hole, WY) $95 WSU/$140 non-WSU, register at 801-6266373 or <weber.edu/outdoor/snakeriverrafttrip.html> July 15: WSU’s Center for Lifelong Learning hosts “Paint Better, Faster: A New Approach for Beginning or Veterans,” 4-8 p.m., Kimball Visual Arts Center Room 307, $60, register at <continue.weber.edu> July 16: Safe & Secure Seat Clinic. Equine Etiquette will hold a clinic for riders in search of a better seat in the saddle at the Eden Park arena. This 5-6 hour clinic focuses on balance and communication with your horse through seat and body position. The cost for horse and rider is $120 and $20 for to audit. Call to secure a position at 801-669-1633. July 17: WSU hosts the 38th annual Lindquist Family Symphony Pops & Fireworks, 9 p.m., Ada Lindquist Plaza and pond area, free, 801-626-6468. July 22-23: Ogden Valley Charity Garage Sale, at the home of Mike and Cindy Hillstrom, 9520 E. 400 S., Huntsville. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Friday; 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. The fundraiser sale is made possible by donations of items accepted & collected starting June 1. Please bring to the Hillstrom residence. More info at 801-710-7221, 801564-5137, or 801-458-2737. See ad on this page. August 1-5: Join us for Vacation Bible School at 6:00-8:00 PM Ages 4 - entering 6th grade. Bible Stories, Crafts, Snacks, Games, & Lots of Fun! Register at 801-7454626 (Vicki) or visit <www.fbcliberty.com> Sponsored by Fellowship Bible Church located at 4783 N. 3200 E., in Liberty. August 6: Community Foundation of Ogden Valley (CFOV) Summer Scramble OVerDRIVE event. For more info, visit <www.cfogdenvalley.org> August 19-21: 2016 Ogden Valley Balloon and Artist Festival. More details to come! Visit http://ogdenvalleyballoonfestival.com/ for more information. August 26-28: Roots & Blues Festival Sept 5: Labor Day September 17: Fifth-annual Utah Orthopaedics Huntsville Marathon. For more info or to register, contact the Huntsville Marathon Board or visit run@huntsvilleutahmarathon.com or <www.huntsvilleutahmarathon. com> To become one of 400 fabulous volunteers, contact Candis Facer at volunteer@huntsvilleutahmarathon.com or 801-528-2166. More Calendar of Events items posted online at www.ovba.org To place your scheduled event in the Calendar of Events, call Shanna Francis 801-745-2688 or Jeannie Wendell 801-745-2879 |