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Show September 9, 1982 Bunin NICKEL BACKhOE -MeCORMIC 'RV1CE: We epedlize In Tramp Joggm running on cloud. 1010 North Vernal Avenue. Phone 7804033. Vernal. 2928NA0721 NSAlka ptlc tanks end sewer Best price in Sown. Call 780-487- 4. Vernal Dense gasses girts ages 3 old up through 5th Tap, Jazz, Ballst grade. noitii c n t a rts I n me n t and Acrobats. Wsd. afternoons at 8haullngo Dance yS.1CliSlA0TriM Studio. For more infor4 mation call ask for 'Annette or Morene or leave your name and phone number at the 0 Shaullngo 8pa and we will call you. Vernal. 4188NNA0908 for sale. King-siz- e, JateMte TV 125" per baffled. Complete month for 3 years, 24 hour with heater, pad, liner, movies, full length sports total frame, fllldrain kit, 6-- wsather, kid channel, New low entertainment. rawer captain pedestal. prices and terms make this 2 Jensen. $500". affordable for anyone. 3250NA0804 Home Entertainment Cena a a as a a aa MOHW RNVINI MOVMW ter 145 West Main, Vernal. over 1000 movies to rent for 185BNATFN only $2.50 each, per night for dub members- - we rent Movtosl Movies! Movies! over 1000 movies to rent tar only $2.50 each, per night for club members. We rent video machines for only $5" per night tar dub members. Join our new Home Entertainment Center. 145 West 7 Vernal. main 3685NA0908 yr. 780-563- 780-888- rockwood' Hockwood Camping Trailer For The Deer Hunt In Comfort! ADSA'OVSlKIXT Video Vernal ment Discount Club. Entertain145 West Vernal. Home Center, 7 Main. 3685NA0908 780-199- d 780-551- lite Dishes! "Television's New Dimensions" Vernal 789-025- 6 Financing. 4099NATFN j6UCdt3t t Backhoe Dozer WorkJ & jfr Tom Peterson 789-199- BACKHOE' tor hire. Call Mike McKee at . 789-64- f 77 Septic Tanks, Sewer Hook-uradio dispatch Water Lines, Backfill unit 8723. Free jj estimates, emergency Terracing service, Vernal. 789-570- 1.' p, 780-321- 4, 789-420- 0 House tor sale by oamers. Six bedroom, three baths, 721NA0TFN two fireplaces, two car garage, privacy fence, 12 acre lot, circle drive, totally electric, full basement, mostly finished. 83,000". Call Vernal 27 Section The New Vector 100 Earth Station Control Center for Push Button Focus on all Satellites! Engineered to fit our Columbia Seven, Janeil, or Fullview Satel- a video machines for only $5" per night for club members. Join our new Video Discount Club-Vern- al Itogc 4caeac9c9cac3eacaeae9ieae9e9eaeacaeaeaeae4 SI U he.PlaceiTo GetkYourOffice Furnished Che'iitm'iibwT?. 789-276- 0. 7 Rockwood is the Value Leader ' Rockwood designed and built its campers to satisfy your desire for advanced styling Rockwood designed and built its campers to satisfy your desire for advanced styling, comfort, livability, functional efficiency and easy maintenance all at an outstanding value. With Rockwood campers, you get first class luxury at an economical price. Mi.wM$300000 Qasml Bsndsnns Rsnch - The Last Frontier. We're 90 miles east of Salt Lake City between Current Creek and Red Creek Reservoir. The rsnch borders state and national forest on three sides. 5 acre lots range in price from $5000" to $14,000". No time shore or undivided interest At 1 completion of your purchase contract we issue Deed with Title Insurance. Look at a few of the reasons you should own a lot on the Ranch: Year round acceasability. Gravel roads, power to many lots, 40,000 acre Sportsman Club, Tennis, 7000 ft grass airstrip, picnic end reunion camp-- g round on Red Creek. For more informstion and directions plesse call: Salt Lake CKy Ogden Cabin collect on weekends a Warranty f , 292-641- 4, 540-336- 8. CHRIS'S CUSTOM TILE: We esn handle any tile lob, big or small, We do excellent work, guaranteed. Call 646-335- Bridge land. SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL on On., PRINTING, INCORPORATED 390-560- 3, YOUR COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR TIME SCHEDULE Business Forms of All Kinds Letterheads & Envelopes Business Cards Brochures Single ft Multi Color Come In and Check Out Our New Photo Copier BEAUTIFUL COPIES Anti-Free- ze 3M GALLON 50 Windshield Washer Only Wedding Invitations Photo Copy Sendee Quick Copy Printing Computerized Photo Typesetting Layout ft Design 980 We also offer a QUICK PRINT SERVICE High quality. Inexpensive printed copies of your original WHILE YOU WAIT l - Come Now While Stock Lasts iftulA Remember Discounts on Gas for Cash - we guarantee the lowest wholesale gas prices around. Bulk- Commercial- - Private- - Oilfield are your Petroleum Distributor tor the Uintah Basin Wb Calders Petroleum 789-275- 2 Vernal Quick Print Work is done on an Offset Press, therefore giving you an improved copy of your original from beginning to end. All 395 South Vernal Ave. 789-139- 4 1 |