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Show Section Ifrgc 88 Basin NICKEL ADSAewsphixt September 1982 9, 1 For Solo: 1979 Lincoln Town Cor. 58,000 mlloo, loadod. 18300". Phono 1 oftor 8 Rangoly pm. 4201NNA0908 Dodge Omni fully 1972 Dodge Dart Auto- Super Dealt 1979 Ford 4x4 good condition. matic transmission, power Vi ton, long wheel base. See Gu saver, 4 cyl., standard steering, good tires, AM-F- in Amoco 8, bids trans., $3000 or but offer. cassette stereo system, on vehicle is. Vernal. Vernal. good mechanical con- 4185NA0908 4110NNA0901 dition. Dependable. Call Vernal. 1977 Olds Cutlass442 Executive Car and pickup 4179NA0908 $3,000. Firm Body and 1980 Monte Carlo Chevengine, In good condition, rolet Landau, AM-F1972 Pontiac Catalina 7 after 5:30 Vernal. M 875-257- Comoro. 1875 93 conditioned, rear defrost all power seats, windows, tilt steering, cruise control, wire.whuls covers $5,200. Call 1980 Dodge Prospector, 150 AM-Fstereo, AC, tilt wheel, cruise control, slide rear window, paint dual 78 Olds Omega PS, PB, cassette, good shape, low miles. $3000" book- - $3800". 3 789-592- 789-677- 2. VSrnal. 4188NNA0908 M Impala station wagon for sale. Good condition. 950". Phone tanks. 738-534- 4 498NA0402 1979 Duchesne. 1977 4x4 Ford 1 6 1973 Chevrolet Vega: recent condition, tune-uGood tires. 600". Examine at 448 E 650 N. 8. Roosevelt or call 1974 Ford LTD, 4 door, 400 engine, air conditioned, Roosevelt 4159NARV stereo TS AM-F6 after 4 p.m. 722-351- M 7B9-426- 1882 Honds CB 750 Custom 2 ton blue, 3,000 miles. Phone 722-29Rooseevelt. 4115NA0908RV 1978 QMC Pickup Sierra Grande 350 engine. Auto-tran- s. Runs good, amfm cassette. Power pack, dual speakers. 1650". Call Vernal 4093NA 789-774- 4. West, Vernal. 3000 4203NA0929 4-- 738-575- T; Duchesne. 9 4223NA0908 Dirt Biku, 10 speeds, and hot cyclu in stock and ready to roll. Western Auto, 9. Vernal 2575NA0707 789-260- 789-548- If You Ever Wanted a used fifth wheel, we have it Priced right, ready to roll. Great for hunting. Call 789- Vernal. 9479NA0908 11 Duchesne 4222NA0908 80 Endure one ex,r 06 tank, good 6 condition $200. Call Yamaha 789-783- SAUNA TRUCK A As Close As Vour Phone. Baldwin filter Dayco beta, hoses Hydlr. hoses & fittings. Coll 72S -E467 7490 Vernal. 41 91 NA0908 789-237- 2, Good At Dam Jolley Chevrolet Oldsmobile Save Hundreds Of Dollars During Its 83 3 YEAR-EN- D 789-095- oCLEARANCEl 1982 1100 Maxium black Yamaha CrashBar Sissy-ba- r with pad, 1800 miles. Take over payments. 250 Dirt Bike, low hours $200. For Sale 1973 Cougar XR7, 351 Cu.in. engine. Runs good best offer. 1974 Pinto Insulated camper shell station wagon, new motor, SWB $100. Four six hole $1,200 or best offer, see at Chev wheels and tiru $80. 4, 880 W. 350 So. 7 Roosevelt. 789-659- 722-238- Vernal. 3998NNA0908 4192NA0908 1980 Camaro, air, AM-F8 tracK, 1800 miles. 19B1 Subaru GL, drive, air. AM-Fcassette, 2000 miles. After 6:00 call 9 Vernal. 3765NNA0B18 FOR SALE: Special collectors item, 1966 Thunderbird. S 250 to 350 On CHEVROLET TRUCKS Very few Roosevelt. Call 722-415- 0. 4251 NARV 789-944- 1978 Che 4x4 pickup, fully For Sale: 1974 Plymouth loaded. Great condition. Duster, 6 cylinder, 67,000 Lots of extras. See to miles. 3 $1,500". Call 9 appreciate $4800. Vernal. 4266NNA0908 after 6 p.m. Vernal. 4109NNA0901 1887 Jeep CJ5 with a Ford six engine and a hydraulic 74 Ford 4x4 Ranger XLT; snow plow with tilt blade new transmission, 3 new $1800". Lu or 3 Vernal. steering, new brakes, and other new parts plus new 3695 NA 0825 789-040- 789-648- 789-666- 769-057- paint, must sell. Need money for school. See to appreciate and make offer. 1974 Harley Sportster real reasonable. Vernal. 4134NNA0901 789-24- 789-277- 5 Vernal. 4207NA0908 SALE!! USE DEALER INCENTIVES PLUS FACTORY INCENTIVES OF made like it. Runs great. M AND on-the-sp- ot 500 to 900 low on interest GMAC CHEVETTES CAVALIERS CITATIONS NICKEL ADS THE TOE WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHER AD MANAGER Garth Nuttall Dennis Phone Dennis Holmes 12 Noon, Monday for ad information 789-974- 0 642 West Main Vernal, Utah 84078 O : ' Holtnes-PRODUCTI- MANAGER DEADLINE - a it cruise two whul drive, excellent condition $5800. 997 North Phone control, new condition $1,250. Vernal. 3877NA0825 p. Vernal. 3906NA0825 conditioning, 789-070- 0 789-677- CSR 305, Pick-u- p . 789-681- 2-t-on Kawasaki 1981 789-903- X mSeago, dean maintainod nm ana mou gooa, can 1981 Toyota 4 4 pickup condition. excellent 8,000". Sorloua buyers after 5 pm. Vernal 9 Vernal. Phone 7 after 530. only. 4008NA0007 2958NA0721 VomaL 4032NA 738-24- 789-708- 4031NA0901 Jeep CJ5, low For Sale: 1979 Scottsdale Diesel pickup, Vi ton, air hkto-a-be- 789-681- make offer. Call 789-85Vernal. 4O98NA09O1 2 88 V.W. Bug Runabout or $6,050. Call Vernal. 4141 NNA0901 convert to bail $400". Call BEST OFFER 1976, Horned, 4 door, AT, PS, only one ovnor, in good condition. For more information call Vernal. 2945NATFN 789-339- 02 M stereo cassette, air AM-F- M 1973 Che M u 789-14- condition. Hu running body rust $850" or but offer. 738-55Duchuno. 4204NNA0908 T-t- m, 789-472- 789-648- 9 Good For Sale 1978 Mustang II For Safe: 1980 Black Turbo $2500". Zalu Wedding Trans-Afully cassette, Ring set ladiu size, 4 with loaded, AM-Fquarter carat diamond. low mileage, excellent Men's size 9V4 $300". condition $8900 or but Coffee table $5". Kitchen offer. Call 789-17Vernal. table $10". Woven wood 4206NA0908 window coverings, brown and green. Gold crushed 1950 Ford half ton. Needs d velvet couch motor, body good con6 Call $25". keep dition. Good fixer up. Make trying, Vernal. offer or $300" for safe. Call 4213NA0908 CELEBRITIES OLDSMOBILE FIRENZAS OLDSMOBILE 12.5 H omegas! Interest ' On Leasing paijsLissa Dave Jolley Chevrolet AsfTar Oldsmobile - 800 East Main Venial 789-316- 1 i Inc. |