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Show V Section Itoge 24 Basin NICKEL ADSAewsihixt September 9, 1982 1 Automotive Machine Work Trumpet $39" See at Hasty hot tank cyl. boring glass Pawn, 95 South Vernal Ave. 5 bead cleaning, valve Vernal 4255NA0908 9 Neola. grinding, 722-270Roosevelt. 2263NA0616R For Sale: three year old GENE HORSESHOEING Sorrel Gelding, registered. Longe Sewer Cleaning Ser- LEWIS . Call ton RAJ. Traitor for sale Call after 5:30 247-23vice. Anywhere In tho Ba- Vernal. 2634NNA0TFN with rack ideal for hauling Lapoint. 4194NA0915 or 722-20- Need sin. Phone Utility Bed for ton firewood. 200. Roosevelt. One Day Service on 35U long wide bed Ford pickup Vernal. 4028NA 3233NA0728RV Chev. engines, or pickup with utility bed Roosevelt. 2262NA0616R 3 call For Sale: Used . Field please 350 Chev Engine rebuilt Randlett. 4193NA0915 1979 Couger XR7 auto, 2 Vernal. Fencing. complete and ready for AC, PB, PS, new AM-F4195NA0908 0 installation $845". cassette stereo, new radial exchange, Roose- tires, custom seats, 302 velt. 2259NA0616R SUM ft BILLS SHOP engine. Extra clean. Call Automotive Tune-Up- s to 789-12Vernal. Saxophone $198 See at Overhauls, Welding Stoves Hasty Pawn, 95 South 4269NA0908 to Trailers, Cabinet Work 5 Vernal Ave. additions. TRADE, Five Tires and rims for Jeep ,m Vernal. 4256NA0908 BARTER also or Ford $350" Phone 722- Pick-u- p box trailer $400. 2338 or Roose- - ,irwood- - Roosevelt, 3888NNA0915 Vernal. veil 1121NA0811RV 4054NA0901 Want To Trad building lots in Roooovolt for lota are carpenter work near golf course. Ask for 7 Ken Neola. 3887NNA0915 FI dkt and top soil tor sale. Will haul on load or hundred. Call Kim Andorton 789-272- 0, 353-466- 353-452- 789-847- 3, 97 722-28- 38 789-733- 722-270- 0, 545-240- S Service for Kirby Gigantic Oarage Sale: Short Block Engines Hoover ft Eureka vacuums, Everything imaginable. Rebuilt 350 Chev. 545. at Basin Pawn Shop. Call 1010 N. Vernal Ave. 400 Ford, 595. exchange 7 in Saturday, or phone, 2260NA0616R 3 Vernal. Roosevelt 1162NA0923R ' 4296NA0908 350 Chevy Engines rebuilt End of Season Clearance in R.V.'s complete and ready for at BLI 10 off all 845. 1 Vernal. stock. Sale: truck rack, instalation, Rummage Roosevelt. 2259NA0616R 4264NA0908 girls' and boys' clothes. 2 hair dryer. Much more. AKC Registered Oalmation One Day Service on 350 Fri. ft Sat 10 to 5.3355 S. puppies. Call 0 Chev. engines. 0, 2500 E. Vernal. 4226NA Roosevelt. 4182NA0908 Roosevelt. 2262NA0616R 722-912- 722-37- 60 722-270- 0. 789-093- 722-270- 0, 789-006- 722-588- 722-270- 789-029- M 722-270- Save 13 of Your Fuel Cost Over Gasoline! 789-272- 722-485- 3. Woody Morton is an expert in Propane Conversions. See Him Today on a Free Estimate to Convert Your Car or Truck. 722-50- 789-571- 7 TREE SERVICE Trimming, Detail Work, Topping, FOR THE BEST BUY ON TURQUOISE JEWELRYI takedowns and complete clean up. 12 years experience. Tom Greer, call 6 Vernal. evenings 789-345- 36B9NA0818TFN Transmissions 2 wheel drive, 395. 4 wheel drive 495. include parts and labor with guarantee. 2261NA0616R ClMn Burning - Propane leaves no lead, varnish or carbon deposits that cause premature wear on pistons rings, valves and spark plugs. It doesn't contaminate crankcase or engine, free of carbon and sludge, means lower maintenance costs, drastically reduced down time and greatly extended engine life. 0 We Ock!w Come to Bev ft Millie's where you will find the largest selection In Eastern Utah at discount prices. 722-270- 0. Automotive Machine Work hot tank, cyl. Boring glass Workmanship and materials guaranteed loox. 24 hr. repair service on Jewelry. Gift ideas for all occasions. So & 0?f(tUt,d, )kcUok AurUa& bead cleaning, valve 722-270- 0, grinding. The Engine PM Of Tomorrow Is Htrs Today! Advantages Of Propane Engine Fuel Rooseveit.2263NA061 6R Guns, AS types of firearms at super lew prices. Call J ft P Enterprises in Duchesne at Duchesne. 722-34- 1 1 Across from Frontier Grill in Roosevelt 738-23- 383 BN AOS 18 We do PROPANE TUNE-UP- S Its Performance & Savings That Counts 1 Call Dennis J. Homes for An'Appointment OLZ89.-2856- or Jhe f ropane the Basin Nickel in advertising Ads...789-195- CalL789r2540 6 a H F7 Just Right For The L1 ? FINAL NOTICE Deer Hunt! INCOME TAX COURSE UKE TO WORK WITH PEOPLE? IN- TERESTED IN EARNING ATTRACTIVE PAY PREPARING IF 80 - Rtalify TAX RETURNS? THE H ysa I R BLOCK COURSE CM k pnpm individual in raturna with csnildann and nay plan van Is a puallflad posttian la wart aitfwr Ml Urm ar part Haw with H A R BLOCK during futun Incam tax filing sssssm. NOR BLOCK KNOWS TAXES, ARB HOW thm Our Inatnctan an tninid and an ixpariancad BLOCK partannal wha Mika aadi tattlM an axdting axparlann wNh dtaaoilon la taach ad ally in sassisas. riliriaei natarlali and Instructlm wing raguliUan tax brat and sctwdulaa. - ENCLASSES ARE ROW FORMING ROLLMENT la apan and daasn begin SaptMbar 0. A chain mmlng and d MAT an available. ANYONE asstans APPLICANTS Mid anly the wllllngnuss la aid cavtrs tha cswplik can rail indudliq kxtbsuks. all a atari alt. supplies. rafanaca puidts. and rsgbtraUss. Than an na sxtrs chsrgas. An kutilliMflt payrnit pint is avallabli II dmlrad. THE TUITION COST IS LOW LEARN TO EARN n n - as low as 869 yn nn Is a faadnaUng Una al wart and yau nn qualify by successful mnpldtan d this couna.) FULL DETAILS ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR talaphom Jail nil lor nopida data as la dan licit tans, starting ddn. tuitions. 1983 YT 178 S1 27900 n Ad pnwpUy clatamw span la . United airly ngtetrdin will inaim yaur plan la the schaal CALL NOW PH. THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 1982 YT 125 GOESUKEAJET ft R BLOCK'S INCOME TAX SCHOOL In Ala nwarding field. (It Inin H FOR MORE INFORMATION BLOCK-- Tri-Mo- to THERE IS AN nrgatil and Immedlata naad far nullified tax Ovar half al tha nan than panrt. 1000 tax ntumi lad ynr wan ' by aamaana athar than tha taxpaytr. Anarlnni an increasingly king thn assistance d gualHIad tax Inn ahaul tun. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE R BLOCK dlptaiM an H On wdl sppurtwiRv la bdantaw tar anpliywanl with H ft R BLOCK. H&R c Specialists 789-333- 5 or Stop By 390 W. Main CLASSES START SEPT. 9r THURS. Good Stock of New end Used 'Subact to tralgM Trl-Mot- os and dollar prapanMon FrandsensTR ec rea t forvCen te r In Roosevelt Or Call 722-502- 1 Or 722-257- 7 . ( |