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Show Section 1 ftige 4 Bunin NICKEL ADSA'liWSiniXT September 9, 1982 Real Cute Pup fTM to $ $ In a Caah SqueaeeT Wa B.C. FERTILIZING PEST good homo. Bluo Heater pay on the apot.caah for oil CONTROL FOR- - FREE Spaniel mix. Call 789-69field invoices. Call Vador ESTIMATE. CALL: BRUCE Vernal. Only three left. Funds Ver-na- l. VERNAL 61 4267NNA0908 LOGAN'S ELECTRIC SEWER ROOTER DRAIN CLEANING SERVICE, 24 HOURS. CAU. 789-06VERNAL. 4174NABTFN 47 within Roosevelt 722-42- 13 or Roosevelt 4187NA0908 Tack. 7 4165NA0901 789-659- 7 789-272- 789-565- . 4281NA0908 Purina Feed and Farm Dog Food. Get 55 pounds at 50 price. Regular price free. pound 11" Ponderosa Feed and 722-3520 646-303- 4225NA0915 2947NA0S11 Firewood For Sale $50 a cord. If split $15" extra per cord. We deliver 10 miles Phone Brawn Davenport for aale. 6 Vernal. 4197NA0908 789-186- 789-845- 3. 3147NNA0811 Chain Saws large selec- 9 Year Old GeMng for sale. tion Excellent running Kid hone, gentle, perfect condition. Hasty Pawn, 95 for hunting, packing or on or the farm. Call 5 South Vernal Ave. 7 Jensen. Vernal. 4257NA0908 For Sato 2 bucket seats. 4 Pontiac rims with beauty rings and caps rims $50. 8 Sests $50. Myton. Verna 2. For Seta: Young milking Nanny. Also one Doe. Rabbits all sizes, fryers, $2". AH other $2" each. 353-497- Whiterocks. 7 4218NA0908 End of Season Clearance at BL1 10 off all R.V.'s in Wanted: King size mattress 350 Chevy Engines rebuilt 1 Vernal. in good condition. Call complete and ready for stock. 789-49Vernal. instalation, 845. 4264NA0908 ' Roosevelt. 2259NAC616R 4221NAQ908 Saxophone $198" See at Hasty Pawn, 95 South Hurries newood burning Appliance Repelr of washVernal Ave. 789-27ers, dryers, dishwashers, stove for sale. Cll Vernal. 4256NA0908 Roosevett. 402SNA0909 refrigerators,, freezers and ranges. Serving Uintah Basin Ming Appliances reMy-to-n. pair. Phone 646-31- ATTENTION SINGLE Men and Women stress management for everyday . living situations. Call Ask for Sherrel or 789-006- 722-270- 0, 34 789-5850- Kathy, Vernal. 3779NA0818 25 722-32- 84 3051NA0721RV Free to good home three month old half- half-la- b, shepherd. Call Vernal. 4237NA 789-299- 2. 2 wheel drive, 395. 4 wheel drive 495. Includes part and 0. labor with guarantee.' 2261NA0616R Transmissions 722-270- The Bull Ring Is css SALE Vi Mens & Kid's Coats By Wrangler Also Leather Vi & Nailing, Sheetrocking, Taping and Texturizing. Licensed contractor and sheetrock supplies. If it's too rough for anybody else, it's just right for us. Vernal Drywall 7894640 or For Sate: Refrigerator 65". Electric stove 50". Metal wardrobe 25". Gusher Price 722-472- Roosevelt 1. 4154NARV Looking for a place to rent? Call Dina's Home Rental One Rack Ladies Summer Tops! Service. Many homes available. Karen Johnson or 0 789-754- Your Choice Suede Roosevelt. 0, 2260NA0616R Vernal. 1580NA0908 Bibs Open 9:007:00 Mon. Sat. 722-276- 247-233- 3. Carhardt Mens in Vernal BLI Rebuilt, .350 Chev. 545. 400 Ford 595 exhange CRAZY DAZE Vi PRICE Use oof Convenient loyowoy Plan, We Sonof WAMERICAWMJV MASTER CHARGE .0 wtcoml Across From Short Block Engine Having A 789-229- 2 Vernal. 3802NA0818 Pure Bred Brittany pups, 6 weeks old. Should be ready 6 to hunt this fall. Phone Price 789-358- Vernal. 3447NNA081 Short Block Engines Ladles H Bar C Ladies Pants Matching Pants Denim Vests & Skirts by Prior by wrangler, Prior & H Bar C & Vi Vests. Also Price Ladies Leather Purses By. Tony Lama Vi & denim Vi ft 1 polyester Rebuilt. 350 Chev. 545, 400 Ford 595. exchange. 2260NA0616R 722-270- 0. One Day Service on 350 Chev. engines, 722-27. Price Roosevelt. 2262NA0616R Ladies Short & Long Sleeve Blouses 5 Family Yard 'Sale 1773 East 4500 South. Lots of items. 9am to 5pm, Friday ft Saturday, Sept. 10th and 11th. Vernal. 4217NA0908 - Nocona Price By. Karman, H Bar C. LADIESIH put some FUN in your life. Lingerie, lotions, and novelties through, In home parties. For more information, call Eartene at Roosevelt. Panhandle Slim. Levi Vi Price 722-910- 3, 4249NA0908RV ALL FEATHER HAT BANDS & CLIPS Vi Price One Rack Ladies Down FUled Coats Comfy & Sundance Vi Price 5 Family or -- . Garage Furniture, Baby clothes, misc. Hems, 99 West 2nd South, in Roosevelt 723170 Gusher. 722-421- 5, 4294NA0908 MOVING SALE: furniture, rabbits, chickens. Color TV, washer and dryer, and 6 or much moral 789-097- 923 N. 500 W. VomaL 4302NA0908 organ for aala double Keyboard, very good condition, bench and 0 books included phon 9 Vernal. or Baldwin 789-357- 789-716- 4300NA0908 SPECTACULAR 5 family yard tale! Friday and Saturday September 10th ft 11th 9:00am. to 5:00pm. 3451 S. Vernal Ave. 4245NNA0908 |