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Show September 9, 1982 Basin NICKEL ADSAE'VSIHIXT Iigc 7 Section 1 MOBILE HOMES i 14 X 70 3 bedroom, 2bath, 14x70 MobSe Home with IK bath. Com down and only $10,900, $1200 look, BLI. Thia mobile down. Will take thia one. 1 homo ia only $16,080. Five Star Homes, 722-36Vernal. 3814NA062S Roosevelt. 3768NNA0818 789-006- 1073 Traitor 12x56 Flamgo: $6500 for aala or $200 per month rant. See at Bill'a 3 Huaky in Roosevelt 789-728- or 722-06- 65 or Sato 1981 Great Northern Trailer 14x75 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $5000 down, assume loan at $176 per 14 x 70 Clean Key Largo 3 bedroom, 2 bath Expando. Priced to sell, now! See at Mobile HOmes. Uintah Vernal. 4167NA0901 For Sato 1981 Skyline mobile home, 14x64, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large kitchen, $2500 down. Financing available. 722-42Star Homes, 4198NA0908 Vernal. 4106NA0901 disposal and Roosevelt. Five Star, Your For Sato: older trailer garbageextras. $28,975. double wide headquarters many 1961 18 ft Tandem Axle $3,000 or best offer, call If you need a 24' wide, Housing Plus Mobile for the whole basin. Trailer Road 8x40 For Rent 2 bedRunner, like Four-pte- x Homes Sales, 4 miles west 3766NNA0818 nows the time to take this 2 bedroom, West Valley. new, hardly room, like new, washer 5 Guerdon 3 bedroom, 2 of Roosevelt. Call 4246NARV0006 lived in must sell! Also 1000 dryer hookups, storage 3929NNA0902 bath with cooler & skirting 14 x 55 Mobile Home three watt Kawasaki generator, shed. Cloee to town. $425 See at Uintah 14x56 Camelot only For Sato: Older trailer 3000 bedrooms. Skirted on very much like new. Three per month. $200 deposit. only 24,900. Mobile Homes. $13,999 CaH 7804)061 or or best offer call 0 fenced lot in Roosevelt. kittens to give sway 0 Call 7894)846 or Vernal. 4170NA0901. come on down and see us Vernal. RooseVernal. 4189NNA0006 8 x 40, 2 bedroom. 6,500. at BU. Vernal 3918NA0625 West velt. 4244NA0908 4285NNA0906 4246NARV siding, dishwasher, Five 722-36- month. Call 789-50- 58 92 760-752- 5. 722-245- 1. 4163NA0808 14x56 MobHe Home Three bedroom skirted on fenced 7, lot In Roosevelt $6,500 722-404- 4244NA0808 New 24x52 Skyline Allison. 1983 3 bedroom, double 1230 sq. ft. mobile home. 3 $310 wide, per only bedrooms, front and rear, 2 month with $2200 down III baths and utility room. ft. Shingled roof, masonite 1152 sq. of living space. 789-752- 5. 789-533- 789-760- 722-404- 7. Valley. iiSRJBiBsiiBssWiBiB86WiiBiSBiiRii&ffis3foiggs3E6afo6!Ki6?BsigKt6iKisS Too Much Month Left At The nd Of Vour Money? Why Make Vour Landlord Rich, When Vou Can Buy for Less? UIOODLRKE 2 Bedroom, 14' $1 UUide 2,900 '.'-J- ,: With Only 16 $ $1 ,400 r. , .. Doujn Interest (FHR) JJ90 Vour Permanent Professionals' H rtscjslHOMES we don't meet or beat the prices in the Uintah Basin for comparable models, we'll give you lOO00!" If |