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Show Section 1 Iigc 14 Busin NICKEL AI )S A' iiAVSl HINT September 9, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT !ThhmmhmhhhwhhbhhbhemwhbwcthembEWEWBMMMBKHEMB JACKPOT RODEO a. or 789-33- at in 789-21- 8$ EXTRAORDINARY ANTIQUES, beautiful Mahog- any phone booth, complete with Superman suit 700. Oak crank wall Elegantly phone '300 carved pump organ '1200. Vernal. Phone 789-403- 0 Vernal. 1859NATFN 789-844- 9. Main, Vernal. 2951NATFN hss announced a price Increase of approv. 50" a FuN view etovee stove. Effective Sept 15, 1982. If your in the market for stove and would like to make a purchase prior to the increase, we have a large selection of stoves In stock with more coming weekly. 60 day layaways will be excepted with 13 investment. Heavy industrial, air cooled motors and chrome steel casings arc just two of the many fine features of thes mills. Call 789-557- 9 Vernal if no down. answer Do You Meed a New Windshield? For fast, one day service on most model trucks and cars. For auto For glass Call Home Entertainment appointment or quotes. Glass, 390 East Center. 145 West Main, Cut-Ri- te New Plano-'35.0- 0 per month.Rent can be applied to purchase. Buy now and get 24 months Free interest on our easy payment plan. the Mills carry a lifetime warranty - a one time XenJones 71 number 789-888- Fairgrounds For Sign Up Call 789-563- 8 Shaulingo Spa and we will call you. Vernal. 4198NNA0908 County X na phone Sat., Sept 18 2:00 P.H. At Uintah m Ohio Omni girls ages 3 yr. old up through 5th grado. Tap, Jazz. Ballot and Acrobats. Wad. after-nooat Shaulingo Danes Studio. For more infor4 ask mation. call for Annette or Moran a or leave your name and 789-193- 9. (UffifiiBSSSr Adults 3 TO Western Auto, Vemal.789-2609- . 4081NA 246NA0326 ALL FITE MAJOR RODEO EVENTS Plus Team Toping Plus Womens & Mixed Roping. & Junior Events. (Barrell Racing, Pole Bending Goat Tying.) & September R I Glass Bed or repair ntie Trumpet $39 See at Hasty stocks, do custom hand Pawn, 95 South Vernal Ave. loading, chronographing. 789-27Vernal TROESTER'S ACCUR-IZIN- G SERVICE. 789-214255NA09088 Vernal. 4259NA0915 We need heipi The Vernal For Sale 346 John Deere Jr. High Drama Dept is In Baler, the building process. We Used Freezer and refrigeVernal. 3658NA0818 need clothes, furniture, rator, recondition and misc. objects; anything guaranteed, will pickup your old appliancea and 1966 16 FL Ski Boat 95 h.p. you don't need or want. We .haul them away. Have very good shape with great dol To rid yourself of aeureal rebuilt compres- trailer. Must see $2,995. unwanted items, call David 1 8 BLI 2, or Vernal. Pierce, sors for automatic Vernal GM, Ford, 4263NA0908 3718NNA0908 Chrysler, end ' AMC. Will make house calls on Do You Need a New Windshield? For fast, one dsy service on most model trucks and cars.' For auto 9 for apglass call pointment or quotes. Cut-RlGlass. 390 East Main. 8-- RoosevSIl 25 Echo Theatre UNNWNMNWNMMWMM 789-844- . te 789-380- 3, 789-006- 789-599- September TOYS ARE NOT FOR CHILDREN R LapoInt. 2354NATFN Home Entertainment Complete Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner Menu - Sat, 7:00 A.M. 3:00 1339 E. Hwy. 40 Vernal 789-751- 99 R 789-123- 247-24- 55 Mon. 1 Tanyas Island appllsnce repairs. 25 years experience in auto, air cond. and refrigeration. Phone Van Duncan Movie! Movies! Movies! over 1000 movies to rent for only $250 each per night for club members. We rent video machines for only $5 per night tor club members. Join our new video discount club. Vernal 10-1- 2 Center, 145 West Main, 7 Vernal. 3685NA0908 789-199- Hunter Special 22 ft. self contained, tandem axle, good condition. Need to Vernal. sell note! 789-7642B0NA0908 Would You Like to get over $20 worth of Christmas toys and gifts for free? Call 8 for details. Sandy 789-253- Vernal. 4178NA0908 Upright Plano $750. Recliner $50. Wooden rocking chair $50. 2 collapsible pool cues and case $75". Wooden desk $75 Or best offer on all items. Call 675-513- 0 Rangely, CO. 4212NA0915 puppies Free to good home Will be small dogs. Phone Vernal. 1 3470NA081 1 789-735- Experienced Carpenter work by job or hour. Interior or exterior. Free estimate. Call Gusher. 3666NNA0816 722-228- 8. Roosevelt Theatre !TRI-CINEM- Ae Starts Sept. 10 Arthur, Arthur Vernal Theatre) Now Showing SOLDIERia'stsmiciiiSI Mid the summer Night Extra-Terrestri- 60 INF SKftFV al BIRNI Open at 7:00 p.m. 7:30 fir 9:30 2 shows nightly Adults 3 Children 150 PG 8-- 14 September Children Adults 3lV 1S0J |