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Show September 9, 1962 Busin AICKEL'ADSAttVSiwxT JYige 21 Scetkw l Kawasaki 1M1 CImv Citation. 6 mllas. windshield, AC, (bur door, AM-Fbuddy sest, back root, now PWR Maroon. oxcoUant tlroo, battery, 1,595. Will condition, 35 mpg. $5,500. 759-30trado, call Kan at Vernal Noola. 2498NNA0630 3973NA0825 1979 6,000 KZ-7S- 0, V-- M DREAMING OF YOUR PERFECT .et Us Clean Andl 353-452- Going To School must sail R 1982 Honda excellent condition. Call 3 weekTodd at 6 day 5 or nights XR-200- 789-337- 789-570- 7-- weekends. & Vernal. 4181NA0915 CAR? Phone Section of Basin Nickel Ads has your dream come 722-418- 2. 3806NA0618 722-422- Rooee-ve- lt 9, 3664NA0818 LOU to 40 5 For Sale: 1979 new low Suzuki, 6 spd. low mileage. value of your home, ' '400 or best offer. Call prices. Home Entertainment Center 145 West Vernal. Main. Vernal. 4239NA0908 IHARRISON Basin find it in Nickel Ads. Call 789-97- is terriffic. Movies, full length without commercials. Exclusive porting events- - good Investment, increases TE-17- trvicemen to serve you better: economy, youll prog-rammi- ng peed. ire true! Old, new, sports, or 1948 Jeep CJ2 Extra body, 60 Charmele of TV-- that's extra eat of wheels $1,300. incredible! And the .. M-4 Also, 722-4229- Service Your Propane Heating Systems are proud to offer 3 qualified!: The Used Car 1982 Kawasaki 250 CC 3 wheels, good shape. $1,296. See at Kawasaki Bike Shop, Roosevelt. GIB DENNY ROSS DEINES 5a7Utah-CotoLPGas- .li IMS E. Highway 40 Vwntl place your ad today! W. Highway 40 RoomwMJ 789-299- 2. 1663NATFN 1971 Rancho Ekray: 11 ft. fully self contained. Real clean $2495. See at Bike Shop in Kawasaki Roosevelt. 722-418- 2. 4164NARV I udes WOULDN'T, TREAT M 1 UB8S MY BIKEH 1979 Chev Pickup. This is a one ton single wheel 4 peed, P.8., P.B., AC. Nice truck. See at Kawasaki 2 Bike Shop, Roosevelt. 1 THE WAY YOU MTREATfll YOUR BODY' "Well make Your Buggy Boogie "The Educated Hands" 722-418- Roosevelt 4183NARV Towing 723 E. Main, Vernal and 789-664- 7 Escort Setvlce! Hunting Special. 1971 4 Star 1018 ft. Camper Special MISS". See at 789-203- 2 Kawasaki Bike Shop Roosevelt. 722-418- 2. 4161NARV 1974 Chev Wien good old wood hauler. P.S., P.B., A.C. 1795. 8ee at Kawasaki Bike Shop. Roosevelt When Judy 722-418- 2. Lof-fer- ty prepares for a race Rke the annual 4182NARV run, she makes sure her bike is 1982 Vassaha 780 Maxim in perfect shape. like new 2,000 mliee call She inspects ond Vernal. adjusts every part. She 4235NA090S tunes and balances the whole machine, to 1972 VW Bug, new dutch, overhauled engine, 2 stud it con oo the distance. Because she stereo casnows, AM-Ftreats her body the 3 sette $800. Phone same way, she discovVernal. 3435NA0619 ered a lump in her breast a few years ago. FOR SALE: 1970 She discovered it Winnebago 24 ft Fully early. And these days, 789-854- 2 85 of early breast $4,800, Vernal. . cancers can be treated 4290NNA0906 successfully Judy has since For Sale 1973 4 wheel drive had'reconstructive Ford in good condition surgery, too. And she feels lixe herself $2,100. See at 144 North again. Alive, vibrant,' 400 West, Vernal. ready to get on her ' 4144NNA0901 bike and take on the world. Judy lofferty it Back to School Spoctol 78 just one example of the kind of progress we're making against pries right $1,095. Swat cancer in its many Kawasaki Bike Shop, forms. 2. The American Cancer Society takes some credit for that progress. But credit 1912 CHEVY abort wheel won't finance our base, Four Wheel Drive work. We need your Silverado, No down money to help us win aasumo payments this race. Vernal. cross-Iow- 78S-112- a Auto Paint Special $300 S -- 2 to Itr 'Body Work Extra vs M 789-267- 722-418- 5,000 Sq. Ft. Mechanic Shop 4,500 sq. ft. Body Shop 3,000 sq. ft. Muffler shop 24-ho- . Wrecker Service with ur Mechanic-Drive- rs Auto - Truck paint. Stock or Custom Install Auto - Truck Glass Repair Automatic and Standard . Transmissions Service Gasoline and Diesel Engines Fiberglass Specialists - Car. Truck or Boat Special Engine and Transmission Ryder Truck Rentals 789-608- 6 Motor i Oil TUNE-U- P VemaL 4271NA09Q8 THE COST OF LIVING. GIVI TO THI For Sate: 1978 Corvette after 6:00 pm. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. Vernal. 4236NNA0908 Il m TM fik Hna. tf v- y A Ser. . .a SPECIAL 42 1 789-550- 2 Auta Trans. Filter & m w srt ,jr r,, and install Air Cdhditiong Systems Change 1 3880NNA0908 789-532- f OOkCTS" We Now Service building. Racing Preparations. 789-936- 1, For Sale: 1969 Ford Pickup. Newly rebuilt front end. Runs good. V4 ton $800. 5 ask for Randy, . B3SII1 Call for Exhaust Spedalsl Acrylic, Enamel, Any Color &Wx' v :: VV W W. : &. T,. |