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Show September 9, 1983 Bunin NICKEL ADSAlWSntlXT For AS MotoHe Home needs sse the parmsnont professional at Care Free Mobile Homes. Call Lea or Bob 7896663 Vernal. ummeriond 3612NA0619 Landscaping Lawn Maintenance Vernal, Utah 84078 789-898- 2 jMWWWWWWWMWWWWWM MOUNTAIN LAND forsale, Went to Trade building lot in Roosevelt for carpenter priced for quick sale, 10 work lota era near golf miles out of town, 30 course. Ask for Ken 353--. minutes from Vernal. Phone 4527 Neoie. 3887NNA0915 1151NATFN If you thought last year's fuel bits were high, wait Would Like to Babysit my until you see next year'll home. Ashley school area. For help call Valley Solar Prefer 5 years old. Call 789-64Vernal. Systema, 789-268- 7. 4111NNA0901 Vernal. 3859NNA0825 789-616- 2-- Persons 18 years of ago Queen She mattress, used and older wanting to earn about six week. Firm paid extra cash, consider $180. will sell for $100. Call Ft Duchesne. becoming a Licensed Day Care Provider. You may 4142NA0901 earn up to 683 per month. Contact Social Oven For Sale like new, Service if interested. Call avacado green $100 or make offer. Phone Vernal. Roosevelt 4120NA0908RV new Sale and Kirby Repair and used vacuum in home service factory authorized. 1970 Honda 175 in running Realistic service by condition $200. AM-FPhone 454-32power high Dan Kofford. Talmage. cassette car stereo, two 20 oz. Tri-ax- el speakers, Wheelchair, For Sale excellent condition. Worth with bed electric hospital $300 will take $200. Call rails, walker, used- three 789-44after 5 p.m. 2 weeks. Phone Vernal. 4282NA090B 545-24- 80 722-20- 53 789-585- 789-675- Systems at 789-26- ill X laiftwIiisulasBlsHs 87 17TB Ejp 520 North 2S00 Wsst On The Masssr Comer 722-270- Aluminum Siding, Soffit and Facia Systems 5 Inch Seamless RAIN GUTTER and Water Repellant Downspouts Patio Covers and Awnings Nylon Quilted Parka Fabric & Windbreaker Nylon Also Cotton Blend Quilted Free Estimates OFF 15 ew N Save 397 So. Vernal Ave. M Vernal 789-285- 0 Local State Licensed Contract or Retail and Wholesale Sales (at S.L.C. prices) Dealer in Utah for Reynolds and USS Alside - Vernal. 3937NNA0901 Firewood For Sale. Will deliver and stack. Lapoint Tridell area- - $35" cord. Roosevelt, Vernal area-$4- 5 cord. Saws large selection Excellent running condition. Hasty Pawn, 95 South Vernal Ave. 789 Chain Pick-u- p cord. Split yourself $30 more. $150 4211NA0908 247-261- 0. new Auto and truck repair shop. 30 years Just Opened combined 2725 Vernal. 4257NA0908 Would You Like to get over $20 worth of Christmas toys and gifts for free? Call for details. Sandy 789-25Vernal. 4178NA0908 60 722-910- 1165NA0908R 7mm Remington Magnum, Ruger model 77, never fired. $300. AM-F- Phone: 78941 12 a Wayne Williams, Licensed Contractor Vernal, Utah BASIN Instruction Books Available' M Backhoe Service ditcr.ing pipeline, sewer, complete service. Call for estimates, Kim Anderton 353-466- 9, Neoia. Singer 1 1030 sewing machine, year $550 Also portable table $50 789 7399 Vernal. 4091 NNA0901 Carpentry 17 years experience by job or hour. Call Jim for free ectimate, Vernal. Maps for Uintah, Duchesne, and Dagget counties. In both 250,000 and 711 size at Bitter Creek Books. Vernal 25 Inch Zenith Color TV Console 90 day full warranty $300. Service Department H.E.C. 789-099- 8 Vernal. 4186NA0908 Transmissions 2 wheel 395. 4 wheel drive include parts and labor with guarantee. Roosevelt. mm AimiaMfeMaeifc Construction Shacks Mode To Order 4x8 To 14x40 34 4180NA0908 FREE WEEKLY 2400 East Highway 40 Vernal How to ploco 789-663- 0 EARLYBIRD SPECIALS $500 OFF your ad: the nearest location listed beside or PHONE this form to our office or COME M to one of our offices during rogular business hours. DEADLINE ads must be in our Vernal Office by Monday Noon to appear that week. MAIL RATES: 'J& PAPER'mmmtmmm Our Locations: Hem Vernal Frontier Motel Roosevelt Duchesne Area - Sherrie Burdick or Kohl s Merkel 7362342 Mam SI Duchesne Rangely. Colorado Area Sherry Smith Boa 1644 Rengely Colo, ado 61646 Vernal Area Otlice RooseveN Area 722 3640 7004740 - 642 West Live Wedig 7S So Mun 1st 20 words $3 Each additional word 15C Our Regular Rates Through September 18th IVe Offer Prompt, Courteous, Basin-Wid- e Cleaning Service f6r Fireplaces, Wood Stoves and Fireplace inserts. CHIMNEYS WEST Chimney Sweep Service 722-270- 2261NA0616R Use this handy order form to place your ad. Portable Buildings For Storage Or Offices stereo 353-46- drive, Mgs., Roosevelt. $50. Appendix yearling filly. Runner! $750. Neoia. Vernal. 3612NA0819 3 Topographic 3. 4249NARV For A9 Mobile Home needs see the permanent profee-eionals at Care Free Mobile Homes. Call Las or Bob 789-849- NEWSPRINT ONLY NEWSPAPER l THE WORLD TO CARE ABOUT THE WHOLE UINTAH IS THI experience, Ladies put some fun In auto and diesel repsir Lake your life. Lingerie, lotions Truck Fork Auto and and novelties through in Repair, 2 miles west of home parties. For more BlueAltamont. 454-39information, call Earlene at bell. Check our rates. 789-666- 8(4 otffiBWMWt 2261NA0616R 00 789-854- 4248NARV BBWUBSSW For Sale: Adorable, female Vernal. 4112NNA0901 puppy. Will be small, great Transmissions 2 wheel with children. Wants a drive, 395. 4 wheel drive 495. includes parts and loving homo. Only 10. Call 0. 7897626. Vernal 4065NA labor with guarantee. 89 weekends. Roosevelt. 0, TEE PEE Camper, like new KITCHEN for small pickup, stove and Brookwood 0 icebox, call cabinets are now in Vernal, anytime after 5:00. Vernal. complete kitchen remodel- 4238NA0908 ing at bargain prices. Free estimates cheerfully given. Will Trade Solar EquipCall 789r8248. Vernal. ment for chimney brick work. Call Valley Solar 1243NNATFN 35 Section 789-529- 7 XL MAIL TO: Basin Nickel Ads 642 West Main Vernal. Utah 84078 1 8 kittens ready to good gf after Bt BU 10 off all R.V.'s m homes. Call 722-416pm, weekdays and all day st0ck. 7890061 Vernal, Would You Uke to get over Automotive Machine Work $20 worth of Christmas hot tank cyl., boring glass valve toys and gifts for free? Call bead cleaning, 722-270Sandy 7892538 for details. grinding,2263NA0616R. Roosevelt. Vernal. 4178NA0908 aITCHENS, KITCHENS, Snow Removal Lawn Fertilizing Sendee Itogc X Run Ad Weeks. Name Address. City .State. Phone --Zip Enclose Check M.O. |