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Show September 9, 1982 Bunin NICKEL ADSAli'VSmxT For Rent nice three bedroom apartment, no yard work, has dishwasher, nly one year old. Call $475 a month ith $200 deposit. Vernal. 2. Are you qualified Farm Home Financing? I have a home priced at 40,000. Call Steve or Karen, agents 0 or 789-22Bastian, 789-754- Vernal. 4148NA 4130NNA0901 Immediate Move Ini We have brand new home set FOR RENT: two bedroom in new Ashley Creek apartment. $325.00 per Mobile Home Community. month, $150.00 deposit. Skirted, furnished, insured. Inquire at 896 E. 4th N. or 1 or Partially landscaped, front phone Tabeona. deck. Caldwell & Hacking. 722-916- Brick House for sale. New two bedroom $98,500. 1 year old. 2100 unfurnished apartment sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 'A $575.00 month $300.00 House for rent in the DOWN two bedroom country, 2 bedroom all NO Bungalow priced way electric, shade tree, below Deposit appraisal. Only corrals. First & last months baths, fenced ' yard, with no down $39,500 cathedral ceilings 789-71- and utilities paid, Small rent and deposit. Call or after 5:00 pm payment. Call for details. 8 2215 E. 3500 So. children call 789-10or 789-3691 848-541- 3. 54 Vernal. 4219NNA0906 Vernal. 4103NA090B 1196NA0908 Vernal. 4276NA0908 769-76- 646-307- 789-40- 63 Vernal. 4261NNA0908 56 Mantua UT. 4040NA0908 IYttfc 19 Section Naw Two Bedroom unfurnished apartment $575 a month, $300 deposit utilities paid. Small children, Call 3 Vernal. 3507NNA0811 769-105- 4 Rendezvous. 40. bedroom apartments furnished and unfurnished. 2 No pets, 160 E. Main 789-187- VemaL 4289NA0908 at the Vernal. 4078NA Murphy's For Rent Store spaces and office spaces at the Rendezvous. 40. SAVEMORE 2750 W. Hwy Vernal 789-097- 3. 4078NA COUNTRY HOME" by owner, two years old. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 5 acres. $63,1 00". 545-247- 722-221- 3 TIRE WARS! Two Badroom aptartmont for rent $37500 month call 3 ask or for Jim or Kathy. Vernal 4224NNA0906 789-327- 789-469- 3 If RENT:. 2 bedroom house $250.00 a month, $150.00 Security deposit Private tailer space $85.00 FOR a month in Gusher, UNIROYAL Laredo P23585 R16 (LR78x16) 10 Ply Steel Radial Traction Luq 10495 home in Ft. Duchesne. Lots of extras. Call Becky 247-230mobile Traction Lug 8. Rent 8995 4149NA Radial Traction Lug 9600 7200 tax Laramie 950 P235 R75-1- 5 6 Ply Lug UNIROYAL R 16.5 Terrain Radial Traction 8 Ply Steel All Laredo Traction 108 tax Compacts and Midsize Steel Belted Batteries Line Of Rebuilt-Starte- rs $7Q95 tax Duchesne. 3965NA0901 Two- - two bedroom duplex's for rent All electric, month plus $200 $450 deposit. Two children only. 5 7894)572 or 789-37- Vernal. 3913NA0825 Spacious 3 bedroom duplex, nice neighborhood all appliances plus washer-dyhookup $450.00 per Radials Rebuilt-Alternato- rs ALL IN STOCK Retread Tires Light Truck Tires and Passenger, In Stocfc All Guaranteed Free From Defects For Life Of Tread. 738-25- 789-487- Imports Full For Rant two bedroom apt. near Todd School east of Roosevelt $300 month $200 deposit Call Dynamic Computer Balance Now Available For More Smooth, Money Saving Miles From Your Tires. Murphy Always Has Good Buys In Any And All Makes Passenger Radials er All Season Steel Radials 789-340- 6, Vernal. 4243NNA0906 47 155Rx 13 FOR RENT: one bedroom furnisher apartment 205Rx 14 reasonable. No amokere and no pels. Available 2 October 1st call FR78x14fi1 789-187- 215Rx 14 GR78x 225,1x14 14j63 HR78x1465 1558 VemaL 428SNA0906 165Rx 13 AR76x 1349 195Rx 15 ER78x For Sale: 4 acres with or without 4 class E water shares. 2 miles east of 2. Roosevelt Phone 175Rx 13 BR78x 1350 205Rx 15 1B5RX13 CR78x 1354 215Rx 15 GR78x 1565 ,175Rx 14 CR78x 1452 225Rx 15 HR78x 1568 185Rx 14 DR78x 1455 235Rx 15 722-340- 3174NA0901RV Part Rent aloud on luxury typo 2 bedroom apartment near Vernal in exchange for light matanze and handman duties, large living room, with harth. All electric Kitchen, full bath, and beautiful view, only $47500 per month, 4 utilities paid call 5 or 789-743- 4227NNA0906 74 Stealer duplex 789-336- 4. 789-747- Radial P23S R75-1- 5 6 Ply UNIROYAL UNIROYAL Traction 750x16 8 Ply Lug Bias . UNIROYAL Laredo 750R x 16 8 Ply Steel $7200 789-812- 2. 300mo. No pets. 258 South 200 East Vernal Vernal Phone month, call Traction .5 8 Ply Lug tax Laramie Traction 750x16 8 Ply One half acre with 14 x 70 For 12-16- 722-472- 1. 1180RNA0908 Accord Realty Vernal. 4233NA he cant beat your price, hell wash your neck and drink the water!" For Rent New 2 bedroom duplex. Available immediately. Call 789-182- 0 Vernal. 3799NNA0818 . m Open 7 Days A Week Until 7 p.m. Randlett. 673NA0416 a Wes Highway 40 Roosevelt 5 - FR78x1562 Don't dare, buy until you've seen Murphy's! He'll save you enough topay for that hunting' trip..!' LR78x1572 1458 All prices are plus federal tax 195Rx 14 ER78x All pricts ar plus federal tax Full line of tractor tires. Buy Sets of 4 Bias and Special Hunting Buys! Off-roa- d. TT mm or FOR RENT: two and three 2750 W. Hwy 789-097-3. non-smok- 789-406- For Rent: Store apace and office spaces 1 wyjuM jjli .ivuiisumi aawuMaiMUam&iHimai |