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Show v I.Vrfr I '"V .: o- -- ' .. .,', r. V , n . .'Vfv fc. 'V. i.- tj- : v Utah Ucstea Irish tonTut forThanksgtvlng others Joined them; Veldon and Goody and son, Ivan E-lal- ne Fron FormhUeston - Pi WESTON Mr. and Mrs. HENRY WEYERMAN of Ronald Coburn haw moved the Air Force is vacationing to Prsatoa. Their son WDllam at home for a few days. to moving Ms family to Ihs Mr. and Mrs. Lee J( form to run the acres. greeted their nephew on his In . Mr. and Mrs.. Lamar Srives return from his mission Is He area'. the York New the Wash, of andchlldran Seattle, are iviaittag with the Clyde son to their sister Leta Davis. Nelson family. Also risuag At Relief Society on Tuesto home have bean their son, day, Sybil Stewart, Fertel and family of Brigham Rtnjftam, Lois Nielson, ana Hldrie Reeder sang (Joseph city. Mrs. George Kofoed and Smith First Prayer) In quardaughter Trees haw bust-ne- tette, In connection with the lesson. at lhlloa, Mont on e trip. They also visited, Bruce andTnmra Evans to Prow and Michael and Leigh imHfig .mo, U was announced that Wes-'to- Olson to Preston were weekWard coafsreuce.win be end guests to their pantos, to enjoy the Holiday together. held December 8. The The nome to June and Pat to to start is meeting ay Anderson was a marry one that' day. Mr. and Mrs. LaVell XoOer on Thanksgiving. Elvis and gustos to her parents Mavis Johnson and family to Patriarch and Mrs. Bo-- Riverside, Utah, and Fayone bert J. Potter Jn'Gariaad, Anderson to Pocatello Utah. overnight guests and Mary - ss - . .1 n , . :i ... - Mr. and Archibald and family, Ber- MINK CREEK nice and Kayleen Goody, all Mrs. Lorin Keller and son of Clarkston. enjoyed the fam- Ray went to Riverdalo for Thanksgiving to the Wtnxell ily Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Idler Kellers. They visited Mr . and to Twin Fans were overnight Mrs. Earl Findley to Lanark iests at his parents Mr. and later in the afternoon. FeUx Feller. Thanksgiving dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Comla at the Road Janaen doom won Mrs. Muriel Knight and and children enjoyed to Clearfield, Thanksgiving Day with her Christy sister and lamUy, Mr. and their son Don was home from Mrs. Tberon Olson. ..Other USU. family members were : pre- THE MERLIN WQde sent also. , Thanksgiving i v THANKSGIVING day gue- with the Gilbert Nuson In Soda typings. 8 Uy sts to Cylde and Lois wore their children Mr. Ron Wilde and 'D w alne and Mrs. William Brant to WUde went to Mated and play Bear River City. Kathryn 1 with the high school dance Utah band for their Senior Fran. Nielson home from State, Lolse mother, Mr. and Brucla Crane gaw HuckleMrs. Richard Owens. berry Finn to the first ward The Julius Jacobson and Relief Society Tuesday. d Weldon Jacobson fawni Thanksgiving fat Hyde to tee Park, Utah to foe home to panled other members Mr. and Mrs. Dele Bails and Sevsnties to Salt Lake Ctty enjoyed a family geMogethar, to see Hyrum Bennett who is get-togeth- the and 1 i fam-ihra- te Mlal-800- ' ' Maude and Charles Menton and Mrs. Freamon Jepsen, the bospitaL la home from Ogden where he Mr. and'Mro. Hugh Han- and Cyril Call children aro and Mrs. Ethel Baird prepared works and attends Weber Colwith Mrs. Low-a- ll Thanksgiving dimer for Mr. Thanksgiving lege. Neeley . end other family and Mrs. Lorin Robinette am Sunday visitors to the Iris-mo- o members. daughter Judy,' and Eunice Jepsen home wars Mr. The Lionel Kellers nto OUveraon. They enjoyed a Mrs. Marrls Parry to and fat Thanksgiving dinner with her ride up the canyon uter the Preston. and Mr. afternoon. sisters ana parents Mrs. Leland Anger. NELDA JENSEN has been Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Jan In the Preston Hospital with sen and Elgin Jensen visited complications from asthma. their brother and family the Nate Olson veto the HoliRex Jensons in Boise over- day with his parents Mr. and night. They visited Ricky In Mrs. Delmar Olson. Nate is Nampa on Monday. to school at USU. Mrs. Veria Balrd and Jill gotag Larsen and Linda Hortenxe accompanied her sister, Mrs. Hortenzes Alton Foreman to Salt Lake Voll are visiting Norman Larsens the parrots City for the Weak end. over the weekend. spent GARY SHARP to Winder spent Sunday with Kant KOI- - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laron visited her slater In Fair Imr larnTRassmussro, Keller, Vllaar Ransom, Glsnu Keller, Nathaniel Keller and Hugh Hansen. Mink Creek has been enjoying the sunny days mors than usual since so much to the surrounding county ta under fog. -- fill) UBMfStiV 111 DM' -- ArJlBRICAC3 w dln-ne- An Giving FDEE Chriricios QDs Accounls For How mid Add-O- n Uo The cutter races start SatMeaurday. This Is the Gray Mink to Those dow Race. Creek who are members roe Dwight and Jay WUdfr Oak 01 In the Frank Gilberts. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baird Gilberts daughter and and five chfldru to Lao Ve- to San Frimanco were infamily Fair-viegas, and Mrs. Millie Baird also. They are Mr. and spent Thanksgiving with the lira. . Murray Richardson Vi1mw and They enjoyed Ralona Christensen and her tag family. each other and visiting. friend Brad Stewart spent the Ivn Lou and Rhonda ChrisThanksgiving Holidays with tensen, daughters to J. Uoyd her parnta Mr. and Mrs. Christensen from Mwt r Cart Christensen. Other BYU Wednesday night end guests won Mr. and Mbs. left Sunday. LuWayna Barrington children to American Fort, 1LENE AND Diane Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Barring-to- daughters to Fly and Mona and aon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilde are home over Thanka-gtrinL. A. Barrington to Rive dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mrs. Anna Wilde spent Christensen. Thanksgiving with her mb, and his family, the Fay KAY SMTIH and friend Wildes. Brenda to Salt Lake CUy wH TjBui Ronald, i-a few days with the Baird Thanksgiving spent Keller family. with parents in Viri Olson has returned ginia, Lanas Idaho. They are Mr. with home her baby daughter rod Mrs. BsnnetL Lloyd and her family are all plrosed Mr. and Mrs. James Baird with the little sitter. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Three Mink Croak girls aiid Mrs. Sherman iJwdtiwrtt braved the weather Saturday Gary Erickson, son to Mr. to march in the parade; Judy and Mrs. Floyd Erickson, Baird and Deanna . Jepaon is home from BYU for the with the Baton Corns and weekend. Sue Jepsen with the indlan-etteMr. and Mrs. Bob Erickson are spending Thanksgiving Sherjd and Brian Maughn with her parents the Sam of Moab spent the weekend Burntys in Wyoming. with their cousins Tracy ,Lisa Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jepsen and RoZaa Crane. Thanksgiving night with Mr. and Mrs. parents NATHANIEL THE Kellers I spent Thanksgiving in Frank Freamon Jepsen. llin with Bonnie's parents Mr. MR. AND MRS. Freamon and Mrs. William Waddoup. Jepsen eujojrad Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Harley- - Jep-- I dinner at the home to Mr. sen, Jan and Susan, Mrs. and Mrs. Grant Jones. Gar Walton and David went Bruce Jepsen, son to Mr. to American Fort to have Thanksgiving dinner with the Ronald Kirtorlde family. I W. E. Crime, Gem, Rob and Risks Ntofor ate Thanksgtv-lndinner with the Rex Crimes. Mr.' and Mrs. Tbm Jensen land June dined in Soda I Springs an Thankstoring j I visited the Uoyd Georgetown. ADA JENSEN spot g wlth Mr. and Mis. Norman Larsen. Mrs. Allan Christensen and children visited her pantos on Thanksgiving, the William ro-Joye- a . By Pqpnhr .... Citsk Brids Formor Dosidonls Cone Dome For Thanksgiving dinner, After dinner UovesToPresion Gouplo mil Joined by Vernal and Marls Goody and family of Clarks IMS I, . n g. jggr 1, A f ft , . CURRENT RATE Start Uow On The . i i . DoadTo Saving GoU Slrihe Stamm n jn a - j tr j ..'Tv v PerMstoh Mm S a rt . , . $5J0 s. Earn A Dig OR aw Tbmh aw rowwww . PER ANNUM COMPOUNDED VWI im 100 taurine Mrioni vM iRsawMaodtag a URpul Tfs Ml IVHr mt otath. Rtovy My Rwdris taa. as JW9 aa s tfitVN M Idaho Appliance A Sport Shop II NORTH STATE PHONE I SEMIANNUALLY I Choose Yeer GlR According Te Amount Saved, g I $11 Mere oral Fee Thank-sgtvin- More . Pertable Mlxe:, iHulses oTPmton. gleam Iroa. R:dl M81 dr cy Verneal Christensen spending a tew days from her wort in Salt I City. Larsens spent with Bonnies Hobbs fat or More Stera Bag Silver Unrose. Gysta I Bed vei. TV Ttay SON Servlet 0. E. Waffle 4 E. All Parp.i-Mixe- r or Clock Radio Ai3fnio; Set Geats er Toaster Baker, 'r More G. er More "'VBowi, Wrist Watch Beautyrest in longer and wider sizes to give you the GREATEST SLEEP COMFORT YOU'VE EVER KNOWN! KAREN Gndmundson am children to Ogden visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crime Friday. Sheryl and Linda Crime returned to Ogden with them and Van Gudnumdson stayed let the Cranes. Kd Crane went to Salt Lake City for medical Saturday. The Douglas Nelsons visit-le- d Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Chandler to Pocatello and had Thanksgiving with them. Saturday .visiters to Oa Thomas Jensen home won tmLno att-lentl- The I 1NN or More 10 Polaroid Came.o gill or Msre Writ I AM i size that fits you HEAD your own DUGS and or More Ball Point Pen OPHOLSIEBY The Firmness you like Kit smKM -- V LET OS DE YOOn These SAHTA-W- ilh FDEE Tufted or Quilted as you prefer GIFTS I Or Gold Sirike Stamps Hate LnliJUM loanwifontaadard douhie bed wldtfc nattHMaa. AbW ayafaltahtwte - 89? ADD LOAD 'ASSOCIATE)!! ' U.CiLFurnltun i. 41 10DTB STATE STREET PindwUol Barings la V ' . . by fha Stata of Mahe Dapt Foss Co. 17 EAST ONEIDA i . Qaaro-Sli- e Bintymt noMlaB huhnloartad MMhaawUarlhaaatead- - art full daaaattei . "!" (199" , W VtMJfaEagm aad S4t wltar thaa ateadaid doHbtaMnMwTMWm nalhr. moak tnaaeMdltwte. I - W |