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Show ft - IHECRIZEN. Fnrian,'ldto htallii . Bilds Blessing, Confirmation 'i i HeldDiiring Meeting t v- 8iuUtoed as FRANKLIN Aithe and aaonofMr. meeting Mn. Ramon Wright was Howard Tiy his liar, Howard .Auger, by grandfather --Gernam-'ndBnae- dl laddEM .Porter was Douglas conorm-o- d a member of the chord Ua CathSr WiHarCJPort-(w- . MaiHbiffsMps wars' noalr--4 3y and M-M- eo mkr'teariMp tor MIA. The furnished Singing Mothers - the fnwic, ringing "The Lord is nwriphara,7a!id 'Thanks Be TiMw directed by Ada Wright accompanied by Ora-c- e Robinson. iwhop . na b, The Sunday Sdiool ddldran wow wdaMned by Owen GibsonTM storing was isd ffiikHi Biltls bride and Kevin Morriaon, participating, Mildred Ottvar-sodirected the singing with Lana Woodward and Donna LeFevre at the organ and pi n v MR. AND MRS. .Grant ud three chlldreo of Bmith Leslee Gilbert of Fairview gave a birthday anrpriss party tar Suxana Gntirldge Mon-da-at y her home in Fairview, evening. The girls, Kay Porter, Lome Porter, Ann Doney, Sharoa v Woodward, SueAnn Whittle, Nannr GIL best, the hostess and Susann enjoyed a pisia supper and trimming with games. MANTv..lWnSND6 f rom frtmkUn attended the fare-we- ll to Testimonial riven honor of Elder KartHr Wheat- - the eventog other family mem Mr. and Mrs. Land Hobbs and family, Etosapr Hansen and family spent the evening. ban, gzms& Shmday Sera Far art Mission. and Mrs: Dmor Porter Mr. conducted the Stockdala tor Mr. and Mis. Melvin Road urogram, with Val CastiDo, and Lona spent a day In .Lyinn HdUtoosworth 4 Utah. Debbie Atkinson, Helsn Ktafc- lwnlyi OnmfDurrant and iT iSd HEYLL ALL 't.r..,- - grit ' Sunday dtoner gnents of ID. and Mrs.1 Ivan 1L WtoaDngd and famfly wan Mr. aadMrs. Marvta fltof Brigham a&, He-be- r, TO GRANDPARENTS YOUNGSTERS PUS wl wer. 1 Hobbs and and Mjf. Lcfto Lnleen sad family, of, Rycum,; Larson and friMMl mid Loretta Hyde On Tbanksgtvtag .. Hobbswmitomdr guests of (he Larsens hi Hyrum. -T- LOVE J. AND JOHNSON'S HAS THESE - MONEY-SAVIN- G V- GvwuelL KODAK 8,' LtosrioMry mtomatic ALL RECEIVE AWARDS Cie girls and YWMIA landers in tUie projector voonoi tha Prooton Seventh word rseakedtodMdnai; awards recently daring; la lament meeting. Tha group includes (Back row. laft to right) Shannon Howells, Than Darts, Etohm Moasr, Virginia Lynn Burton, Caroline Shipley, Jan Johnson, Manbs Reggae, Pamela Howells, Anna Owe, Gall Moosamn, grid Nritao JOnssn. (Saoond sow) Karol Log Andwaon, pgoriMi; Beth Onae, Lay Igat Aagpr, rids hoMs 10 pom iir sMn mow w Afftflf fl AlVfi Yflfl CM V Mfl4icc ffcflMwIy IMM dk -- -- arty L SSmsSS Elioen Aucsr and Lentrice EspUn. (Not pictured) AD Bodon, Aljrn Fhcktril, EDaBe nettBeverly Houmgsworth, Viola E. Larson and Marie Gamble. to her hona Fri-- drama director to the Hd ' MR. AND Mats. Roland AL ovenlns , . w . BANPA I pieture4dunt nnwianff WMi KfaifcCcaora IaA, rwr mum vs hmw feNs-Ra- g. Mto gM-4ta- g. wl Ok. ipS-B- eg. and hariiy of Iba unpeetihtoo" ' Spent the weekend e the ritosontodtolftriialT Then Lowe hwhtf OflMfi end MIA year. Onlrito HAS. This Christmas: wda Put Your Man ' n f And . Oty wen warned Cato home Lot add yiiy. and family of Walnut Cron, Calif, an vlaiMri at of Mri.sihvXdte ,:' Ward Mr. and lira. Hu X Gad-da- s wart to Pocatello Tuee-da- y to do aomo worii for hk iMMa of mother Mm Lydto fladdes. IkMb r put - MJ tfMS mM HUS tmM flMJI MUM 2 . c . rttheLrtlec cstor i jel a rateaAndto Stmday eventog. HtStUc8 take isili mi Mn take cater to thafar ntamed TaoiibW inHonflrvfle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lowe lng. Esther 'hsatMsvt k easy end an fser swMs ( . KODAK N Mn. oscttflorti' tor nrirtea W FoflUiwaptoeojor rigM hi Theta S wlih - JShttSSlMSio They Orie eg Rsgida seestva - - S post mnrik i. I . ' raoio MtaMNH $11713 to On vm fmifi wr Janet W lcMfSJNIIL POfflOrfiiSMw. .. ' V MM U tm Me cue JUS m w MVBWHI vieeemve mu pnojECTon Bishopric MEL JCIM the wertand hMag'gQUZ . Mn. Opal Gaorgeaon of bnnpt Imp Po-dflB- k mothtr Together Dc ifc to to A ' Beds y Slaf at The Ototo; gsketlsn to Area Largest .a. m 8153 sracuL. Au See our eomptete tine of Kodok eqMipmntf for SSaadoioSSUDB A 'w Nw ri eedw dw ewer to nw to wr prsddr el Stone aMmlna. www manm me uum NMpiWls Ufa eA. Kedek Stowe plstoistori l. - OPERATION 'ii AKD ' !. SHARP fCRREN IMAGES Hi value 'plub'. A Ywa ciMrwlwwd ekewe deed eWe .nedfU REGULAR trill s:r . '( r (toy . dshnM nst senem jsofjr ye GMeerae . . . sd I he wants on his gift: , slssti We wey ep torieeWwrih die Kedek Arise CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIAL . ; v. . rTk - ENIERTAINMENT ;i-- i Urn two names s BEMOTE CONTRoi OR AUTOMATIC , tggt M f.W . f, v . CP Mfl id! Chech Oer . Lew! IW Prices PENDLETON the word to (hi wka heffdag shopper. A gift from tto famed PmdlstqnWQolmi Milk k faadWonal at Qnktaaa and wefeosnad by bqtdodriman, indoorwnan, unahnmn Or at dent Stop eerty wbOa oug asketkn k oomptote. skesi Gaimanta shown hi a. ;j a j - PrChristaas iifl? SPECIAL i .A i 1. SPECIAL eaay-to-g- : t-g-- M . SU9S-914J- S Type Degriar fl $4-9- Maddas-mN- l m 'f.: tartsns, disGhs. , . .l IMS THE CONVENIENCE OT YOUB LAY-AWA- 5 f r t 'l : BLoerg OR CHARGE ACCOUNT Y i1' - - S .1 !, ;?:r ? t f . WE FEATURE THE FASTEST AND BEST PHOTO FINISHING IN CACHE .t Ii ; . '! VALLEY AND THE BEST QUALITY si 't . i A. IDAHO M FAMILY GIFT HEADQUARTER8 - IN PBE8TON u:T U ? - ''.'t r APniiSfi SPOBT SHOP IS NORTH STATE . J : - i ! ri . PBE8TON : . Open Friday and Saturday . ' . . PRONE 4 .rrf"- .'w 'J,.! A Tin !.- - f' 8 P.B. C |