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Show .' miiiiiiA is - i n' iiU ' t,: : '. : :.i j Paul Harvey Ntws President, the words of the Igmdon B. Johnson, still with uo ws call your attention to the column written thli week for The Clttaon by Pad Harvey. The bae a point In similarity, with the :' Atcoiuma ' condnslon of Resident Johnson's talk.,'. Pad Harveys tones are not quite as stem for at the time he wrote the column he did not have the death of the Presldeat With We gripe too mnch. a drag on a discredit to our nation, a writes Paul Harvey. President Johnson takes this to the r.7. cracking hard at the ef griping too much . .- -. te out-pww- th hitting at the buildup that crops out In hats and bigotry." The time has come' for all Americana of n racasand creeds end political ; be-t- o game kinks the Uteh-Ideh- o art yet to be Ironed eat border auabble. loeethet ' yw 7 V But Idaho law fortdds carrying vz Sh?t? pSJttScStSf more Watch Out, Unions 5i - tee American way of life and the value they have bean to tee Trorktagmsn, but ftr tee Ralhload nnlnns to continue this fight lx breeding more distaste for tea ttri.1. ttwuurtpori trains. 4 - caenectad with tee railroad The fodnrinr.: tori week mwaneed would flriKteroagh tee courts, if need be. arbitration board ruling that n mm tmrmit (he discontinuing cf the of most of tee natkns 1 L ': caUsfi of government Tbli ruUng. lf carried out, worid effect betwMO aMOO end 30,000 Jobs In the railroad Industry. ' The mdons have said teat this position "Wt and they will not permit It to :1s d be Mmhuemd. The r,flremen" on the diesel engines have been tee Object featherbedding charges by the management of tee nduoads. Union contracts In tee pari hove prevented the elimination of and union controls, mS? JST have to recognize tee advances of auto-to mutton and goer thefr organizations y the post regulatory powers of Its own business. No one can doubt the value of unions In In Passing yv lalas. Wilde. ventilate that we are sy- Similarly, our stem allows for employer and fog on ourselves and a employee to square m peri-- credit to our nation. EQik Cntk Britb iL-- h. 'f.,tn,tnn .Brian.. Dunn, Carol DECXMBERU , At Heroism Whtoan, . As im mothar said as she Wk TLS?!.1 n-i- 5S SSTiifcf pneumonia weather The trau prabanly weald of never have been sprayed In to me." nnraver, a tin Gee, girls replied. " 1 1 time to get teem up far the - rell, lk. eeeeed mu Out 1 etudr It take my kat iff to. oot clear to the end. AH three Ljnm, . Prestons congenial bulled the tree pain-groups. lf It. bad been to the plumber, would have almost and ran the legs teagteraugh end of the pnride route to rif anoteer member of tee get toto'.thelr; long coris:. Bat committee. And the trees got AND THE (HRLS - 2?SlteeZS2e , L tee-Gle- ' by iiuftn ' tidnnen lnmm knocked NEVER WILL I forget down Mary Ann Alder and were tried to trample her. Presip the scene, dead bodies everywhere. I counted eight Hearing her matte isereams dace and to sev- - tome mea at Sam- - What cloud Is our sky? What venom Impulsed fixed hand thmhlng JTSfS SgSSSasSTcK nearly 1,, ti - - AU terra no. m u u : This te bRflTSiJS a fanny worid ChrlUzed people era ri .end savages are ri peace! v, . Hees account: Tran with onto weapon. the fnllewlng Jl father ' race after Mrs. m 7, day. Don Sternberg and Bart bins spent Wednesday and Bouvy from Long Beach, CsL Thursday for Thanksgiving, have been visitors at the Rex her parents Mr. and Mrs Cranes. They reported Ji McElfish was Mriously to a Long Beach Hospital. tom U. ne MR. AND MRS. Norval MU. wounded to the neck, Whitehead and son Kent ri Mrs. LeRoy Rob- - M SMSe4l Mr,, w. E. Crme. of'SSate 0 W- toSafarlSri mw . .. .. g. fwlSLS; I- - the revolver AS FASTA8 (be men came to Us head, aad named tee ridldren enjoyed todian would knock trigger six times. Finding all jiving dinner at HP jritohforkf out of their ehrabers tong dub un- - "jjr" " aJSSTaS to beat Handy up wlth a pistol and an Uke a tigress Mrs. Handy hlttlng. clawlng, r. sv1, kicking him, Chootl Shoot Umf to motcet her mate, Handy baritrie t rad I The cilef tuww her off end JJ1 not .? would have .killed her hadAlma I took the, pistol S b?t his hand and shot The Interfered. jj? J, Mr. end Mra. Albert Dnao laprovemenls SSftf cSF Boyou . - alHa t, Mttar at uri., Publlahlnc Ompaay, . Zaa, . -- mim2 fitortd litML Utah. pbwn l4S-tll- l. tba Lawiitan, Utah, Poat OKIaa iMbr tha act of Kirak u agg 1 dinner, Steven Westerberg cam home from Ricks for. Thanks giving. Anriyxe pnbloms and deride on neodid. Oontnet your Local BuppUer or Bolldb for a bid or oitimeto. Ocntncter . xw- - 1.M far Sis Haatha In Caaba Caanty, Utah oataMa cat aeaaty, - S.iWAUm xora, by tba Amriaaa Nawapapar RapraaaaUtlraa, Ml Fifth Araaaa, .. .'i t : y.;." mw'Tsrft.'in Waw Tirib. Utah1! Mnraat Waakly Wawpapar saHrlae tha eaauaaaltlaa af KlahawaA SawlaCaa oara aa4 Oarhataa la baabtlfal ltarth Cuka Tallay, WATm IX . P jwwaf IIU 'rj , SDLriws.' own focal contractors and The: arrowhead was; too years, heres cauu for. such clou to tee heart to remove, i so Dr. Anderton fllled , the ressontog.. Wound witlr cotton, lravtog It gears anristeu for power took running on fuel open. Ha sold that Mr. lfom-cellTV sets thrihaag Uks son could not recover. (He did pictures and hone moviu recover and lived for 17 yews made aad shown wlteto the with tiie arrowhead stiuiodt - III! Par.Yaar 5ff1StTlS!4 SffiLS X4 Amngo your Financing at LEWISTON STATE BANK of j n WJtenew burntehtogs Of , - s, - half hour. Jeo- Mrs. Jxck, .briT and daughter toe lynn for Thanksgiving - lrttMiaTOd Thsnks-- the home on.derttlned Mr. and ' u r uako 3 Steps To On May 1, USA three of Arent we all guilty hwmHw them attacked Andrew Mbr- to om is a touch of blood on oof rison innd Wllllsm Howell while thy were to n canyon the twe, the eemmnlty hands? of the parade route to do an-- Mai Id be grateful, and t e IN' CASE yeu era worried about terra miles northeast other, routine and not Just n Palmer Motors for the ura of that some of tho Christmu Thera are many degrees of ri town gathering firewood, short one : elteer. the patot raraa end to Wayne gifts you receive this yew wrong doing . Morrison wu shot twice with need this ' kind Boyick, tee petal man far will be out of date to a few But it aU beglni Mora ofr ; hOWt dodged the Indians and raced Wake up America! wake ' up for help ho ritenmtod to pull . world L,7the arrows from ls body . find you are HOWEVER, tee shaft from r.FaFL.'-:ioM came loou and- - tho nr- ,t. , . Mr.. u test morih, It wk. i : Friday StJSfib SSt&Zi SSJffJSfi Si ,?TUSSfB HobbT blessed him. Nok ndi ,a lt fhl. MS eSSn. tetai puents, Jbrir Christian Jensens. Merl MscKenzie and family entertained tee C h ristlan Jensen family for Thanks- giving. Mrs. Thiel a and sons Verion M George, visited Thomas JOnsens morning to have breakfast with Vert and June Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crane and fondly spent Thanksxiv- big wifli her parents tes Ack Watmmiifrgfrf of .? Come- - Poet. r2eMto Uke n Franklin ,B(fovt Boyd A. Bodily, Carte VanDyxe, ' Barnard two- 400: counted thirds of this number bring Holding tee gun in the win- - womcn and children. dow. Aeeerdlng to Halls account With the cheering below it the men found two wounded -women, two boys and Palmeri. who had patience would mock , i. Other and assistance during the 40 whale ordesL wen 1IIM from too speaking of the trees. They And trigger th. world !' Into M as backs ef their matters were painted at the last min hock? to the snow ute because the paint that they lav wu supposed to go on them As the widow conceals'1 her ttri Janaary day. The Frank- Bn women nursed tee squaw didnt show up. The trees tears from us were to have been painted We wish we corid clutch bock to health and later they Jehad iLi tribe at Indians a gold to keeping with tee gdl- - thm from her . A special dis-- And cnrnhtain tlmwi with OUTS n den through FraaUto. One and ef the wu ordered, them boys was raised and at hate print pity fling they waited and waited. At Tb dtefrira the disrupt man by Samuel R. ParMnseu and Shan Parkin- the last minute, the trees conjure. wu known were pointed silver. sent aad tee Httle gbri grew Shorn Parkto-troAnd at the lari few trees HnaUMtton that Ink to a his- - wu kaewa sn; and tee littleofgM grew a member the aril stares to V paint arrived, but by teen it our face wu too late to change tee Prints to us and to the rest A MARKER stands color. . of the world th- - tho highway crosui Battle In order that we this creek commemorating wu n Httle vena disgrace. historic battle. In .the main, ,4. ; 1, erne el tlw ef sensei thn Ed. Nate: Thta k tee rixtt THE MINUTEMEN pur- of tfefe i chapter, sued the Indians, but they had Jrined a band of eevenu hnnteed otey Indians.. , Rm! Jm C. : Evans,. , fo Spetember, 18M, uepl- was Thebook prepared ode te". occurred that corid have to writtea aart la' aart aad DECEMBER 11 tee complete destrne- by Grace Jordan, wife oftee caused tfam of Franklin. U. Senator frees Idaho, 8. Delmar S. DerricotV-Between MO aad ION Iadt- Auger, Trudy Xdma Hall Judd SMITH BEUfAP KARMA By Bowles, RsNeeBennetris keatlag expedttka ander tee Htwkes, Ted Bodily. leederSklp of Odd WeteaUe telsrsnger "W?dSSU?2rt5i Ur m ftdr w Mr. and Mrs. Egley 1 our wey ,aaa cwnpea norm -- tne nver The Glen Kellers viaited the and sons Mr. andBryce Mrs. Roger In tee FraakUa bottoms. river John Hobbs family recently horses through the river. The Zoe first right to greet us wm an Some of the young warriors in Weston. were entertalnedlwllfc and THIS DAY eld Indian walking, slowly came Into town and bought siwa Glen KeL rs- - Dwrin Trie on Thanks- (Of the Tragk Assasfautkn with arms folded, nil head liquor from two of the Frank- ncw son nanwl riving. and I?.,11??. ri Joke F. Kennedy) lamenting tee lln citizens. Whooping . -- mirance man, was caught to who should get the honor, The three grasps era tee Palmer Motors washing histhe Christmas Decor.Indlaaettef, tee Brian Corps, car bycommittee. tte rirattes, tin three ating And before BUI had heme that day he had spray- mtttee to knew t2ritte wen- - ed himself,f, a eonrie memb- eemmtttee, ateu Back Carl This Is The Spirit We Need If someone wm to toko his AS FOR THE MEN. TUs .hat off to a group of kids and week it would be BUI Holl-tow men this week, we know togsworth and Ignn Fackrell. three groups and' two men Bill, the local Ftrientiri to-- Frank- 'Judy Baird lln Stake Conference with friends. MR. AND mm BURNELL Baird were, hoeti to family gathering for IhanE- attendance giving ataner. were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baird and JU1, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Baird of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. CharUa Arman of Cleveland, Etas Ann For- man of Salt Lake CUy, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bennett and mn Bart of Cleveland, and Mr. and Mn. Lenard Peter-on and children of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Frsidc Jensen and son Gene of McCall visit- n ed wttlr Kellert. Frank was transferred from station to tho mo a Dale Larsen. Later on Ihaaks giving day they visited the Laron Bright home in Lin-- d nee. Mrs. Larsen, Connie, Rodney and Devld accompan-ic- k led the Robbins to Roy and visited until Saturday when Dale drove down and home. brought Mr. end Mrs. Ctetk Davis by . trier, Joyce Jensen Lorna and Warren Wilde m y In Logan all shopped A Glance Win-premis- es ggrid Whttmmi, er riihi Brown RkAard L. Chamberlain, Odg B. ward, Leona Carlson, .Ctera Dahle, Mary Does. ' . , g, bel-whic- fMim Bette have yen j?an name-callin- any-bett- - non-fire- hH' .but WHEN tee briloU are HARVEY aU in end added tq, surely MR. pleg we can dose tee .books on And ne cream far my eat- does ranks behind our Basic allegiance. aseri! Theyd spent all that mon-- Little wonder our instltu-e- y to go someplace else and tions, our government, oar see something different, but people have lost so much of were constantly annoyed that their former prestige in the world. If wo don't respect it wasnt like home. Maybe travel helped thqn ourjelves, why should to appredatetame but body riser I doubt It Too many of us If yen dsehf tee degree to h we have baeksnd te. have become perpetual ward perymriese p ly achers. Its said to be good thing maha a mental note ef every fur married folks to clear etterance yen overhear lathe air" once in e while with day. Yenll be amazed, verbd brickbats. You thus And dont forget to count disagree- - your own m meats which might otherwise Youll be ashamedL foster. Bin If the marriage We gripe too much, reverts to a perpetual on tee Job, incesangue, hep.-- taunt : deveKpeiSttech th PricesT hflflPesMen Brent Martur, iJOlmain Shellay Hart,T Neal hay uiwf. Km, MrifnnSeS garW, wUch la something teat Idatgi law now forbids. But, In view of progress already made, tee prospect for settlement ef an tee dte hwwn tee Idaho Ite a farmers who brought tee Issue to a focus when with teat purpose they dosed their to Uten pheasant whiw are to he congratuleted; m which responsible an- OorltlM of the two states are to be comp mended for what theyve done to eetrie tee dispute, and In which the people of bote states as a whole may count themadvee fortunate because of tee promise of tee elimination of dUforencea that ought never to have arisen to onuso frtedon botwewi ttiytn Idaho Dally Statesman Utahs public safety commlseloner has ote test Idaho enacted tell year a providing for drivers bgUatlve otwnen me two states, but teat Utrii did not reciprocate. It win M recalled Hint when Utah and mafia legldrion last winter endeavored to work out a reciprocal agreement on motor vehicle licensee, Utah authorities urg- - r y non-reside- nt DfllBt0d v STRICTLY. BUSINESS S25 The dtaatlon was further embittered when an nddMennl toll was exacted from Idaho termers hauling their sugar beets across the state line too a mill in Utah that took over whan the plant tnIdaho that had previously processed their crop was sold and doeea down. An apparently, satisfactory settlement of been necked, hut an-risen. It Is brought to . that Utah lew requires that any motorist Bring, employed or driving . In the BeeMve state darsdurinj year mast buy ag. SSS5S ANGEL, ed that Utah law would have to be ed If any cencesslone wen grant- sDianne Sant, Ruby Hull, M. that endeavor came a cropper. Notwithstanding, Utah tM pmohaw lamSSd In JJ iwwis, to work out an immp Nelson. that reepect for the benefit of students'. So It may be assumed teat some DECEMBER t, sort of compromise agreement will I reached to rteolve tetsnew problem. . J Kuy Anderion, It U to be recognised teat this buslnees In I recently cruised , Street Two-Wa- y non-rest-.de- i: .tbe bessVteratethe . when Utah authorities Insisted on collecting anlomoblle Bcenee feet from tndudlng students attending Utah h 1 outw flptonto the odlcally for a slam-ba- r South Amort n ame-calltmoat" reaiiur- - But wfaraour'dlfferenbasare made resolved, It seems to me Oat lag SSoSnrj rhk&ira r if noth-w- e JJjjf gut trip'wu that Amari- - good P all dsa. ug imspprecU cans are similarly tho same bar ttve of other countries, so hop mck tt's not Just ours which die- nesspulllnglnthe WMlrtMUr. Hrand By PAUL HABVEY BY PAUL BARVEt We gripe too much. Americana, with more to bo gratoftal lor than anybody are chronic complataen. Uke ipefled brahuwo dar it undarstind end respect A ty Happy Birthday oronths with caneura Around home, on tho rode, we are so in tbe odd weather getting Preston looking Uke cria ami . . . Marion Bennett and Mi faithful Klwaalaas hard ... Must Have Understanding fc i, aoma tropbaa paid for A GaUart City Ckew working Mrs. Deaa Palmer shiver- lag In tho cold Friday watch- lag tbe parade mh bar mailer chfidren . . .Willard Waanor and son lining op tho perado on Second South Bda Carte so - saying spent a years profit 0 store decorations . . . other. Let ns put an end to the teaching Parry getting a kick out of and preaching of hate and evU v Let us turn away from fanatics of left end the far right, from the apoeOes of Jen bitterness and bigotry, from those defiant twee who our bloodstream." This is a personal thing. This la n hometown thing. It Is right here among us, In various degrees. If you dont brilevo ns, do what Peal Harvey requests be done. ; "H you doul tho degree to which we have backslid toward purpoedess pessimism (and dlstnist ana hateful words for those around us) make a mental nets of lm o. Johnson. Val Dean every utterance you overhear today. Current, Josephine Larsen, YouU be amaud., Hannah Rogers, Glenn W. . ; We, our neighbors, friends, budnese at-- Godfrey, Bruce eodatee. spouting grips md everyday,. This is a ter ay s from tho philosophy that madothe people We Mary Ann Fortgren, Larry of. the area gnat We must atop Eddie Rigby, Lots mo. Wiser, must have understanding. er, Kathy Coburn, Finance Checketts, Rawlings,' Nile Scott Workman. We Gripe Too Much ;ry.. (Nat Nacewa rfly Navi) ; a., , Whozinit I? vis- - od to-ht- e body.) - d usually leu costly Lewiotont v! - xb.",.r j YOUR BANK IRABlOAR ASlrODR WHEN YOU BANATIJFJimH - ric1 rv MAIli BOX wsrjr |