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Show '".I- MTS1. " ! , .'I y J" 4 I , M.tWMk A Blcknwd Irish I. INI THE CITIZEN. Lewiston, UtilWttleember . VERLAN GUNNELL , WINNER OF THE FREE FAMILY w.v " THANKSGIVING. DINNER ;AV' . FURNISHED : THE WAS BY MILOS 1 - ' . j AG MARKET AY-'- MM j'.lnaMMMMI v wi w:r $ V unn v V-:- ( ,i A li- - ;!cg WBOT eub: ir .Kit- - . am. 4- f' . V 4. , 1. g t fj.,? i tr,:. 1Lb. Bib Sto2h 82c -- COUNTRY SPADEDIDS '. V. ' 4te C HOP S1 " Esin ''9 large f Vi . Tomato Soap 9 cans $1 Ctoiee cmlu. CAMPBELLS ; y Jf- - r- V" K : rn ; "'FnR p. .. t I t, Only V m - $ , ff1 i1 7 Cans 82c FnulCcddoflrMbi ICnnsSSc ,,, .9 , rr ,,n :TAftewell-- sn , PEAS Cfeain "vV .l '..UTUil a; M1!!. v-j- . rAi jf c f W. A h : ' T fVC f ' - . i V.ti-- . Allen. , MR. AND MRS. ; - - f v 9 1 A .' yiwV . fir ft : . it irtj &v: :. , ;r .i ':r i ;, ' JL. ; W t Frail Jbridt " TIP . ... Hal MILOV HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION VASE REG.gLM OF CANADIAN VASE ARISTOCRAT REG. 9LM In the Lewiston (Continued Iran pegs 1) Society, had served on the Primary Stake Board and had been a choir member for many yearn. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 1 p,m. TOP . ALL VARIETIES am Pita ' Cans . Sft Vv," 4 fsr 88c Don-pial- Births FRANKLIN COUNTY NOVEMBER 27 Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Merrill, girl, Proton. ti NOVEMBER! Mir. and Mm. Bobby We boy, Lewiston. DECEMBERS Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Jensen, boy, Oxford. ... LOGAN L. NOVEMBER Iff. . andMrs: Crockett, girt. - tf Noirm; Gone Mr. 1mm; and ' Mrs . Rldi CSrtotenMn, ri. Mr.; andlbv. Loo Fishsr. boy, Smith- - - flfVy - wnmmwmi "' ind Mm. Gdpdod - Mr. 2 lbs. r. Donato-Jbn-sen- . Jackurland, 25c . (tfaorf',n0,t a capfured delight in COLOONIATOMlZnsn wWi separate golden toip atomizer... io easy, one touch releaM a soft mist off fragrance. Over 1000 Qtiwrow sprays 3J5 ' JUG v ' Vt,V: -v f & A APHRODtSIA i FLAMBEAU i WOODHUB TIGRESS V, APPLES ' i :v ' t' 'vVV if f . i Vi ' P; ' i Zf: : .fvl rannEp. J from . Vi NEEDS, r..;- 'r AND 'I1.? ! .1 I ( .9 1 r - arm m mm mm an v -- h I- . -, i WITH IMS PURCHASE ' v ' t1.--- , .EACH ' UNIT NO. 1 UNIT NO. 2 PIECE gET UNIT NO. 8 COMPLETER SET, SUGAR. CREAMER -- iff: - 4w Guy's. DahniY ' HINES . I , Gurs;:, CHRISTMAS DUNCAN 3 wv1 S9? ; , DELCIOUS pEuaous " . i i .llJriville t., fe : COFFEE SHOP ' JOHUSOirS DQUG STORE SOUTH STATE V Open ftiday A Saluritoy Ifighb 'Till I p. a." m ' A.'-.v- Vftny Benr EMminee.pnl Free Parkfog Let Use enr.Csnventont , tf ' ; : y PM-terso- BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY BiUlAnAS ISOZPKG. ie OFF i.'f' D. S. HOSPITAL - Hwgntiiai l1 th Rosa-mon- Qonhey 'Vi'! First-Four- Ward Chapel by Bishop Rex Plowman. Burial win be In foe Lewiston Cemetery. n, biqr, Logan. NOVEMBERS! Dinner was sertred to Mr. and Mr. and Mm. Idmn Hansle, Ifrs. Ronr Blalr of Logan, Alan Blair, 'Idella Winn of girl, Logan. Winder, Idaho and foe honored guest and his wife. d Mr; and Mm. Richard Garand Loretta Rialr. The rett, toy, Preston. afternoon wai- spent vtolt-DDAiinhftH 2 Mr. and Mm A DINNER party was held girt, Logan: Mr. at'MaddoK Cue In Brigham Mm. gU, City a wade ago. Rv foe. Logan. gift PEGS. 2e OFF DEATH , ,v. toe. - 'WV'.Jn ortho of FOR 10 - HareU Bell and family of Ogden and Marianne Harris of Toronto, Canada, were Sunday dinner gnests of Mr. and Mm. Leon rad. we. Bdl Is foe former Bea Pond. Their son Bill returned from foe Canadian Mission hi July, and his toother Dick enters foe Mission Hofoe on DQeceuiber 2 jtfe- Iporatory .to a Mission in foe Alaskan Camullaa MUslon. aientertalned' od . . CONTINENTAL sciahui Bulled gave e demonstration on dipping choco-lot-fi qmi nuts. Refresbements were swved to 12 members end 1 gnsst Mr.andlSrponaldBli !."j? 34 . ALL VARIETIES 2& ac M . c . . Vyv IMSI IIV1 VWI . Foods f-- rtfliigm "f'ifUf- ... ((ha Vmm 'J cans f iSSbis Jaycee Jaynes met on Mon- - ( day nlfotat the home of Mm. . Jerry JOTgensen with Gag:-Jorgensen, Elaine Hyer and Beverly Bodily as hostesses. - Do VEGETABLESICans 4 jycIamf cee-bratm- v ' j; Ught Amber ; v and Mrs. Wayne T. Wiser. Pond Mr. and Mrs. Uni visited In Salt Lake over the weekend with Mr. Pond's sister, Mrs. Genevieve Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Orden spent Friday and Satg urday In Sait Lake City their wedding anniversary. While there, they visited their daughter Elaine who la employed In the Cap-itol City, On their way home,1 they attended a birthday dinner in Loon, In honor of foe 70th urthday anniversary of Mrri. Van Ordens toother, lAOi. Bag i SEGOtllLII - Certified Kent, Mrs. Jhyeeton Tarbet, and foe guest of honor mm Lewiston, Mm. Verlaa iLoaj Itt of Cove, met the foe party at foe Cafe. They were:Mrs. . Verna : Nilijfj Mm., wma Bergmoa Mm. Grace Lindsay of Ogdsn. Djrf;tLwdstm: home In returning to San Joe Blair Is employed ?aduraCom- by the pany of Palo Alto, Calif. MR. AND MRS. William Kloepher of Rupert, Idaho have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peterson and two children of loaves i; ShortQiI?Lb.39c JPHM ; -- Mq Lb. 38c STYIM Mr and Mrs. LEWISTON Herbert Harrtoon eutortataed at a turkey dinner for their family on 'Sunday. Gueats Rialr were Mr. and jnra. of Harrison and five San Jose. Calif.. Mr. A' Mrs. VAun Harrison and five children of Logan, Mr. 'Raft Lundstrom and five children of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson and three chlHIrenof Hyde Park, and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. filalr Harrison have been visiting at foe home of their parents, and left on Tuesday to spend foe aob |